Beta 1.6 adicionou mapas, alçapões, o Nether no multiplayer, bem como outras mudanças e muitas correções de bugs.
- Adicionado suporte ao Nether no multiplayer.
- Adicionado mapas craftáveis.
- Adicionado alçapões.
- Adicionado grama alta em certos biomas.
- Agora sementes são encontradas na grama alta; se usada a enxada no chão, ele não gerará sementes.
- Adicionado arbustos mortos nos Desertos.
- Novas configurações no
- Embora ocorra lentamente, cogumelos agora se espalham pelo terreno.
- A iluminação em ícones de blocos no inventário foi alterada para parecerem mais brilhantes.
- A jukebox agora suporta mais de 15 discos de música diferentes; nenhum disco de música foi adicionado desde Minecraft 1.0.
- O gelo agora se regenera independentemente de estar nevando ou não.
- Blocos destruídos por outros jogadores no modo multiplayer agora mostram o efeito de partículas de quebra de bloco.
- Portas fazem sons para outros jogadores no multiplayer.
- Ejetores fazem sons e ativam partículas no multiplayer.
- Jogadores presos em paredes irão deslizar para a abertura mais próxima, caso exista.
- ⇧ Shift+clique sobre um item durante a criação moverá determinado item ao inventário do jogador, caso esse contenha espaços livres.
- ⇧ Shift+clique em algum item de seu inventário o moverá diretamente a hot bar, no primeiro espaço vazio.
- Se o jogador tentar dormir no Nether, ele fará com que a cama exploda.
- OpenGL Avançado temporariamente desativado devido a bugs até a 1.6.5.
- Não é mais possível construir blocos sólidos sobre a camada superior do mapa.
- Trilhos Ativados agora são mais rápidos para compensar a perda de glitch-boosters[?].
- O fogo tem sido severamente "nerfado" (enfraquecido) por isso se espalha mais lentamente, não se espalhando infinitamente.
- O tráfico de rede foi comprimido severamente.
- Blocos que não mudam a aparência quando seus dados são alterados, agora não enviam mais atualizações quando seus dados mudarem.
- Flechas disparadas por um jogador agora podem ser recolhidas por outros jogadores.
- Carrinhos e barcos, vazios ou ocupados, podem passar através de portais agora.
- A água abaixo da camada de blocos de origem não se comporta como blocos de origem.
97 bugs corrigidos
- Corrigido quando o jogador salva o jogo esgueirado, o faz com que ele caia através do solo.
- Fixed player rotation not being loaded correctly when loading a saved game.
- Fixed the player not being able to sneak off lowered blocks like cacti.
- Fixed a game crash when riding a vehicle or animal into the nether.
- Fixed falling while riding not dealing damage to the rider.
- Fixed buttons and levers too close to the player being impossible to use.
- Fixed furnaces and dispensers not dropping their contents when destroyed.
- Fixed fire and lava dealing damage through wall corners.
- Fixed entities reaching water through wall corners.
- Fixed placing doors next to cacti creating half-doors.
- Fixed farmland taking too long to dig.
- Fixed tilling below some blocks being possible.
- Fixed tilling the underside of blocks somehow working.
- Fixed fences and stairs sometimes becoming invisible.
- Fixed fences and signs preventing grass from growing.
- Fixed walking on top of fences not producing step sounds.
- Fixed grass staying alive below stair blocks.
- Fixed the achievement screen not pausing the game.
- Fixed some screens breaking the sky tint color.
- Fixed fullscreen mode switching causing mouse issues and screen closes.
- Fixed chat messages surviving through game switches.
- Fixed levers being placeable on weird locations.
- Fixed floor levers sometimes not delivering a signal downwards.
- Fixed floor levers sometimes not being removed when the floor is removed.
- Fixed dying in the nether spawning new portals.
- Fixed ore density varying per quadrant from the center of the world.
- Fixed saplings being plantable through snow onto non-grass blocks.
- Fixed wooden pressure plates being mined with pickaxes.
- Fixed creepers retaining charge level when they can’t see their target.
- Fixed inventory acting weird when portaling by making the portal close all screens.
- Fixed dispenser graphics being one pixel off.
- Fixed mushrooms spawning everywhere during nights.
- Fixed animals only spawning near light during the night.
- Fixed the multiplayer join screen input field being too short.
- Fixed entities above the map height limit becoming invisible.
- Fixed loads of exploding TNT generating way too many particles, which usually crashed the game.
- Fixed grasscolor.png and foliagecolor.png not being read from texture packs.
- Fixed receiving more items than the maximum stack size sometimes causing an oversized stack in the inventory
- Fixed rain sounds not playing with fast graphics enabled.
- Fixed glass not blocking rain sound
- Fixed rain falling through liquids.
- Fixed rain falling too slowly.
- Fixed rain and snow being incorrectly lit.
- Fixed arrow physics, making them not get stuck midair when you open a door.
- Fixed arrows colliding with reeds, portals, and other non-solid blocks.
- Fixed arrows being animated really strangely in multiplayer.
- Fixed arrows triggering too many entity move updates in multiplayer.
- Fixed submerged boats rising very very fast.
- Fixed boats placed on snow being placed too far up.
- Fixed sand dropping onto boats getting stuck in a falling animation.
- Fixed dispensers shooting through walls.
- Fixed dispensers biasing later slots.
- Fixed fire effect on burning entities sometimes getting rendered in the wrong location.
- Fixed fences and wooden stairs not being flammable.
- Fixed fire sometimes existing mid-air as an invisible block of pain.
- Fixed fire displacing water.
- Fixed fires being impossible to put out in multiplayer.
- Fixed fishing rod rendering being a bit lacking.
- Fixed fishing rods being stackable.
- Fixed water interacting strangely with glass.
- Fixed items in glass blocks not getting ejected properly.
- Fixed mining glass hiding the clouds behind the glass.
- Fixed minecarts next to each other causing extreme velocities.
- Fixed rail tiles sometimes not properly connecting to a new neighbor.
- When breaking a minecart the player is currently riding in, the player no longer falls through the block the track is placed on.
- Fixed the cracking texture being dark on the sides of grass blocks.
- Fixed anaglyph 3d rendering mode having severe visual bugs.
- Fixed the achievements screen messing up the sky color.
- Fixed hair and cloaks being rendered in the wrong locations on sneaking players.
- Fixed a bug where the player could mine without visually swinging their arm.
- Fixed the attack/swing animation not being applied to the armor layer
- Fixed redstone repeaters using pumpkin particles.
- Glowstone and Jack-o-lanterns recessed into a wall or other surface no longer have shadows cast on them by surrounding blocks when smooth lighting is enabled.
- Fixed running out of memory corrupting the current level.
- Fixed the crash screen vanishing immediately.
- Fixed not being able to target blocks when at x or z pos 1000.
- Fixed a system clock change messing up the game speed.
- Fixed keybindings not getting saved properly under certain conditions.
- Fixed stats getting saved to different files in offline mode if the caps in the player name differ from the true spelling.
SMP only
- Fixed IPv6 addresses being parsed wrong.
- Fixed network packets being sent unbuffered, causing huge amounts of packets being sent.
- Fixed entity positions going out of synch sometimes. They get re-synched every 20 seconds now.
- Fixed inventory icons not animating after being picked up in multiplayer.
- Fixed mushroom soup not leaving a bowl.
- Fixed wolves not following their owner if the name has different caps.
- Fixed healing not flashing the health bar
- Fixed the compass not pointing at the spawn location.
- Fixed record players spawning client-side fake records.
- Fixed records not playing for other players.
- Fixed players spawning in the wrong location and quickly lerping to the correct location.
- Fixed monsters not being visible for players with their difficulty set to peaceful.
- Fixed pigs getting hit by lightning spawning client-side zombie pigmen.
- Fixed bonemeal use sometimes spawning fake client-side trees.
- Fixed saplings sometimes spawning trees client-side.
- Fixed weather sometimes changing client-side.
- Fixed fireballs not being visible in multiplayer.
- Fixed ghasts’ firing animation not being visible.