- Novas estatísticas
- Fatias do Bolo Comidas
- Caldeirões Preenchidos
- Água Retirada de Caldeirão
- Peças de Armadura Limpas
- Estandartes Limpos
- Interações com o Suporte de Poções
- Interações com Sinalizadores
- Liberadores Pesquisados
- Funis Pesquisados
- Ejetores Pesquisados
- Blocos de Notas Musicais Tocados
- Blocos de Notas Musicais Afinados
- Plantas Colocadas em Potes
- Baús com Armadilhas Acionados
- Baús do End Abertos
- Itens Encantados
- Gravações Tocadas
- Interações com Fornalha
- Interações com Bancada de Trabalho
- Baús Abertos
- Novo gráfico de tempo de quadro na tela de depuração
- Ativado pressionando Alt + F3 para exibir um quadro gráfico de tempo em barras no lado inferior esquerdo da tela
- "Do it all, everything!" ("Fazer tudo isso, tudo!")
- "Where there is not light, there can spider!" ("Onde não há luz, não poderá aranha!")
- Modo Espectador
- Mobs não seguem/atacá-lo no modo espectador
- Revertida a física da explosão alterada para aqueles antes da snapshot 14w31a
- Força de explosão não tem tendencia direcional
- Árvores de Carvalho e Carvalho Escuro
- Galhos de carvalho e carvalho escuro já não substituem blocos
- Agora ignoram rocha matriz acima deles ao determinar uma imagem clara para o céu.
- Jaguatiricas agora geram em ou acima do nível do mar, em vez de Y=63.
- Lulas agora geram abaixo do nível do mar, em vez de Y=63.
- Criação um agora remove todos os encantos originais da vara de pesca.
- Agora leva diretamente de volta à tela de multiplayer em vez da tela de título ao sair de um servidor.
- 52 problemas corrigidos
- Das versões lançadas antes da 1.8.2
- MC-141 –
command fails directly on Pressure Plates, Cobwebs, Signs, Open Fence Gates - MC-1973 – Items placed into a beacon are lost upon destroying it or reloading a world
- MC-3416 – Player location marker invisible on map (wrong Z-Order). One-line fix included.
- MC-3885 – Arrows shot into the underside of a block appear black
- MC-4405 – Beacons work inconsistently in the Nether
- MC-8578 – Hopper sometimes doesn't suck items above when they are overlaying
- MC-10176 – Oak/Dark Oak Tree Branches can replace all solid blocks (including Bedrock and Barrier)
- MC-13057 – Multiplayer "back to title screen" button incorrect
- MC-31338 – No eggs with
- MC-40275 – Credit screen/End Poem music not playing correctly
- MC-41881 – Hopper minecart acts like it is in a different position
- MC-42192 –
flash for a brief moment when being summoned - MC-44634 – Invulnerable Fireballs are invisible/being client-side rendered on hit
- MC-47683 – Black particles when breaking a block / Torch particles dark
- MC-48219 – Keyboard input causes mouse look to stutter or jerk (Fixed in LWJGL 2.9.3)
- MC-48969 –
crashes ifclickEvent
is an URL without"http://"
- MC-49704 – Mooshroom udder texture does not display correctly
- MC-50769 – Mooshrooms incorrectly display custom mushroom models
- MC-51573 – Hostile mobs continue to follow/attack you in spectator mode
- MC-51804 – Corner fences / cobblestone wall with a block next to them turn black (Smooth lighting off)
- MC-63370 – Baby Cows are Milkable
- MC-64444 – Wither Skulls are being rendered for a moment
- MC-65697 – Explosion force on entities is directionally biased
- MC-66089 – Explosion physics changed, range of some TNT cannons greatly reduced
- MC-66090 – TNT is no longer colliding with a block placed above it when the TNT is triggered
- MC-67727 – Beacons in Nether need clear path to "sky"
- MC-71163 – Bed can overlap when placed on grass
- MC-72574 –
command doesn't work on players who aren't op - MC-73866 – Game crash when an item is thrown into a nether portal.
- MC-74686 – Marker armorstand block placing issue
- MC-74866 – Chunk flickering (only Intel HD Graphics / Driver version
- MC-75083 – Single Player: Can't select any of the previous created worlds in Java 8 (Fixed by installing Java 7) (Windows 8)
- MC-75195 – Armor stands with the "Marker" tag set to 1 don't show their nametag
- MC-75722 – Buy a realm has no "Back" button with no internet connection
- MC-75885 – World generator crashes when generating pumpkins (e.g. seed "Cows")
- MC-76239 – Minecraft Realms main menu button's text between quotation marks
- MC-76611 –
stores player names instead of UUIDs - MC-76650 – Glass Pane image flipped
- MC-76747 – Various particles near world border rendered incorrectly.
- Das versões de desenvolvimento da 1.8
- MC-47832 – Certain entities can't be selected by type
- MC-57691 – Water generates above sea level as part of ocean monument generation
- MC-57769 – Server Console spams "0"
- MC-58184 – Cocoa block texture bug
- MC-59549 – Graphical Arrow Glitch in Position
- MC-60859 – Regular stone villages spawning desert biomes
- MC-61475 – Using
to set block entities with items in their inventory does not update comparators adjacent to the block entity - MC-61897 – Crash when dispensing any minecart types out of upside-down dispensers onto powered rails or activator rails
- MC-67150 – Ocean Monument cuts unnaturally into ocean floor
- MC-70104 – Arrow visual glitch (fake arrow)
- Das versões de desenvolvimento da 1.8.1
- MC-73062 – Ambiguous Realms error "Incompatible client, consider updating" at newest snapshot
- MC-73406 – Beacon stops working at a certain height
- Das versões de desenvolvimento da 1.8.2
- MC-77656 – When Exiting Realms get taken to Multiplayer scanning screen