Minecraft Wiki
Versiegeschiedenis en toekomstige functies
  • Toekomstige functies


Een (?) geeft aan dat de versie's info gokwerk is, mogelijk incorrect. Gekende bugs in de laatste versies staan hier, en in de laatste ontwikkelingsversies [[Gekende bugs/Versie 1.17-rc1|hier]].

Version Date of Addition Additions Summary
1.2.4 maart 22, 2012

New Features:

  • Chat geschiedenis en veel beter chat bewerken
    • Links zijn nu aanklikbaar in de chat. Als erop wordt geklikt, verschijnt er een scherm dat u waarschuwt niet te klikken op links die u niet vertrouwt en vraagt ​​of u wilt doorgaan. Daaronder drie knoppen verschijnen, een met "Ja" (opent standaard web browser en brengt u naar de link), een andere met "Kopiëren naar klembord" (kopieën de link, zodat wanneer je plakt overal de link wordt geplakt), en "Nee "(sluit de boodschap en niet u een link naar de website).
    • met je muis wiel kun je nu in de chat geshiedenis scrollen PAGEUP and PAGEDOWN knopen kunnen nu ook gebruikt worden.
    • Up/down knopen voor recent verzonden berichten.
    • als je start met het typen van een naam, en dan drukt op Tab ↹,dan komt de rest van de naam er automatisch te staan
    • kopiëren & plakken in chat.
    • Net zoals het type § k in de chat willekeurige tekens weergegeven, § l § m § n en § o creëert vet, striked, onderstreept en cursief respectievelijk. Hoewel § r resets elke set staten. Deze kunnen niet worden getypt met behulp van vanille klanten clients.
    • het drukken op “/” gedraagt ​​zich als een command-toets: het opent de chat met een “/”. In andere toetsenbordindelingen, is het misschien een andere toets.
    • drukken op of zal de invoegpositie verplaatsen (text pointer) in de desbetreffende richting, zodat u tekst wilt bewerken in plaats van het gebruik van← Backspace om terug te gaan.
  • een paar nieuwe decoratie blokken
    • Wooden planks hebben nu de kleur van de houtsoort ze vandaan komen in plaats van de oorspronkelijke houten plank textuur.
    • New Sandstone Blocks.
  • Lichte wijziging in alle gekleurde wool. Comparison
  • “Back” en “Quit” knoppen toe gevoeg "Out of memory” screen.
  • Cats in staande positie wordt nu bewust te gaan zitten op de nabijgelegen chests, actieve furnaces, and beds, voorkomt spelers van het gebruiken.
  • een “minimal” debug menu voor testen toegevoegd. Het kan worden benaderd met ⇧ Shift+F3 het is het zelfde als de gewone F3 menu, allen zonder de graph/profiler.
  • Armor outlines in the armor slots in the inventory have returned.
1.2.3 March 2, 2012

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed light bug at height 255.
  • Corrected Zombies and Skeletons not burning in sunlight.
    • With this, fixed all natural light (not torchlight) being 1 lightlevel darker than it should be, except at world creation.
  • Corrected birch and spruce saplings not growing at height > 127.


  • Tall grass, flowers and mushrooms under shade / darkness will light up the tile 1 more than it should be.
  • Doors and beds cannot be placed in snow, unlike other blocks which will replace the snow.
  • If a Redstone Lamp is destroyed and picked up while it is ON, it will be considered as a different block type to its OFF counterpart.
  • Aggressive Mobs will sometimes stop and spin circles, then continue attacking the player.
  • if a Zombie gets into a web they will spin around untill they fall though or get attacked by the player.
  • Cave spiders pushed by water will stop when running into any solid or non-solid block, even when there is an empty space below them.
  • When sprinting across Jungle Leaves, gray particles are created, instead of the normal green.
  • some times Skeletons will spawn much much more then other mobs.
  • Wolves can sometimes despawn in SMP.
  • Vines are (still) grey in 3rd-Person view.
  • In SMP servers, sometimes client-side "ghost" copies of dropped items are created on death. These cannot be picked up, but physics still apply to them. Occurs more often on clients with bad connection.
  • In SMP, when a player teleports, sometimes they will not appear immediately to other clients. This occurs more often, and with worsened effects on servers with less RAM.
  • In SMP (at least) It is possible for a Nether portal created at sea level to take you to the top of the upper Nether bedrock when the space centred on the nether arrival point is mostly filled with solid blocs. My guess is that step 3 of "Linkage between Overworld and Nether" doesn't ignore the new empty upper half of the Nether and the first empty space the game found was above 128.
  • In SMP, When a player is holding a Lilly pad, another player views the Lilly pad as grey, not the usual green (much like the 3rd person vine bug).
  • If you go high enough at night, you can see the sun on the ground sometimes.
  • Light seems to flicker a lot even though it's pitch black(random flickers of light with out any light source), it's noticed the most when the brightness is all the way up.
  • When it's raining, mobs may turn pitch black.
  • Mobs (Praticularly Skeletons and creepers) can teleport through glass panes when trying to escape sunlight.
  • Sometimes if a mob walks onto a fence from another block, it will spin in endless circles until pushed off.
  • When walking diagonally over two redstone repeaters you may fall inside blocks until you find a empty space.

1.2.2 March 1, 2012

Bug Fixes:

  • "Uploaded Minecraft 1.2.2 because birches and pine trees were missing..."
    • Big trees, swamp trees and giant mushrooms generation fixed too.
  • Snow appears on Maps again.


  • Enchanted Tools and Armor have their labels glitched.
  • If a player builds to the height limit, and stands on top of that structure, the game will crash with a false "saving chunks" screen.
  • Iron Golems become passive when in water.
  • Looking upwards towards the sky can sometimes cause the game to randomly crash without a crash log.
  • In converted maps placing a block sometimes cause the game to crash with the "saving chunks" screen and without a crash log.
1.2.1 March 1, 2012
  • New map file format called Anvil, allowing a new height limit (256 instead of 128).
    • However, in the Nether, layers 128 to 255 are only accessible in creative mode, due to the unchanged ceiling bedrock at layer 127.
  • New Jungle biome.
  • Added Ocelots.
  • Added Cats.
  • Added Iron Golems.
  • New AI for mobs.
  • Tame wolves can have puppies.
  • Villagers will have children if there is room in their village.
  • Zombie sieges will occur occasionally at night.
  • Zombies break down doors on Hard and Hardcore Mode.
  • New items and blocks.
  • Crafting recipe for ladder now yields 3 ladders instead of 2.
  • Crafting recipe for slab now yields 6 slabs instead of 3.
  • Added rare drops for mobs.
  • Added the items Fire Charge and Bottle of Enchanting.
  • Added Redstone Lamps.
  • Added 3 new blocks (NewSandstoneGrid1 NewSandstoneGrid2 Bestand:Grid Chiseled Stone Brick.png), that aren't yet used in survival, but only the (Circle Stone Brick is accessible in creative).
  • Changed Dispenser and Oak Sapling textures. (DispenserBestand:Grid Sapling.png)
  • Slabs and Stairs can be placed upside-down by placing them below a block.
  • Placing blocks on Grass will replace it.
  • Lava now has a faint rumbling sound effect, and large particles that hop out of the lava produce a popping sound.
  • Very rare Desert Wells can be found in Desert biomes.
  • Third person view now has a slight delay on the speed at which the head moves on the player, making it possible to see the sides of the player's head.
  • Collision Box on ladders readded.
  • Vines can now be climbed like Ladders.
  • Many other minor tweaks and fixes.
  • When in the Nether, Snow Golems will turn red, melt, and die same as when they are in deserts.
  • Abandoned Mineshafts can generate with wooden bridges now when generated over a cave or over top another tunnel.
  • F3 has some changes and additions:
    • lc: Largest section height
    • b: Shows what biome you are in.
    • bl: Block brightness.
    • sl: Sky brightness.
    • rl: Raw brightness.
    • Due to popular demand, Seed info is now "0" in SMP to avoid people recreating the world in SSP.

Bug Fixes:

  • Doors have been updated so that double-doors work better with redstone.
  • Ambience works in Multiplayer.
  • Mob spawners show the correct mob in SMP (instead of a pig).


  • Big trees are very rare in Forest, birches, pines in Taiga, swamp trees in Swamps, Giant Mushrooms in Mushroom Biomes.
    • 99% of the big trees are replaced by small trees, so no big trees in biomes like Mountains that could generate rare big trees.
  • Snow doesn't appear on maps.
  • F3 takes more resources than before (but less in SMP), making the game unplayable on old computers.
  • The biome "FrozenRiver" and "DesertHills" does not have a space like other biomes (e.g. "Ice Mountains").
  • Mushrooms are generated on bedrock layer in The Nether.
  • In SMP, the cloud shadows aren't sometimes under a cloud, because clouds are different at each client, but the shadow remains same.
  • Some entities will at times act as if they are not present, even though they are. They cannot be interacted with, and clicking on them will cause things behind them to activate, as if they weren't there. These are not the same as the "ghost entities" bug that existed previously, as the entities in question are actually there and can often be interacted with both before and after this bug is observed.
1.1 January 12, 2012
  • Bogen kunnen nu in de tover tafel worden gebruikt, met vier nieuwe tover mogelijkheden alleen mogelijk voor bogen: kracht, Punch, Infinity, and vlam.
  • pijlen die in de brand staan zetten nu entiteiten in brand als de pijlen ze raken.
  • gouden Appel recept verandert, nu moet je goudklompjes gebruiken in plaats van goud.
  • gouden appels helen nu in plaats van regeneratie en in plaats van 30 seconden nu 5.
  • 56 nieuwe talen, ook fantasie talen zoals Pirate, Klingon, & Quenya.
  • nieuwe infrastructuur voor mob KI(AI) beschikbaar, maakt gecompliceerdere mogelijkheden voor mobs. deze mogelijkheden zijn nog niet ingevoerd in het spel.
  • iets betere kleur verschil tussen biomes.
  • verschil tussen moeras land en water nu een betere kleur transactie met andere biomes.
  • strand teruggeplaatst.
  • naaldbossen biomes hebben nu sneeuw en ijs.
  • minder willekeurige tover levels bij een tover tafel.
  • Biomes zijn een beetje meer gevarieerd, met meer verschillende evaluaties in verschil met de oudere plattere biomes.
  • minder bouwtijd in plaats van 30 seconden nu 20.
  • spawn ei in creatieve modus.
  • nieuwe wereld type optie (beschikbare types: Superplat en Standaard).
  • de botsing box bij ladders verwijdert.
  • schapen eten gras (verandert het in grond) en hoog gras om hun wol terug te krijgen.
  • schapen droppen 1-3 wol wanneer geschoren.
  • de bots box van hekpoorten komen nu overeen met hekken in plaats van een vierkant.
  • hek poorten kunnen nu worden geopend met redstone stof.
  • eik (standaard boom) takken hebben nu een 1/200 kans om een rode appel te laten vallen.
  • smid gebouwen in NPC dorpen hebben nu dozen met dezelfde inhoud als in kerkers.
  • void mist verwijdert in creatieve modus.
  • meloenen en pompoenen kunnen nu op grond groeien, in plaats van alleen op akkerland.
  • neiuwe settings in Server.properties:

level-type spawn-npcs genereer-gebouwen

  • Magma kubus kan nu magma cream droppen wanneer die dood gaat.
  • In SMP servers, non-ops worden gekickt wanneer ze teveel spawn sturen, of teveel zeggen (Ops krijgen dit niet te horen, ze moeten maar verzinnen dat de speler is ge auto-kickt)
  • de afstand dat hooi vriendelijke mobs aantrekt is verhoogt van 2-3 blokken naar 8-9 blokken.
  • alle muziek discs behalfe "11" kunnen worden gedopt door creepers die vermoord zijn door skeletten.
  • Bugs gefikst:
  • gefikst "Sniper Duel" archiefment werkt niet
  • gefikst stroom rails, die niet op een aftand stopt (stroom limiet) Bug
  • gefikst stroom rails update niet wanneer geplaatst Bug (als het bijv. binnen bereik van stroom is)
  • Bugs:
  • Grote crash bug in het laad scherm voor sommige spelers.
  • Mogelijk om door een stuk akkerland te vallen, zielenzand of Glas wanneer je over de rand loopt.
  • open hekken worden random gesloten of als ze een (individuele blok update krijgen).
  • noot blokken maken geen geluid meer wanneer er tegen aan word geslagen in SMP.
1.0.1 November 24, 2011

This was a server-only update, 1.0.0 remained the current client version.

Bug fixes[1]:

  • "Invalid server key" error fixed when attempting to log into servers.
  • "Null pointer exception" error fixed when logging into servers.
1.0.0 November 18, 2011 Fixes & Changes:
  • New achievements
  • Glowstone changed from "stone" to "glass".
  • Amount of Experience Orbs dropped by a player on death now limited.
  • The ability of Endermen to carry blocks reduced in some way.
  • Minor changes to some textures (most notables Block of Iron and Monster Spawner).
  • Ghast fireballs have a different texture.
  • On death, a proper score is given based on how many experience orbs the player has collected.
  • When flowing lava hits a water source directly from above, it creates Stone where previously the lava would flow through the water.
  • You can toggle between three states when pressing F5 (first person, third person back, third person front), having the addition of 3rd person view from the front.
  • Ender Pearls have a unique ability. When thrown, the player will teleport to the Ender Pearl's impact location, but take 2 and 1/2 hearts of fall damage. They will not work in Creative.
  • Golden Apples now glow purple in inventory.
  • Fences no longer block you from moving onto their space. You can now stand next to them, like you can with glass panes and iron bars.
    • They will also connect to solid blocks.
  • There is a slight delay between jumps when holding down the jump button, so that the player no longer bounces between ceiling and floor in two-block-high spaces.
  • Labels for items have a blue border.
  • Random loot chests in Strongholds.
  • Blocking now moves the player's arm, rather than the sword just floating right in front of the player.
  • Weapon and tool damage has been nerfed to make space for the increased damage enchantments (Diamond swords do 3.5 hearts now instead of 5).
  • Most mobs got their health changed. Sheep now have 4 hearts, Ghasts 9.5 hearts, Zombies 10 hearts and 1 armor point...
  • Many blocks mining speeds have been increased. This is mostly blocks that used to take a long time to mine.
    • Redstone Ore (mines at other ores speed)
    • Iron Doors
    • Wooden Door
    • Monster Spawner
    • Iron Block
    • Gold Block
    • Diamond Block
    • Stone Brick
    • Iron Bars
    • Furnace
    • Dispenser
    • Brewing Stand
    • Obsidian (from 15 to 10 seconds)

New Features:

  • Server:
    • The "/give" command can now set the damage value of the wanted item : /give username itemID quantity damage (For example: "/give player 35 12 1" to give 12 orange wool.)
  • In the Nether:
    • Nether Bricks.
    • Nether Fence.
    • Nether Stairs.
    • Nether Fortresses.
  • "The End" (unofficially called "The Ender", or "Enderlands"), which replaces the previously announced Sky Dimension.
    • End Portals take the player from the Overworld to The End. To go back to the Overworld, one must defeat the Enderdragon and jump through the portal that appears.
      • End Portal Frame
      • End Portal Block
      • Endgame/Credit screen (world is still playable afterwards)
    • End Stone
  • New Items:
    • Ghast Tear
    • Blaze Rod
    • Nether Wart
    • Gold Nugget
    • Glass Bottle
    • Spider Eye
    • Fermented Spider Eye
    • Blaze Powder
    • Magma Cream
    • Glistering Melon
    • Eye of Ender
      • Activates Ender Portal Frame blocks.
    • 9 new Music Discs.
  • Finished Biome code and new Biomes.
    • Snowy Biomes.
    • Swamp Biomes adjusted to appear "swampier."
      • Darker Grass
      • Darker Water
      • Lily Pads
    • Mushroom Biomes.
      • Naturally generated Huge Mushrooms.
      • New Mushroom Cow, the Mooshroom.
      • Mycelium blocks.
  • New sound effects, including:
    • Minecart sounds.
    • Shears sounds.
    • Additional Bow sounds.
    • Big Slime sounds.
    • Tool breaking sounds.
    • The true sounds of Endermen and Silverfish. ( Enderman and Silverfish have new sounds instead of just Zombie sounds for Enderman and Spider sounds for Silverfish).
  • Changes in already existing sounds:
    • A change in the sound of Rain.
    • New sounds for Doors.
    • New sounds for the Skeletons' walk to make them sound more skeleton-y.
  • Bow models now appear in third-person larger and in 3D.
  • Bows no longer have an infinite number of uses. (385 shots before breaking)
  • If water or lava is above a ceiling that is a single block thick, particles of water or lava will drip through, provided you are within 13 blocks of the ceiling.
  • 6 New Mobs:
    • Enderdragon (Boss Mob)
      • Enderdragon eggs
    • Mooshroom Cows.
    • NPCs in Villages, as Villager Mobs.
    • Snow Golem mob.
      • Can be crafted.
      • Melts in hot biomes.
      • Spreads snow around when it walks.
      • Passive, but throws snowballs at enemies.
    • Two new aggressive mobs for the Nether.
  • Experience (skills) can now be used for enchantments.
    • Each Experience Orb is worth one Score Point.
  • Animal Breeding.
    • Wheat bundles feed animals and make them come towards you.
    • Feeding animals makes them enter "love mode".
    • Hearts will come out of animals while in love mode.
    • Breeding will produce Baby Animals. Smaller versions of the parents with large heads that have a faster animation and a higher pitched sound.
  • New/Improved Armor system.
    • Increased armor durability.
  • Sun and moon changes:
    • Moon phases.
    • Sun and moon now rise in the east.
  • Game mechanics changes:
    • Hardcore Mode - Locks the difficulty to Hard and forces you to delete your world if you die. The health bar changes appearance to indicate you are playing in Hardcore mode.
  • Item Repair
  • Potions, Splash Potions, Potion effects, Brewing Stand, and Brewing.
  • Enchantment Table, and Enchanting


  • Oftentimes when trying to connect to an SMP server, the error "The server responded with an invalid server key" will show instead. This is followed by an "End of Stream" error which appears whenever a connection attempt to the server is made for up to 60 seconds after the initial attempt.

