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VindicatorVindicator attacking

24 (Heart × 12)


Makkelijk: 7 (HeartHeartHeartHalf Heart)
Normaal: 13 (Heart × 6.5)
Moeilijk: 19 (Heart × 9.5)


Hoogte: 1.95 Blokken
Breedte: 0.6 Blokken


Patrouilles[Bedrockeditie alleen]

Eerste verschijningen

Zie § Geschiedenis

Laat vallen

zie § Laat vallen



Intern ID

JE: 36
BE: 57

Entiteit ID


Marsh Davies Mojang avatar Hier is Johnny!
~ Marsh Davies[1]

Verdedigers zijn illagers die spawnen in boslandhuizen, overvallen en in Bedrockeditie, patrouilles. Ze zijn uitgerust met IJzeren bijlen.


Woodland mansions[]

Vindicators spawn during the generation of woodland mansions, in particular rooms. Some rooms will contain 1, others will contain 3, and some will contain 2 accompanied by an evoker. They will not respawn after their initial spawn, thus there are a limited number of them per world. Vindicators that are generated with mansions do not naturally despawn.

Some vindicators may spawn with an enchanted iron axe, depending on the difficulty set: the chances go up as the difficulty goes up.

Illager patrols[]

Hoofdartikel: Illager patrol

Illager patrols spawn a maximum of five pillagers (weight 55) or vindicators (weight 27) 200 blocks away from villages on grass or sand with a block light level of 0–8 and a sky light level of 10–15.


Vindicators are able to spawn as part of raids.

Laat vallen[]

Vindicators only drop loot when killed by a player or tamed wolf. They will drop when they die:

  • 0–1
    , with the maximum increasing by 1 for every level of Looting.
  • 8.5% chance of dropping their
    iron axe
    , which increases by 1 percentage point per level of Looting.
  • 1 Illager Banner illager banner, if they spawn as a patrol leader in an illager patrol.



A vindicator chasing a villager.

Vindicators are hostile towards players, iron golems and villagers. They will try to attack them, raising their main hand and brandishing an iron axe. When in pursuit of their target they will sprint toward them, slightly faster than the player's walking speed. When not attacking, they cross their arms similar to a villager, and don't show the axe in their hand.

A vindicator will not pursue the player through the iron door of any naturally occurring woodland mansion jail cells, and after a time, will cease hostility as long as the player remains inside.

If a vindicator is named Johnny (using a name tag, named spawn egg, etc., or has its Johnny tag set to 1b), it will be hostile to every mob, except for evokers, illusioners, pillagers, ghasts, and other vindicators. It will even be hostile to vexes and illager beasts. All mobs, except for endermites, phantoms, guardians, slimes, magma cubes and beasts, will try to attack the vindicator in return. The Johnny tag overrides its name; the player can give the vindicator any other name and set the Johnny tag to 1b and it will still be hostile in the same way as described. Conversely, you can name the vindicator Johnny and set the Johnny tag to 0b, and the vindicator will not be hostile as described; it will act as a normal vindicator.

Naming a vindicator spawn egg "Johnny" and gebruiken it on a spawner will make the spawner spawn normal vindicators, not vindicators named Johnny.Sjabloon:Only


Zie ook: Chunk format

Vindicators have entity data associated with them that contain various properties of the mob.



Hoofdartikel: Prestaties
Afbeelding Prestatie Beschrijving in het spel Eigenlijke beschrijving (bij verschil) Beschikbaarheid Xbox­punten Trofee­type
Xbox Play­Station Bedrock Nintendo

Monsterjager Val een monster aan en vernietig het. Dood een vijandig wezen of één van de volgende neutrale wezens: Enderman, zombievarken, spin of grottenspin. Xbox One Ja Ja Ja 15G Brons
Xbox 360Anders20G


Hoofdartikel: Vooruitgangen
Afbeelding Vooruitgang Beschrijving Voorgaande vooruitgang Eigenlijke vereisten (bij verschil) Technische naam
Avontuur Avontuur, ontdekking en gevecht Dood een entiteit of wordt gedood door één. minecraft:adventure/root
Monsterjager Dood een vijandig monster Avontuur Dood een van deze 24 wezens. In 1.14 kan deze vooruitgang ook worden behaald door het doden van een deze twee wezens. minecraft:adventure/kill_a_mob
Op monsters gejaagd Dood één van elke vijandige monstersoort Monsterjager Dood elk van deze 24 wezens. In 1.14 komen deze twee wezens erbij. minecraft:adventure/kill_all_mobs


1.11 16w39a Added vindicators.
16w40a "Johnny" vindicators are now activated by a custom tag in addition to a custom name.
The vindicators' axes are now one of their HandItems, whereas before it was purely a visual effect. This means their attack will now disable shields.
Vindicators have now been heavily buffed - their attack damage on Easy has now been increased from 3 (HeartHalf Heart) to 7 (HeartHeartHeartHalf Heart), on Normal 5 (HeartHeartHalf Heart) to 13 (Heart × 6.5), and on Hard, 7 (HeartHeartHeartHalf Heart) to 19 (Heart × 9.5).
1.13 pre5 The entity ID for vindicators has now been changed from vindication_illager to vindicator.
1.14 18w45a Vindicators can now spawn in illager patrols.
Vindicators can now sometimes spawn as a patrol leader in illager patrols.
18w47a Vindicators can now spawn as part of raids.
Vindicators can now break doors.
1.1 build 1 Added vindicators.
TU54CU441.52Patch 24Added vindicators.


Problemen met betrekking tot 'Verdediger' worden bijgehouden op de bugtracker. Meld problemen daar.


  • According to Jeb, naming a vindicator "Johnny" will cause the vindicator to become hostile towards every mob, except other illagers; a reference to The Shining.[2]

