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Landbouw verwijst naar het produceren van Hernieuwbare bronnen. specifieke types van landbouw zijn:

  • Wheat Farming
    - Farming Wheat, which is required for Bread, Cake or Cookies.

  • Tree Farming
    - Farming Trees for wood, saplings, or apples.

  • Sugar Cane Farming
    - Farming Sugar Cane for Sugar, which is required for Cake.

  • Pumpkin Farming
    - Farming Pumpkins.

  • Melon Farming
    - Farming Melons for Melon Slices.

  • Cactus Farming
    - Farming Cacti for Cactus Green dye or traps.

  • Mushroom Farming
    - Farming Mushrooms for use in mushroom stew or creating giant mushrooms.

  • Automatic Farming
    - Using redstone circuits to produce cactus, melon or pumpkin with limited player interaction.

  • Chicken Egg Farming
    - Farming Chicken Eggs for use in Cake or creating Chickens.

  • Animal Farming
    - Using wheat to breed animals, to be slaughtered for their products or used in Egg, Milk or Wool Farming.

  • Iron Farming
    - Farming Iron Ingots by killing the Iron Golems spawned in large NPC Villages.

  • Mob Farming
    - Creating spawn rooms for hostile mobs, to be killed for their drops.

  • Snow Farming
    - Trapping a Snow Golem and digging the snow it produces.

  • Spawner Farming
    - Waiting at an active monster spawner for monsters to spawn. This includes mobs that do not spawn naturally without the use of spawners, such as Blazes and Cave Spiders.
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