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- 塊方
- 廿七日IRC之誌: IRC之誌 on Archive.org; #minecraft.20090619.log. 東美時己丑年五月廿七日.
- 三十日IRC之誌: IRC之誌 on Archive.org; #minecraft.20090622.log. 東美己丑年五月三十日.
- ↑ 廿七日IRC之誌: "P6:28:41 <Snowman> Notch, dont forget to change the version number :D" (23:28:41 UTC)
- ↑ 廿七日IRC之誌: "P6:36:49 <Fishlips> loving the new glass" (23:36 UTC)
- ↑ 廿七日IRC之誌: "P5:59:14 <Notch> I might just revert the glass to the horrible non-transparent texture from the screenshot" [...] "P5:59:49 <Evil-Ville> I actually liked the old glass more Notch" [...] "P6:19:32 <Notch> I'm switching glass to a non-semi-trasparent texture" [...] "P6:25:51 <Redshift> yeah windows definitely need to be less opaque, personally i think they should have no texture, and just a slight hint of opacity" (22:59至23:25 UTC) | "the screenshot" refers to "Glass (looks pretty bad..) and sponge!"(留檔) – 瑙熾雜談,Tumblr,己丑年五月廿四日。 | The opaque glass texture refers to the 0.0.19a texture.
- ↑ 三十日IRC之誌: P1:17:31 <Haruhi2> the version that was semi-opaque looked more like ice than glass [...] then the version after that was fine [...] then he changed it a bit and now it doesn't really look like either
- ↑ 三十日IRC之誌: P6:18:11 <Notch> should I take out the random vanish? [...] consider it done
- ↑ 三十日IRC之誌: P6:00:40 <liq3> OH I see. Make sure thehre's a level of water above both sponges and it'll flood the remaining one. [...] Notch: You going to be able to hotfix it? [...] P6:02:10 <Notch> maybe..