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Disambig color 이 문서는 자바 에디션의 쓰이지 않는 기능에 관한 것입니다. 삭제된 기능에 대해서는 자바 에디션 삭제된 기능 문서를 참조하십시오.

마인크래프트'는 개발 초기에, 서바이벌이나 크리에이티브에서 실제로 사용되지 않는 많은 기능이 게임에 추가되었다. 이 많은 기능은 제거되었던 기능의 흔적이거나 나중에 나올 기능의 기틀이 될 기능들이다.



이 부분의 본문은 Giant입니다.

자이언트는 Indev에 추가된 현재 사용되지 않는 이다. 그것들은 거대한 좀비처럼 보인다. 자이언트들은 행동 AI가 없다, therefore they are unable to walk around. They cannot spawn naturally because the game requires the light level to be both greater than 11 and less than 8 and those conditions cannot be met in vanilla. This makes them impossible to appear through spawners.

자이언트는 오직 /summon giant커맨드에 의해 소환된다.

살인 토끼[]

Killer Bunny
이 부분의 본문은 Rabbit입니다.

The killer bunny is a variant of the rabbit that is hostile to all players and tamed wolves. Its fur is pure white with blood-red eyes that are horizontal, compared to a normal rabbit's vertical eyes.

If the killer bunny finds any player within a 16-block radius, it will hop very quickly towards the player, much faster than a normal rabbit. It moves in a style similar to that of a spider. Once it closes in, it will lunge at the player, dealing a fair amount of damage. If the player strikes at the killer bunny, it will run away for a brief moment, then return to lunging at the player. Killer rabbits are also immune to the Thorns enchantment.

If it cannot find a player, the killer bunny will actively seek out and attack any wolves as well, including tamed wolves. These wolves will, in turn, attack the killer bunny, leading to a vicious fight.

On peaceful difficulty, the killer bunny will not despawn, despite its hostile nature. It will still attack wolves and tamed wolves.

The killer bunny can only be spawned with the /summon rabbit ~ ~ ~ {RabbitType:99} command.

좀비 말[]

Zombie Horse
이 부분의 본문은 Zombie Horse입니다.

Zombie horses are a variant of horses that were added in Java Edition 1.6.1, along with normal and skeleton horses. There is a zombie horse spawn egg available only in creative, but they remain unused in survival.

In addition to spawn eggs, zombie horses can be spawned with the /summon zombie_horse command.


이 부분의 본문은 환술사입니다.

환술사는 자바 에디션 1.12에서 나왔으나 사용되지 않는 우민이다. 다른 우민들처럼 12블록 반경 안에있는 플레이어, 주민, 철 골렘, 떠돌이 상인을 공격한다. 환술사는 활과 마법으로 공격한다.

환술사는 2개의 마법을 쓰는데, 그 중 하나는 실명을 걸리게 하는 마법이고 나머지 하나는 복제 마법이다.

환술사는 변명자와 얼굴이 똑같이 생겼다.

환술사는 /summon illusioner 명령어로만 생성이 가능하다.


이 부분의 본문은 물약입니다.

제작 불가능 물약은 자바 에디션 1.9 스냅숏 15w44b에서 치트를 쓰지 않은 이상 구할 수 없는 상태로 나왔다. 이 물약은 투척용과 잔류형, 심지어 물약이 묻은 화살 형태로도 존재한다. 이 물약은 태그나 명령어 등의 오류 방지용으로 나온 물약이다.

/give @p minecraft:potion 1 0 {Potion:"minecraft:empty"}명령어를 통해 얻을 수 있다.

아이콘 이름 데이터 값
제작 불가능 물약 373
제작 불가능 투척용 물약 438
제작 불가능 잔류형 물약 440
제작 불가능 물약이 묻은 화살 441

물약 효과들 중에는 양조를 할 수 없는 물약 효과도 있으며, 플레이어에게 물약 효과로는 줄 수 없는 것(예; 시듦, 허기)들도 있다. 그것들은 유저가 만든 물약으로만 얻을 수 있다.

Status effects[]

이 부분의 본문은 Status effects입니다.

Various status effects remain unused in the game. They can be obtained using /effect or potion NBT data, but have no way of being obtained other than that.

Bad Luck[]

Bad Luck reduces chances of high-quality loot.

Health Boost[]

During the Java Edition 1.6.1 snapshots, the health boost status effect was added. It boosted the player's hearts for a temporary time. It could be obtained from eating a golden apple.

In the next main snapshot, golden apples give the player absorption instead of health boost, but the effect was still left in the game.

In Java Edition 1.9 and Java edition 1.14. developers gave the Health Boost effect a new texture, despite the fact that it is still not in use.


이 부분의 본문은 Biome입니다.

The following biomes remain unused since 13w36a and 18w08b. While they do not naturally generate in default worlds, they can be accessed using the Buffet world type.

Biome ID Name and Features Description Images

Mountain Edge

Temperature: 0.2

Grass, 모래, , 돼지, , 소s, 늑대, Spruce trees, Oak trees, Snow (occasionally)

Similar to the jungle edge sub-biome, this sub-biome generates exclusively at the edge of mountains biomes (or any variant). Mountain Edge

Deep Warm Ocean

Temperature: 0.1

Pufferfish mobs, Tropical fish mobs, Warm underwater ruins, 모래, Kelp, Seagrass, Ocean monuments, 가디언s, Elder guardians

Similar to warm ocean biomes, but twice as deep. Because they are a deep ocean variant, they can generate ocean monuments, resulting in the spawning of guardians, elder guardians, prismarine, and sponges. Deep Warm Ocean


Audio loops[]

Loops were unused sounds, found in the game files, and were possibly meant for when the player is in a specific type of location (i.e., in caves, forests, the ocean and beside a waterfall).

They were found in .minecraft/resources/sound/loops/, and could be converted to reveal four loops, of birds chirping, cave chimes, ocean and waterfall noises.

Loop Track
Birds Chirping 파일:Birds screaming loop.ogg
Cave Chimes 파일:Cave chimes.ogg
Ocean 파일:Ocean.ogg
Waterfall 파일:Waterfall.ogg


Zombie Horse Track
Hit1 파일:Zombie horse hurt1.ogg
Hit2 파일:Zombie horse hurt2.ogg
Hit3 파일:Zombie horse hurt3.ogg
Hit4 파일:Zombie horse hurt4.ogg
Idle1 파일:Zombie horse idle1.ogg
Idle2 파일:Zombie horse idle2.ogg
Idle3 파일:Zombie horse idle3.ogg
Death 파일:Zombie horse death.ogg
Others Track
Ghast affectionate scream 파일:Ghast affectionate scream.ogg
Classic Hurt 파일:Hurt Old.ogg
Breath 파일:Player breathe.ogg
Successful Hit 파일:Succesfull Hit.ogg
Wolf Howl 1 파일:Wolf howl1.ogg
Wolf Howl 2 파일:Wolf howl2.ogg

However, the "Breath" sound is still usable by running /playsound minecraft:entity.player.breath ambient @a in chat and command blocks.

Silverfish Walking Sounds Track
Step1 파일:Silverfish step1.ogg
Step2 파일:Silverfish step2.ogg
Step3 파일:Silverfish step3.ogg
Step4 파일:Silverfish step4.ogg


Various resources located in the game's assets files that remain unused.

Angry villager head[]

Angry Villager (texture) JE0 BE0
함께 보기: Villager

In the particles sheet, there is an angry villager head which remains unused.

Purple arrow[]

파일:Arrow (texture) JE2.png

The arrow and the purple arrow beside each other, in that respective order.

틀:More images

함께 보기: Arrow § History
파일:Purple arrow in game.jpg

The purple arrow shot by a skeleton in Survival Test.

Purple arrows were shot by skeletons in Survival Test and acted the same as regular arrows, but could not be picked up. The purple arrow used a texture on the same sheet as the normal arrows, but the texture is not currently in use.

In Java Edition 1.9, a new texture was added for arrows, causing the original arrow texture, including the purple arrows to be entirely unused.틀:Needs testing


함께 보기: Emerald

A ruby

On May 21, 2012, Jeb released a screenshot of himself testing the trading system. At this time, what would become emerald ore in Java Edition 1.3.1 was ruby ore. The previous ruby texture remains in the ruby.png file. It is unknown if the texture will ever be used. Dinnerbone stated in a forum post[1] that they went with emeralds instead of rubies at the last minute because he is colorblind and he had a hard time spotting the difference between ruby ore and redstone ore.
The names "Ruby Ore" and "Ruby" were still in the .lang files, but they were removed.

Villager speech bubble[]

Unused villager speech bubble

A villager speech bubble

The villager speech bubble is an image that was added along with the villager.png file in the jar when the trading system was added. It showed a trade, where raw chicken could be sold to villagers for another raw chicken. Both raw chickens have the old texture. During an interview about villagers, Jeb offered a possible explanation: "We did some experiments with thoughts bubbles, but it didn't look good. So in the end, after I’d been lead on Minecraft for a year, we just decided to add an interface instead." [2]

The texture has been partially overwritten by the selection arrows.

debug.png and debug2.png[]

함께 보기: Debug screen

These textures were added in Java Edition 1.9 snapshot 15w31a. They are used by the developers, maybe for making block models.

Despite being unused, both of these blocks were given new textures for the 2018 April Fools' update: 틀:AprilFoolsSprite 틀:AprilFoolsSprite.

Minecart texture[]

함께 보기: Minecart

Texture from the minecart model is only visible in rare occasions. The texture appears to be dirt, which is an artifact of when the minecart used to act like a portable chest. The "dirt" level used to raise when items were put into it. The texture still appears inside minecarts, but it's blocked by a different texture. It can only be seen in spectator mode.

Vindicator, evoker and witch hood[]

Witch 18w50a

Witch hood seen on 18w50a.

함께 보기: Illager

Evoker hood seen on Meet the Evoker

The Evoker, vindicator and witch are hostile mobs based off the Villagers, and they have an unused hood texture.

Evoker hood can be seen on Meet the evoker and the witch hood on 18w50a.

Footprint particle[]

함께 보기: Particles

The texture still exists.

Zombie pigmen, guardian and armor stand[]

Zombie pigmen texture contains text "THX XAPHOBIA". Guardian texture contains text "Jeb" the Jens Bergensten nickname. Armor stand texture contains text "Searge" the Michael Stoyke nickname.


함께 보기: Banner

banner_base and banner_overlay item textures exist but are unused, suggesting that banners may have had a two-step crafting process once, or it was once going to use an item model instead of the original entity model. (May be used for pre-existing small sprites of coloured banners, like they'd colour the overlay seperately).

Old zombie villager texture[]

함께 보기: Zombie Villager
Zombie Villager

Old zombie villager texture

Old texture from 12w32a snapshot still exists in "textures/entity/zombie" directory but it’s unused.

Map icons[]

함께 보기: Map

Some extra icons for maps. The white and green arrows are the only ones used normally, though the colored arrows are used for multiplayer in the console versions.

Selected and Unselected[]

Squares labeled "SEL" and "UN SEL" (likely "SELECTED" and "UNSELECTED") can be found in "textures\gui\container\creative_inventory\tabs.png". Purpose unknown, though they could possibly be used as a template for the selected tabs and unselected tabs with the rest of tabs.png.

Skeleton melee attack[]

Skeletons without bows can be spawned with commands and attack melee.


Java Edition Indev
0.3120100205Added giants.
Giants act like any normal hostile mob – they will walk towards the player until they are touching them. However, the giant is not able to "touch" anything unless standing on top of it, making it hard for them to do combat against opponents.
Java Edition
1.7.213w36aGiants can now be spawned without mods by using the new /summon command.
13w36aZombie horses are now available without third-party tools, with the introduction of the /summon command.
1.814w06aArmor on giants is now rendered. This originated from a bug in 14w05a, which caused all mobs to render worn armor. In repairing this bug, Grum has now allowed giants to render armor.
Giants' AI has now been removed.
14w28aKiller Rabbit spawn rate has now been reduced from 1/1000 to 1/2500.
14w29aKiller Rabbits will now no longer spawn in peaceful difficulty.
14w31a파일:Killer Bunny Revision 2.png Rabbits will now have sounds and a revised model that includes a tail, and can now take fall damage.
14w34a파일:Killer Bunny Revision 3.png Hostile rabbits now have a new texture and a new name ('The Killer Bunny'), and they will now ignore creative mode players.
Killer Bunnies will now no longer spawn without the use of commands. According to a later comment by Jeb, the Killer Bunny was removed from normal gameplay because "it's a tired joke and it's been referenced in so many games," another reason being "they're basically a random death event."[3]
Black and white mottled fur rabbit's eye color has now been changed from pink to black.
pre1Killer Bunny Killer Bunny texture has now been changed, as it now no longer has blood.
1.915w43a44bDrops changed several times. The end result is that zombie horses now always drop 1 rotten flesh, not affected by Looting.
15w47bAdded sounds for zombie horses eating food given by a player.
1.1016w20aAdded zombie horse spawn egg.
pre2Removed zombie horse spawn eggs.
1.1116w32aChanged entity ID from Giant to giant.
Now has a separate ID from horses: zombie_horse
Re-added zombie horse spawn egg.
1.1217w16aAdded illusioners.
17w17aThe Illusioner's blindness spell now will be cast only if the regional difficulty is 3 or above.
Illusioners now have new sound effects.
17w17bThe Illusioner's blindness spell now will be cast only if the regional difficulty is greater than 2.
1.13pre5The entity ID for illusioners has now been changed from illusion_illager to illusioner.
1.1418w46aAdded a loot table to illusioners.
18w50aGiants now use zombie AI (for instance, they will move and burn in sunlight) and NBT data.
Giants now have the zombie hurt sound effect.
Giants no longer have the player hurt sound effect.
Giants now move twice as fast as zombies and burn in the sun.
Giants now attack and infect villagers.
19w03aReverted giant changes in snapshot 18w50a.

