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작은 버섯 재배[]

버섯밝기 레벨이 12 보다 큰 지역에서는 자라나지 않기 때문에, 재배하는 사람은 광원을 배치할 때 신중하게 고려해야 한다. 버섯은 변환될 수 있는 블럭이나 고체가 아닌 블럭, 빛나는 블럭을 제외한 모든 곳에 설치가 가능하며, 물이나 모래를 요구하지 않고, 작물이나 선인장, 묘목과 같은 추가적인 공간을 요구하지 않는다. 하지만, 심지어 밤일 때일지라도, 버섯은 밝기가 12 이상인 블럭에는 설치가 되지 않는다. 예외적으로 균사체회백토는 밝기가 최대치일 때에도 버섯을 심을 수 있다. 버섯은 자신을 중심으로 5x5x3 구역에 버섯이 5개일때 까지 퍼진다 (불투명 블록에서만).

기본 버섯 재배의 가장 큰 단점은 바로 어두운 방에 존재한다는 것인데, 이는 적대적인 몹들이 소환될 수 있게 한다는 것이다. 이는 몇가지 방법으로 해결할 수 있는데, 그 중 가장 쉬운 방법은 횃불을 버섯이 자라날 곳 두 블럭 위에 설치하는 것이다. 다른 방법은 버섯이 자라는 곳 바로 위에 플레이어가 걸어다닐 반 블록을 설치하는 것이다. 이는 적대적인 몹들이 반 블록 위에 소환될 수 없다는 점을 이용한 것이며, 몇몇 위협들을 방지해 줄 것이다.

또는 자동 물 시스탬을 이용해 버섯들을 상자로 모을 수도 있다. 네더는 버섯을 재배하기 좋은 지역이며, 조그마한 방에서 몬스터가 소환되는 일은 없을 것이다.

최근 버전에서의 변경 사항은 기존의 버섯을 재배하는 것을 조금 더 어렵게 만들었다. 버섯을 재배하기 위한 또 다른 선택지는 거대한 지하실을 만들고 뼛가루를 이용해 거대한 버섯을 키워 채집하는 것이다.

퍼짐의 원리[]

마다, 모든 버섯들은 다음과 같은 행동을 하기 위한 1%의 기회가 주어진다:

  • 버섯이 놓인 블럭이 아닌, 버섯을 중심으로부터 3×3×3 구역 내에 있는 랜덤한 블록을 선택한다.
  • 만약 그 블록이 버섯을 재배할 수 있다면, 그 블록에 버섯을 만든다.

하지만, 제일 먼저 찾은 블록이 자신 위, 아래, 또는 아예 자신이 될 수 있다. 이 블록 중 하나가 선택되면 재배할 수 없는 블록으로 인식하고, 퍼질 확률은 낮아진다.

이 알고리즘에는 버섯에게 다른 능력도 준다:

  • 버섯은 자신의 앞이 반투명 블록으로 막혀 있더라도 두 블록 까지 퍼질 수 있다.
  • 버섯은 세 블록 까지도 대각선으로 퍼질 수 있다.

기본 버섯 재배[]

이 방법은 완전히 빛으로 밝혀진 상태이기 때문에 적대적인 몹이 없고 위험을 무릅쓰지 않아도 되는 버섯 농장이라서, 새로운 사람에게 좋은 방법이다. 먼저, 32x32x2의 크기인 방을 만들어야 한다. 그리고, 횃불을 조금씩 설치한다. 약 9x9정도의 면적의 농장 중에 하나의 햇불을 설치해도 적대적인 몹은 스폰되지 않을 것이다. 이 셋업은 쉽고 빠른 농장에 비해 엄청나게 빨리 버섯을 재배할 것이다.

거대한 버섯[]

Huge mushroom growth

거대한 버섯의 최소 성장 조건.

버섯이 적절한 곳에 설치되어 있고, 충분한 공간이 확보되어 있다면, 뼛가루를 사용하여 빨간, 또는 갈색 버섯을 거대한 버섯으로 키울 수 있다. 거대한 버섯은 수확 시 20개의 버섯을 제공한다.

오른쪽에 있는 이미지 참고:

  • 거대한 버섯의 나무는 그 크기의 거대한 버섯이 성장할려면 얼마의 공간이 필요한지 알려주고 있다. 거대한 버섯은 5,6,7 미터 까지, 그리고 자신 위에 있는 블록에서 두 블록 낮을 때 까지 자란다. 따라서, 만약 어떤 블록이 버섯보다 7 블록 높으면 거대한 버섯은 항상 5 (7-2) 블록 정도 높을 것이다.
  • 거대한 버섯 아래의 반 블록은 자랄 수 있는 면적 중 최소한 (7×7) 을 나타낸다.
  • 거대한 버섯들은 반드시 , 잔디, 균사체, 또는 회백토 블록에 놓여져야 한다 (이미지에는 없다).

재배 방법[]

터널 방법[]

One way of growing a red mushroom on the surface of the world at any time of day without mycelium (using bone meal) is to dig a tunnel starting from several blocks where the mushroom should sprout, and plant the mushroom two or three blocks below the surface at the end of the tunnel. Then dig a single block chute to the surface from above the mushroom. If the mushroom is deep enough underground, it will not pop off when exposed to the light above it. Once there's light, use the bone meal and see if it grows the mushroom. If it does not, there may be too many blocks in the way of the mushroom, in which case, planting the mushroom closer to the surface may make it grow.

반자동 재배[]

  • 단계 1.

Lay down redstone in lines with 2 blocks in between each line 15 blocks long. Attach a button to this circuit. Fill the spaces in between the lines with sticky pistons. Place dirt on top of everything (pistons and redstone). Place a piston circuit to allow water to spill forward like in the original design. Attach a lever to this circuit. Adjust circuits as needed for length (I prefer wide to long, as it's easier to wire).

  • 단계 2.

Place seed mushrooms on the dirt on top of the redstone.

  • 단계 3.

Press button to dislodge mushrooms, then flip lever to have water bring them down to you. Repeat the design down a hallway, raising the floor one time with each repetition. Allow the water to spill into a central channel and bring the mushrooms to you.

자동 버섯 재배[]

물 디스펜서와 a light sensor circuit 사용[]

In the following design mushroom is planted on central platforms and new mushrooms will spread to side platforms. Water will flow once a day through the side platforms delivering the new spread mushrooms to hoppers and finally into chests.

On the central platforms mushrooms can be planted in packs up to four mushroom of each kind. Planting more mushroom will increase the spreading speed, but will also reach its cap limit sooner. In the video three mushroom of each kind are planted, as it gives higher daily output.

The side platforms should be one block height to improve efficiency, whilst the central ones should be 3 blocks height, in the video the central platform has middle glass platforms, as mushroom can't spread over glass.

A circuit using a light sensor emits two delayed pulses once a day, activating and deactivating dispensers containing water buckets, making water flow through the side platforms for about 12 seconds, enough to deliver every new mushroom spread in the side platforms to a hopper collection point, that will store mushroom into chests.

The farm can be covered in glass if the platforms are built in mycelium, or can be covered in any other non transparent block, both designs are shown in the video.

Using lighting redstone and a minecart system[]


A fully automatic mushroom farming using variable lighting, redstone, and a small minecart system is possible. This type of farm is very complicated however, and difficult to explain without an example, so a video has been included to help with understanding at the bottom of this section.

Variable light can be created by placing lava inside a 3x3 square "ring" of cobblestone, capping the lava off with any block, and attaching signs to all four sides of the block that is located above the lava. Fire will attempt to spread to the sign, and as signs are currently non-flammable it will temporarily set the cobblestone of one of the corner blocks on fire.

By placing a block two away from where the fire will start (Meaning you will need to place 8 blocks total, two for each corner of the starting ring) you will have a square that is sometimes dark enough to have mushrooms grow into it, and sometimes too light for them to do so. You will need to place another two rings outside of this, one that will allow mushrooms to grow up diagonally into your grow squares, and one that will allow them to grow down diagonally - however - by placing a ring of cobblestone one above your ring of signs and continuing the grow squares and the seed squares it is possible to continue building the system up as far as the top of the map - if desired - and subsequent levels are far easier to lay out and build than the first.

The second part of this system - redstone - is used to update the grow blocks when they are lit and cause the mushrooms inside to "pop" out of their square and fall. Mushrooms will remain planted when the light level is too high for them to grow, unless the state of their square is checked. This sounds complicated, but all it means is that something about the square next to it needs to change - by placing a ring of redstone torches that will send a signal to the block next to our grow square it becomes possible to have the mushrooms pop out without having to do anything ourselves, and to stop or start this action by using a redstone system.

Generally this will be accomplished by placing a solid block three away from each of our grow spots on the bottom level with redstone running current to it, and placing a torch on the side nearest to our grow spot. We can then alternate solid blocks and torches all the way up the remainder of our system, meaning that while the bottom row needs a large amount of redstone as part of our redstone mechanism each additional row will need only 8 redstone torches.

The problem with this system is that because the lighting is random, dispensing all the mushrooms would require pressing a button many many times. The way we can get past this is by having a cart system, activated remotely, that does nothing but travel back and forth. By placing a cart activated button on this track and hooking it to the bottom layer of our redstone system we can turn the system on and off with only a single lever and have it remain on for as long as we want. Afterward you can build a water channel under your mushroom system to carry them wherever you want, or simply run underneath the automatic farm to collect the mushrooms that drop.

For a video with step by step instructions and visual examples see Fully Automatic Mushroom Farm Tutorial.

피스톤 사용[]

A simple fully automated mushroom farm can be built by the use of pistons. First a room of the height 2 is needed. In this room a water stream in the floor of the width 2 is needed. The purpose of this stream is simply to transport the harvested mushrooms out of the room. Mushrooms shall be planted along the bank of this water stream leaving every other block empty. Lastly, pistons are required to be placed facing towards the waterstream. They need to be placed besides the blocks, in which no mushrooms were planted.

The pistons need to be wired to an outside switch, the water stream shall be redirected to your favorite collection point. Then the room needs to be sealed to be completely dark. The only opening should be 1x1 wide, for the water stream. This being the only opening, spawned monsters cannot leave the room. Eventually the mushrooms will spread to the blocks in front of the pistons. Activating the pistons will then harvest the mushrooms and push them into the water stream. The system is reset by deactivating the pistons without any need for replanting.

Higher efficiency can be achieved by multiple arrangements. The system can even be arranged in a room of the height 1, this makes setup more difficult though.

Piston/Glass Based (Dry farming)[]

The idea here is that mushrooms can also be popped off by causing the block beneath them to change to Glass. Using Pistons you can push 12 blocks of alternating block/Glass rows causing any mushrooms growing on them to pop off.


The basic set up is two sets of pistons facing each other on either side of the seed mushroom row. Upon pushing a button a signal is sent causing the first group to extend popping off the mushrooms. The signal is delayed 12 ticks(3 repeaters) and the second group of pistons then extends resetting the farm.

Generally this is designed for use in the Nether, where "wet" methods are unavailable. Some benefits over other "dry" methods are simplicity and low resource requirements.

Giant Mushroom Farming Outdoors (Without Mycelium)[]

There is a way to farm mushrooms outside: dig a 1x1 hole where you want your farm to be. Place a bucket of water in the 1x1 hole. Then plant a mushroom in the water and bonemeal it quickly or the mushroom will unplant.


Video tutorial by HybridCraft (Video Outdated)


  • Since the 1.6 update, mushrooms will slowly spread to nearby opaque blocks, allowing for the creation of farms. However, the rate at which mushrooms spread is considerably slow; therefore, starting a farm is an ordeal without multiple mushrooms.
  • As of Beta 1.8 mushroom spreading is nerfed, so that a mushroom will only spread if there are fewer than 5 mushrooms in an area of 9x9x3 around the original mushroom. This has made Mushroom farming very inefficient and many of the formerly proven methods (notably the "water flushable pentapipe") will not work in 1.8+. However, the addition of Huge Mushrooms provides a faster alternative.
