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Disambig color 이 문서는 data pack tags에 관한 것입니다. other uses에 대해서는 Tag (disambiguation) 문서를 참조하십시오.

데이터 팩태그는 플레이어가 아이템, 블록, 액체, 엔티티의 타입 혹은 function을 JSON 파일로 분류할 수 있도록 한다.


블록, 아이템, 혹은 function 태그를 활용하기 위해서 JSON 파일은 데이터 팩의 data/(namespace)/tags/blocks, data/(namespace)/tags/items, data/(namespace)/tags/entity_types or data/(namespace)/tags/functions 폴더의 안에 각각 위치해 있어야만 한다.

Minecraft는 자체로도 태그를 사용한다. 예를 들어, 바닐라의 블록 태그는 다양한 블록의 특징을 위해서, 바닐라의 아이템 태그는 다양한 아이템의 특징을 위해서, 바닐라의 업적 파일과 조합법 파일, 그리고 바닐라의 엔티티 타입 태그는 다양한 몹의 특징을 위해서 사용된다. 그들의 사용은 #List of tags 부분을 확인하라.

바닐라는 function이 없기 때문에 바닐라 function 태그가 없지만, 게임은 minecraft 명칭 공간의 특정 function 태그에서 읽어온다.

폴더 구조[]

  • (데이터 팩 루트 디렉터리)
    • data
      • (namespace)
        • tags
          • blocks
            • (이름).json
          • entity_types
            • (이름).json
          • fluids
            • (이름).json
          • functions
            • (이름).json
          • items
            • (이름).json

블록 태그(Block Tags)[]

#(명칭이 부여된 ID)"인 명령에서 블록 인수를 테스트할 때 블록 태그를 호출할 수 있으며, 블록이 태그에 지정된 블록 중 하나와 일치하는 경우 성공할 수 있다.

아이템 태그(Item Tags)[]

Item tags can be called when testing for item arguments in commands with #(namespaced ID) or in recipes and advancements using "tag": "(namespaced ID)", which will succeed if the item matches any of the items specified in the tag.

Entity type Tags[]

Entity type tags can be called in type target selector argument and loot table conditions with #(namespaced ID), which will check if the entity's type matches any of the entity types specified in the tag.

Function Tags[]

Function tags can be called in the /function command with #(namespaced ID), which will run all the functions specified in the tag in the order of their first appearance in a tag. If a function is referenced multiple times in a tag and its sub-tags, it will only be ran once.

Moreover, functions tagged in the minecraft:tick tag will run every tick at the start of the tick and functions tagged in minecraft:load will run once at the start of the tick after a server (re)load.

JSON format[]

  • The root object.
    •  replace: Optional. Whether or not contents of this tag should completely replace tag contents from different lower priority data packs with the same namespaced ID. When false the tag's content will append to the contents of the higher priority data packs. instead. Defaults to false.
    •  values: A list of mix and match of object names and tag names. For tags, recursive reference is possible, but a circular reference will cause a loading failure.
      • : An object's namespaced ID in the form (namespaced ID).
      • : ID of another tag of the same type in the form #(namespaced ID).

List of tags[]


Tag name Values Usage
acacia_logs acacia_log, acacia_wood, stripped_acacia_log, stripped_acacia_wood -
anvil anvil, chipped_anvil, damaged_anvil
  • Used to determine which blocks should open the anvil GUI. Will not work for any other blocks than the default ones, but removing any of the default blocks from the tag will stop the GUI from appearing.
  • Used to determine the damage source for entities being damaged by a falling block, which is used by the death messages.
  • Used to determine if a block has a chance to get "damaged" or break upon landing. Adding blocks to this tag that can naturally fall will not make them have a chance to break upon landing when they fall naturally. For example adding sand will not make falling sand blocks that are created naturally have a chance to break, but falling sand blocks summoned with a command will have a chance to break.
  • Used in reading NBT from falling block entities to set the internal HurtEntities boolean to true if the entity did not have HurtEntities set.
  • Used to determine if the block should have a chance to take damage from using the anvil GUI.
banners white_banner, orange_banner, magenta_banner, light_blue_banner, yellow_banner, lime_banner, pink_banner, gray_banner, light_gray_banner, cyan_banner, purple_banner, blue_banner, brown_banner, green_banner, red_banner, black_banner, white_wall_banner, orange_wall_banner, magenta_wall_banner, light_blue_wall_banner, yellow_wall_banner, lime_wall_banner, pink_wall_banner, gray_wall_banner, light_gray_wall_banner, cyan_wall_banner, purple_wall_banner, blue_wall_banner, brown_wall_banner, green_wall_banner, red_wall_banner, black_wall_banner
  • Used by maps upon clicking a block, to see if it should place a marker.
bamboo_plantable_on bamboo, bamboo_sapling, gravel, #sand, #dirt_like
  • Used to check where bamboo can be planted
birch_logs birch_log, birch_bark, stripped_birch_log, stripped_birch_bark -
beds red_bed, black_bed, blue_bed, brown_bed, cyan_bed, gray_bed, green_bed, light_blue_bed, light_gray_bed, lime_bed, magenta_bed, orange_bed, pink_bed, purple_bed, white_bed, yellow_bed -
buttons #wooden_buttons, stone_button -
carpets white_carpet, orange_carpet, magenta_carpet, light_blue_carpet, yellow_carpet, lime_carpet, pink_carpet, gray_carpet, light_gray_carpet, cyan_carpet, purple_carpet, blue_carpet, brown_carpet, green_carpet, red_carpet, black_carpet -
coral_blocks tube_coral_block, brain_coral_block, bubble_coral_block, fire_coral_block, horn_coral_block -
corals tube_coral, brain_coral, bubble_coral, fire_coral, horn_coral, tube_coral_fan, brain_coral_fan, bubble_coral_fan, fire_coral_fan, horn_coral_fan -
dark_oak_logs dark_oak_log, dark_oak_bark, stripped_dark_oak_log, stripped_dark_oak_bark -
dirt_like dirt, grass_block, podzol, coarse_dirt, mycelium -
doors #wooden_doors, iron_door -
dragon_immune barrier, bedrock, end_portal, end_portal_frame, end_gateway, command_block, repeating_command_block, chain_command_block, structure_block, jigsaw, moving_piston, obsidian, end_stone, iron_bars
  • Used to be determined what blocks Ender dragon can't destroy.
enderman_holdable grass_block, dirt, coarse_dirt, podzol, sand, red_sand, gravel, dandelion, poppy, blue_orchid, allium, azure_bluet, red_tulip, orange_tulip, white_tulip, pink_tulip, oxeye_daisy, brown_mushroom, red_mushroom, tnt, cactus, clay, pumpkin, carved_pumpkin, melon_block, mycelium, netherrack, #small_flowers, grass_block, dirt, coarse_dirt, podzol, sand, red_sand, gravel, brown_mushroom, red_mushroom, tnt, cactus, clay, pumpkin, carved_pumpkin, melon, mycelium, netherrack
  • Used to determine what blocks enderman can pick up.
flower_pots flower_pot, potted_poppy, potted_blue_orchid, potted_allium, potted_azure_bluet, potted_red_tulip, potted_orange_tulip, potted_white_tulip, potted_pink_tulip, potted_oxeye_daisy, potted_dandelion, potted_oak_sapling, potted_spruce_sapling, potted_birch_sapling, potted_jungle_sapling, potted_acacia_sapling, potted_dark_oak_sapling, potted_red_mushroom, potted_brown_mushroom, potted_dead_bush, potted_fern, potted_cactus, flower_pot, potted_poppy, potted_blue_orchid, potted_allium, potted_azure_bluet, potted_red_tulip, potted_orange_tulip, potted_white_tulip, potted_pink_tulip, potted_oxeye_daisy, potted_dandelion, potted_oak_sapling, potted_spruce_sapling, potted_birch_sapling, potted_jungle_sapling, potted_acacia_sapling, potted_dark_oak_sapling, potted_red_mushroom, potted_brown_mushroom, potted_dead_bush, potted_fern, potted_cactus, potted_cornflower, potted_lily_of_the_valley, potted_wither_rose, potted_bamboo -
ice ice, packed_ice, blue_ice, frosted_ice -
impermeable glass, white_stained_glass, orange_stained_glass, magenta_stained_glass, light_blue_stained_glass, yellow_stained_glass, lime_stained_glass, pink_stained_glass, gray_stained_glass, light_gray_stained_glass, cyan_stained_glass, purple_stained_glass, blue_stained_glass, brown_stained_glass, green_stained_glass, red_stained_glass, black_stained_glass
  • Blocks in this tag will not let fluids drip through.
jungle_logs jungle_log, jungle_bark, stripped_jungle_log, stripped_jungle_bark -
leaves jungle_leaves, oak_leaves, spruce_leaves, dark_oak_leaves, acacia_leaves, birch_leaves 틀:Needs testing
logs #dark_oak_logs, #oak_logs, #acacia_logs, #birch_logs, #jungle_logs, #spruce_logs
  • Used for one of the requirements for settling on a block position for the parrot wandering AI.
  • If a block in this tag is around a leaves block, the leaves block will set its distance block state to the distance the closest tagged block is.
  • Trees can grow into blocks in this tag.
  • Checks progress for the punch_tree tutorial step.
oak_logs oak_log, oak_bark, stripped_oak_log, stripped_oak_bark -
planks oak_planks, spruce_planks, birch_planks, jungle_planks, acacia_planks, dark_oak_planks
  • If blocks in the default village structures match blocks inside this tag, they will be replaced by either smooth sandstone, spruce planks or acacia planks (depending on the biome).
rails rail, powered_rail, detector_rail, activator_rail -
sand sand, red_sand -
saplings oak_sapling, spruce_sapling, birch_sapling, jungle_sapling, acacia_sapling, dark_oak_sapling
  • Trees can grow into blocks in this tag.
signs #standing_signs, #wall_signs -
slabs stone_slab, stone_brick_slab, sandstone_slab, acacia_slab, birch_slab, dark_oak_slab, jungle_slab, oak_slab, spruce_slab, purpur_slab, quartz_slab, red_sandstone_slab, brick_slab, cobblestone_slab, nether_brick_slab, petrified_oak_slab, prismarine_slab, prismarine_bricks_slab, dark_prismarine_slab, stone_slab, smooth_stone_slab, stone_brick_slab, sandstone_slab, acacia_slab, birch_slab, dark_oak_slab, jungle_slab, oak_slab, spruce_slab, purpur_slab, quartz_slab, red_sandstone_slab, brick_slab, cobblestone_slab, nether_brick_slab, petrified_oak_slab, prismarine_slab, prismarine_brick_slab, dark_prismarine_slab, polished_granite_slab, smooth_red_sandstone_slab, mossy_stone_brick_slab, polished_diorite_slab, mossy_cobblestone_slab, end_stone_brick_slab, smooth_sandstone_slab, smooth_quartz_slab, granite_slab, andesite_slab, red_nether_brick_slab, polished_andesite_slab, diorite_slab -
small_flowers dandelion, poppy, blue_orchid, allium, azure_bluet, red_tulip, orange_tulip, white_tulip, pink_tulip, oxeye_daisy, cornflower, lily_of_the_valley, wither_rose -
spruce_logs spruce_log, spruce_bark, stripped_spruce_log, stripped_spruce_bark -
stairs oak_stairs, cobblestone_stairs, spruce_stairs, sandstone_stairs, acacia_stairs, jungle_stairs, birch_stairs, dark_oak_stairs, nether_brick_stairs, stone_brick_stairs, brick_stairs, purpur_stairs, quartz_stairs, red_sandstone_stairs, prismarine_bricks_stairs, prismarine_stairs, dark_prismarine_stairs, oak_stairs, cobblestone_stairs, spruce_stairs, sandstone_stairs, acacia_stairs, jungle_stairs, birch_stairs, dark_oak_stairs, nether_brick_stairs, stone_brick_stairs, brick_stairs, purpur_stairs, quartz_stairs, red_sandstone_stairs, prismarine_brick_stairs, prismarine_stairs, dark_prismarine_stairs, polished_granite_stairs, smooth_red_sandstone_stairs, mossy_stone_brick_stairs, polished_diorite_stairs, mossy_cobblestone_stairs, end_stone_brick_stairs, stone_stairs, smooth_sandstone_stairs, smooth_quartz_stairs, granite_stairs, andesite_stairs, red_nether_brick_stairs, polished_andesite_stairs, diorite_stairs -
standing_signs oak_sign, spruce_sign, birch_sign, acacia_sign, jungle_sign, dark_oak_sign -
stone_bricks stone_bricks, mossy_stone_bricks, cracked_stone_bricks, chiseled_stone_bricks -
underwater_bonemeals seagrass, #corals, #wall_corals
  • Blocks in this tag will replace water source blocks (within 5 horizontal and 2 vertical blocks) when bone meal is used under water in warm ocean biomes.
  • If the blocks in this tag are customized, the behavior will be applied to water source blocks in any biome. These blocks won't be waterlogged by default.
valid_spawn grass_block, podzol
  • Used to determine if a location is a valid spawn position for the player.
wall_signs oak_wall_sign, spruce_wall_sign, birch_wall_sign, acacia_wall_sign, jungle_wall_sign, dark_oak_wall_sign -
wall_corals tube_coral_wall_fan, brain_coral_wall_fan, bubble_coral_wall_fan, fire_coral_wall_fan, horn_coral_wall_fan -
walls cobblestone_wall, mossy_cobblestone_wall, brick_wall, prismarine_wall, red_sandstone_wall, mossy_stone_brick_wall, granite_wall, stone_brick_wall, nether_brick_wall ,andesite_wall ,red_nether_brick_wall, sandstone_wall, end_stone_brick_wall, diorite_wall -
wither_immune barrier, bedrock, end_portal, end_portal_frame, end_gateway, command_block, repeating_command_block, chain_command_block, structure_block, jigsaw, moving_piston, obsidian, end_stone, iron_bars
  • Used to be determined what blocks Wither can't destroy.
wooden_buttons oak_button, spruce_button, birch_button, jungle_button, acacia_button, dark_oak_button
  • Used in the 'buttons.json' block tag file.
wooden_doors oak_door, spruce_door, birch_door, jungle_door, acacia_door, dark_oak_door
  • Used in the 'doors.json' block tag file.
wooden_pressure_plates oak_pressure_plate, spruce_pressure_plate, birch_pressure_plate, jungle_pressure_plate, acacia_pressure_plate, dark_oak_pressure_plate -
wooden_slabs oak_slab, spruce_slab, birch_slab, jungle_slab, acacia_slab, dark_oak_slab -
wooden_stairs oak_stairs, spruce_stairs, birch_stairs, jungle_stairs, acacia_stairs, dark_oak_stairs -
wool white_wool, orange_wool, magenta_wool, light_blue_wool, yellow_wool, lime_wool, pink_wool, gray_wool, light_gray_wool, cyan_wool, purple_wool, blue_wool, brown_wool, green_wool, red_wool, black_wool
  • Blocks in this tag can be broken quickly by shears and will also increase the usage stat of shears.
  • Placing blocks in this tag under a note block will set the instrument used to guitar.

Entity Types[]

Tag name Values Usage
raiders evoker, illusioner, pillager, ravager, vindicator, witch
  • Determines which entities get the glowing effect when ringing a bell.
  • Used in the 'adventure/voluntary_exile.json' advancement file.
skeletons skeleton, stray, wither_skeleton
  • Makes creepers drop music discs when killed by a tagged mob


Tag name Values Usage
lava lava, flowing_lava
  • Cactus breaks when next to this fluid
  • Used to enable the lava texture on a fluid
  • Used to create a smoke particle from rain instead of the normal rain particle
  • Used to enable lava-like fog
  • Items and experience orbs burn when in this fluid
  • When a bucket containing this fluid is placed, it uses the lava sound effect
  • Indicates a LAVA pathfinder node
  • Used in the process of forming stone/cobblestone/obsidian
water water, flowing_water
  • Coral must have this on at least one side
  • Coral fans must be placed in this
  • Farmland uses this to determine hydration
  • Sugar Cane checks if this fluid, or a frosted ice block, is present next to the block below its base.
  • Sponges can absorb this fluid
  • Several particles use this to determine whether they should persist (bubble, bubble_column_up, current_down, underwater)
  • The drip particle internally uses this to determine its color.
  • Used to enable water fog
  • Determines if entities move as if they are in water
  • Indicates a WATER pathfinder node. Certain mobs will pathfind towards this.
  • Boats check for this
  • Concrete solidifies in this.
  • Items and experience orbs float in this.
  • Guardians, squid, and turtles check for this
  • Fishing bobbers bob in this
  • Glass bottles may be filled in this
  • This fluid cannot be placed by buckets in the nether


Tag name Values Usage
acacia_logs acacia_log, acacia_wood, stripped_acacia_log, stripped_acacia_wood
  • Used in the 'acacia_planks.json' advancement and recipe files, and the 'logs.json' item tag file.
anvil anvil, chipped_anvil, damaged_anvil -
banners white_banner, orange_banner, magenta_banner, light_blue_banner, yellow_banner, lime_banner, pink_banner, gray_banner, light_gray_banner, cyan_banner, purple_banner, blue_banner, brown_banner, green_banner, red_banner, black_banner
  • Used to check if an item can go in the fuel slot of a furnace and to return a burn time of 300.
birch_logs birch_log, birch_wood, stripped_birch_log, stripped_birch_wood
  • Used in the 'birch_planks.json' advancement and recipe files, and the 'logs.json' item tag file.
beds red_bed, black_bed, blue_bed, brown_bed, cyan_bed, gray_bed, green_bed, light_blue_bed, light_gray_bed, lime_bed, magenta_bed, orange_bed, pink_bed, purple_bed, white_bed, yellow_bed -
boats oak_boat, spruce_boat, birch_boat, jungle_boat, acacia_boat, dark_oak_boat
  • Used to check if an item can go in the fuel slot of a furnace and to return a burn time of 200.
buttons #wooden_buttons, stone_button -
carpets white_carpet, orange_carpet, magenta_carpet, light_blue_carpet, yellow_carpet, lime_carpet, pink_carpet, gray_carpet, light_gray_carpet, cyan_carpet, purple_carpet, blue_carpet, brown_carpet, green_carpet, red_carpet, black_carpet
  • Used to check whether or not an item can go in the decoration slot of a llama, but items other than carpets will not change the llama visually.
  • Used to check if an item can go in the fuel slot of a furnace and to return a burn time of 67.
coral minecraft:dead_coral、minecraft:blue_coral、minecraft:pink_coral、minecraft:purple_coral、minecraft:red_coral、minecraft:yellow_coral -
dark_oak_logs dark_oak_log, dark_oak_wood, stripped_dark_oak_log, stripped_dark_oak_wood
  • Used in the 'dark_oak_planks.json' advancement and recipe files, and the 'logs.json' item tag file.
doors #wooden_doors, iron_door -
minecraft:fences #minecraft:wooden_fences、minecraft:nether_brick_fence -
fishes cod, cooked_cod, salmon, cooked_salmon, pufferfish, tropical_fish
  • Used by dolphins to pick a player to swim to. The item can be both in the main and offhand.
  • Feeding a dolphin one of these items will increase their 'trust' in you.
  • Used by the fish_caught statistic to determine how many fish you've caught.
jungle_logs jungle_log, jungle_wood, stripped_jungle_log, stripped_jungle_wood
  • Used in the 'jungle_planks.json' advancement and recipe files, and the 'logs.json' item tag file.
leaves jungle_leaves, oak_leaves, spruce_leaves, dark_oak_leaves, acacia_leaves, birch_leaves 틀:Needs testing
logs #dark_oak_logs, #oak_logs, #acacia_logs, #birch_logs, #jungle_logs, #spruce_logs
  • Used in various checks to either skip or progress with the "punch_tree" tutorial step.
  • Used to check if an item can go in the fuel slot of a furnace and to return a burn time of 300.
  • Used in the 'charcoal.json' advancement and recipe files.
music_discs music_disc_13, music_disc_cat, music_disc_blocks, music_disc_chirp, music_disc_far, music_disc_mall, music_disc_mellohi, music_disc_stal, music_disc_strad, music_disc_ward, music_disc_11, music_disc_wait -
oak_logs oak_log, oak_wood, stripped_oak_log, stripped_oak_wood
  • Used in the 'oak_planks.json' advancement and recipe files, and the 'logs.json' item tag file.
planks oak_planks, spruce_planks, birch_planks, jungle_planks, acacia_planks, dark_oak_planks
  • Used as a check for the repair item of wooden tools.
  • Used as a check for the repair item of shields.
  • Used in various checks to either skip or progress with the "craft_planks" tutorial step.
  • Used to check if an item can go in the fuel slot of a furnace and to return a burn time of 300.
  • Used in these 3 advancement files and these 32 recipe files.
rails rail, powered_rail, detector_rail, activator_rail -
sand sand, red_sand
  • Used in the 'glass.json' advancement and recipe files.
saplings oak_sapling, spruce_sapling, birch_sapling, jungle_sapling, acacia_sapling, dark_oak_sapling
  • Used to check if an item can go in the fuel slot of a furnace and to return a burn time of 100.
signs oak_sign, spruce_sign, birch_sign, acacia_sign, jungle_sign, dark_oak_sign -
slabs stone_slab, stone_brick_slab, sandstone_slab, acacia_slab, birch_slab, dark_oak_slab, jungle_slab, oak_slab, spruce_slab, purpur_slab, quartz_slab, red_sandstone_slab, brick_slab, cobblestone_slab, nether_brick_slab, petrified_oak_slab, prismarine_slab, prismarine_bricks_slab, dark_prismarine_slab, stone_slab, raft:smooth_stone_slab, stone_brick_slab, sandstone_slab, acacia_slab, birch_slab, dark_oak_slab, jungle_slab, oak_slab, spruce_slab, purpur_slab, quartz_slab, red_sandstone_slab, brick_slab, cobblestone_slab, nether_brick_slab, petrified_oak_slab, prismarine_slab, prismarine_brick_slab, dark_prismarine_slab, polished_granite_slab, smooth_red_sandstone_slab, mossy_stone_brick_slab, polished_diorite_slab, mossy_cobblestone_slab, end_stone_brick_slab, smooth_sandstone_slab, smooth_quartz_slab, granite_slab, andesite_slab, red_nether_brick_slab, polished_andesite_slab, diorite_slab -
small_flowers dandelion, poppy, blue_orchid, allium, azure_bluet, red_tulip, orange_tulip, white_tulip, pink_tulip, oxeye_daisy, cornflower, lily_of_the_valley, wither_rose" -
spruce_logs spruce_log, spruce_wood, stripped_spruce_log, stripped_spruce_wood
  • Used in the 'spruce_planks.json' advancement and recipe files, and the 'logs.json' item tag file.
stairs oak_stairs, cobblestone_stairs, spruce_stairs, sandstone_stairs, acacia_stairs, jungle_stairs, birch_stairs, dark_oak_stairs, nether_brick_stairs, stone_brick_stairs, brick_stairs, purpur_stairs, quartz_stairs, red_sandstone_stairs, prismarine_bricks_stairs, prismarine_stairs, dark_prismarine_stairs, oak_stairs, cobblestone_stairs, spruce_stairs, sandstone_stairs, acacia_stairs, jungle_stairs, birch_stairs, dark_oak_stairs, nether_brick_stairs, stone_brick_stairs, brick_stairs, purpur_stairs, quartz_stairs, red_sandstone_stairs, prismarine_brick_stairs, prismarine_stairs, dark_prismarine_stairs, polished_granite_stairs, smooth_red_sandstone_stairs, mossy_stone_brick_stairs, polished_diorite_stairs, mossy_cobblestone_stairs, end_stone_brick_stairs, stone_stairs, smooth_sandstone_stairs, smooth_quartz_stairs, granite_stairs, andesite_stairs, red_nether_brick_stairs, polished_andesite_stairs, diorite_stairs -
stone_bricks stone_bricks, mossy_stone_bricks, cracked_stone_bricks, chiseled_stone_bricks
  • Used in these 3 advancement files and these 2 recipe files.
trapdoors #minecraft:wooden_trapdoors,minecraft:iron_trapdoor -
walls cobblestone_wall, mossy_cobblestone_wall, brick_wall, prismarine_wall, red_sandstone_wall, mossy_stone_brick_wall, granite_wall, stone_brick_wall, nether_brick_wall ,andesite_wall ,red_nether_brick_wall, sandstone_wall, end_stone_brick_wall, diorite_wall -
wooden_buttons oak_button, spruce_button, birch_button, jungle_button, acacia_button, dark_oak_button
  • Used to check if an item can go in the fuel slot of a furnace and to return a burn time of 100.
  • Used in the 'buttons.json' item tag file.
wooden_doors oak_door, spruce_door, birch_door, jungle_door, acacia_door, dark_oak_door
  • Used to check if an item can go in the fuel slot of a furnace and to return a burn time of 200.
  • Used in the 'doors.json' item tag file.
wooden_pressure_plates oak_pressure_plate, spruce_pressure_plate, birch_pressure_plate, jungle_pressure_plate, acacia_pressure_plate, dark_oak_pressure_plate
  • Used to check if an item can go in the fuel slot of a furnace and to return a burn time of 300.
wooden_slabs oak_slab, spruce_slab, birch_slab, jungle_slab, acacia_slab, dark_oak_slab
  • Used to check if an item can go in the fuel slot of a furnace and to return a burn time of 150.
  • Used in the 'daylight_detector.json' recipe file.
wooden_stairs oak_stairs, spruce_stairs, birch_stairs, jungle_stairs, acacia_stairs, dark_oak_stairs
  • Used to check if an item can go in the fuel slot of a furnace and to return a burn time of 300.
wooden_trapdoors minecraft:acacia_trapdoor, minecraft:birch_trapdoor, minecraft:dark_oak_trapdoor, minecraft:jungle_trapdoor, minecraft:oak_trapdoor, minecraft:spruce_trapdoor -
wool white_wool, orange_wool, magenta_wool, light_blue_wool, yellow_wool, lime_wool, pink_wool, gray_wool, light_gray_wool, cyan_wool, purple_wool, blue_wool, brown_wool, green_wool, red_wool, black_wool
  • Used to check if an item can go in the fuel slot of a furnace and to return a burn time of 100.
  • Used in the 'painting.json' advancement and recipe files.


Java Edition
1.1317w49aAdded tags for blocks and items.
Added the vanilla block and item tags minecraft:planks and minecraft:wool.
17w49bFunction can now be tagged.
Functions tagged in minecraft:tick now run every tick in the beginning of the tick.
Added the vanilla block tag minecraft:flower_pots.
Added the vanilla block and item tags minecraft:buttons, minecraft:carpets, minecraft:doors, minecraft:logs, minecraft:saplings and minecraft:stone_bricks.
17w50aAdded the vanilla block and item tags minecraft:wooden_buttons and minecraft:wooden_doors.
Updated the vanilla block and item tags minecraft:buttons and minecraft:doors to include minecraft:stone_button and minecraft:iron_door respectively.
18w01aFunctions tagged in minecraft:load will now run once after a (re)load.
Added the vanilla block tag minecraft:anvil.
18w02aAdded the vanilla block tag minecraft:enderman_holdable.
18w06aAdded the vanilla block and item tags minecraft:banners, minecraft:wooden_pressure_plates, minecraft:wooden_slabs, and minecraft:wooden_stairs.
Added the vanilla item tag minecraft:boats.
18w07aAdded the vanilla block tags minecraft:slabs, minecraft:stairs and minecraft:water_hacked.
Added the block and item tags minecraft:acacia_logs, minecraft:birch_logs, minecraft:dark_oak_logs, minecraft:jungle_logs, minecraft:oak_logs, and minecraft:spruce_logs
18w07bAdded the block tag minecraft:waterlogged.
Added the block and item tags minecraft:rails and minecraft:sand.
18w09aAdded vanilla block and item tag minecraft:coral.
The minecraft:water_hacked tag now includes chests.
18w10aAdded the block and item tag coral_plants.
The waterlogged block tag now includes coral plants.
18w10cRemoved the block tags water_hacked and waterlogged.
18w19aAdded the block tag leaves, the fluid tags water and lava, and the item tags fishes and leaves.
pre8Added the block tag wall_corals and impermeable.
1.13.118w31aAdded the block tag underwater_bonemeals.
1.1418w43aAdded the block tags minecraft:bamboo_plantable_on, minecraft:dirt_like, minecraft:signs, minecraft:small_flowers, minecraft:standing_signs, minecraft:wall_signs, minecraft:walls.
Modified block tags minecraft:enderman_holdable,minecraft:flower_pots,minecraft:slabs,minecraft:stairs.
Added the entity type tag minecraft:skeletons.
Added the item tags minecraft:music_discs,minecraft:signs,minecraft:small_flowers,minecraft:walls.
Modified item tags minecraft:slabs,minecraft:stairs.
18w44aAdded block and item tag minecraft:beds
1.14.1Pre-Release 1Functions in a tag are now executed in the order they are listed.


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틀:Data packs
