Minecraft Wiki

이스터 에그는 컴퓨터 프로그램, 웹 페이지, 비디오 게임, 텔레비전 프로그램, 영화, 책 등과 같은 작품에 의도적으로 숨겨놓은 메시지, 농담, 기능이다. 마인크래프트는 게임 속에 몇 가지 숨겨진 이스터 에그가 있는 것이 특징이다.



4월 1일에는 많은 거짓말, 농담 기능과 업데이트가 있다. 이러한 것 중 일부인 색유리, 석탄 블록, 과 같은 것은 결국 공식 게임까지 나아갔다.


이 부분의 본문은 잠긴 상자입니다.

Locked Chest

Minecraft store april fool 3

압수 모드의 마인크래프트 "스토어"

잠긴 상자는 2011년 만우절 노치의 농담을 전제로 사용된 자연적으로 생성되는 블록이었다. 상자를 열려고 하면, Steve Co. Supply Crate Key가 필요하고 마인크래프트 상점에서 구매할 수 있다는 메시지가 떴다.

이것은 원래 게임 중에 아이템을 획득할 수 있는 팀 포트리스 2아이템 획득 시스템이다. 획득할 수 있는 아이템 중 하나는 Mann Co. 보급 상자로, 이것을 열려면 스팀 클라이언트에 통합되어 있는 소액결제 시스템인 Mann Co. 스토어에서 구입한 키가 필요하다. GUI에서 사용된 글꼴은 팀 포트리스 2에서 사용되는 글꼴과 같다.

마인크래프트 스토어에는 다음과 같은 다양한 이스터 에그가 있었다.

  • 검토 및 체크아웃(구매) 단추를 누르면 영화 쥬라기 공원의 벨로키랍토르가 화면을 가로질러 날아다니고 큰소리로 으르렁거리는 소리가 난다. 한번 클릭하면, 구매 단추의 이름이 Fiddlesticks!!!1로 변경됐다.
  • 카트에 $10,000이 넘는 아이템을 담으면 "당신은 쉽게 발작이 일어나나요?"라고 묻는 팝업창이 뜬다. 확인을 누르면 화면이 깜빡인다.
    • 그 후, 다음과 같은 팝업창이 뜬다: "발작이 쉽게 일어난다면 취소를 눌러주세요.". 빠르게 변하는 색 번쩍임 때문에, 이것은 소송을 피하기 위한 것처럼 보인다.
  • 벨로키랍토르가 나타나게 하는 스크립트는 다음과 같은 코나미 코드를 참조하고 있다:
// Determine Entrance
if(options.enterOn == 'timer') {
	setTimeout(init, options.delayTime);
} else if(options.enterOn == 'click') {
	_this.bind('click', function(e) {
        if(!locked) {
} else if(options.enterOn == 'konami-code'){
    var kkeys = [], konami = "38,38,40,40,37,39,37,39,66,65";
    $(window).bind("keydown.raptorz", function(e){
        kkeys.push( e.keyCode );
        if ( kkeys.toString().indexOf( konami ) >= 0 ) {
    }, true);


이 부분의 본문은 마인크래프트 2.0입니다.

2013년에 모장은 다양한 YouTube 사용자들에게 진짜가 아닌, 가짜 향후 버전인 프리릴리스를 출시했다.


April fools 2014

마을 주민의 스킨 중 하나이다(당시에는 이 초록색 옷을 입은 마을 주민은 실행되지 않았다).

모장 블로그에 농담으로 게시물이 추가됐다.[1]

마인크래프트 베타 1.9에서 소개되었던 코가 긴 마을 주민들이 지각이 생겼다. 그들은 우리의 스킨 서버 및 콘텐츠 전송 네트워크(CDN)을 가져갔다. 그래서 불행하게도 당신은 문제를 해결할 때까지 스킨을 바꿀 수 없다. 우리는 필사적으로 플러그를 뽑기위해 최선을 다하고 있지만, 우리는 우리의 새 마을 주민 아래에서 봉사하기 위한 준비를 해야한다. 희귀한 일이 우리에게 있을 수 있다.
마인크래프트 팀

게임 속에서, 마을 주민들은 평소와 (프로그래밍된 AI로) 똑같이 행동했지만, 다른 소리를 냈다. 모든 플레이어의 피부는 마을 주민 스킨으로 변경되었고, 마을 주민의 코로 바뀌었다. 모든 플레이어가 마을 주민 스킨을 가졌던 것은 아니다. 스킨은 플레이어에 따라 달랐다. 다른 마을 주민의 소리는 게임의 마을 주민이 아닌 요소로 실행되었다. 모든 소리는 Element Animation의 "T.E.A.V.S.R.P"(The Element Animation Villager Sounds Resource Pack) 음향 효과로 대체되었다. 또한 모장은 마을 주민 음악을 게임에 추가했다. 4월초에 시작하는 새로운 시리즈와 "T.E.A.V.S.R.P"의 원본 예고편이 포함되기 때문에, 타이틀 화면 음악에는 왕좌의 게임 테마 노래의 변형이 포함되어 있다. 또한 Jeb은 마을 사람들이 자신의 트위터 계정을 가지고 있다고 말했다.

스킨은 2014년 4월 2일에 이전 상태로 원래대로 되돌려졌지만, 장치의 날짜를 2014년 4월 1일로 설정하면 다시 이스터 에그를 적용할 수 있다.

Grum은 2014년 4월 1일에 레딧에 마을 주민의 스킨을 발표했다. 기본 스킨을 포함하여 총 7개의 다양한 스킨이 있었다.

새 음악으로 완성된 TEAVSRP 사운드 리소스 팩의 업데이트 버전이 2014년 4월 2일에 Element Animation에 의해 발표되었다.

이후, Element animation은 "이 동영상" – via YouTube을 발표했다.


이 부분의 본문은 15w14a입니다.
파일:April Fools New Items 2015.png

Showing banners, obsidian boat, normal boat, and diamond heart

파일:April Fools 2015 Menu.png

Showing the modified menu screen. Notice that the text reads "Play world" and "Reset world."

1.9가 다음 업데이트로 결정되었을 때, “1.10” 버전의 만우절 농담으로 15w14a가 발표되었다. 이 "업데이트"를 사랑과 포옹 업데이트라고 했다.[2] 또한, 슈퍼 플랫 월드에서 생성되는 눈에 쓰인 QR 코드가 있었다. 이것을 스캔하면, '1.9 The Combat Update'(1.9 전투 업데이트)라고 읽힌다.


이 부분의 본문은 1.RV-Pre1입니다.
파일:Trendy update.png

기술 아이템과 USB 충전기 블록을 보여준다.

1.RV-Pre1은 업데이트 1.RV에 대한 만우절 농담으로 출시되었다. 이 "업데이트"를 트렌디 업데이트(최신 유행 업데이트)라고 한다. [3]


마인 & 크래프트 디지털 레저 장치가 마인크래프트 웹사이트에서 발표되었다.[4]


On October 31, zombies, skeletons, zombie pigmen, and wither skeletons may sometimes wear pumpkins or jack o'lanterns on their heads. These mobs will drop these blocks if killed using a tool enchanted with Looting. This feature was added in version 1.4.2 for Halloween 2012, Halloween 2013, Halloween 2014 and Halloween 2015.

Also, the only splash text shown is "OOoooOOOoooo! Spooky!"


From December 24 – 26, chests, large chests and trapped chests have their textures changed to Xmas chests. This was added in version 1.4.6 for Christmas 2012. A texture known in the game files as "Skis (texture) JE1.png", was also added in 1.4.6 in the same folder as the Xmas chests, however these textures were added by Dinnerbone as a red herring. This was re-added for Christmas 2013,[5] along with a new 'rain' - feature - pigs riding chickens (this is not planned to be fully implemented). This also happened again in 2014 with a new splash reading, "Merry X-Mas".


몇몇 텍스처에는 게임에서 사용되지 않는 공간에 숨겨진 무언가가 있다.


When you open the 1.8 .jar in the Entities Folder, both guardian textures (in an unused space) say "jeb".

Armor stand[]

In the texture for the armor stand, in an unused area in the bottom right, the word "Searge" can be seen in a black box. This is presumably put there as a signature by Searge, the developer that implemented armor stands.

Zombie pigman[]

In an unused area for the zombie pigman texture, the words "THX XAPHOBIA" can be seen. This was written by Notch to give credit and thanks to the original creator of the texture, XaPhobia.[6][7]


이 부분의 본문은 Special splashes입니다.

Never displayed splash[]

Within the "texts" folder, there will be a document labeled "splashes". The document contains all the splashes you see on the title screen. One of them is "This message will never appear on the splash screen, isn't that weird?" However, this splash message displays normally in game.


If one were to delete the file splashes.txt without deleting the META-INF folder first, the splash text on the title screen would switch to missingno. This is a reference to the infamous glitch Pokémon found in the first generation of Pokémon games, MissingNo.

Notch's Birthday[]

파일:Notch b-day.png

On June 1, Notch's Birthday, the only splash that is displayed is "Happy Birthday, Notch!"

This splash was removed as of the 1.8.5 update, since Notch no longer works for Mojang.

Holiday Splashes[]

Various splashes will appear all day on many holidays, like "Happy New Year!" on January 1, and "Merry X-mas!" on Christmas Day. They may change slightly every year.


Easter eggs related to names of mobs or players.

Notch's death[]

When Notch dies in-game, he drops an additional apple along with his inventory.[8] However, it appears that this is no longer the case,[9][10] and it is unknown whether this was intentionally removed.

Upside-down mobs[]

Dinnerbone-twitter Anything with my name in Minecraft is upside down, including myself.

As of 1.6, naming any mob "Dinnerbone" or "Grumm" (first letter must be capitalized) using a name tag or a renamed spawn egg will cause it to turn upside-down. This also can be done by summoning a mob named "Dinnerbone" or "Grumm".

This also allows Dinnerbone and Grumm's avatars to be rendered upside-down, which can be toggled using the "Show cape" button from "Skin Settings".[11] This feature is intended.[12]

In Pocket Edition and Windows 10 Edition if the player names themselves Dinnerbone or Grumm they will be upside down.

Jeb sheep[]

Naming a sheep "jeb_" (must have underscore) using a name tag or a renamed spawn egg will cause it to appear to constantly fade through all colors like a starman from Mario. When sheared using shears, however, the sheep will bear wool of the original color of the sheep and not the color of the wool that the sheep appears to be. For example, when a black sheep is named jeb_ and then changes to the color red, if sheared it will still drop black wool.

"Toast the Bunny"[]

When Ryan Holtz was developing rabbits, user xyzen420 asked him to make a skin that would look like his girlfriend's lost rabbit, Toast. Now, naming a rabbit with a name tag or a rabbit spawn egg called "Toast" will spawn/switch the rabbit's skin to look like Toast as a memorial.

deadmau5's ears[]

With the capes addition, Notch also added ears for the player deadmau5. The ears are "vanity items and are worn in addition to the player's skin", with the texture contained within deadmau5's skin.

deadmau5 cannot disable his ears, as a translucent part of the skin is automatically converted into a black color. His name tag is also programmed to render ten pixels higher to render above the ears.

The ears are set to show up based on the username, rather than the UUID of the player, meaning that if deadmau5 were to change his name, he would not keep his ears.


If a vindicator is named Johnny or has its Johnny tag set to 1b they will attack any nearby mobs, with the exception of other illagers. This references the movie "The Shining".

Console tutorial world[]

이 부분의 본문은 Console Edition tutorial입니다.

Tower of Pimps[]

Information icon
이 기능은 Legacy Console Edition 전용입니다. 
Tower of Pimps
Tower of Pimps
생물 군계


구성 아이템
맵 생성후
생성 여부


In the old Legacy Console Edition TU12-TU13 Tutorial World, at the Sandstone Pyramid, go to the top floor. There are four blocks of gold on top of a block of Obsidian, which is the "Tower of Pimps". The "Tower of Pimps" was created by Gavin Free of Achievement Hunter in their video "Let's Play Minecraft Part 2 - On a Rail!" and has become a symbol of the group's Let's Play Minecraft series, mainly as a trophy of their competitions in their Achievement City world within Xbox 360 Edition and Java Edition.[13]

Stampylonghead reference[]

In the old Console Edition TU19/CU7/1.12 Tutorial World there was an island in the north east side of the world and it had a remake of stampy's house along with his boat, the S.S. Stumpy[14].

Additionally, the boat was seen in the trailer for Console Edition TU19/CU7.[15]

Java Launcher[]

파일:Easter Egg Launcher.png

This image shows both easter eggs!

On the new Minecraft Java edition launcher there are two easter eggs. The first one can be discovered by hovering your cursor over the "Play" button. This causes a random mob to appear in the bottom right corner of the launcher. The other easter egg can be found in the top left corner of the launcher. If you look closely, you will see a creeper face. Also, there is about a 111 chance of getting a shrugging face instead of a creeper face. When you click on the faces, they will light up.



debug-profile results[]

Debug profile results (triggered via /debug) contain witty comments at the top, much like with crash reports.

  • Shiny numbers!
  • Am I not running fast enough? :(
  • I'm working as hard as I can!
  • Will I ever be good enough for you? :(
  • Speedy. Zooooom!
  • Hello world
  • 40% better than a crash report.
  • Now with extra numbers
  • Now with less numbers
  • Now with the same numbers
  • You should add flames to things, it makes them go faster!
  • Do you feel the need for... optimization?
  • *cracks redstone whip*
  • Maybe if you treated it better then it'll have more motivation to work faster! Poor server.



이 부분의 본문은 Menu screen § Minceraft입니다.

There is a 0.01% chance that the title screen will display "Minceraft" instead of "Minecraft". The beginning of crash logs can have the phrase "You should try our sister game, Minceraft!", too.

Someone is closing me![]

The launcher also has an easter egg. if you have a look at the game output launcher tab after an unexpected crash, the second last line of text says "Someone is closing me!"

파일:Someone Closed Me.png

The "Someone is closing me!" Easter Egg.

Enchanting symbols[]

The enchanting symbols shown on the enchantment selection contain random words using the standard galactic alphabet.

Standard Galactic Alphabet

Disc 11[]

When the ogg for music disc 11 is converted to wave and run through a spectrogram, an image is created. Several theories for this image exist, but the most popular is that the image depicts the default player head and C418's autograph. There's rumors about the face shown in the spectrogram; some people say that this "face" is that of Herobrine. C is the hexadecimal of 12, so 12418 is actually C418.

Cave sound 14[]

When Ambient sound 14 is put into a spectrogram, it appears to be a creeper face.

Sound14 spectrogram

The Killer Bunny[]

The Killer Bunny is a variant of the rabbit that is hostile to all players. This is a reference to The Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. It can only be spawned using commands.

"Super Secret" settings[]

In snapshot 13w36a for 1.7.2, Dinnerbone added a Super Secret Settings button, which could be viewed in the options screen. Clicking it would blare a random game sound with a lower pitch, and change the shader of the screen. These effects would not necessarily work on computers without a graphics card that supported OpenGL 2.1. This was removed in snapshot 15w31a for 1.9.

Crash Screens[]

이 부분의 본문은 Crash § Witty comments입니다.

When the game runs into a fatal error and crashes the crash log will also include a "message" such as "Hi. I'm Minecraft, and I'm a crashaholic.", "Somebody set us up the TNT.", or "You should try our sister game, Minceraft!". The latter references another easter egg.

Item and Block NBT Tags[]

If one were to use /give to give themselves an item that can mine a non-existent block ID (Any invalid block ID that is not in the game) the text will simply display "missingno". This is a reference to the infamous glitch Pokémon of the very same name found in the first generation of Pokémon games.

Mojang Banner[]

A Mojang Banner can be crafted using an enchanted golden apple, a banner, and any dye. It has the Mojang symbol on the front of the banner and is labeled "Thing" in the inventory (e.g. "Cyan Thing" "Green Thing" etc.).

Scottish Steve and Swedish Alex[]

In Minecraft Console Edition, in the Default Skin Pack the Scottish Steve and Swedish Alex Skins are references to the locations of the companies developing the game. 4J Studios is located in Scotland and Mojang is located in Sweden.

Command blocks[]

Command blocks have various Easter eggs with messages being added to the previous output.


Running "Searge" as the command in the command block without a preceding "/" will now set the previous output to "#itzlipofutzli". This Easter egg is case insensitive.

Searge says[]

If the command /help is run via command block, it gives various messages prefixed with "Searge says: " as the previous output when activated. The following messages exist:

  • "Yolo"
  • "/achievement take achievement.understandCommands @p"
  • "Ask for help on twitter"
  • "/deop @p"
  • "Scoreboard deleted, commands blocked"
  • "Contact helpdesk for help"
  • "/testfornoob @p"
  • "/trigger warning"
  • "Oh my god, it's full of stats"
  • "/kill @p[name=!Searge]"
  • "Have you tried turning it off and on again?"
  • "Sorry, no help today".


There are three joke languages available at the language menu, Pirate Speak, Lolcat, and ɥsᴉlƃuƎ (ʞ∩). Currently, ɥsᴉlƃuƎ (ʞ∩) actually changes words from English (Australia). This is because Australia is on the other side of the planet to the UK, thus causing them to be 'upside down'.

Minecraft is also translated into tlhIngan Hol, the Klingon language from Star Trek, and Quenya, the Elvish language from Lord of the Rings.

If you search "excitedze" in the Recipe book, your language switches to Pirate Speak.

References to other franchises[]


The achievement for crafting a cake is called "The Lie" in reference to the phrase "The cake is a lie!" from the popular Valve game Portal.

Super Mario 64[]

The Elytra's behavior, Tommaso tweets, "is like super mario 64" in reference to the wing cap.

2001: A Space Odyssey[]

Using /help in a command block displays one of a few joke messages. The 2001 A Space Odyssey quote "Oh my god it's full of stars" is referenced. In the witty comments, there are two other quotes, "I'm sorry, Dave." and "Quite honestly, I wouldn't worry myself about that."

The IT Crowd[]

Using /help in a command block displays one of a few joke messages. The famous IT Crowd catchphrase "Have you tried turning it off and on again?" is one of the messages.[검증 필요]

Age of Empires[]

If an evoker sees a blue sheep, it will turn the sheep into a red sheep while uttering "wololo". This is a reference to the Priest unit from the Age of Empires real-time strategy game series, which would utter "wololo" while converting enemy units to their own side, changing their color. The evoker specifically uses the sound sample from the 1999 title Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings.[16][17]

참조 링크[]
