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명령어 는 어떠한 글자로 된 문자열을 입력함으로써 실행되는 고급 기능이다.


보통 마인크래프트에서 명령어는 T키(기본)나 /키로 열 수 있는 마인크래프트 채팅창을 통해 입력할 수 있다. /키는 채팅창을 연 다음 명령어를 입력할 때 앞에 붙는 슬래쉬(/)를 자동으로 붙여주어 유용한 단축키로 사용된다. 명령어를 입력하는 도중 Tab ↹키를 누르면 사용 가능한 명령어나 인수를 띄워준다.

명령어는 멀티플레이 서버 콘솔에도 입력할 수 있는데, 채팅창과는 달리 /가 있으면 명령이 수행되지 않는다. 명령 블록에서는 /가 있으면 명령이 수행되긴 하지만, 필요하지는 않다. 커맨드 블록에 쓰이는 명령어는 명령어 뒤에 인수가 필요할 때가 있는데, 보통 플레이어의 닉네임이 쓰인다.

대다수의 명령어들은 다음과 같은 상황에서만 수행된다.

  • 마인크래프트 멀티플레이 서버에서, 관리자(operator)나 명령 블록에 의해
  • 멀티플레이에서 치트가 활성화된 LAN 게임 안에서나 서버 관리자에 의해
  • 싱글플레이에서 세계를 생성할 때 치트가 활성화되어 있을 때(치트 활성화는 '고급 세계 옵션...'을 통해 설정이 가능하다)

소수의 채팅 명령어들은 치트가 비활성화된 싱글플레이에 게임 내에서도 사용 가능하다.

읽어보세요: 생성할 때 치트가 비활성화된 싱글플레이 게임에서는 그 세계를 LAN서버로 열어 플레이할 때 일시적으로 활성화될 수 있다( Esc → 'LAN 서버 열기' → '치트 허용: 꺼짐' 버튼을 눌러 '치트 허용: 켜짐'으로 바꿈 → 'LAN 세계 시작' ). 꼭 다른 플레이어들이 서버에 들어와야 할 필요는 없다. 영구적이지는 않지만, 게임을 나갈 때까지 명령어를 사용할 수 있고 명령어를 통해 만든 것들(아이템 스폰 등)을 세계와 함께 저장할 수 있다. 세계를 플레이할 때마다 이 방법을 쓸 수 있다. LAN서버가 열리면 게임 메뉴를 열 때 작동되던 게임 일시정지 기능이 없어지게 되므로 유의해야 한다. 즉, LAN서버에서 게임 메뉴를 열면 도중에 몹들의 공격을 받는 등 플레이어 조종을 못하는 위험이 있기 때문이다. 따라서 LAN서버에서는 게임 메뉴를 열기 전에 안전한 곳으로 가거나, 정 안심이 되지 않으면 세계를 다시 불러와야 한다. 세계를 다시 불러오면 LAN 서버가 꺼지므로 게임 일시정지 기능이 살아난다.

만약 영구적으로 치트를 사용해야 한다면(또는 일시적으로 치트를 쓰다가 꺼야 할 때)는 level.dat를 수정해야 한다.

아래 과정을 진행해야 한다.

  1. 여기를 눌러 webNBT를 연다.
  2. ⊞ Windows + R을 누른다.
  3. %appdata%를 입력한다.
  4. .minecraft -> saves -> 월드 이름과 이름이 같은 폴더를 순서대로 더블클릭한다.
  5. level.dat를 webNBT 창에 끌어넣는다.
  6. Data를 확장하고 allowCommands를 찾는다.
  7. allowCommands를 더블클릭해서 1로 바꾼다

목표 선정 인자

플레이어가 인수로 지정될 수 있는 대다수의 명령어들은, 플레이어 이름(닉네임)으로 인수를 지정하는 것 외에 해당 조건을 만족시키는 한 명 또는 여러 명의 플레이어들을 "목표 선정"하여 인수로 지정할 수 있다. 조건을 통해 플레이어들을 목표 선정하려면 하나의 목표 선정 인자 변수를 선택하는데, 목표 선정 인자 인수를 설정하여 조건을 만족시키도록 수정해야 하는 선택적인 절차가 뒤따를 수 있다.

예를 들어, Red팀에 있는 모든 플레이어들의 게임 모드를 크리에이티브 모드로 바꾸려면, 플레이어들의 이름(닉네임)을 입력하는 것 대신에 다음과 같이 입력할 수도 있다. /gamemode creative @a[team=Red]

목표 선정 인자 변수

목표 선정 인자 변수 요약
변수 기능
@p 가장 가까운 플레이어
@r 무작위 플레이어
@a 모든 플레이어
@e 모든 개체

목표 선정 인자 변수는 설정할 목표의 폭넓은 범주를 찾는다. 다음 세 가지의 변수가 있다.

목표로 가장 가까운 플레이어를 선정한다.
명령을 실행하는 계체를 대상으로 지정한다.
목표로 무작위의 플레이어를 선정한다.
목표로 모든 플레이어들을 선정한다.

목표 선정 인자 변수들은 서로 작용할 수도 있고, 더 나아가 목표 선정 인자 인수와 함께 범위가 수정될 수도 있다.

다음은 스냅숏 버전에서는 발견되었지만 풀 버전에서는 아직 발견되지 않은 목표 선정 인자 변수이다.

목표로 블록 외의 모든 요소(개체)를 선정한다(플레이어 포함).

목표 선정 인자 인수

목표 선정 인자 인수 요약
인수 설정 기준
x, y, z 좌표
r, rm 반지름 (최대, 최소)
dx, dy, dz 공간 범위
score_이름 최대 점수
score_이름_min 최소 점수
tag 점수판 태그
team 팀 이름
m 게임모드
l, lm 경험치 (최대, 최소)
name 이름
rx, rxm 수직 회전 각도 (최대, 최소)
ry, rym 수평 회전 각도 (최대, 최소)
type 타입

목표 선정 인자 변수를 쓴 다음, 목표 선정 인자 인수를 써서 선택된 일련의 목표들을 수정할 수 있다. @a 또는 @e를 썼을 때, 그에 따른 인수는 모든 목표물 중에 특정한 목표만을 추려내어 그 수를 줄인다. @p 또는 @r을 썼을 때, 그에 따른 인수는 모든 목표물 중에 가까이 있거나 무작위 플레이어를 선정하고 추려내어 그 수를 줄인다.

아래 보기에서 목표 선정 인자 변수 앞에 있는 꺾쇠괄호 안에 쉼표(',')로 분리된 곳에 인수를 입력해 넣으면 된다.

@<목표 선정 인자 변수>[<인수>=<>,<인수>=<>,…].

등호('=')나 쉼표(',') 주변에는 띄어쓰기를 할 수 없으며, 오직 쉼표(',')만 인수와 인수 사이를 구별하게 한다.

좌표로 목표 선정하기
그 좌표에 있는 목표물만 선정한다(분수 제외).
반지름으로 목표 선정하기
명령이 수행된 곳으로부터 r에 주어진 반지름만큼의 거리 안에, rm에 주어진 반지름만큼의 거리 밖에 있는 목표물만을 선정한다. r은 반지름의 최댓값을, rm은 반지름의 최솟값을 가진다. 두 개 다 사용하지 않고도 하나만 사용이 가능한데, 이 경우에 각각 r반지름 안에 있는 목표물을, rm반지름 밖에 있는 목표물을 선정한다.
좌표와 반지름이 둘 다 주어졌을 경우에는 명령이 수행된 곳이 아닌 주어진 좌표가 반지름의 시작점이 된다. 엄청나게 먼 좌표와 엄청나게 큰 반지름을 사용하면 이때 만들어지는 원의 호(弧)가 거의 직선에 가깝게 만들어진다.
숫자로 구성된 다수의 인수값들이 (네 개의 수까지) 인수가 지정되지 않은 채 입력되면, 그 네 개의 수는 순서대로 x좌표, y좌표, z좌표, 반지름으로 인수가 자동으로 지정된다. 즉, 다음 두 명령어는 서로 같다.
/gamemode creative @a[10,20,30,4]
/gamemode creative @a[x=10,y=20,z=30,r=4]
게임모드로 목표 선정하기
특정 게임모드인 목표물만을 선정한다. 다음은 게임모드에 입력이 가능한 값들이다.
  • -1: 모든 게임모드
  • 0: 서바이벌 모드
  • 1: 크리에이티브 모드
  • 2: 어드벤쳐 모드
  • 3: 관전 모드
수로 목표 선정하기
특정 수의 목표물만을 선정한다. @p 또는 @r을 사용할 경우, 이 인수는 기본적으로 값이 1이 된다. 따라서 이보다 더 높은 수를 입력하면 목표물을 선정하여 그 값을 반환하는 횟수를 늘린다. 음수를 입력할 경우 명령 수행을 반대로 한다.(예를 들어, @p[c=-3]을 입력하면 가장 멀리 있는 세 목표물들을 반환한다). 좌표를 제시하지 않고 입력할 경우에는 생성된 순서대로 목표를 선정한다. (예를 들어, c=1을 입력하면 가장 먼저 생성된 목표물을 선정하고, c=-3을 입력하면 가장 나중에 생성된 목표물 세 개를 선정한다.
경험치로 목표 선정하기
경험치보다 적거나 같은 양의 레벨를 가진 목표물만을 선정한다.
경험치보다 많거나 같은 양의 레벨를 가진 목표물만을 선정한다.
점수로 목표 선정하기
목표 이름의 점수가 점수보다 높지 않은 목표물만을 선정한다.
목표 이름의 점수가 점수보다 높은 목표물만을 선정한다.
팀으로 목표 선정하기
에 있는 목표물만을 선정한다.
에 있지 않은 목표물만을 선정한다.
이름으로 목표 선정하기
닉네임이 이름인 목표물만을 선정한다..
닉네임이 이름아닌 목표물만을 선정한다.
공간 범위로 목표 선정하기
커맨드 실행 위치에서 X축으로(동쪽으로) DX만큼, Y축으로(위쪽으로) DY만큼, Z축으로(남쪽으로) DZ만큼의 공간 안의 목표물만을 선정한다. 모든 수치는 양수여야하며 x, y, 그리고 z 로 특정 좌표를 지정하면 커맨드 실행 위치가 아닌 지정된 좌표를 북서쪽 아래 코너로 하여 공간를 산정한다.(dx, dy, 그리고 dz는 여전히 위치로부터의 거리를 나타내며 특정 좌표를 지정하는 것이 아니다.
반지름 범위 선정과 조합이 가능하며, 이 경우 두 범위가 겹치는 범위만을 선정한다. (공간의 북서쪽 아래부터 지정된 반지름 범위를 포함하며, 지정된 공간의 바깥쪽은 포함하지 않는다.)
수직 회전 각도로 목표 선정하기
[rx=RX] — 수직 회전 각도가 RX 이하인 목표만 선정한다.
[rxm=RXM] — 수직 회전 각도가 RXM 이상인 목표만 선정한다.
수직 회전 각도의 범위는 수직으로 위를 볼 때 -90.0부터 수직으로 아래를 볼 때 90.0까지이다(따라서 각도가 아래를 향할수록 수치는 증가한다.).
수평 회전 각도로 목표 선정하기
[ry=RY] — 수평 회전 각도가 RY 이하인 목표만 선정한다.
[rym=RYM] — 수평 회전 각도가 RYM 이상인 목표만 선정한다.
수평 회전 각도의 범위는 -180.0 (북쪽)부터 -90.0 (동쪽), to 0.0 (남쪽), 90.0 (서쪽)를 거쳐 다시 -180.0이 되기 직전 179.9까지이다 (따라서 수평 각도는 오른쪽으로 회전, 다시 말해 위에서 볼 때 시계 방향으로 회전하면 증가한다.).
타입으로 목표 선정하기
[type=타입] — 오직 지정된 타입의 개체만 선정한다.
[type=!타입] — 오직 지정된 타입 이외의 개체만 선정한다.
타입은 반드시 개체의 타입을 인식할 수 있는 내부적인 개체 ID이어야 한다 (예를 들어, 크리퍼를 지정하려면 creeper, 광산 수레를 지정하려면 minecart, 점화된 TNT를 지정하려면 tnt, 등.). 개체 ID는 대소문자를 구별하며 유효하지 않은 개체 ID는 명령어가 작동하지 않게 만든다.
@r와 함께 사용하면, 오로지 플레이어만 지정하던 것이 다른 개체도 포함하게 된다.

명령어 요약

명령어 요약
명령어 설명 Op 전용(Op 레벨) MP 전용 블록 개체 플레이어 세계
/achievement 플레이어에게 업적을 달성시킨다. 2 플레이어
/ban 플레이어를 밴 리스트에 추가한다. 3 MP 플레이어
/ban-ip 플레이어의 IP를 밴 리스트에 추가한다. 3 MP 플레이어
/banlist 밴 리스트를 표시한다. 3 MP 플레이어
/blockdata 블록의 데이터 태그를 수정한다. 2 블록
/clear 플레이어의 보관함을 비운다. 2 플레이어
/clone 한 장소의 블록들을 다른 장소로 복사한다. 2 블록
/debug 디버그 모드를 시작 혹은 중단한다. 3
/defaultgamemode 게임 모드의 기본값을 설정한다. 3 세계
/deop 플레이어로부터 오퍼레이터 권한을 제거한다. 3 MP 플레이어
/difficulty 난이도를 설정한다. 2 플레이어
/effect 효과를 부여하거나 제거한다. 2 개체 플레이어
/enchant 플레이어의 아이템에 인챈트한다. 2 플레이어
/entitydata 개체의 데이터 태그를 수정한다. 2 개체
/execute 다른 명령어를 실행한다. 2
/fill 지정된 범위를 지정된 블록으로 채운다. 2 블록
/function reload 명령어로 불러온 함수를 실행한다. 2 플레이어
/gamemode 플레이어의 게임 모드를 변경한다. 2 플레이어
/gamerule 게임 규칙을 설정하거나 변경한다 2 세계
/give 플레이어에게 아이템을 준다. 2 플레이어
/help 명령어 도움말을 표시한다 0
/kick 플레이어를 서버에서 강제 퇴장시킨다. 3 MP 플레이어
/kill 개체들을 죽인다 2 개체 플레이어
/list 서버의 플레이어 리스트를 표시한다. 0 MP 플레이어
/me 자신한태 메시지를 보낸다. 0 플레이어
/op 플레이어에게 오피 권한을 부여한다. 3 MP 플레이어
/pardon 플레이어를 벤 목록에서 지운다. 3 MP 플레이어
/particle 입자를 생성한다. 2 플레이어
/playsound 소리를 재생한다. 2 플레이어
/publish 싱글 플레이 세계를 로컬 네트워크에 개방한다. 4 세계
/replaceitem 소지품창의 아이템을 치환한다. 2 블록 개체 플레이어
/reload 함수 파일을 어떠한 파일로 부터 로드한다. 2 플레이어
/save-all 디스크에 서버를 저장한다. 4 MP 세계
/save-off 자동 서버 저장을 끈다. 4 MP 세계
/save-on 자동 서버 저장을 켠다. 4 MP 세계
/say 다수의 플레이어에게 메시지를 표시한다. 2
/scoreboard 목표, 플레이어, 팀을 설정한다. 2 개체 플레이어
/seed 세계 시드를 표시한다. 2 세계
/setblock 특정 블록을 다른 블록으로 교체한다. 2 블록
/setidletimeout 오랫동안 정지한 플레이어를 강제 퇴장시킨다. 3 MP 플레이어
/setworldspawn 세계 스폰 지점을 설정한다. 2
/spawnpoint 플레이어의 스폰 지점을 설정한다. 2 플레이어
/spreadplayers 개체를 팀별로 산개시킨다. 2 개체 플레이어
/stats Update objectives from command results. 2 블록 개체 플레이어
/stop 서버를 중지한다. 4 MP 세계
/summon 개체를 소환한다 2 개체
/tell 다른 플레이어에게 프라이빗 메시지를 보낸다. 0 플레이어
/tellraw 플레이어에게 JSON 메시지를 표시한다. 2 플레이어
/testfor Counts entities matching specified conditions. 2 개체 플레이어
/testforblock 특정 위치에 있는 블록을 검사한다. 2 블록
/testforblocks 두 지역의 블록들이 일치하는지 검사한다. 2 블록
/time 세계의 시간을 바꾸거나 확인한다. 2 세계
/title 화면 제목을 편집한다. 2 플레이어
/toggledownfall 날씨를 바꾼다. 2 세계
/tp 개체를 순간이동시킨다. 2 개체 플레이어
/trigger Sets a trigger to be activated. 0 플레이어
/weather 날씨를 설정한다. 2 세계
/whitelist 서버의 화이트리스트를 편집한다. 3 MP 플레이어
/worldborder 세계 경계선을 편집한다. 2 세계
/xp 플레이어의 경험치를 추가하거나 제거한다. 2 플레이어

명령어 목록 (이 문서는 편집 중임.)

이런 글자라면 이런 뜻임.
일반 글자 표시된 그대로의 값을 입력한다.
기울여진 글자 알맞은 값으로 변경한다.
<삼각형 괄호> 필수로 입력해야 한다.
[사각형 괄호] 꼭 입력하지 않아도 된다.

표시된 값들 중, 하나를 선택한다.

값들은 | 로 구분된다.

값1 … 값들을 띄어쓰기로 구분할 수 있다.
성공 조건
어떤 명령어의 성공 조건이 다 만족되어야 "성공적인" 명령어라고 게임이 받아들인다. 이러한 것은 다양한 조건을 설정히는 데에 사용된다. 예를 들면, 명령 블록에서 비교를 하는 레드스톤 비교기의 출력 결과가 있다. 항상 모든 "성공적인" 명령이 항상 무언가를 하거나 모든 "실패한" 명령어들이 유용한 것을 하지 않는 것은 아닌 점에 유의하라.
명령어 제한
명령어를 사용할 수 있는 사람과, 어떠한 상황에서 사용이 가능한지 설명한다.
  • None: 누구나 사용할 수 있는 명령어이다. 누구나 사용할 수 있는 명령어 목록은 /help,/me,/tell,/trigger이다.
  • 관리자(OP): 관리자만 사용할 수 있거나, 싱글플레이에서 "치트 허용" 상태에서만 사용할 수 있다.
멀티플레이에서는 타겟셀렉터를 지원하지 않는다.
멀티플레이 명령어들은 명령 블록에서 사용할 수 없다.
다수의 멀티플레이 명령어들은 서버에 들어오지 않아도 작동한다.
  • 명령 블록 사용불가: 명령 블록에서 사용할 수 없는 명령어이다.


필요 등급


처음 출시

1.7.2 (13w36a)

플레이어에게 업적을 주거나 통계를 증가시킵니다.

achievement <give|take> <대상> <조건> <발전 과제> [criterion]
<조건>에 들어갈 수 있는 항목
  • only : 해당 발전과제만
  • until : 해당 발전과제 이전의 발전과제 모두
  • * to represent all achievements
player (선택적)
플레이어 이름 또는 target selector여야만 함. If not specified, defaults to the command's executor. 커멘드 블록에서는 선택적이 아님.
Fails if the arguments aren't specified correctly, or if player fails to resolve to one or more online players.
On success, grants or removes the specified achievement(s) (and all prerequisite achievements) to the player(s) or increases/decreases the specified statistic of the player(s) by 1.
To grant the "Overkill" achievement to yourself: achievement give achievement.overkill
To grant the "Taking Inventory" achievement to Alice: achievement give achievement.openInventory Alice
To increase the "Mob Kills" statistic by 1 for the nearest player: achievement give stat.mobKills @p
To remove all achievements from all players: achievement take * @a


이 커멘드는 서버의 밴리스트나 블랙리스트를 관리한다. 블랙리스트란 서버에 들어올 수 없는 플레이어나 IP 주소를 말한다. 밴은 화이트리스트를 덮어씌운다.


함께 보기: /whitelist
필요 등급

명령 블록 사용 불가능

처음 출시

Alpha 1.0.16

플레이어를 블랙리스트에 추가한다

ban <name> [reason …]
플레이어의 닉네임. 그 플레이어가 온라인이 아니더라도 가능하며 실제 플레이어가 아니라도 가능하다.
밴과 함께 뜨는 텍스트, 다른 op [1]들에게와 서버로그에 저장된다.
항상 성공. 플레이어 이름은 블랙리스트에 추가되고, 그 닉네임을 가진 플레이어가 서버에 들어오지 못하게 막는다.


필요 등급

명령 블록 사용 불가능

처음 출시

Alpha 1.0.16

IP주소를 블랙리스트에 추가한다.

ban-ip <address|name> [reason …]
IP 주소 또는 플레이어 이름은 온라인인 플레이어에게만 적용된다.
밴과 함께 뜨는 텍스트, 다른 op [2] 들에게와 서버로그에 저장된다.
address|name이 올바른 IP 또는 플레이어 이름이 아닌 경우 실패함
성공한 경우, IP 주소(온라인인 플레이어, 또는 명시된 IP 주소)가 서버 블랙 리스트에 추가되고, 그 주소를 이용하여 서버에 들어오지 못하게 막는다.


필요 등급

명령 블록 사용 불가능

처음 출시

Alpha 1.0.16

서버의 블랙리스트를 보여준다.

banlist ips
banlist players
항상 성공. 차단된 IP나 플레이어를 보여준다.


필요 등급


처음 출시

1.8 (14w02a)

블록의 데이터 태그를 바꾼다.

blockdata <x> <y> <z> <dataTag>
x y z(좌표)
바뀔 블록의 좌표를 나타낸다. 명령어의 실행에 대한 상대적인 위치를 나타내기 위해 notation|tilde notation 을 사용할 수도 있다.
dataTag(데이터 태그)
특정 블록에서 추가할, 또는 덮어씌울 NBT 데이터를 나타낸다. 이 태그는 복합 태그이여야 한다. 예시: {CustomName:Fred}
독립 변수가 제대로 입력되지 않으면 실패한다.
성공 시에는, 특정 블록의 데이터 태그를 바꾼다.
(0, 64, 0)위치에 있는 신호기의 1차 파워를 [3] 으로바꾸려면:
blockdata 0 64 0 {Primary:3}
같이 보기


필요 등급


처음 출시

1.4.2 (12w37a)

플레이어 보관함을 지운다.

clear [플레이어] [아이템 이름] [수량]
플레이어 이름 또는 selectors|target selector 여야만 함. 만약에 명시되지 않았다면, 실행을 한 플레이어에게 실행함. 명령 블록에서는 선택적이 아님.
지워지는 values|id 을 명시한다. 명시하지 않은 경우 모든 아이템이 지워짐.
삭제될 아이템의 values|data value 를 명시함. 만약 명시되지 않았거나 -1일 경우, 데이터에 상관없이 item을 만족하는 모든 아이템이 지워짐.
Specifies the maximum number of items to be cleared. If not specified, or if-1, all items that matchitemanddataare cleared. If0, does not clear items, but returns successfully if there were items that could have been cleared (allowing detection of items rather than clearing of items).
dataTag(선택적)(데이터 태그)
Specifies the data tags of the item to be cleared (only items matching the specified data tags will be cleared — data tags not specified will not be considered). Must be a compound tag|NBT tag(for example,{display:{Name:Fred}}).
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, ifplayerfails to resolve to one or more online players, or if no items are removed (except whenmaxCountis0)
성공한 경우 플레이어(들)의 명시된 아이템들이 지워짐.
To clear your entire inventory:clear
Alice의 보관함을 지우려는 경우:clear Alice
Alice의 보관함에서 양털을 모두 지우려는 경우:clear Alice minecraft:wool
Alice의 보관함에서 주황색 양털을 모두 지우려는 경우:clear @a minecraft:wool 1
To clear all golden swords with the "Sharpness I" enchantment from the nearest player, regardless of their damage value:
clear @p minecraft:golden_sword -1 -1 {ench:[{id:16s,lvl:1s}]}
같이 보기
/blockdata— can change or remove items in block inventories
/entitydata— can change or remove items in entity inventories
/give— give items to player
/kill— can destroy item entities
/replaceitem— can replace items in block or entity inventories


필요 등급


처음 출시

1.8 (14w03a)

한 지역에서 다른 지역으로 블록을 복제한다.

clone<x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> <x> <y> <z>[maskMode] [cloneMode] [TileName]
Color added to make reading easier. The in-game help for the clone command does not list the final argument —TileNameis a placeholder name for the purpose of discussion.
x1 y1 z1 and x2 y2 z2
Specifies the coordinates of two opposing corner blocks of the source region. May use notation|tilde notationto specify distances relative to the command's execution
The blocks that make up the corners extend in the positive direction from the coordinates used to identify them. Because of this, the lesser coordinates of each axis will be right on the region boundary, but the greater coordinates will be one block from the boundary, and the block volume of the source region will be (xgreater- xlesser+ 1) × (ygreater- ylesser+ 1) × (zgreater- zlesser+ 1). For example,0 0 0 0 0 0has a 1-block volume, and0 0 0 1 1 1and1 1 1 0 0 0both identify the same region with an 8-block volume.
x y z
Specifies the lower northwest corner (i.e., the smallest coordinates of each axis) of the destination region. May use notation|tilde notationto specify a distance relative to the command's execution.
Specifies whether to filter the blocks being cloned. Must be one of the following:
  • filtered— Clone only blocks with the block id specified by TileName.
  • masked— 공기가 아닌 블럭만 복제한다. Blocks in the destination region that would otherwise be overwritten by air are left unmodified.
  • replace— 모든 블럭을 복제한다. 시작 지점 부터 끝 지점 까지의 모든 블럭을 덮어쓴다.
If left unspecified, defaults toreplace.
Specifies how to treat the source region. Must be one of the following:
  • force— Force the clone even if the source and destination regions overlap.
  • move— Clone the source region to the destination region, then replace the source region with air. When used in filtered mask mode, only the cloned blocks will be replaced with air.
  • normal— Don't move or force.
If left unspecified, defaults tonormal.
Specifies the block id (e.g.,minecraft:stone) to copy whenmaskModeis set tofiltered. Not optional when usingfilteredmode.
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, if the block volume of the source region is greater than 32768 (enough for the equivalent of eight chunk sections), if the source and destination region overlap (unless using force clone mode), or if one or both regions isn't currently rendered.
성공한 경우, overwrites blocks in the destination region with blocks from the source region, leaving the source region unmodified (unless using move clone mode).
같이 보기
/fill— fill a region with a block


필요 등급

명령 블록 사용 불가능

처음 출시

1.3.1 (12w27a)

디버깅 세션을 시작하거나 중지한다.

debug <start|stop>
Starts a new debug profiling session.
Stops the active debug profiling session.
하나가 실행 중일 때 시작하려는 경우, 실행된 것이 없을 때 중지하려는 경우에 실패함.
성공한 경우, 디버깅 세션을 시작하거나 중지함. 실행 중일 때, includes notifications about potential performance bottlenecks in the console. 정지할 때, creates a profiler results file in the folder "debug".


필요 등급


처음 출시

1.3.1 (12w22a)

멀티플레이어 서버에 새로 들어오는 플레이어들의 기본게임 모드(크리에이티브, 서바이벌 등)게임 모드를 설정한다.

defaultgamemode <mode>
새 플레이어들의 게임모드를 설정한다. 다음 중 하나여야 한다.:

인수가 제대로 명시되지 않은 경우 실패함.
성공하면 월드 선택 메뉴에 표시된 기본 게임 모드를 설정한다. 새로운 플레이어는 기본 게임모드로 들어간다.
기본 게임 모드를 서바이벌로 하려는 경우:defaultgamemode survival,defaultgamemode s, 또는defaultgamemode 0
같이 보기
/gamemode– 플레이어의 게임 모드를 전환


필요 등급

명령 블록 사용 불가능

처음 출시

Alpha 1.0.16

Revoke [4]status from a player.

deop <player>
명시된 플레이어를 관리자 명단에서 제거한다. May be either a player name or a target selector, but target selectors will not evaluate; only actual player names will produce a useful result.
Always succeeds if restrictions are satisfied. 만약 player가 관리자 명단에 있다면, 그 이름은 관리자 명단에서 지워지게 되고 그 플레이어는 더 이상 관리자가 아니다.
관리자 명단에서 Alice를 제거하려는 경우:deop Alice


필요 등급


처음 출시

1.4.2 (12w32a)

난이도를 설정한다.(평화로움, 쉬움 등).

difficulty <difficulty>
새 난이도를 명시한다. 다음 중 하나여야 한다:
  • peaceful(por0로도 가능) 은 평화로움난이도
  • easy(eor1로도 가능) 은 쉬움난이도
  • normal(nor2로도 가능) 은 보통난이도
  • hard(hor3로도 가능) 은 어려움난이도
인수가 제대로 명시되지 않은 경우 실패한다.
성공한 경우, 게임의 난이도를 전환한다. On a multiplayer server lasts only until the server is restarted — on restart, difficulty is reloaded from server.properties.
난이도를 어려움으로 바꾸려는 경우:difficulty hard,difficulty h, 또는difficulty 3
같이 보기
/gamemode– 플레이어의 게임 모드를 전환한다.(크리에이티브, 서바이벌 등)


필요 등급


처음 출시

1.5 (13w09b)

Theeffectcommand manages effect|status effectson players and other entities.

effect <player> clear(모든 효과를 없앤다)
effect <player> <effect> [seconds] [amplifier] [hideParticles](효과를 준다)
타겟(들)을 명시한다. 플레이어 이름 또는 selectors|target selector(@eis permitted to target entities other than players)이어야 한다.
Specifies the effect to grant. Must be a values#Status effects|status effect id(for example,1orminecraft:speed).
효과의 지속 시간을 명시한다. 0 이상 1,000,000 이하여야만 한다. 명시되지 않은 경우, 기본 30초로 설정된다
효과의 세기를 명시한다. 0 이상 255 이하여야만 한다. 명시되지 않은 경우 기본 0으로 설정된다. Note that the first tier of a status effect (e.g. Regeneration I) is 0, so the second tier, for example Regeneration II, would be specified by an amplifier level of 1.
Specifies whether the [5]of the status effect should be hidden. true또는 false여야만 한다. 명시되지 않은 경우, 기본 false로 설정된다.
Fails if arguments are not specified correctly, ifplayerfails to resolve to one or more valid entities (named players must be online), ifsecondswas specified as 0 and the target did not have the effect, or if no effects were removed inclearmode.
성공한 경우:
  • clear— 타겟(들)의 모든 효과를 없앤다.
  • effect— 타겟(들)에게 효과를 준다. If a target already has the status effect, a new status effect with the same amplifier will only override the old duration if it is longer, but a new status effect with a higher duration will override any previous duration. If seconds is set to 0, cancels the specified effect instead.
가장 가까운 플레이어에게 신속 I 효과를 60초동안 주려는 경우:effect @p 1 60
가장 가까운 플레이어에게 신속 3 효과를 60초동안 주려는 경우:effect @p minecraft:speed 60 2
모든 플레이어에게서 성급함 효과를 없애려는 경우:effect @a minecraft:haste 0
모든 좀비에게서 모든 효과를 없애려는 경우:effect @e[type=Zombie] clear


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처음 출시

1.4.4 (1.4.4-pre)

Adds an [6]to a player's selected item, subject to the same restrictions as an mechanics|anvil.

enchant <player> <enchantment ID> [level]
타겟(들)을 명시한다. 플레이어 이름 또는 selectors|target selector 여야만 한다.
enchantment ID
Specifies the enchantment to be added to the item held by the target. 올바른 values#Enchantment IDs|enchantment ID(예를 들어,16 또는 minecraft:sharpness)여야만 한다.
인챈트 레벨을 명시한다. Must be at least 1 and not greater than the values#Enchantment IDs|maximum levelfor the specified enchantment. 명시되지 않은 경우 기본 1로 설정된다.
Fails if arguments are not specified correctly, ifplayerfails to resolve to one or more online players, or if the enchantment is not valid for the item or conflicts with current enchantments (for example, "Fire Protection" cannot be given to armor which already has "Protection", and "Sharpness III" cannot be given to a sword which already has "Sharpness I").
성공한 경우, adds the specified enchantment to the item held by the target.
활을 가지고 있는 모든 플레이어에게 무한 I을 인챈트하려는 경우:enchant @a 51
Although/enchantenforces maximum levels and compatibility, other commands (such as/give,/replaceitem, and/entitydata) can bypass these restrictions.


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처음 출시

1.8 (14w32b)

Modifies the data tag of an entity.

entitydata <entity> <dataTag>
Specifies the entity(ies) to be modified. Must be an entity UUID or the@eselectors|target selector.
Specifies the tags|data tagelements to be added to, or overwrite elements of, the specified entity (data tags cannot be removed and strings cannot be set to a null value). Must be a compound tag|NBT tag(for example,{CustomName:Fred}).
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, or ifentityfails to resolve to one or more non-player entities (players can not be changed).
On success, modifies the data tag of the targeted entity(ies).
To prevent all current zombies from picking up loot:
entitydata @e[type=Zombie] {CanPickUpLoot:0}


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처음 출시

1.8 (14w07a)

Executes a command on behalf of one or more other entities, with originating permissions, optionally on condition that a single-block/testforblock-style check passes.

execute <entity><x> <y> <z><command …>
An alternate syntax allows the command to be executed only if a specific block is detected:
execute <entity><x> <y> <z>detect<x2> <y2> <z2><block> <data> <command …>

Color added to make reading easier.

Specifies the target to be the command's executor. Must be a player name or selectors|target selector. If more than one entity is selected, the command will be run once as each of them.
x y z
Specifies the position from which to run the command.xandzmust be within the range boundary|-30,000,000 to 30,000,000(inclusive). Coordinates specified with notation|tilde notationare relative to the target, not to the position of the command's execution.
실행될 명령어를 명시한다. 올바른 명령어여야만 한다.
x2 y2 z2(detectmode only)
Specifies the position of the block to check.x2andz2must be within the range boundary|-30,000,000 to 30,000,000(inclusive). May use notation|tilde notationto specify distances relative to (x,y,z).
blockanddata(detectmode only)
Specifies the values#Block IDs|block id and datawhich the block at (x2,y2,z2) must match for the command to run.blockmust be a valid block id (for example,minecraft:stone), anddatamust be a valid block data for that type of block or-1to match any block data.
Fails if arguments are not specified correctly, ifentityfails to resolve to one or more valid entities (named players must be online), if the checked block is not of the correct block id and data, or if the specified command fails.
On success, executes the specified command as if executed by the specified target(s) with [7]-level permission at the specified coordinate.
모든 좀비 자리에 번개를 소환한다.
execute @e[type=Zombie] ~ ~ ~ summon LightningBolt
모든 종류의 모래위에 서있는 모든 좀비 자리에 번개를 소환한다.
execute @e[type=Zombie] ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~-1 ~ minecraft:sand -1 summon LightningBolt
10 크리퍼를 가장 가까운 플레이어의 자리로 소환하려는 경우 (로딩된 월드에 적어도 10 이상의 개체가 있어야 작동함):
execute @e[c=10] ~ ~ ~ execute @p ~ ~ ~ summon Creeper
같이 보기
/testforblock— 지정된 위치에 있는 특정 블럭을 검사한다. (특정한 데이터 태그 포함)


필요 등급


처음 출시

1.8 (14w03a)

일부 또는 모든 곳을 특정한 블록으로 채운다.

fill<x1> <y1> <z1><x2> <y2> <z2><블록> [데이터 값|상태] [예전 블록 처리] [데이터 태그]
The fill command also has an optional alternate syntax when using thereplaceoption:
fill<x1> <y1> <z1><x2> <y2> <z2><블록> <데이터 값|상태> replace [설치될 블록] [설치될 데이터]

Color added to make reading easier.

x1 y1 z1andx2 y2 z2
Specifies any two opposing corner blocks of the region to be filled (the "fill region"). May use notation|tilde notationto specify distances relative to the command's execution.
The blocks that make up the corners extend in the positive direction from the coordinates used to identify them. Because of this, the lesser coordinates of each axis will be right on the region boundary, but the greater coordinates will be one block from the boundary, and the block volume of the source region will be (xgreater- xlesser+ 1) × (ygreater- ylesser+ 1) × (zgreater- zlesser+ 1). For example,0 0 0 0 0 0has a 1-block volume, and0 0 0 1 1 1and1 1 1 0 0 0both identify the same region with an 8-block volume.
Specifies the block to fill the region with. Must be a values#Block ID|block id(for example,minecraft:stone).
Specifies the block data to use for the fill block. Must be between 0 and 15 (inclusive).
Must be one of:
  • destroy- Replaces all blocks (including air) in the fill region with the specified block, dropping the existing blocks (including those that are unchanged) and block contents as entities as if they had been mined with an unenchanted diamond [8]or [9]. (Blocks that can only be mined with [10], such as [11], will not drop; neither will liquids.)
  • hollow- Replaces only blocks on the outer edge of the fill region with the specified block. Inner blocks are changed to air, dropping their contents as entities but not themselves.
  • keep- Replaces only air blocks in the fill region with the specified block.
  • outline- Replaces only blocks on the outer edge of the fill region with the specified block. Inner blocks are not affected.
  • replace- Replaces all blocks (including air) in the fill region with the specified block, without dropping blocks or block contents as entities. Optionally, instead of specifying a data tag for the replacing block, block id and data values may be specified to limit which blocks are replaced (seereplaceTileNameandreplaceDataValuebelow)
If not specified, defaults toreplace.
Specifies the data tag to use for the fill block (for example, contents of a chest, patterns on a banner, etc.). Must be a compound tag|NBT tag(for example,{CustomName:Fred}). Cannot be combined with thereplaceTileNameandreplaceDataValuearguments.
replaceTileName replaceDataValue(선택적)
Arguments are only valid whenoldBlockHandlingisreplace. Cannot be combined with thedataTagargument.
Specifies the values#Block ID|block id and dataof the blocks in the fill region to be replaced. IfreplaceDataValueis not specified, data value is ignored when determining which blocks to replace. If both arguments are not specified, replaces all blocks in the fill region.
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, if the fill region is not rendered, if the block volume of the fill region is greater than 32768, ifdataValueordataTagare invalid for the specified block id, or if no blocks were changed.
On success, changes blocks in the fill region to the specified block.


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처음 출시

1.3.1 (12w16a)

Sets a player's mode|game mode.

gamemode <mode> [player]
Must be one of:
  • survival(can be abbreviated assor0) for [12]mode
  • creative(can be abbreviated ascor1) for [13]mode
  • adventure(can be abbreviated asaor2) for [14]mode
  • spectator(can be abbreviated asspor3) for [15]mode
"[16]" is not a valid option for themodeargument, as it is technically not a game mode.
If specified, must be either a player's username or a selectors|target selector. If unspecified, defaults to the player using the command. When used in a command block,playeris not optional.
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, or ifplayerfails to resolve to one or more online players.
If successful, changes the game mode of the default or specified players.
To put yourself into creative mode:gamemode creative,gamemode c, orgamemode 1
To put all players into survival mode:gamemode 0 @a
See also
[17]– sets the initial game mode for players joining the world


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처음 출시

1.4.2 (12w32a)

Sets or queries a game rule value.

gamerule <rule name> [value]
rule name
Specifies the game rule to set or query. May beanyvalue, but only certain predefined game rules will affect gameplay (seePredefined Game Rulesbelow).
Specifies the value to set the game rule to. May beanyvalue, though onlytrueorfalsespecified for predefined game rules will actually affect gameplay, except in the case ofrandomTickSpeed, where any number 0 or higher will affect gameplay (seePredefined Game Rulesbelow).
Predefined Game Rules
Rule Name Description Default Value
commandBlockOutput command blocks]should notify admins when they perform commands true
doDaylightCycle Whether time progresses true
doEntityDrops Whether entities that are not mobs should have drops true
doFireTick Whether fire should spread and naturally extinguish true
doMobLoot Whether mobs should drop items true
doMobSpawning Whether mobs should naturally spawn true
doTileDrops Whether blocks should have drops true
keepInventory Whether the player should keep items in their inventory after death false
logAdminCommands Whether to log admin commands to server log true
mobGriefing creepers],[18],[19],[20],[21],dragon|ender dragons,[22],[23], and [24]should be able to change blocks and whether villagers, zombies,[25], and pigmen|zombie pigmencan pick up items true
naturalRegeneration golden apples], the effect, etc.) true
randomTickSpeed block tick]occurs (such as plant growth, leaf decay, etc.) per chunk section per game tick. 0 will disable random ticks, higher numbers will increase random ticks 3
reducedDebugInfo Whether the debug screen shows all or reduced information false
sendCommandFeedback Whether the feedback from commands executed by a player should show up in chat. Also affects the default behavior of whether command blocks store their output text true
showDeathMessages Whether a message appears in chat when a player dies true
spectatorsGenerateChunks spectator]mode can generate chunks true
Fails ifrule nameis not defined andvalueis not provided (i.e., attempting to query an undefined game rule).
On success, returns the value of the game rule (ifvalueis not provided) or sets the game rule to the specified value (ifvalueis provided).
New game rules may be defined and set (by providing a value) or queried (by not providing a value).
To stop the day-night cycle:gamerule doDaylightCycle false
To stop natural healing:gamerule naturalRegeneration false
To define a new game rule calledMyNewRuleand sets its value to 10:gamerule MyNewRule 10


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처음 출시

1.3.1 (12w16a)

Gives an item to a player.

give <플레이어> <아이템> [] [데이터] [데이터 태그]
Specifies the target to give item(s) to. Must be a player name or selectors|target selector.
Specifies the item to give. Must be a valid values#Item IDs|item id(for example,minecraft:iron_shovel), or values#Block IDs|block idfor which items exist. Numerical ids are unsupported.
Specifies the number of items to give. Must be between 1 and 64 (inclusive), but can be 64 even when that's more than one stack. If not specified, defaults to1.
Specifies the format#Item structure|item dataof the given item(s). Must be an integer between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647 (inclusive, without the commas), but values which are invalid for the specified item id revert to 0. If not specified, defaults to 0.
Specifies the data tag of the given item(s). Must be a compound tag|NBT tag(for example,{display:{Name:Fred}}).
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, or ifplayerfails to resolve to one or more online players.
On success, summons the specified item(s) at the location(s) of the target(s). Ifplayerresolves to multiple targets, each receives the specified number of items. The format#Items|item entity's Owner tag is set to the target and its PickupDelay tag set to 0[검증 필요]so that it immediately enters the target's inventory if there is room.
To summon 30 blocks of spruce wood planks at John's location with Lore that says "Wooden planks":
give John minecraft:planks 30 1 {display:{Lore:["Wooden planks"]}}
See also
/summon— summon any entity at any location


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알 수 없음

처음 출시

1.3.1 (12w17a)

Provides help/list of commands.

help [페이지 수|명령어 이름]
? [페이지 수|명령어 이름]
page|command name(optional)
Specifies the page number of the command list or the command to provide help for. If not specified, defaults to1(the first page of the command list).
Fails ifpageis not a valid page number, or ifcommand nameis not a valid command name. Technically fails even if a valid command name is specified, although it displays the usage of the command.
On success, displays a page of the command list. Multiplayer commands will not be displayed while in singleplayer, even when open to LAN players.
If a valid command name was specified, displays the usage for that command. For some complicated commands may show only the basic usage — additional information can sometimes be gained by attempting to type the command and using the auto-complete control (defaults toTab ↹key) to explore available options for each argument.
To display the first page of the command list:?orhelp
To display the third page of the command list:? 3
To display the usage for the help command:help help


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명령 블록 사용 불가능

처음 출시

Alpha 1.0.16

Kicks a player off a server.

kick <player> [reason …]
Forcibly disconnectsplayerfrom the server, displaying an optionalreasonto them.
Success Conditions
playermust be online.


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처음 출시

1.3.1 (12w16a)

Kills entities (players, mobs, items, etc.).

kill [플레이어|개체]
Specifies the target(s) to be killed (including "non-living" entities like items, vehicles, etc.). Must be a player name or a selectors|target selector. If not specified, defaults to the command's user. Not optional in command blocks.
Fails ifplayer|entityfails to resolve to one or more entities (named players must be online).
On success, inflicts 3.4 x 1038void damage to targets — killing them instantly even if in Creative mode or protected by a high-level Resistance [26]— and issues the appropriate message|death message. Players and mobs killed this way drop loot, and [27]and cube|magma cubesthat aren't already of minimum size spawn smaller ones. Destroys [28],[29],(entity)|loose itemsand orb|experience orbsif they are targeted.
To kill yourself:kill
To kill a player named Bob:kill Bob
To "kill" all item entities (making them vanish from the world):kill @e[type=Item]


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Alpha 1.0.16_02

Lists players on the server.

Shows the names of all currently-connected players (the same can be achieved when pressing tab)
Success Conditions
Always succeeds, even in a command block.


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알 수 없음

처음 출시

Classic 0.0.15a_03

Displays a message about yourself.

me <문구 ...>
Fails if any target selectors do not resolve to at least one online player, or if any named players are not online.
On success, sends a narrative message to the other players in the form of "*Your Nameaction" (e.g., "* Alice sneezes." or "* Alice exploded." ). If a multi-person selectors|target selector(e.g., @a) is used inaction, the list of names is formatted as "name1 and name2" for two players, or "name1, name2, ... and nameN" for N players.


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명령 블록 사용 불가능

처음 출시

Alpha 1.0.16

Grants operator status to a player.

op <player>
Always succeeds. Grantsplayer[30]status on the server. Example) to give operator status to Alice, type op Alice


pardon, pardon-ip
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명령 블록 사용 불가능

처음 출시

Alpha 1.0.16

Removes entries from the banlist.

pardon <name>
pardon-ip <address>
Specifies the name to remove from the banlist.
Specifies the IP address to remove from the banlist. Must be a valid IP address.
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly.
On success, if the name or the IP address is on the banlist, it is removed, allowing anyone to connect to the server by that name or from that IP address.


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처음 출시

1.8 (14w04a)

Creates particles.

particle <이름><x> <y> <z><xd> <yd> <zd><속도> [개수] [모드] [플레이어]
Color added to make reading easier.
Specifies the particle to create. Must be a name(for example,explode).
x y z
Specifies the position at which to create the particle. All values (includingy) must be between boundary|-30,000,000 and 30,000,000(inclusive, without the commas). May use notation|tilde notationto specify a position relative to the command's execution.
xd yd zd
Specifies the size of the area to spawn particles in.
Exception:Whennameisreddust,mobSpell, ormobSpellAmbientandcountis 0 or not specified, andspeedis not 0, specifies the color of the particle in RGB format offset from the particle's default color (reddust's default is a near-red (a random red tint between 0.8 and 1.0), while the others default to black). For example, withreddust,0 0 0produces a red particle,-1 1 0produces a green particle (red is reduced to 0 and green increased to 1),0 0 1produces a purple particle (blue is added to the original red), etc. WithmobSpellormobSpellAmbient,0 0 0produces a black particle,0 1 0produces a green particle,0 0 0.5produces a dark blue particle, etc. Ifcountis greater than 0, colors are randomized.
Specifies the speed of the particle. Must be at least 0.
Specifies the number of particle effects to create. Must be at least 0 (which produces one particle).
Specifies the display mode. May be anything but onlyforcewill have an effect: to allow the particle(s) to be seen up to 256 blocks away and by players that use the minimal particles setting.
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly.
On success, creates the specified particle.
To create a stationary huge explosion particle 10 blocks to the east:
particle hugeexplosion ~10 ~ ~ 0 0 0 0


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처음 출시

1.6.1 (1.6.1-pre)

Plays a sound.

playsound <sound> <player> [x] [y] [z] [volume] [pitch] [minimumVolume]
Specifies the sound to play. Must be a sound event defined in events|sounds.json(for example,mob.pig.say).
A sound event may be affiliated with multiple sounds, and the sound which is actually produced will be chosen at random from them, modified by their "weight", just as the game normally would. For example, themob.pig.saysound event will play one of several pig sounds at random, because the event has multiple sounds associated with it.
pack|Resource packsmay add their own events to sounds.json; the command will successfully play these. File names arenotused by this command; it strictly uses the events defined in sounds.json (which may not even be similar to the original file names and paths), and thus a resource pack adding new sound files must define events for them (this is not necessary when replacing old sounds which are already in defined events).
Specifies the sound's target. Must be a player name or a selectors|target selector.
x y z(optional)
Specifies the position to play the sounds from. May use notation|tilde notationto specify a position relative to the target(s).
Specifies the distance that the sound can be heard. Must be at least 0.0. For values less than 1.0, the sound will be quieter and have a smaller sphere within which it may be heard. For values greater than 1.0, the sound will not actually grow louder, but its audible range (a 16-block radius at 1.0) will be multiplied byvolume. There will always be a gradual falloff to silence based on distance from the center of the sphere.
Specifies the pitch of the sound. Must be between 0.0 and 2.0 (inclusive), and values less than 0.5 are equivalent to 0.5. Values lower than 1.0 lower the pitch and increase the duration; values greater than 1.0 raise the pitch and reduce the duration. The pitch value is a multiplier applied to the frequency, so if a value between 0.5 and 1.0 (inclusive) is doubled, the pitch will be an octave higher. (If you're a musician wishing to convert other intervals to pitch values, see block#Usage|Note block#Usage, but be aware that 1.0 won't be F♯ for all sound effects.) If not specified, defaults to 1.0.
Specifies the volume for targets outside the sound's normal audible sphere. If a target is outside the normal sphere, the sound will instead be centered some short distance from the target (less than four blocks away), andminimumVolumewill determine its volume. Must be between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive).
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, ifplayerfails to resolve to one or more online players, or if the targets are unable to hear the sound from where it is played.
On success, plays a sound for the targeted players.


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명령 블록 사용 불가능

처음 출시

1.3.1 (12w24a)

Opens single-player world to the local network.

Opens your single-player game for LAN friends to join. This command appears in the singleplayer cheats.
Success Conditions
Cannot be used in a command block.


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1.8 (14w26a)

Replaces items in the inventories of blocks (chest, furnaces, etc.) or entities (players or mobs) with the given item(s).

replaceitem block <x> <y> <z> <slot> <item> [amount] [data] [dataTag]
replaceitem entity <selector> <slot> <item> [amount] [data] [dataTag]
x y z(blockmode only)
Specifies the position of the block to be modified. May use notation|tilde notationto specify a position relative to the command's execution.
selector(entitymode only)
Specifies one or more entities to modify. Must be a player name or selectors|target selector.
Specifies the inventory slot to be modified. Valid values depend on whether a block or an entity is being modified.
For blocks, must beslot.container.slot_numberwhereslot_numberis replaced with a number specifying the slot.
  • [31],[32],[33],[34], and chest|trapped chestsare numbered 0 for the top-left slot and then increase first horizontally, then vertically (so, for example, a chest's top row slots are numbered 0 to 8 from left to right). Double chests and double trapped chests are treated as two single container blocks.
  • A stand|brewing stand's bottom slots are numbered 0 to 2 from left to right, and its top slot is 3.
  • A [35]'s slots are numbered 0 for the input slot, 1 for the fuel slot, and 2 for the output slot.
Other blocks which hold items but don't have inventory GUIs (pot|flower potsand [36]) can only be changed with/blockdata.
For entities, must be one of the following, whereslot_numberis replaced with a number specifying the slot:
Slot Slot Numbers Restrictions
slot.armor.chest armor stands],[37], and [38]only (though not all mobs will show or make use of the items)
slot.weaponor (in 1.9 snapshots)slot.weapon.mainhand armor stands]and [39]only (though not all mobs will show or make use of the items). Works with [40]in the 1.9 snapshots.
slot.weapon.offhand(1.9 snapshots only)
slot.enderchest.slot_number 0 to 26 players]only
slot.hotbar.slot_number 0 to 8
slot.inventory.slot_number 0 to 26
slot.horse.saddle horses], donkeys, and mules only;itemmust be a [41]
slot.horse.armor horses]only;itemmust be a type of armor|horse armor
slot.horse.chest.slot_number 2 to 16 donkeys and mules with chests only
slot.villager.slot_number 0 to 7 villagers]only
The inventory of an frame|item framecan only be changed with/entitydata.
Specifies the item to be placed in the block or entity's inventory slot. Must be an values#Item IDs|item id, or a values#Block IDs|block idfor which an item exists (for example,minecraft:golden_sword).
Specifies the number of items to be placed in the block or entity's inventory slot. Must be between 1 and 64 (inclusive), even for items with a smaller stack size.
Specifies the item data for the item(s) to be placed in the block or entity's inventory slot. Must be an integer between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647 (inclusive, without the commas), but values which are invalid for the specified item id will default to 0. If not specified, defaults to 0.
Specifies the tag|data tagfor the item(s) to be placed in the block or entity's inventory slot. Must be a compound tag|NBT tag(for example,{display:{Name:Fred}}).
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, if the specified block is not a container, ifselectorfails to resolve to one or more entities (named players must be online), or if none of the targeted entities have the specified slot (for example, zombies don't haveslot.horse.armor).
On success, replaces the items in the specified slot with the specified items (previous items in that slot are lost) wherever possible.
To replace the items in the bottom-right slot of a single chest one block above with four spruce saplings:
replaceitem block ~ ~1 ~ slot.container.26 minecraft:sapling 4 1
To replace the items in the rightmost hotbar slot of the nearest player with four spruce saplings:
replaceitem entity @p slot.hotbar.8 minecraft:sapling 4 1
See also
/blockdata— can also replace items in a container
/entitydata— can also replace items in a mob's inventory, or modify the drop chances of armor and weapons
/give— give items to players without specifying specific inventory slots or overwriting other items


필요 등급

명령 블록 사용 불가능

처음 출시

Alpha 1.0.16_01

These commands manage server saves.


Saves the server to disk.

Forces the server to write all pending changes to the world and player data to disk.
Success Conditions
Always succeeds.


Disables automatic server saves.

Disables the server writing to the world files. All changes will temporarily be queued.
Success Conditions
Always succeeds.


Enables automatic server saves.

Enables the server writing to the world files. This is the default behavior.
Always succeeds.


필요 등급


처음 출시

Classic 0.0.16a_01

Sends a message in the chat to other players

say <message …>
Fails if any target selectors do not resolve to at least one online player, or if any named players are not online.
On success, broadcastsmessageto all players on the server. If a multi-person selectors|target selector(e.g., @a) is used inmessage, the list of names is formatted as "name1 and name2" for two players, or "name1, name2, ... and nameN" for N players.


필요 등급


처음 출시

1.5 (13w04a)

These commands manage scoreboard objectives, players, and teams.

scoreboard <objectives|players|teams> …

See reference|Scoreboard#Command referencefor more information.


필요 등급


처음 출시

1.3.1 (12w21a)

Displays the world (level generation)|seed.

Always succeeds. This command can always be used in single-player mode, regardless of whether cheats are enabled or not.


필요 등급


처음 출시

1.7.2 (13w37a)

한 블록을 다른 블록으로 바꾼다.

setblock <x> <y> <z> <TileName> [dataValue] [oldBlockHandling] [dataTag]
x y z
Specifies the position of the block to be changed. May use notation|tilde notationto specify a position relative to the command's execution.
Specifies the new block. Must be a values#Block IDs|block id(for example,minecraft:stone).
Specifies additional data to further describe the new block. Must be between 0 and 15 (inclusive). If not specified, defaults to0.
Specifies how to handle the block change. Must be one of:
  • destroy— The old block drops both itself and its contents (as if destroyed by a player). Plays the appropriate block breaking noise.
  • keep— Only air blocks will be changed (non-air blocks will be "kept").
  • replace— The old block drops neither itself nor any contents. Plays no sound.
If not specified, defaults toreplace.
Specifies the tag|data tagfor the new block. Must be a compound tag|NBT tag(for example,{CustomName:Fred}).
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, if tried to change a non-air block in keep mode, tried to replace a block with an identical copy in keep or replace mode, or if the coordinates are in an unloaded chunk.
On success, changes the block at the specified position.
See also
  • /blockdata— modifies the data tags of a block
  • /clone— copies blocks from one region to another
  • /fill— fills a region with a block


필요 등급

명령 블록 사용 불가능

처음 출시

Classic 0.0.15a_03

Sets the time before idle players are kicked from the server.

setidletimeout <Minutes until kick>
Set the idle kick timer. Any players idle forMinutes until kickwill be kicked.
Success Conditions
Always succeeds.


필요 등급


처음 출시

1.7.2 (13w43a)

Sets the spawning|world spawn.

setworldspawn <x> <y> <z>
x y z(optional)
Specifies the coordinates of the spawning|world spawn.xandzmust be within the range boundary|-30,000,000 to 30,000,000(inclusive).ymust be between 0 and 256 (inclusive). May use notation|tilde notationto specify coordinates relative to the command's execution. If not specified, defaults to the position of the command's execution. Not optional in command blocks.
If the server is not in mode|adventure mode, players will always spawn on the topmost block near (x,z) —yis effectively ignored. If the server is in adventure mode, then the new spawnpoint will be the coordinates given exactly, including theycoordinate (even if underground and even if there is no block there) -- if theylevel given does not have space for the player then it will move up on the y axis until it does, at most y level 256.
Although chunk|spawn chunksare usually kept loaded at all times, new spawn chunks won't be loaded by this command until a player moves within range.[42](which inMinecraftpoint to the world spawn rather than north) will also not update to the change until the world is reloaded.
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly.
On success, sets the world spawn to the specified coordinate.


필요 등급


처음 출시

1.4.2 (12w32a)

Sets the spawn point for a player.

spawnpoint <player>
spawnpoint <player> <x> <y> <z>
Specifies the player whose spawn point should be set. Must be a player name or a selectors|target selector. If not specified, defaults to the command's user. Not optional in command blocks.
x y z(optional)
Specifies the coordinates of the player's new spawn point.xandzmust be integers within the range boundary|-30,000,000 to 30,000,000(inclusive).ymust be an integer between 0 and 256 (inclusive). May use notation|tilde notationto specify coordinates relative to the command's execution. If not specified, defaults to the position of the specified player(s).
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, or ifplayerfails to resolve to one or more online players.
On success, sets the spawn point of the targeted player(s) to the specified coordinate.


필요 등급


처음 출시

1.6.1 (13w23a)

Teleports entities (players, mobs, items, etc.) to random surface locations within an area.

spreadplayers <x> <z> <spreadDistance> <maxRange> <respectTeams> <player …>
x z
Specifies the center of the region to spread targets to.xandzmust be between boundary|-30,000,000 and 30,000,000(exclusive). May use notation|tilde notationto specify coordinates relative to the command's execution.
Specifies the minimum distance between targets. Must be at least 0.0.
Specifies the maximum distance on each horizontal axis from the center of the area to spread targets (thus, the area is square, not circular). Must be at least 1.0 greater thanspreadDistance.
Specifies whether to keep teams together. Must betrueorfalse. Iftrue, targets on the same team will be teleported to the same location.
Specifies the targets to spread. Must be one or more player names and/or selectors|target selectorsseparated by spaces (@eis permitted to target entities other than players).
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, if there are too many targets to satisfy thespreadDistancerequirement within the specified area, or if a target is attempted to be spread to outside the boundary|world boundary.
On success, teleports targets to random surface locations within the specified area. Targets will always be placed on the top block at a location, and never on [43].
To teleport all players by team to random surface locations in a 1,000×1,000-block area centered on (0,0), with a minimum distance between teams of 200 blocks:
spreadplayers 0 0 200 500 true @a
To teleport one random player from each of three teams (Red, Blue, and Green), as well as Alice and Bob, to random surface locations in a 200×200-block area centered on (0,0), with a minimum distance between players of 50 blocks:
spreadplayers 0 0 50 100 false @r[team=Red] @r[team=Blue] @r[team=Green] Alice Bob
See also
/tp— teleports a single player or entity to a specific position (even underground).


필요 등급


처음 출시

1.8 (14w28a)

Manages the updating of scoreboard objectives with the results of other commands.

Commands can be executed by blocks (specifically,block|command blocksand [44]) or by entities (players can execute commands directly, and other entities can be the origin of commands indirectly with the/executecommand). When a command is executed, the command returns one or more "command stats": the success count, number of blocks affected, number of entities affected, number of items affected, and/or a query result (such as from/time query daytime).

The stats command allows "selectors" and "objectives" to be set (or cleared) for each of these command stats for specific blocks or entities. Selectors (for example,@e) are stored exactly as entered, and don't get evaluated immediately. When a command is later run by the block or entity, the stored selector is then used to target (other) entities and update their [45]objective with the value of the command stat. That value can then be displayed or operated on, just like any other scoreboard value.

The success count from a command block can also be acquired with a comparator|redstone comparator, but that is capped at a maximum value of 15, while scoreboard objectives can hold any value from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. Success counts and query results are also usually displayed in the chat.

stats block <x> <y> <z> clear <stat>
stats block <x> <y> <z> set <stat> <selector> <objective>
stats entity <selector2> clear <stat>
stats entity <selector2> set <stat> <selector> <objective>
x y z(blockmode only)
Specifies the position of the block to post command stats from.xandzmust be between boundary|-30,000,000 and 30,000,000(inclusive, without the commas) andymust be between 0 and 256 (inclusive). May use notation|tilde notationto specify a position relative to the command's execution.
selector2(entitymode only)
Specifies the entity to post command stats from. Must be a player name or a selectors|target selector.
Specifies the command stat whose selector and objective are to be cleared or set. Must be one of:
  • AffectedBlocks— returns the number of blocks affected by a command
  • AffectedEntities— returns the number of entities affected by a command
  • AffectedItems— returns the number of items affected by a command
  • QueryResult— returns the result of a command query
  • SuccessCount— returns a command's success count
selector(setmode only)
Specifies the selector to be evaluated when a command is run by the specified block or entity to determine which entity(ies) scoreboard objective is to be updated with the result returned bystat. May be anything because it won't be evaluated until a command is run by the specified block or entity, but only a player name or a selectors|target selectorwill produce useful results (though player names can be fake, so even real players don't need to be online).
objective(setmode only)
Specifies the name of the objective to be updated with the result returned bystat. May be anything because it won't be evaluated until a command is run by the specified block or entity, but only the name of a defined objective will produce useful results.
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, if the specified block cannot track stats (in other words, it fails if the specified block is not a command block or sign), or ifselector2fails to evaluate to one or more valid entities (named players must be online).
On success, clears or sets the selector and objective to be updated with the result returned bystat.
To set the block at (0,64,0) to update scoreboard objective MyObj of the nearest player with the value of any query result returned by the block:
stats block 0 64 0 set QueryResult @p MyObj
To stop the block at (0,64,0) from updating any scoreboard obectives with the success count of commands it executes:
stats block 0 64 0 clear SuccessCount
To have the nearest skull|wither skullupdate the scoreboard objective NumBlocks of fake player #FakePlayer with the number of blocks affected by commands executed by the wither skull:
stats entity @e[type=WitherSkull,c=1] set AffectedBlocks #FakePlayer NumBlocks
See also
/blockdata— can also change the selector and objectives of blocks by altering data tags directly
/entitydata— can also change the selector and objectives of entities by altering data tags directly


함께 보기: Tutorials/Command stats
필요 등급

명령 블록 사용 불가능

처음 출시

Alpha 1.0.16

Stops a server.

Always succeeds. Saves all changes to disk, then shuts down the server.


필요 등급


처음 출시

1.7.2 (13w36a)

Summons an [46](mobs, projectiles, items, vehicles, etc.).

summon <EntityName> [x] [y] [z] [dataTag]
Specifies the entity to be summoned. Must be an values#Entity IDs|entity id(for example,Bat,EntityHorse,WitherSkull,XPOrb,PrimedTNT, etc.) orLightningBolt.
x y z(optional)
Specifies the position to summon the entity.xandzmust be between boundary|-30,000,000 to 30,000,000(inclusive), andymust be at least 0. May use notation|tilde notationto specify a position relative to the command's execution. If not specified, defaults to the position of the command's execution.
Specifies the tags|data tagfor the entity. Must be a compound tag|NBT tag(for example,{CustomName:Fred}). Lightning has no additional data tags that can be specified.
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly.
On success, creates the specified entity at the specified position.
To summon a charged creeper named "Powered Creeper" at the current position:
summon Creeper ~ ~ ~ {powered:1,CustomName:Powered Creeper}
To summon lightning 10 blocks west of the current position:
summon LightningBolt ~-10 ~ ~
To summon an Armor stand wielding a lava bucket and wearing a skull:
/summon ArmorStand ~ ~ ~ {Equipment:[{id:lava_bucket},{},{},{},{id:skull}]}


필요 등급

알 수 없음

처음 출시

Alpha 1.0.16_02

Sends a private message to one or more players.

tell <player> <message …>
msg <player> <message ...>
w <player> <message ...>
Specifies the targeted player(s) to send the private message to. Must be a player name (or a selectors|target selector, but only if the user is an [47]).
private message
Specifies the message to send. May include spaces (as well as selectors|target selectors, but only if run from the server console — in other words, from the computer running the server, or by remote access to it).
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, ifanytarget selectors in either argument fail to resolve to at least one online player, or if a named player is not online.
On success, only the targeted player(s) see the private message in their chat. If a multi-person selectors|target selector(e.g., @a) is used inmessage, the list of names is formatted as "name1 and name2" for two players, or "name1, name2, ... and nameN" for N players.
To privately tell Alice to start the mission:tell Alice Start the mission!


필요 등급


처음 출시

1.7.2 (13w37a)

Sends a JSON message to players.

tellraw <player> <raw json message>
Specifies the player(s) to send the message to. Must be a player name or selectors|target selector.
raw json message
Specifies the message to send. Must be valid JSON text|raw JSON text(for example,{text:"Hi there!",bold:true}).
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, or ifplayerfails to evaluate to one or more online players.
On success, the targeted players receive the JSON message in their chat.
See also
/say— send a simple text message to all players
/tell— send a simple text message to specific players


필요 등급


처음 출시

1.5 (13w03a)

Counts entities (players, mobs, items, etc.) matching specified conditions.

testfor <player> [dataTag]
Specifies the targets to count. Must be a player name or a selectors|target selector(@eis permitted to target entities other than players).
Specifies the data tags the entities must have to match successfully. Must be a compound tag|NBT tag(for example,{XpLevel:3}).
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, or ifplayerfails to resolve to one or more entities (named players must be online).
On success, produces a success count equal to the number of targets matchingplayer, which can be measured by a comparator|redstone comparatorfacing away from the command block.
To test if Alice is online:testfor Alice
To count the number of players in survival mode within a 3-block radius of (0,64,0):testfor @a[0,64,0,3,m=0]
To count the number of players currently flying:testfor @a {abilities:{flying:1b}}
To count the number of zombies within a 20-block radius of (0,64,0):testfor @e[0,64,0,20,type=Zombie]


필요 등급


처음 출시

1.7.2 (13w37a)

Tests whether a certain block is in a specific location.

testforblock <x> <y> <z> <TileName> [dataValue] [dataTag]
x y z
Specifies the position of the block to test.xandzmust be between boundary|-30,000,000 and 30,000,000(inclusive, without the commas) andymust be between 0 and 255 (inclusive). May use notation|tilde notationto specify a position relative to the command's execution.
Specifies the block to test for. Must be a valid values#Block IDs|block id(for example,minecraft:stone).
Specifies the values#Block IDs|block datato test for.dataValuemust be between -1 and 15 (inclusive). If not specified, or if-1,dataValuematches any block data value.
Specifies the block tags|data tagsto test for. Must be a compound tag|NBT tag(for example,{CustomName:Fred}). If not specified,dataTagmatches any block data tag.
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, if the block at the specified position does not match the specified block id or data, or if the specified data tag has different values than are defined in the block's data tag (dataTagdoes not need to match the block's entire data tag, and data tags in the argument which are undefined in the block willnotcause the command to fail).
On success, returns a success count of 1.
To test if the block at (0,64,0) is any type of [48]:
testforblock 0 64 0 minecraft:wool
testforblock 0 64 0 minecraft:wool -1
To test if the block at (0,64,0) is orange wool:
testforblock 0 64 0 minecraft:wool 1
To test if the block below is a [49]with the "mall"[50]inside:
testforblock ~ ~-1 ~ minecraft:jukebox -1 {Record:2261}


필요 등급


처음 출시

1.8 (14w07a)

Tests whether the blocks in two regions match.

testforblocks<x1> <y1> <z1><x2> <y2> <z2><x> <y> <z>[mode]
Color added to make reading easier.
x1 y1 z1andx2 y2 z2
Specifies two opposing corners of the region to use as the pattern to test for (the "source region").x1,z1,x2, andz2must all be between boundary|-30,000,000 and 30,000,000(inclusive, without the commas), andy1andy2must be between 0 and 255 (inclusive). May use notation|tilde notationto specify coordinates relative to the command's position. The number of blocks in the source region must not exceed 524,288.
x y z
Specifies the lower northwestern corner (the corner with the most-negative values) of the region to be checked (the "destination region").xandzmust both be between boundary|-30,000,000 and 30,000,000(inclusive, without the commas), andymust be between 0 and 255 (inclusive). May use notation|tilde notationto specify coordinates relative to the command's position. Source and destination regions may overlap.
Specifies how to match blocks. Must be one of:
  • all— every block in the source and destination regions must match exactly.
  • masked[51]blocks in the source region will match any block in the destination region.
If not specified, defaults toall.
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, or if the source and destination regions do not match.
On success, returns the number of matching blocks (the total number of blocks inallmode, or the number of source region non-air blocks inmaskedmode).


필요 등급


처음 출시

1.3.1 (12w16a)

Changes or queries the world's game [52].

time <add|query|set> <value>
Specifies the time to add, query, or set:
  • add- Must be between 0 and 2,147,483,647 (inclusive, without the commas)
  • query- Must bedaytimeorgametime.
  • set- Must be between 0 and 2,147,483,647 (inclusive, without the commas),day, ornight.
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly.
On success:
  • add- addsvalueto the world's game time
  • query- returns the day time (game ticks since midnight) or the game time (game ticks since world start)
  • set- sets the world game time tovalue(day= 1,000,night= 13,000).
To set the time to 1,000:time set 1000ortime set day
To add one day to the world time:time add 24000


필요 등급


처음 출시

1.8 (14w20a)

Controls screen titles.

Screen titles are displayed to players as a single line of large center-aligned text in the middle of their displays and can include a second line of text called a "subtitle". Both lines are specified using JSON text|complicated formatting. Screen titles can be set to fade in and fade out, and the duration they are displayed can also be specified. Screen titles scale in size with the Settings|GUI Scaleand screen titles which are too big to fit on the screen are not line-wrapped (they just overflow off the screen on both sides).

The command has five variations, each with different arguments.
title <player> clear(removes the screen title from the screen)
title <player> reset(resets options to default values)
title <player> subtitle <title>(specifies the subtitle text)
title <player> times <fadeIn> <stay> <fadeOut>(specifies fade-in, stay, and fade-out times)
title <player> title <title>displays the screen title)
Specifies the player(s) to display a screen title to. Must be a player name or selectors|target selector.
title(subtitleandtitlemode only)
Specifies the text to display as a title or subtitle. Must be valid JSON text|raw JSON text(for example,{text:"Chapter I",bold:true}).
fadeIn,stay, andfadeOut(timesmode only)
Specifies the time in ticks(1/20ths of a second) for the screen title to fade in, stay, and fade out. All values must be between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647 (inclusive, without the commas), but values below 0 will be treated as 0. If not specified (or if reset), defaults to 20 (1 second), 60 (3 seconds), and 20 (1 second).
파일:Title command.png

Example result of the title command.

Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, or ifplayerfails to evaluate to one or more online players.
On success:
  • clear— Clears the screen title from the screens of the specified player(s). If no screen title is currently being displayed, has no effect.
  • reset— Resets the subtitle text to blank text, and the fade-in, stay and fade-out times to their default values for the specified player(s).
  • subtitle— If a screen title is currently being displayed to the specified player(s), changes the current subtitle totitle; otherwise, specifies the subtitle for the next screen title to be displayed to the specified player(s).
  • times— Changes the fade-in, stay, and fade-out times of all current and future screen titles for the specified player(s).
  • title— Displays a screen title to the specified player(s), or changes the current screen title totitle. After fading out, resets the subtitle back to blank text, but does not reset fade-in, stay, and fade-out times.
To display a bold screen title "Chapter I" with a gray italic subtitle "The story begins…" to all players:
  1. title @a subtitle {text:"The story begins…", color:gray, italic:true}
  2. title @a title {text:"Chapter I", bold:true}


필요 등급


처음 출시

1.3.1 (12w16a)

Toggles the weather.

Always succeeds. If weather is currently clear, rain or snow will start. If weather is currently rain or snow, it will stop.


필요 등급


처음 출시

Alpha 1.0.16_01

Teleports entities (players, mobs, items, etc.).

tp [target player] <destination player>
tp [target player] <x> <y> <z> [<y-rot> <x-rot>]
target player(optional)
Specifies the entity(s) to be teleported. Must be either a player name or a selectors|target selector. If not specified, defaults to the player who executed the command. Not optional in command blocks.
destination player
Specifies the entity to teleport the target(s) to. Must be either a player name or a target selector.
x y z
Specifies the coordinates to teleport the target(s) to.xandzmust fall within the range -30,000,000 to 30,000,000 (exclusive, without the commas), andymust be at least 0. May use notation|tilde notationto specify a position relative to the target's current position.
Specifies the horizontal rotation (-180.0 for due north, -90.0 for due east, 0.0 for due south, 90.0 for due west, to 179.9 for just west of due north, before wrapping back around to -180.0). Tilde notation can be used to specify a rotation relative to the target's previous rotation.
Specifies the vertical rotation (-90.0 for straight up to 90.0 for straight down). Tilde notation can be used to specify a rotation relative to the target's previous rotation.
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, iftarget playerfails to resolve to one or more entities (named players must be online), or ifdestination playerfails to resolve to a single entity (a named player must be online). Fails individually for each entity referenced bytarget playerthat is not in the same dimension as thedestination player, if specified.
On success, teleports the targets to the specified destination.
To teleport yourself to Alice:tp Alice
To teleport all players to yourself:tp @a @p
To teleport yourself to x=100 and z=100, but three blocks above your current position:tp 100 ~3 100
To rotate the nearest player 10 degrees to the right without changing their position:tp @p ~ ~ ~ ~10 ~


필요 등급

알 수 없음

처음 출시

1.8 (14w06a)

Modifies a scoreboard objective with a "trigger" criteria.

trigger <objective> <add<nowiki>|set> <value>
Used together with[[53]]to let players activate systems made by operators or mapmakers.
An enabled scoreboard objective with the "trigger" criteria.
  • add– Addsvalueto the current value ofobjective.
  • set– Sets the value ofobjectivetovalue.
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, ifobjectivedoes not have the "trigger" criteria, or if the player who executed the command is not able to modifyobjective.
On success, the value ofobjectiveis changed for the player that executed the command.


필요 등급


처음 출시

1.4.2 (12w32a)

Sets the weather.

  • clear– Set the weather to clear.
  • rain– Set the weather to rain (or snow in cold biomes).
  • thunder– Set the weather to a thunderstorm (or a thunder snowstorm in cold biomes).
Specifies the time in seconds for the specified weather to last. Must be between 1 and 1,000,000 (inclusive, without the commas). Ifdurationis omitted, the duration will be set between 6,000 and 18,000 ticks.
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly.
On success, changes the weather for the specified duration (in seconds).
To get clear weather for oneMinecraftday:weather clear 1200
To make it rain, but let it end at its own pace:weather rain


필요 등급

명령 블록 사용 불가능

처음 출시

Beta 1.3

Manages the server whitelist.

Server ops willalwaysbe able to connect when the whitelist is active, even if their names do not appear in the whitelist.

The command has six variations.
whitelist add <player>
whitelist list
whitelist off
whitelist on
whitelist reload
whitelist remove <player>
player(addandremovemode only)
Specifies the player(s) to add or remove from the whitelist.
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, or ifplayerdoesn't exist
On success:
  • add— Adds the player name to the whitelist. The player does not need to be online.
  • list— Displays all player names in the whitelist.
  • off— Disables the server's use of a whitelist.
  • on— Enables the server's use of a whitelist.
  • reload— Reloads the list of player names inwhite-list.txt(1.7.5 or earlier) orwhitelist.json(1.7.6 or later) from disk (used whenwhite-list.txtorwhitelist.jsonhas been modified outside ofMinecraft).
  • remove— Removes the player name from the whitelist. The player does not need to be online.


필요 등급


처음 출시

1.8 (14w17a)

These commands control the border|world border.

The command has eight variations, each with different arguments:
worldborder add <distance> [time](increases the world border diameter)
worldborder center <x> <z>(recenters the world boundary)
worldborder damage amount <damagePerBlock>(specifies the world border damage rate)
worldborder damage buffer <distance>(specifies the world border damage buffer distance)
worldborder get(returns the world border diameter)
worldborder set <distance> [time](sets the world border diameter)
worldborder warning distance <distance>(specifies the world border warning distance)
worldborder warning time <time>(specifies the world border warning time)
distance(add,damage buffer,setandwarning distancemodes only)
Specifies a distance in blocks:
  • add– Specifies the number of blocks to add to the world border diameter.
  • damage buffer– Specifies the distance outside the world buffer a player must be before they start taking damage. Must be at least 0.0. Initially set to 5.0.
  • set– Specifies the new diameter for the world border. Must be between 1.0 and 60,000,000 (inclusive, without the commas).
  • warning distance– Specifies the distance from the world border at which players will begin to see a visual warning of the world border's proximity. Must be at least 0. Initially set to 5.
time(add,setandwarning timemodes only)
Specifies a time in seconds:
  • add– Specifies the number of seconds it should take for the world border to move from its current diameter to the new diameter. Must be at least 0. If not specified, defaults to 0.
  • set– Specifies the number of seconds it should take for the world border to move from its current diameter to the new diameter. Must be at least 0. If not specified, defaults to 0.
  • warning time– Specifies the number of seconds that a player will begin to see a visual warning before a moving world border passes their position. Must be at least 0. Initially set to 15.
x z(centermode only)
Specifies the horizontal coordinates of the world border's center. Must be between border|-30,000,000 and 30,000,000(inclusive, without the commas). May use notation|tilde notationto specify coordinates relative to the command's execution.
damagePerBlock(damage amountmode only)
Specifies the damage a player takes per second per block past the world border buffer. For example, ifdamagePerBlockis 0.1, a player 5 blocks outside the world border buffer will take 0.5 damage per second (damage less than half a heart might not change the visual health display, but will still accumulate). Must be at least 0.0. Initially set to 0.2.
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, or if the new world diameter will be less than 1.0 or greater than 60,000,000.
On success:
  • add– The world border begins changing its diameter by the specified amount. Ifdistanceis positive, the world border will turn green and start increasing; if negative, the world border will turn red and start decreasing. Iftimeis 0 or unspecified, the change occurs immediately; otherwise the change proceeds at a rate of (distance/2)/timeblocks per second.
  • center– The center of the world border immediately moves to the specified coordinates.
  • damage amount– Sets the world border damage amount to the specified value. Any player outside the world border buffer will take this amount of damage per second per block past the world border buffer distance.
  • damage buffer– Sets the world border buffer distance to the specified value. Players won't take damage until they move past this distance from the world border.
  • get– Shows the current world border diameter in the chat.
  • set– The world border begins changing its diameter to the specified value. Ifdistanceis bigger than the current diameter, the world border will turn green and start increasing; if smaller, the world border will turn red and start decreasing. Iftimeis 0 or unspecified, the change occurs immediately; otherwise the change proceeds at a rate of ((distance-<current diameter>)/2)/timeblocks per second.
  • warning distance– Sets the world border warning distance to the specified value.
  • warning time– Sets the world border warning time to the specified value.


필요 등급


처음 출시

1.3.1 (12w16a)

Adds [54]to a player.

xp <amount> [player]
xp <amount>L [player]
Specifies the amount of experience to give to the player. Must be between 0 and 2,147,483,647 (inclusive, without the commas).
If anLis added to the end, adds levels instead. Levels must be between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647 (inclusive, without the commas) — negative values remove levels instead of adding them.
Specifies the target of the command. If not specified, defaults to the command's executor. Not optional in command blocks.
Fails if arguments are not specified correctly, or ifplayerfails to resolve to one or more online players.
On success, adds experience or adds/removes levels. Total experience and levels will not be reduced below 0.
To give 7 experience to yourself:xp 7
To give 3 levels to Alice:xp 3L Alice
To remove all levels from all players:xp -2147483648L @a

삭제된 명령어


추가적인 연구를 필요로 한다. 
이 섹션은 추가 연구가 필요하다. (2015년 8월 27일).
필요 등급


처음 출시

클래식 0.0.15a_03


클래식 0.0.16a_01

/say로 대체됨.

Testfor (1.13.2부터 해당)

execute로 대체됨 (execute에 합쳐짐)


필요 등급

알 수 없음

처음 출시

알파 1.0.16


알파 1.2.5

플레이어를 스폰으로 텔레포트 시킨다.

알 수 없음.
플레이어를 스폰으로 텔레포트 시킨다.


필요 등급


처음 출시

클래식 0.0.17a



스폰 지점을 설정한다. 최근에는 /setworldspawn으로 대체되었다.

알 수 없음.
알 수 없음.


필요 등급

알 수 없음

처음 출시

클래식 0.0.20



돌 배치와 기반암 배치를 전환한다.

돌 배치와 기반함 배치를 전환한다.




See also


0.0.15a_03Added /broadcast.
0.0.16a_01Changed /broadcast to /say.
0.0.17aAdded /setspawn.
One of the first singleplayer commands.
0.0.20Added /solid.
The first multiplayer commands.
1.0.16Added /ban, /ban-ip, /banlist, /deop, /home, /kick, /op, /pardon, /pardon-ip and /stop.
1.0.16_01Added /save-all, /save-on, /save-off and /tp.
1.0.16_02Added /list and /tell.
1.2.5Removed /home.
1.2.6Added /kill.
1.3Added /whitelist.
1.3.112w16aAdded cheats mode and /gamemode, /give, /time, /toggledownfall, and /xp.
The first operator commands.
12w17aAdded /help.
12w21aAdded /seed.
12w22aAdded /defaultgamemode.
12w24aAdded /publish.
12w25aCheats can now be turned on or off when opening a world to other players through LAN.
12w27aAdded /debug.
?Added /me.
1.4.212w32aAdded /difficulty, /gamerule, /spawnpoint, and /weather.
Added target selectors.
12w37aAdded /clear.
12w38aAdded item arguments to /clear.
12w41aThe limit for /xp is now 2,147,483,647 instead of 5,000. /enchant.
1.513w03aAdded /testfor.
13w04aAdded /scoreboard.
13w09bAdded /effect.
1.6.113w23aAdded /spreadplayers.
Added gamerule naturalRegeneration.
13w24aAdded gamerule doDaylightCycle.
1.6-preAdded clear argument to /effect.
1.6.1-preAdded /playsound.
?The damage dealt by the kill command was changed from 1,000 to 3.4×1038.
1.7.213w36aAdded /summon.
Added /achievement.
Added dataTag argument to /give.
13w37aAdded /setblock, /tellraw, and /testforblock.
13w38aAdded /setidletimeout.
13w43aAdded /setworldspawn.
1.814w02aAdded /blockdata.
Added @e target selector.
Added player|entity argument to /kill.
Added data argument to /clear.
Added dataTag argument to /testfor.
/testfor is no longer exclusive to command blocks.
Added insertion attribute to raw JSON text specification.
14w03aAdded rotation arguments to /tp.
Added dx, dy, and dz to target selector arguments.
Added /clone and /fill.
Added gamerule logAdminCommands.
NBT data now supports using string IDs rather than numerical IDs.
Numerical IDs no longer work in other parts of commands, though they still work for NBT data.
14w04aAdded /particle.
14w05aAdded spectator to /gamemode and /defaultgamemode.
14w06aAdded hideParticles argument to /effect.
Added /trigger.
14w07aAdded /execute and /testforblocks.
/testfor can now test for partial NBT tag matches.
14w08aCommands run using /execute now pass their success value back to the command block running them.
14w10aAdded gamerule showDeathMessages.
Added force option to /clone.
14w17aAdded /worldborder.
Added gamerule randomTickSpeed.
14w19aAdded /worldborder damage and /worldborder warning.
14w20aAdded /title.
Added selector attribute to raw JSON text specification.
Added move option to /clone.
14w26aAdded /worldborder add.
Added /replaceitem.
Added gamerule sendCommandFeedback
14w28aAdded /stats.
14w29aAdded /worldborder get.
Added force argument to /particle.
Added /time query.
Added the ability to create dummy gamerules.
Added QueryResults to /stats.
14w30a/summon can now spawn lightning.
14w31a/debug can be run in single player.
Added chunk argument to /debug.
14w32bAdded /entitydata.
/give can no longer make illegal stacks. the game rule doEntityDrops.
The game rule doTileDrops no longer affects entities.
0.7.4Added support for commands, though none are implemented yet.

“명령어”에 관련된 문제점은 이슈 트래커에서 관리된다. 그곳에서 문제점을 보고하면 된다.
