Minecraft Wiki
110行目: 110行目:
-- begin consumable
-- begin consumable
['apple'] = 'Apple',
['apple'] = 'リンゴ',
['arrow bundle'] = '矢の束',
['arrow bundle'] = '矢の束',
['bread'] = 'Bread',
['bread'] = 'Bread',
118行目: 118行目:
['oakwood brew'] = 'Oakwood Brew',
['oakwood brew'] = 'Oakwood Brew',
['pork'] = 'Pork',
['pork'] = 'Pork',
['shadow brew'] = '影のション',
['shadow brew'] = '影のブリュー',
['strength potion'] = '力のポーション',
['strength potion'] = '力のポーション',
['sweet berries'] = 'Sweet Berries',
['sweet berries'] = 'Sweet Berries',
359行目: 359行目:
['wither skeleton'] = 'Whiter Skeleton',
['wither skeleton'] = 'Whiter Skeleton',
['wither skeleton archer'] = 'Wither Skeleton Archer',
['wither skeleton archer'] = 'Wither Skeleton Archer',
['wolf'] = 'wolf',
['オオカミ'] = 'オオカミ',
['wooly cow'] = 'Wooly Cow',
['wooly cow'] = 'Wooly Cow',
['wraith'] = 'レイス',
['wraith'] = 'レイス',

2021年8月1日 (日) 14:40時点における版



[閲覧 | 編集 | 履歴 | キャッシュ破棄]上記の解説は、モジュール:Autolink/Dungeons/docから参照されています。
return {
	['DungeonsItemSprite'] = {
		-- begin armor
		['archer\'s armor'] = '弓兵のアーマー',
		['arctic fox armor'] = 'Arctic Fox Armor',
		['battle robe'] = 'バトルローブ',
		['beehive armor'] = 'ビーハイブアーマー',
		['beenest armor'] = 'Beenest Armor',
		['black wolf armor'] = '黒オオカミの鎧',
		['cave crawler'] = 'ケイブクローラー',
		['champion\'s armor'] = 'Champion\'s Armor',
		['climbing gear'] = '登山装備',
		['curious armor'] = 'Curious Armor',
		['dark armor'] = '闇のアーマー',
		['ember robe'] = '残り火のローブ',
		['emerald gear'] = 'エメラルド装備',
		['evocation robe'] = '魔術師のローブ',
		['fox armor'] = 'キツネのアーマー',
		['frost armor'] = 'フロストアーマー',
		['frost bite'] = 'フロストバイト',
		['full metal armor'] = 'フルメタルアーマー',
		['ghost kindler'] = 'ゴーストキンドラー',
		['ghostly armor'] = 'ゴーストリーアーマー',
		['gilded glory'] = '金メッキの栄光',
		['goat gear'] = 'ヤギの装備',
		['golden piglin armor'] = '黄金のピグリンアーマー',
		['grim armor'] = '不気味なアーマー',
		['guard\'s armor'] = '衛兵のアーマー',
		['hero\'s armor'] = '英雄のアーマー',
		['highland armor'] = 'ハイランドアーマー',
		['hungry horror'] = '空腹の恐怖',
		['hunter\'s armor'] = '狩人のアーマー',
		['living vines armor'] = '生きたつたのアーマー',
		['mercenary armor'] = '傭兵のアーマー',
		['mystery armor'] = 'ミステリーアーマー',
		['ocelot armor'] = 'ヤマネコのアーマー',
		['opulent armor'] = '豪華な鎧',
		['phantom armor'] = 'ファントムアーマー',
		['piglin armor'] = 'ピグリンアーマー',
		['plate armor'] = 'プレートアーマー',
		['reinforced mail'] = '強化メイル',
		['renegade armor'] = '反逆者のアーマー',
		['rugged climbing gear'] = 'ラギッドな登山装備',
		['scale mail'] = 'スケイルメイル',
		['shadow walker'] = '影の衣',
		['snow armor'] = 'スノーアーマー',
		['soul robe'] = 'ソウルローブ',
		['souldancer robe'] = 'ソウルダンサーのローブ',
		['spelunker armor'] = 'スペランカーアーマー',
		['spider armor'] = 'スパイダーアーマー',
		['splendid robe'] = '輝くローブ',
		['sprout armor'] = 'スプラウトアーマー',
		['stalwart armor'] = '強固なアーマー',
		['thief armor'] = '盗人のアーマー',
		['titan\'s shroud'] = 'タイタンの鎧',
		['verdant robe'] = '緑のローブ',
		['wither armor'] = 'ウィザーのアーマー',
		['wolf armor'] = 'オオカミのアーマー',
		-- end armor

		-- begin artifact
		['blast fungus'] = 'ブラスト菌',
		['blightbearer'] = 'Blightbearer',
		['boots of swiftness'] = '俊足のブーツ',
		['buzzy nest'] = 'バジーネスト',
		['corrupted beacon'] = '壊れたビーコン',
		['corrupted pumpkin'] = 'Corrupted Pumpkin',
		['corrupted seeds'] = '汚染された種',
		['death cap mushroom'] = 'タマゴテングダケ',
		['diamond dust'] = 'Diamond Dust',
		['enchanted grass'] = '魅惑の草',
		['enchanters tome'] = 'エンチャンターの書',
		['fireworks arrow'] = '花火の矢',
		['fishing rod'] = '釣り竿',
		['flaming quiver'] = '炎の矢筒',
		['ghost cloak'] = '幽霊のマント',
		['golem kit'] = 'ゴーレムキット',
		['gong of weakening'] = '弱体化のドラ',
		['harvester'] = 'ハーベスター',
		['ice wand'] = '氷の杖',
		['iron hide amulet'] = 'アイアンハイドアミュレット',
		['light feather'] = 'フワフワの羽根',
		['lightning rod'] = '避雷針',
		['love medallion'] = '愛のメダル',
		['powershaker'] = 'パワーシェイカー',
		['satchel of elements'] = 'エレメントの鞄',
		['scatter mines'] = '地雷を設置しよう',
		['shock powder'] = 'ショックパウダー',
		['soul healer'] = '魂のヒーラー',
		['soul lantern'] = '魂のランタン',
		['spinblade'] = 'スピンブレード',
		['tasty bone'] = '骨付き骨',
		['thundering quiver'] = '稲妻の矢筒',
		['torment quiver'] = '苦痛の矢筒',
		['totem of regeneration'] = '回復のトーテム',
		['totem of resistance'] = 'Totem of Resistance',
		['totem of shielding'] = '守護のトーテム',
		['totem of soul protection'] = 'Totem of Soul Protection',
		['updraft tome'] = 'アップドラフトの書',
		['wind horn'] = '風のホルン',
		['wonderful wheat'] = '上質な小麦',
		-- end artifact

		-- begin cape
		['hammer cape'] = 'Hammer Cape',
		['hero cape'] = 'ヒーローマント',
		['iron golem cape'] = 'Iron Golem Cape',
		['sinister cape'] = 'シニスターマント',
		-- end cape

		-- begin consumable
		['apple'] = 'リンゴ',
		['arrow bundle'] = '矢の束',
		['bread'] = 'Bread',
		['cooked salmon'] = 'Cooked Salmon',
		['dense brew'] = 'Dense Brew',
		['melon'] = 'Melon',
		['oakwood brew'] = 'Oakwood Brew',
		['pork'] = 'Pork',
		['shadow brew'] = '影のブリュー',
		['strength potion'] = '力のポーション',
		['sweet berries'] = 'Sweet Berries',
		['sweet brew'] = 'Sweet Brew',
		['swiftness potion'] = '俊足のポーション',
		['tNT'] = 'TNT',
		-- end consumable

		-- begin melee
		['axe'] = '斧',
		['battlestaff'] = 'バトルスタッフ',
		['battlestaff of terror'] = '恐怖のバトルスタッフ',
		['bee stinger'] = 'ビースティンガー',
		['boneclub'] = 'ボーンクラブ',
		['bone cudgel'] = '骨のこん棒',
		['broadsword'] = 'ブロードソード',
		['broken sawblade'] = '折れたソーブレード',
		['chill gale knife'] = 'Chill Gale Knife',
		['claymore'] = 'クレイモア',
		['cursed axe'] = '呪いの斧',
		['cutlass'] = 'カトラス',
		['daggers'] = 'ダガー',
		['dancer\'s sword'] = '踊り子の剣',
		['dark katana'] = '闇の刀',
		['diamond pickaxe'] = 'ダイヤモンドのツルハシ',
		['diamond sword'] = 'ダイヤモンドの剣',
		['double axe'] = '両刃斧',
		['eternal knife'] = '不滅のナイフ',
		['fangs of frost'] = '氷の牙',
		['fighter\'s bindings'] = '闘士の締め具',
		['firebrand'] = 'ファイアブランド',
		['flail'] = 'フレイル',
		['fortune spear'] = '幸運の槍',
		['freezing foil'] = '凍てつく金属片',
		['frost scythe'] = 'フロストサイス',
		['frost slayer'] = 'Frost Slayer',
		['gauntlets'] = 'ガントレット',
		['glaive'] = 'グレイブ',
		['grave bane'] = '大いなる破滅',
		['great axeblade'] = 'Great Axeblade',
		['great hammer'] = 'グレートハンマー',
		['growing staff'] = '成長するスタッフ',
		['hammer of gravity'] = '重力のハンマー',
		['hawkbrand'] = 'ホークブランド',
		['heartstealer'] = '心を奪うもの',
		['highland axe'] = 'ハイランドアックス',
		['jailor\'s scythe'] = '看守のサイス',
		['katana'] = '刀',
		['mace'] = 'メイス',
		['master\'s katana'] = '達人の刀',
		['maulers'] = 'マウラーズ',
		['mechanized sawblade'] = '機械ソーブレード',
		['moon daggers'] = '月のダガー',
		['nameless blade'] = '名もなき刃',
		['nightmare\'s bite'] = '悪夢の刃',
		['pickaxe'] = 'ツルハシ',
		['rapier'] = 'レイピア',
		['resolute tempest knife'] = 'リゾルトテンペストナイフ',
		['sheer daggers'] = 'Sheer Daggers',
		['sickles'] = '鎌',
		['sinister sword'] = 'Sinister Sword',
		['soul fists'] = '魂のフィスト',
		['soul knife'] = 'ソウルナイフ',
		['soul scythe'] = '魂のサイス',
		['spear'] = '槍',
		['stormlander'] = 'ストームランダー',
		['sun\'s grace'] = '太陽の愛',
		['sword'] = '剣',
		['tempest knife'] = 'テンペストナイフ',
		['the last laugh'] = 'ラストラーフ',
		['the monkey motivator'] = 'The Monkey Motivator',
		['truthseeker'] = 'トゥルースシーカー',
		['venom glaive'] = 'ベノムグレイブ',
		['vine whip'] = 'つたの鞭',
		['whip'] = '鞭',
		['whirlwind'] = 'ワールウィンド',
		['whispering spear'] = 'ささやく槍',
		-- end melee

		-- begin ranged
		['ancient bow'] = '古代の弓',
		['auto crossbow'] = 'オートクロスボウ',
		['azure seeker'] = 'アズールシーカー',
		['baby crossbows'] = 'ベビークロスボウ',
		['bonebow'] = '骨の弓',
		['bow'] = '弓',
		['bow of lost souls'] = '失われた魂のボウ',
		['burst crossbow'] = 'Burst Crossbow',
		['burst gale bow'] = 'バーストゲイルボウ',
		['butterfly crossbow'] = '蝶のクロスボウ',
		['cog crossbow'] = 'コグクロスボウ',
		['corrupted crossbow'] = '穢れたクロスボウ',
		['crossbow'] = 'クロスボウ',
		['doom crossbow'] = '破滅のクロスボウ',
		['dual crossbows'] = 'デュアルクロスボウ',
		['echo of the valley'] = '谷のこだま',
		['elite power bow'] = '良質な力の弓',
		['exploding crossbow'] = '爆発のクロスボウ',
		['feral soul crossbow'] = '残忍な魂のクロスボウ',
		['firebolt thrower'] = 'ファイアボルトスロワー',
		['guardian bow'] = '保護者の弓',
		['harp crossbow'] = 'ハープクロスボウ',
		['haunted bow'] = 'Haunted Bow',
		['heavy crossbow'] = 'ヘビークロスボウ',
		['hunter\'s promise'] = '狩人の誓約',
		['hunting bow'] = '狩人の弓',
		['imploding crossbow'] = '爆縮のクロスボウ',
		['lightning harp crossbow'] = '輝くハープクロスボウ',
		['longbow'] = '長弓',
		['love spell bow'] = '愛のスペルボウ',
		['master\'s bow'] = '達人の弓',
		['mechanical shortbow'] = '機械仕掛けの短弓',
		['nocturnal bow'] = '夜のボウ',
		['power bow'] = '力の弓',
		['pride of the piglins'] = 'Pride of the Piglins',
		['purple storm'] = 'パープルストーム',
		['rapid crossbow'] = '速射のクロスボウ',
		['red snake'] = 'レッドスネーク',
		['sabrewing'] = 'サブリューイング',
		['scatter crossbow'] = '乱射のクロスボウ',
		['shivering bow'] = '震える弓',
		['shortbow'] = '短弓',
		['slayer crossbow'] = '殺戮のクロスボウ',
		['snow bow'] = '雪の弓',
		['soul bow'] = 'ソウルの弓',
		['soul crossbow'] = '魂のクロスボウ',
		['soul hunter crossbow'] = '魂のハンタークロスボウ',
		['spellbound crossbows'] = 'スペルバウンドクロスボウ',
		['the green menace'] = 'グリーンメナス',
		['the pink scoundrel'] = 'ピンクスコーンドレル',
		['the slicer'] = 'スライサー',
		['trickbow'] = 'トリックボウ',
		['twin bow'] = 'ツインボウ',
		['twisting vine bow'] = 'ねじれたツタの弓',
		['voidcaller'] = 'ボイドコール',
		['weeping vine bow'] = 'ウィーピングつたの弓',
		['wind bow'] = 'ウィンドボウ',
		['winter\'s touch'] = '冬の指先'
		-- end ranged
['DungeonsEntitySprite'] = {
		-- begin mob
		['abomination vine'] = 'Abomination Vine',
		['arch illager'] = 'Arch Illager',
		['arch visage'] = 'Arch Visage',
		['armored piglin'] = 'Armored Piglin',
		['armored piglin hunter'] = 'Armored Piglin Hunter',
		['armored pillager'] = 'Armored Pillager',
		['armored skeleton'] = 'Armored Skeleton',
		['armored vindicator'] = 'Armored Vindicator',
		['armored zombie'] = 'Armored Zombie',
		['armored zombified piglin'] = 'Armored Zombified Piglin',
		['armored zombified piglin hunter'] = 'Armored Zombified Piglin Hunter',
        ['baby zombie'] = 'こどもゾンビ',
		['bat'] = 'Bat',
        ['blacksmith'] = '鍛冶屋',
        ['blaze'] = 'Blaze',
        ['blaze spawner'] = 'Blaze Spawner',
		['cauldron'] = '大釜',
		['corrupted cauldron'] = '壊れた大釜',
		['chicken'] = 'Chicken',
		['chicken jockey'] = 'チキンジョッキー',
		['chicken jockey tower'] = 'Chicked Jockey Tower',
		['cow'] = 'Cow',
		['creeper'] = 'クリーパー',
		['enchanted sheep'] = 'Enchanted Sheep',
		['enchanter'] = 'Enchanter',
		['enderman'] = 'エンダーマン',
		['evoker'] = 'エヴォーカー',
		['evoker fang'] = 'Evoker Fang',
		['frozen zombie'] = 'Frozen Zombie',
		['fungus thrower'] = 'Fungus Thrower',
		['geomancer'] = 'Geomancer',
		['ghast'] = 'Ghast',
        ['gift wrapper'] = 'ギフトラッパー',
		['heart of ender'] = 'エンダーの心臓',
		['hoglin'] = 'Hoglin',
		['hovering inferno '] = 'Hovering Inferno',
		['husk'] = 'ハスク',
		['iceologer'] = 'Iceologer',
		['icy creeper'] = 'Icy Creeper',
		['illusioner'] = 'イリュージョナー',
		['iron golem'] = 'Iron Golem',
		['jack o\' lantern'] = 'Jack o\' Lantern',
		['jungle abomination'] = 'ジャングルの魔物',
		['jungle zombie'] = 'Jungle Zombie',
		['key golem'] = 'Key Golem',
		['leapleaf'] = 'Leapleaf',
		['llama'] = 'Llama',
		['luxury merchant'] = '高級商人',
		['mage'] = 'Mage',
		['magma cube'] = 'Magma Cube',
		['mob spawner'] = 'Mob Spawner',
		['mooshroom'] = 'ムーシュルーム',
		['mooshroom monstrosity'] = 'ムーシュルーム・モンスターズ',
		['mossy skeleton'] = 'コケの生えたスケルトン',
		['mountaineer'] = 'Mountaineer',
		['mystery merchant'] = 'ミステリー商人',
		['nameless one'] = '名もなき者',
		['necromancer'] = 'Nacromancer',
		['panda'] = 'パンダ',
		['phantom'] = 'Phantom',
		['pig'] = 'Pig',
		['piggy bank'] = 'Piggy Bank',
		['piglin'] = 'ピグリン',
		['piglin brute'] = 'Piglin Brute',
		['piglin hunter'] = 'Piglin Hunter',
		['piglin merchant'] = 'ピグリン商人',
		['pillager'] = 'Pillager',
		['pink slime'] = 'Pink Slime',
		['poison quill vine'] = 'Poison Quill Vine',
		['polar bear'] = 'Polar Bear',
		['quick growing vine'] = 'Quick Growing Vine',
		['rampart captain'] = 'Rampart Captain',
		['ravager'] = 'Ravager',
		['redstone cube'] = 'Redstone Cube',
		['redstone golem'] = 'レッドストーンゴーレム',
		['redstone monstrosity'] = 'レッドストーンの怪物',
		['royal guard'] = 'Royal Guard',
		['sheep'] = 'Sheep',
		['skeleton'] = 'スケルトン',
		['skeleton horseman'] = 'Skeleton Hurseman',
		['slime'] = 'スライム',
		['soul wizard'] = 'Soul Wizard',
		['spider'] = 'クモ',
        ['skeleton vanguard'] = 'Skeleton Vanguard',
        ['squall golem'] = 'Squall Golem',
        ['target dummy'] = 'Target Dummy',
        ['tempest golem'] = 'テンペストゴーレム',
		['vanguard'] = 'Vanguard',
		['vex'] = 'Vex',
        ['village merchant'] = '村の商人',
		['villager'] = '村人',
		['vindicator'] = 'ヴィンディケーター',
		['vindicator chef'] = 'Vindicator Chef',
		['vulture'] = 'Vulture',
		['whisperer'] = 'Whisperer',
		['wind caller'] = 'Wind Caller',
		['witch'] = 'ウィッチ',
		['wither skeleton'] = 'Whiter Skeleton',
		['wither skeleton archer'] = 'Wither Skeleton Archer',
		['オオカミ'] = 'オオカミ',
		['wooly cow'] = 'Wooly Cow',
		['wraith'] = 'レイス',
		['wretched wraith'] = '邪悪なレイス',
		['zombie'] = 'ゾンビ',
		['zombified piglin'] = 'Zombified Piglin',
		['zombified piglin hunter'] = 'Zombified Piglin Hunter',
		['zombified fungus thrower'] = 'Zombified Fungus Thrower',
		-- end mob

		-- begin pet
		['arctic fox'] = '北極ギツネ',
		['baby chicken'] = '赤ちゃんニワトリ',
		['baby ghast'] = 'Baby Ghast',
		['baby goat'] = 'Baby Goat',
		['baby pig'] = '赤ちゃん豚',
		['parrot'] = 'オウム'
		-- end pet
	['DungeonsEnchantmentSprite'] = {
		-- begin enchantment
		['accelerate'] = '加速',
		['acrobat'] = 'アクロバット',
		['altruistic'] = 'Altruistic',
		['anima conduit'] = '流れ込む魂',
		['artifact charge'] = 'アーティファクトチャージ',
		['artifact synergy'] = 'アーティファクトシナジー',
		['barrier'] = 'Barrier',
		['bag of souls'] = '魂の袋',
		['beast boss'] = 'ビーストボス',
		['beast burst'] = 'ビーストバースト',
		['beast surge'] = 'ビーストサージ',
		['bonus shot'] = 'ボーナスショット',
		['burning'] = '火傷',
		['burst bowstring'] = 'バーストボウストリング',
		['busy bee'] = '働きバチ',
		['celerity'] = 'Celerity',
		['chain reaction'] = '連鎖反応',
		['chains'] = 'チェーン',
		['chilling'] = '冷気',
		['cooldown shot'] = 'クールダウンショット',
		['cool down'] = 'クールダウン',
		['committed'] = '追討ち',
		['cowardice'] = '臆病',
		['critical hit'] = 'クリティカルヒット',
		['death barter'] = 'デスバーター',
		['deflect'] = '偏向',
		['dynamo'] = 'ダイナモ',
		['echo'] = 'エコー',
		['electrified'] = '帯電',
		['emerald shield'] = 'Emerald Shield',
		['enigma resonator'] = '謎の共鳴',
		['environmental protection'] = 'Enviromental Protection',
		['exploding'] = '爆発',
		['explorer'] = '冒険者',
		['final shout'] = '最後の叫び',
		['fire aspect'] = '火属性',
		['fire focus'] = '火炎フォーカス',
		['fire trail'] = '炎の道',
		['food reserves'] = '食糧貯蔵',
		['freezing'] = '凍結',
		['frenzied'] = '激高',
		['fuse shot'] = 'ヒューズショット',
		['gravity'] = '重力',
		['gravity pulse'] = '重力パルス',
		['growing'] = '成長',
		['heals allies'] = 'Heals Allies',
		['health synergy'] = 'ヘルスシナジー',
		['illager\'s bane'] = '邪悪な村人の破滅',
		['infinity'] = '無限',
		['knockback'] = 'ノックバック',
		['leeching'] = '吸血',
		['life boost'] = 'ライフブースト',
		['lightning focus'] = '稲妻フォーカス',
		['looting'] = 'アイテムボーナス',
		['lucky explorer'] = '幸運な冒険者',
		['multi roll'] = 'マルチロール',
		['multishot'] = 'マルチショット',
		['pain cycle'] = '痛みサイクル',
		['piercing'] = '貫通',
		['poison cloud'] = '毒の雲',
		['poison focus'] = '毒フォーカス',
		['potion barrier'] = 'ポーションバリア',
		['power'] = 'パワー',
		['prospector'] = '採掘者',
		['protection'] = '防護',
		['punch'] = '衝撃',
		['radiance'] = '輝き',
		['radiance shot'] = '光の射手',
		['rampaging'] = '凶暴化',
		['rapid fire'] = '速射',
		['reckless'] = '無謀',
		['recycler'] = 'リサイクル',
		['regeneration'] = '再生',
		['ricochet'] = '跳弾',
		['roll charge'] = 'ロールチャージ',
		['rushdown'] = 'Rushdown',
		['sharpness'] = '鋭利',
		['shielding'] = 'Shielding',
		['shock web'] = 'ショックウェブ',
		['shockwave'] = '衝撃波',
		['smiting'] = '強打',
		['snowball'] = '雪玉',
		['soul focus'] = 'ソウルフォーカス',
		['soul siphon'] = '吸魂',
		['soul speed'] = 'Soul Speed',
		['speed synergy'] = 'スピードシナジー',
		['stunning'] = 'スタン',
		['supercharge'] = 'スーパーチャージ',
		['surprise gift'] = 'サプライズギフト',
		['swiftfooted'] = '俊足',
		['swirling'] = '旋風',
		['tempo theft'] = 'テンポセフト',
		['thorns'] = 'とげ',
		['thundering'] = '雷',
		['tumble bee'] = 'タンブルビー',
		['unchanting'] = 'アンチャンティング',
		['weakening'] = '弱体化',
		['wild rage'] = '激怒'
		-- end enchantment
	['DungeonsLevelSprite'] = {
		-- begin level
		['???'] = '???|???',
		['arch haven'] = '王の隠れ家',
		['basalt deltas'] = '玄武岩の三角洲',
		['cacti canyon'] = 'サボテン峡谷',
		['colossal rampart'] = '巨大城壁',
		['creeper woods'] = 'クリーパーの森',
		['creeping winter'] = '忍び寄る冬',
		['creepy crypt'] = '不気味な洞窟',
		['crimson forest'] = '真紅の森',
		['desert temple'] = '砂漠の寺院',
		['dingy jungle'] = '薄暗いジャングル',
		['fiery forge'] = '燃える鍛冶場',
		['flames of the nether'] = 'ネザーの炎',
		['frosted fjord'] = 'フロストフィヨルド',
		['gale sanctum'] = 'ゲイル聖域',
		['highblock halls'] = 'ハイブロックホール',
		['howling peaks'] = '荒れ狂う頂',
		['jungle awakens'] = 'ジャングルの目覚め',
		['lone fortress'] = '孤立した城',
		['lost settlement'] = '失われた集落',
		['lower temple'] = '地下寺院',
		['mooshroom island'] = 'Mooshroom Island',
		['nether fortress'] = 'ネザー要塞',
		['nether wastes'] = 'ネザーの荒野',
		['obsidian pinnacle'] = '黒曜石の尖塔',
		['overgrown temple'] = '草木の生い茂る寺院',
		['panda plateau'] = 'パンダの高原',
		['pumpkin pastures'] = 'カボチャ草原',
		['redstone mines'] = 'レッドストーン鉱山',
		['slimy sewers'] = 'Slimy Sewers',
		['soggy cave'] = '湿っぽい洞窟',
		['soggy swamp'] = '湿っぽい沼',
		['spider cave'] = 'Spider Cave',
		['soul sand valley'] = 'ソウルサンドの谷',
		['squid coast'] = 'イカ海岸',
		['underhalls'] = 'アンダーホール',
		['warped forest'] = 'ゆがんだ森',
		['windswept peaks'] = '風の吹きすさぶ山頂',
		['woodland mansion'] = '森の洋館',
		['woodland prison'] = 'Woodland Prison'
		-- end level
	['DungeonsMiscellaneousSprite'] = {
		-- begin misc
		['adventure'] = 'アドベンチャー',
		['apocalypse'] = 'アポカリプス',
		['apocalypse Plus'] = 'アポカリプス+',
		['armor'] = 'アーマー',
		['artifact'] = 'アーティファクト',
		['common'] = 'コモン',
		['consumable'] = '消耗品',
		['cosmetic'] = '装飾',
		['daily Trial'] = 'デイリーチャレンジ',
		['default'] = 'デフォルト',
		['down'] = 'Down',
		['enchantment common'] = 'コモンエンチャント',
		['enchantment powerful'] = 'パワフルエンチャント',
		['item'] = 'アイテム',
		['melee'] = '近接武器',
		['mission'] = 'ミッション',
		['ranged'] = '遠距離武器',
		['rare'] = 'レア',
		['regular bullet'] = 'Regular Bullet',
		['seasonal trial'] = 'Seasonal Trial',
		['secret mission'] = 'シークレットミッション',
		['soul bullet'] = 'Soul Bullet',
		['unique'] = 'ユニーク',
		['unique bullet'] = 'Unique Bullet',
		['up'] = 'Up'
		-- end misc