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Napoan (トーク | 投稿記録)
(→‎コマンド一覧 (英語版準拠): のbanコマンドの節を翻訳)
744行目: 744行目:
=== ban ===
=== ban ===
These commands control a server's banlist, or blacklist. A blacklist is a list of players or IP addresses that are not allowed to connect to the server. Bans supersede any whitelisting in place.
{{see also|Commands#whitelist|title1= <code>/whitelist</code>}}
{{see also|コマンド#whitelist|title1= <code>/whitelist</code>}}
759行目: 759行目:
Adds a player to the blacklist
: <code>ban <''name''> [''reason …'']</code>
: <code>ban <''プレイヤー名''> [''理由 …'']</code>
: ''name''
: ''プレイヤー名''
:: BANするプレイヤーの名前を入れる。オンラインである必要はなく、さらには実在する必要もない。
:: The name of the player to be banned. Does ''not'' need to be online, or even real.
: ''reason'' (optional)
: ''理由'' (任意)
:: BANの通知と一緒に発信されるメッセージ。[[オペレーター]]が受信し、加えてサーバーのログに残る。
:: Text to be displayed with the ban, to other [[operator]]s and in the server logs.
: 常に成功する。指定したプレイヤー名がサーバーのブラックリストに追加され、追加された名前のプレイヤーがサーバーに接続することを防止する
: Always succeeds. The player name is added to the server blacklist, which prevents anyone with that name from connecting to the server

2016年5月23日 (月) 12:10時点における版

Book and Quill
Clock JE3



通常の Minecraftクライアントでは、Tキーを押すか直接/キーを入力してチャット画面を開いて入力する。/キーを使ってチャット画面を開いた場合は、コマンドの先頭のスラッシュが最初から入力された状態でチャット画面が開く。コマンドを入力中にTab ↹キーを押すと、使用可能なコマンドや変数が表示される。




  • マルチプレイサーバーにて、管理者またはコマンドブロックによって実行された場合
  • その他のマルチプレイでは、「LANに開く」からチートを有効にしてローカルマルチプレイを開始した場合、または自分でサーバーをホスティングしている場合
  • シングルプレイで、ワールド生成時にチートを有効にした場合(「その他のワールドオプション」ボタンから設定する)


注意: シングルプレイでワールドを作成時にチートを有効にしなかった場合でも、ローカルマルチプレイを開始する際にチートを有効にするとコマンドが使えるようになる(Esc → 「LANに開く」 → 「チートを許可する:オン」)。この際他のプレイヤーがゲームに参加する必要はない。ワールドを出るとコマンドは使えなくなるが、コマンドを使ってワールドに加えた変更はそのまま保持される。ワールドに入る度に同じ手順を繰り返せばよい。ローカルマルチプレイを開始するとゲームを一時停止できなくなるので注意。ワールドから出ればローカルマルチプレイは終了される。


多数のコマンドではチルダ~ 記号で「相対座標」を使うことができる。チルダ記号と一緒に書かれた数字は、コマンドで指定した座標からの「オフセット」であり、+-の符号で正負の方向を指定する。~ 一文字で ~0 を表す。

例えば、 tp 0 64 0 というコマンドではプレイヤーをx:0、y:64、z:0の位置へテレポートするが、tp ~3 ~ ~-3 というコマンドではプレイヤーをX方向へ「+3」(つまり東へ3ブロック分)、高さはそのまま、そしてZ方向へ「-3」(つまり北へ3ブロック分)テレポートさせる。

絶対座標は相対座標と一緒に使うことが出来る。例えば、tp ~ 64 ~ はX座標とZ座標はそのままに、Y座標:64へテレポートさせるコマンドである。

相対座標の原点はそれぞれのコマンドに依存する。例えば /tp コマンドの原点はテレポート開始時の座標である。その他のコマンドでは、原点はコマンドが実行された座標、またはコマンドで特別に指定した座標である。




/gamemode creative @a[team=Red]


変数 働き
@p 最寄りのプレイヤー1人
@r ランダムなプレイヤー
@a 全てのプレイヤー
@e 全てのエンティティ


最も近い一人のプレイヤーが対象になる。 もしも複数のプレイヤーが正確に同じ距離に存在した場合は、サーバーに最近参加したプレイヤーが優先して選ばれる。
ターゲットセレクターの引数 を追記することで、対象となるプレイヤーをさらに絞り込める。例えば @p[team=Red] とすれば最も近い「Red」チームのプレイヤーを対象にする。さらに近くにプレイヤーが居たとしても、チームが違うならば対象にならない。
引数 c を使えば、対象になるプレイヤーの人数を増やすことが出来る(例えば @p[c=3] なら最寄りの3人のプレイヤーが対象になる)。c にマイナスの値を設定した場合は、対象を選ぶ優先順位が逆になる(例えば、@p[c=-1] だと最も遠いプレイヤーを対象にする)。
ターゲットセレクターの引数 を使って、対象となるプレイヤーを絞り込むことが出来る。 例えば、@r[team=Red] は「Red」チームのプレイヤーの中からランダムで一人を対象にする。
c 引数を使えば対象になるプレイヤーの人数を増やせる。例えば、@r[c=3] はランダムに3人のプレイヤーを対象にする。
type 引数を使わない場合は、@r は常時プレイヤーを対象とする。 type 引数を使えばプレイヤー以外のエンティティを対象にできる(例えば、@r[type=Zombie] はランダムなゾンビを対象にする。@r[type=!Player] はプレイヤー以外のエンティティをランダムで対象にする。@r[type=!Zombie] はゾンビ以外からランダムで対象にする)。
ターゲットセレクターの引数 を使って、対象にするプレイヤーを絞り込むことができる。例えば、@a[team=Red] は「Red」チーム内の全プレイヤーを対象にする。
ターゲットセレクターの引数 を使って、対象にするエンティティを絞り込むことが出来る。 例えば、@e[type=Cow]ウシだけを対象にする。


引数 選択基準
x, y, z 座標
r, rm 半径(最大、最小)
m ゲームモード
l, lm 経験値レベル(最大、最小)
score_name 最大スコア
score_name_min 最小スコア
team チーム名
name エンティティ名
dx, dy, dz 範囲の大きさ
rx, rxm x軸を中心とした向き(最大、最小)
ry, rym y軸を中心とした向き (最大、最小)
type エンティティの種類

ターゲットセレクターの後に引数を追記することで、選択基準をさらに編集することが出来る。 @a または @e セレクターと一緒に使えば、全ての中から特定の限られた対象に絞り込むことが出来る。@p または @r セレクターと一緒に使えば、最寄りのまたはランダムに選ばれた対象の中からさらに絞り込むことが出来る。




引数では大文字と小文字は区別され、未知の引数を書いた場合は無視される。例えば、 kill @e[type=Creeper,r=20] は半径20ブロック以内の全てのクリーパーを抹消するが、 kill @e[Type=Creeper,r=20] ('type'内の'T'が大文字)と書くとクリーパーだけを指定するはずの'type'の書き方が間違っているため、半径20ブロック以内の全てのエンティティがキルされる。

xyzr の4つの引数は、最初に書く場合は単純に数値だけを書いて指定できる。したがって、以下の2つのコマンドは同じ意味である:

/gamemode creative @a[x=10,y=20,z=30,r=4]
/gamemode creative @a[10,20,30,4]
[x=X,y=Y,z=Z] — 指定した座標のターゲットを対象にする。合わせて半径も指定することで、指定した座標の周囲を対象にできる。
座標の値は正確な整数である必要がある - チルダ表記法 はこの引数では使えない。
[r=R] — コマンドが実行された座標を中心に、半径Rブロック以内を対象とする。
[rm=RM] — コマンドが実行された座標を中心に、半径RMブロック以上を対象とする。
合わせて座標の引数を使った場合は、コマンドを実行した場所よりも引数で指定した座標が優先される。 非常に遠い座標と非常に大きい半径を指定すれば、直線に近い範囲を対象にすることができる。
[m=M] — 指定されたゲームモードの人だけを対象にする。
[m=!M] — 指定されたゲームモード以外の人を対象にする。
  • -1: 全てのゲームモード
  • 0ssurvival: サバイバルモード
  • 1ccreative: クリエイティブモード
  • 2aadventure: アドベンチャーモード
  • 3spspectator: スペクテイターモード
[c=C] — 指定された数のターゲットを対象とする。 コマンドが実行された場所からの距離の順に選ばれる。
@p または @r セレクターでは、このc引数の値はデフォルトで1である。よってc引数を使うことで対象となるターゲットの数を増加させることができる。@a または @e セレクターと合わせて使えば、最寄りのターゲットを対象にできる。
もし同じ距離に複数のターゲットが存在した場合は、サーバーに存在した時間(最近のゲーム参加またはエンティティが作成されてからの時間)を基準に対象が選ばれる。最も時間が長いターゲットが優先して選ばれる。 例えば 同じ距離に存在した場合, @a[c=1] は最も長くサーバーに存在したターゲット一つを対象にし、 @e[type=Creeper,c=3] は3体の存在した時間が長いクリーパーが対象になる。
マイナスの値を指定した場合は、対象となる順番が反転する。 例えば、@p[c=-3] は3つの最も遠いプレイヤーを対象にする。もし対象にされうるターゲットが全て同じ距離に存在した場合は、@e[c=-3] は3つの最近参加した/作成されたターゲットが対象になる。
[l=L] — レベルがL以上ではない全てのターゲットを対象にする。
[lm=LM] – レベルがLM未満ではない全てのターゲットを対象にする。
[team=] — どのチームにも所属していないターゲットを対象にする。
コマンドが実行された座標、 またはコマンド内で指定された座標を中心とした特定の範囲のターゲットを対象にする。DXは"x"方向(すなわち東/西)、 DYは"y"方向(すなわち上/下)、DZは"z" 方向(すなわち北/南)の範囲を意味している。一緒に xyz の引数を指定した場合は、コマンドが実行された座標よりそれらを優先して範囲の北西の角とする (dxdydz は中心からの距離を示すものであり、別々の座標を指定するものではない)。
[rx=RX] — 縦向きの回転の値がRX以下のターゲットを対象にする。
[rxm=RXM] — 縦向きの回転の値がRXM以上のターゲットを対象にする。
[ry=RY] — 水平方向の回転の値がRY以下のターゲットを対象にする。
[rym=RYM] — 水平方向の回転の値がRYM以上のターゲットを対象にする。
[type=TYPE] — 指定した種類のエンティティを対象にする。
[type=!TYPE] — 指定した種類ではないエンティティを対象にする。
TYPEは内部的なエンティティの種類を指定するエンティティIDである必要がある。(例えば、CreeperクリーパーMinecartRideableは通常のトロッコPrimedTntは着火されたTNT、など)。 エンティティIDは大文字と小文字が区別され、間違ったIDを指定するとコマンドの実行に失敗する。



A data tag is a sequence of text which describes a data structure using attribute-value pairs. Data tags are used in commands to specify complex data for players, entities, and some blocks.

A data tag consists of zero or more attribute-value pairs separated by commas and delineated by curly brackets. Each attribute-value pair consists of an attribute name and the attribute's value, separated by a colon. Some values, however, may themselves contain attribute-value pairs, allowing a data tag to describe a hierarchical data structure.

Example: {name1:123,name2:"sometext",name3:{subname1:456,subname2:789}}

The data structures that data tags describe are the same ones used in Minecraft's save files. These data structures are described in other articles and commands expect data tags to use the same attribute names (which are case-sensitive):

Data Structure Specification Links
Objects Examples
Block entities chests, furnaces, command blocks, mob spawners, signs, etc.
Items items in inventories (includes specifications for enchantments, lore, custom names, etc.)
Item entities items on the ground
Mobs creepers, cows, villagers, etc.
Projectiles arrows, fireballs, thrown potions, etc.
Vehicles boats, minecarts, etc.
Dynamic tiles primed TNT, falling sand/gravel
Other entities firework rockets, paintings, and item frames

The defined data structures also expect the values to be of the correct type.

Data Tags Value Types
Type Description
 Byte An integer between -128 and 127 (inclusive).
 Short An integer between -32,768 and 32,767 (inclusive).
 Int An integer between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647 (inclusive).
 Long An integer between -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 and 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (inclusive).
Numbers which can have a decimal portion (for example, 3.14159).
 String A sequence of text, optionally delineated with double quotes.

Double quotes must be used if the String contains commas, curly brackets, or square brackets. To include a double quote inside a String, add a backslash before the double quote.

Example: "Call me \"Ishmael\""
 List A sequence of values, separated by commas and delineated with square brackets. The values must be of the same type, which is dictated by the first value in the sequence.
Example: [3.2,64.5,129.5]
 Int Array A sequence of integers between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647 (inclusive), separated by commas and delineated with square brackets.
 Compound A sequence of attribute-value pairs, separated by commas and delineated with curly brackets.
Example: {X:3,Y:64,Z:129}

Every data tag argument is itself a Compound.

The  Byte Array type is unavailable to commands.

Some commands may require that a number's type be specified by adding a letter (B, S, L, F, D) to the end of the value. For example, 3s for a short, 3.2f for a float, etc. (This doesn't work with I for int.) The letter can be uppercase or lowercase. When no letter is used and Minecraft can't tell the type from context, it assumes double (if there's a decimal point), int (if there's no decimal point and the number is small enough to store as an int), or string (if neither is true). A square-bracketed literal is assumed to be an int array if every element that's between commas is an int; otherwise, it is assumed to be a list. An exception applies: [] is an empty list, but [,] is an empty int array.

When commands such as /testfor, /testforblock, and /clear are used to match data tags, they only check for the presence of the provided tags in the target entity/block/item. This means that the entity/block/item may have additional tags and will still match. This is true even for lists and arrays: the order of a list is not acknowledged, and as long as every requested element is in the list, it will match even if there are additional elements.

The format used for data tags is a lenient form of JSON.



The /tellraw and /title commands use strict JSON syntax.

Scores and target selectors are evaluated for a Sign when it is placed or edited and for a Written Book when it is "resolved" (opened for the first time after signing). They won't update after that, and they won't work if edited onto an existing sign with an NBT editor, or onto a book that's already marked resolved. There's no way to wrap text onto the next line of a sign or the next page of a book during resolution; instead, the extra text will simply disappear.

The format of raw JSON text is a JSON Object which supports the following (mostly optional) elements:

  • The base chat component Object
    •  text: A string representing raw text to display directly in chat. Note that selectors such as "@a" and "@p" are not translated into player names; use selector instead. "\n" is newline (enter).
    •  extra: A list of additional objects, sharing the same format as the base object.
      • A list element with the same format as the base object (recursive). Note that all properties of this object are inherited by children except for text, extra, translate, with, and score. This means that children will retain the same formatting and events as this object unless they explicitly override them.
    •  color: The color to render this text in. Valid values are "black", "dark_blue", "dark_green", "dark_aqua", "dark_red", "dark_purple", "gold", "gray", "dark_gray", "blue", "green", "aqua", "red", "light_purple", "yellow", "white", and "reset" (cancels out the effects of colors used by parent objects). Technically, "bold", "underline", "italic", "strikethrough", and "obfuscated" are also accepted, but it may be better practice to use the tags below for such formats.
    •  bold: Boolean (true/false) - whether to render text in bold. Defaults to false.
    •  underlined: Boolean (true/false) - whether to render text underlined. Defaults to false.
    •  italic: Boolean (true/false) - whether to render text in italics. Defaults to false.
    •  strikethrough: Boolean (true/false) - whether to render text with a strikethrough. Defaults to false.
    •  obfuscated: Boolean (true/false) - whether to render text obfuscated. Defaults to false.
    •  insertion: When the text is shift-clicked by a player, this string will be inserted in their chat input. It will not overwrite any existing text the player was writing.
    •  clickEvent: Allows for events to occur when the player clicks on text.
      •  action: The action to perform when clicked. Valid values are "open_url" (opens value as a URL in the player's default web browser), "open_file" (opens the value file on the users computer), "twitch_user_info" (opens info about a twitch user), "run_command" (has value entered in chat as though the player typed it themselves. This can be used to run commands, but the command will fail if the player does not have the required permissions to use it), "change_page" (can only be used in written books) changes to page value if that page exists, and "suggest_command" (similar to "run_command", but the text only appears in the player's chat input, and is not automatically entered. Unlike insertion, this will replace the existing contents of the chat input). "open_file" and "twitch_user_info" cannot be used with commands.
      •  value: The URL, file, twitch user, chat, command or book page used by the specified action. Note that commands must be prefixed with the usual "/" slash.
    •  hoverEvent: Allows for a tooltip to be displayed when the player hovers their mouse over text.
      •  action: The type of tooltip to show. Valid values are "show_text" (shows raw JSON text), "show_item" (shows the tooltip of an item which can have NBT tags), "show_achievement" (shows formatted text describing an achievement or statistic. Normal achievement names are green, final achievement names are dark_purple, and statistic names are gray. In addition, a description is given for achievements), and "show_entity" (shows an entity's name, possibly its type, and its UUID).
      •  value: The formatting of this tag varies depending on the action. Note that "show_text" is the only action to support an Object as the value; all other action values are Strings and should thus be wrapped in quotes.
        • "show_text": Can be either a raw String of text, or an Object with the same formatting as this base object. Note that clickEvent and hoverEvent do not function within the tooltip, but the formatting and extra tags still work.
        • "show_item": A string formatted like item NBT data. Contains the "id" tag, and optionally the "Damage" tag and "tag" tag (which is the same compound used as "dataTag" in the /give command).
        • "show_achievement": The achievement or statistic's name. This uses the same format as achievement and statistic Scoreboard objective criteria and the /achievement command.
        • "show_entity": A string formatted like a compound with the string values "type" (such as "Zombie"), "name", and "id" (should be an entity UUID, but can actually be any string).
    •  translate: The translation identifier of text to be displayed using the player's selected language. This identifier is the same as the identifiers found in lang files from assets or resource packs. The translated text will only be displayed if the text string is not used.
    •  with: A list of chat component arguments and/or string arguments to be used by translate.
      • The arguments are text corresponding to the arguments used by the translation string in the current language, in order (for example, the first list element corresponds to "%1$s" in a translation string).
    •  score: A player's score in an objective. Displays nothing if the player is not tracked in the given objective. Ignored completely if text or translate is present.
      •  name: The name of the player whose score should be displayed. Selectors (such as @p) can be used, in addition to "fake" player names created by the scoreboard system. In addition, if the name is "*", it will show the reader's own score (for example, /tellraw @a {score:{name:"*",objective:"obj"}} will show every online player their own score in the "obj" objective). Note that non-player entity scores (such as @e[type=Cow]) do not show, even if the entity has been given a score in the objective.
      •  objective: The internal name of the objective to display the player's score in.
      •  value: Optional. If present, this value is used regardless of what the score would have been.
    •  selector: A string containing a selector (@p,@a,@r, or @e) and, optionally, selector arguments. Unlike text, the selector will be translated into the correct player/entity names. If more than one player/entity is detected by the selector, it will be displayed in a form such as 'Name1 and Name2' or 'Name1, Name2, Name3, and Name4'. Ignored completely if text, translate, or score is present. Clicking a player's name inserted into a /tellraw command this way will suggest a command to whisper to that player. Shift-clicking a player's name will insert that name into chat. Shift-clicking a non-player entity's name will insert its UUID into chat.

Due to the extra tag, the above format may be recursively nested to produce very complex and functional text strings. However, a raw json text doesn't have to be complicated at all: virtually all properties are optional and may be left out.

To be valid, each object must have at least either text, translate, score or selector (everything else is optional). As a matter of shorthand, however, the entire Object may be substituted with a String. In this case, that string will be considered the value of the text property. For example, "This is raw text" is equivalent to {text:"This is raw text"}. This shorthand substitution is valid anywhere a raw text object is required (including the base <raw json message> argument of /tellraw, the elements of the extra list, and the value of a "show_text" hover_event).

/tellraw also accepts an array of objects and/or strings; they are concatenated. It even accepts a tree of nested arrays; they are traversed depth-first. For example:

/tellraw @a ["Hello there, ",{selector:"@p"},"."]
/tellraw @a [[[["The "],[["quick ","brown "],[{selector:"@p"}," jumps "],"over "],"the "],["lazy ","dog."]]]

Finally, unlike other commands using JSON, /tellraw Strings support Unicode via the notation \u####, where #### is the Unicode hexadecimal number for the desired character.

External links
Skylinerw's JSON Formatting Examples
Tellraw Generator



コマンド 説明 管理者のみ マルチプレイ限定 ブロック エンティティ プレイヤー ワールド
/achievement プレイヤーに実績を与えたり削除したりする。 管理者限定 プレイヤー
/ban BAN一覧にプレイヤーを追加する。 管理者限定 マルチ限定 プレイヤー
/ban-ip BAN一覧にIPアドレスを追加する。 管理者限定 マルチ限定 プレイヤー
/banlist BAN一覧を表示する。 管理者限定 マルチ限定 プレイヤー
/blockdata ブロックのデータタグを編集する。 管理者限定 ブロック
/clear プレイヤーのインベントリからアイテムを消去する。 管理者限定 プレイヤー
/clone ブロックのまとまりをコピー/移動させる。 管理者限定 ブロック
/debug デバッグを開始/停止する。 管理者限定
/defaultgamemode デフォルトのゲームモードを設定する。 管理者限定 ワールド
/deop プレイヤーの管理者権限を削除する。 管理者限定 マルチ限定 プレイヤー
/difficulty 難易度を設定する。 管理者限定 プレイヤー
/effect ステータス効果を付与/削除する。 管理者限定 エンティティ プレイヤー
/enchant プレイヤーのアイテムをエンチャントする。 管理者限定 プレイヤー
/entitydata エンティティのデータタグを編集する。 管理者限定 エンティティ
/execute プレイヤー/エンティティにコマンドを実行させる。 管理者限定
/fill ブロックを一括で設置する。 管理者限定 ブロック
/gamemode プレイヤーのゲームモードを設定する。 管理者限定 プレイヤー
/gamerule ゲームルールを設定する。 管理者限定 ワールド
/give プレイヤーにアイテムを与える。 管理者限定 プレイヤー
/help コマンドのヘルプを表示する。
/kick プレイヤーをキックする。 管理者限定 マルチ限定 プレイヤー
/kill エンティティをキル(抹消)する。 管理者限定 エンティティ プレイヤー
/list サーバーのプレイヤー一覧を表示する。 管理者限定 マルチ限定 プレイヤー
/me 自分自身に関するメッセージを表示する。 プレイヤー
/op プレイヤーに管理者権限を与える。 管理者限定 マルチ限定 プレイヤー
/pardon BAN一覧から項目を削除する。 管理者限定 マルチ限定 プレイヤー
/particle パーティクルを表示する。 管理者限定 プレイヤー
/playsound サウンドを再生する。 管理者限定 プレイヤー
/publish ワールドをローカルのネットワークに開放する。 管理者限定 ワールド
/replaceitem インベントリのアイテムを置き換える。 管理者限定 ブロック エンティティ プレイヤー
/save-all サーバーのワールドをセーブする。 管理者限定 マルチ限定 ワールド
/save-off サーバーの自動セーブを無効にする。 管理者限定 マルチ限定 ワールド
/save-on サーバーの自動セーブを有効にする。 管理者限定 マルチ限定 ワールド
/say 複数のプレイヤーにメッセージを表示する。 管理者限定
/scoreboard オブジェクト、プレイヤー、チーム、タグを管理する。 管理者限定 エンティティ プレイヤー
/seed シード値を表示する。 管理者限定 ワールド
/setblock ブロックを設置/置換する。 管理者限定 ブロック
/setidletimeout アイドル状態のプレイヤーがキックされる時間を設定する。 管理者限定 マルチ限定 プレイヤー
/setworldspawn ワールドのスポーン地点を設定する。 管理者限定 ワールド
/spawnpoint プレイヤーのスポーン地点を設定する。 管理者限定 プレイヤー
/spreadplayers エンティティをランダムな場所に配置する。 管理者限定 エンティティ プレイヤー
/stats コマンドの結果を使ってオブジェクトを更新する。 管理者限定 ブロック エンティティ プレイヤー
/stop サーバーを停止する。 管理者限定 マルチ限定 ワールド
/summon エンティティを召喚する。 管理者限定 エンティティ
/tell 他のプレイヤーにプライベートメッセージを送信する。 プレイヤー
/tellraw プレイヤーにJSONテキストを表示する。 管理者限定 プレイヤー
/testfor 条件に合うエンティティを検知する。 管理者限定 エンティティ プレイヤー
/testforblock 特定の位置に指定したブロックがあるかどうか判定する。 管理者限定 ブロック
/testforblocks 2つのブロックのまとまりが一致するか判定する。 管理者限定 ブロック
/time ワールドの時間の数値を変更する。 管理者限定 ワールド
/title 画面に表示するタイトルを管理する。 管理者限定 プレイヤー
/toggledownfall 天候を交互に切り替える。 管理者限定 ワールド
/tp エンティティをテレポートさせる。 管理者限定 エンティティ プレイヤー
/trigger trigger型オブジェクトを使用する。 プレイヤー
/weather 天候を設定する。 管理者限定 ワールド
/whitelist サーバーのホワイトリストを設定する。 管理者限定 マルチ限定 プレイヤー
/worldborder World Borderを管理する。 管理者限定 ワールド
/xp プレイヤーの経験値を追加/削除する。 管理者限定 プレイヤー

コマンド一覧 (英語版準拠)

解説内の書き方 意味
プレーンテキスト 書かれているまま、文字通り入力する。
斜体 適切な値で置き換える。
<山括弧で囲まれた文字> 必要な引数を表している。
[四角括弧で囲まれた文字] 任意の引数を表している。


有効な文字列は | で区切って示されている。

省略記号 … この引数はスペースで区切られたいくつかの言葉から成り立つ。
  • なし: これらのコマンドはどんなワールドでもどんなプレイヤーでも使える。/help/me/tell/trigger コマンドが該当する。
  • オペレーター: これらのコマンドはop(オペレーター) もしくはチートが有効なシングルプレイのプレイヤーのみ使える。マルチプレイサーバーでは、このコマンドの結果は他のオンラインのopに伝えられる。
No multiplayer commands permit target selectors in arguments.







achievement <give|take> <stat_name|*> [player]
  • achievement.achievement_name achievement_name には正しい統計の識別名が入る
  • * は全ての実績を表す
player (任意)
"オーバーキル"の実績を解除: achievement give achievement.overkill
Aliceの"インベントリを開く"実績を解除: achievement give achievement.openInventory Alice
最寄りのプレイヤーの"モブを殺した回数"の統計を1増やす: achievement give stat.mobKills @p
全てのプレイヤーの全ての実績をリセットする: achievement take * @a










ban <プレイヤー名> [理由 …]
理由 (任意)






Adds an IP address to the blacklist.

ban-ip <address|name> [reason …]
An IP address or the name of a player who is currently online
reason (optional)
Text to be displayed with the ban, to other operators and in the server logs.
Fails if address|name is neither a valid IP address nor the name of an online player.
On success, the IP address (of the online player, or the address specified) is added to the server blacklist, which prevents anyone from connecting to the server from that address.






Displays the server's blacklist.

banlist ips
banlist players
Always succeeds. Displays banned IP addresses or banned players.






Modifies the data tag of a block.

blockdata <x> <y> <z> <dataTag>
x y z
Specifies the coordinates of the block to be modified. May be provided in tilde notation to identify a position relative to the command's execution.
Specifies the data tag elements to be added to, or overwrite elements of, the specified block. Must be a compound NBT tag (for example, {CustomName:Fred}).
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, or if the block is "not a data holder block," as in it is not associated with a block entity.
On success, modifies the data tag of the targeted block.
To change the primary power of the beacon at (0,64,0) to Haste:
blockdata 0 64 0 {Primary:3}
See also






Clears items from player inventory.

clear [player] [item] [data] [maxCount] [dataTag]
player (optional)
Must be a player name or a target selector. If not specified, defaults to the player who executed the command. Not optional in command blocks.
item (optional)
Specifies the id of the item to be cleared. If not specified, all items in the player's inventory are cleared.
data (optional)
Specifies the data value of the item to be cleared. If not specified, or if -1, all items that match item are cleared, regardless of their data.
maxCount (optional)
Specifies the maximum number of items to be cleared. If not specified, or if -1, all items that match item and data are cleared. If 0, does not clear items, but returns successfully if there were items that could have been cleared (allowing detection of items rather than clearing of items).
dataTag (optional)
Specifies the data tags of the item to be cleared (only items matching the specified data tags will be cleared — data tags not specified will not be considered). Must be a compound NBT tag (for example, {display:{Name:Fred}}).
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, if player fails to resolve to one or more online players, or if no items are removed (except when maxCount is 0)
On success, removes the specified items from the player(s).
To clear your entire inventory: clear
To clear all items from Alice's inventory: clear Alice
To clear all wool items from Alice's inventory: clear Alice minecraft:wool
To clear all orange wool items from the inventory of all players: clear @a minecraft:wool 1
To clear all golden swords with the "Sharpness I" enchantment from the nearest player, regardless of their damage value:
clear @p minecraft:golden_sword -1 -1 {ench:[{id:16s,lvl:1s}]}
See also
/blockdata — can change or remove items in block inventories
/entitydata — can change or remove items in entity inventories
/give — give items to player
/kill — can destroy item entities
/replaceitem — can replace items in block or entity inventories






Clones blocks from one region to another.

clone <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> <x> <y> <z> [maskMode] [cloneMode] [TileName]
Color added to make reading easier. The in-game help for the clone command does not list the final argument — TileName is a placeholder name for the purpose of discussion.
x1 y1 z1 and x2 y2 z2
Specifies the coordinates of two opposing corner blocks of the source region. May use tilde notation to specify distances relative to the command's execution.
The blocks that make up the corners extend in the positive direction from the coordinates used to identify them. Because of this, the lesser coordinates of each axis will be right on the region boundary, but the greater coordinates will be one block from the boundary, and the block volume of the source region will be (xgreater - xlesser + 1) × (ygreater - ylesser + 1) × (zgreater - zlesser + 1). For example, 0 0 0 0 0 0 has a 1-block volume, and 0 0 0 1 1 1 and 1 1 1 0 0 0 both identify the same region with an 8-block volume.
x y z
Specifies the lower northwest corner (i.e., the smallest coordinates of each axis) of the destination region. May use tilde notation to specify a distance relative to the command's execution.
maskMode (optional)
Specifies whether to filter the blocks being cloned. Must be one of the following:
  • filtered — Clone only blocks with the block id specified by TileName.
  • masked — Copy only non-air blocks. Blocks in the destination region that would otherwise be overwritten by air are left unmodified.
  • replace — Copy all blocks, overwriting all blocks of the destination region with the blocks from the source region.
If left unspecified, defaults to replace.
cloneMode (optional)
Specifies how to treat the source region. Must be one of the following:
  • force — Force the clone even if the source and destination regions overlap.
  • move — Clone the source region to the destination region, then replace the source region with air. When used in filtered mask mode, only the cloned blocks will be replaced with air.
  • normal — Don't move or force.
If left unspecified, defaults to normal.
TileName (optional)
Specifies the block id (e.g., minecraft:stone) to copy when maskMode is set to filtered. Not optional when using filtered mode.
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, if the block volume of the source region is greater than 32768 (enough for the equivalent of eight chunk sections), if the source and destination region overlap (unless using force clone mode), or if one or both regions isn't currently rendered.
On success, overwrites blocks in the destination region with blocks from the source region, leaving the source region unmodified (unless using move clone mode).
See also
/fill — fill a region with a block






Starts or stops a debugging session.

debug <start|stop>
Starts a new debug profiling session.
Stops the active debug profiling session.
Fails if trying to start a debug session when one is already active, or if trying to stop a debug session when none is running.
On success, starts or stops the debug session. While active, includes notifications about potential performance bottlenecks in the console. When stopped, creates a profiler results file in the folder "debug".






Sets the default game mode (creative, survival, etc.) for new players entering a multiplayer server.

defaultgamemode <mode>
Specifies the default game mode for new players. Must be one of the following:
  • survival (can be abbreviated as s or 0) for survival mode
  • creative (can be abbreviated as c or 1) for creative mode
  • adventure (can be abbreviated as a or 2) for adventure mode
  • spectator (can be abbreviated as sp or 3) for spectator mode
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly.
If successful, sets the default game mode that is shown on the world selection menu. New players that join the world will be put into the default game mode.
To set the default game mode to survival: defaultgamemode survival, defaultgamemode s, or defaultgamemode 0
See also
/gamemode – changes a player's game mode






Revoke operator status from a player.

deop <player>
Specifies a player to remove from the list of operators. May be either a player name or a target selector, but target selectors will not evaluate; only actual player names will produce a useful result.
Always succeeds if restrictions are satisfied. If player matches a name on the list of operators, the name is removed from the list and any player by that name no longer has operator status.
To remove Alice from the list of operators: deop Alice






Sets the difficulty level (peaceful, easy, etc.).

difficulty <difficulty>
Specifies the new difficulty level. Must be one of the following:
  • peaceful (can be abbreviated as p or 0) for peaceful difficulty
  • easy (can be abbreviated as e or 1) for easy difficulty
  • normal (can be abbreviated as n or 2) for normal difficulty
  • hard (can be abbreviated as h or 3) for hard difficulty
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly.
If successful, changes the game's difficulty. On a multiplayer server lasts only until the server is restarted — on restart, difficulty is reloaded from server.properties.
To change the difficulty to hard: difficulty hard, difficulty h, or difficulty 3
See also
/gamemode – changes a player's game mode (creative, survival, etc.)






The effect command manages status effects on players and other entities.

effect <player> clear (removes all effects)
effect <player> <effect> [seconds] [amplifier] [hideParticles] (gives an effect)
Specifies the target(s). Must be a player name or a target selector (@e is permitted to target entities other than players).
Specifies the effect to grant. Must be a status effect id (for example, 1 or minecraft:speed).
seconds (optional)
Specifies the effect's duration in seconds. Must be between 0 and 1,000,000 (inclusive). If not specified, defaults to 30 seconds.
amplifier (optional)
Specifies the number of additional levels to add to the effect. Must be between 0 and 255 (inclusive). If not specified, defaults to 0. Note that the first tier of a status effect (e.g. Regeneration I) is 0, so the second tier, for example Regeneration II, would be specified by an amplifier level of 1.
hideParticles (optional)
Specifies whether the particles of the status effect should be hidden. Must be either true or false. If not specified, defaults to false.
Fails if arguments are not specified correctly, if player fails to resolve to one or more valid entities (named players must be online), if seconds was specified as 0 and the target did not have the effect, or if no effects were removed in clear mode.
On success:
  • clear — clears all status effects from the target(s).
  • effect — Adds the status effect to the target(s). If a target already has the status effect, a new status effect with the same amplifier will only override the old duration if it is longer, but a new status effect with a higher duration will override any previous duration. If seconds is set to 0, cancels the specified effect instead.
To grant a Speed 1 effect to the nearest player for 60 seconds: effect @p 1 60
To grant a Speed 3 effect to the nearest player for 60 seconds: effect @p minecraft:speed 60 2
To clear any Haste effects from all players: effect @a minecraft:haste 0
To clear all effects from all zombies: effect @e[type=Zombie] clear






Adds an enchantment to a player's selected item, subject to the same restrictions as an anvil.

enchant <player> <enchantment ID> [level]
Specifies the target(s). Must be a player name or target selector.
enchantment ID
Specifies the enchantment to be added to the item held by the target. Must be a valid enchantment ID (for example, 16 or minecraft:sharpness).
level (optional)
Specifies the enchantment level. Must be at least 1 and not greater than the maximum level for the specified enchantment. If not specified, defaults to 1.
Fails if arguments are not specified correctly, if player fails to resolve to one or more online players, or if the enchantment is not valid for the item or conflicts with current enchantments (for example, "Fire Protection" cannot be given to armor which already has "Protection", and "Sharpness III" cannot be given to a sword which already has "Sharpness I").
On success, adds the specified enchantment to the item held by the target.
To give the Infinity enchantment to all players holding a bow: enchant @a 51
Although /enchant enforces maximum levels and compatibility, other commands (such as /give, /replaceitem, and /entitydata) can bypass these restrictions.






Modifies the data tag of an entity.

entitydata <entity> <dataTag>
Specifies the entity(ies) to be modified. Must be an entity UUID or the @e target selector.
Specifies the data tag elements to be added to, or overwrite elements of, the specified entity (data tags cannot be removed and strings cannot be set to a null value). Must be a compound NBT tag (for example, {CustomName:Fred}).
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, or if entity fails to resolve to one or more non-player entities (players can not be changed).
On success, modifies the data tag of the targeted entity(ies).
To prevent all current zombies from picking up loot:
entitydata @e[type=Zombie] {CanPickUpLoot:0}






Executes a command on behalf of one or more other entities, with originating permissions, optionally on condition that a single-block /testforblock-style check passes.

execute <entity> <x> <y> <z> <command …>
An alternate syntax allows the command to be executed only if a specific block is detected:
execute <entity> <x> <y> <z> detect <x2> <y2> <z2> <block> <data> <command …>

Color added to make reading easier.

Specifies the target to be the command's executor. Must be a player name or target selector. If more than one entity is selected, the command will be run once as each of them.
x y z
Specifies the position from which to run the command. x and z must be within the range -30,000,000 to 30,000,000 (inclusive). Coordinates specified with tilde notation are relative to the target, not to the position of the command's execution.
Specifies the command to be run. Must be a valid command.
x2 y2 z2 (detect mode only)
Specifies the position of the block to check. x2 and z2 must be within the range -30,000,000 to 30,000,000 (inclusive). May use tilde notation to specify distances relative to (x,y,z).
block and data (detect mode only)
Specifies the block id and data which the block at (x2,y2,z2) must match for the command to run. block must be a valid block id (for example, minecraft:stone), and data must be a valid block data for that type of block or -1 to match any block data.
Fails if arguments are not specified correctly, if entity fails to resolve to one or more valid entities (named players must be online), if the checked block is not of the correct block id and data, or if the specified command fails.
On success, executes the specified command as if executed by the specified target(s) with operator-level permission at the specified coordinate.
To summon lightning bolts at the positions of every zombie:
execute @e[type=Zombie] ~ ~ ~ summon LightningBolt
To summon lightning bolts at the positions of every zombie standing on any type of sand:
execute @e[type=Zombie] ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~-1 ~ minecraft:sand -1 summon LightningBolt
To summon 10 creepers at the nearest player's position (only works as long as there are at least 10 entities in the loaded world):
execute @e[c=10] ~ ~ ~ execute @p ~ ~ ~ summon Creeper
See also
/testforblock — tests for a certain block at a specified position (including specific data tags)






Fills all or parts of a region with a specific block.

fill <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> <TileName> [dataValue] [oldBlockHandling] [dataTag]
The fill command also has an optional alternate syntax when using the replace option:
fill <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> <TileName> <dataValue> replace [replaceTileName] [replaceDataValue]
Color added to make reading easier.
x1 y1 z1 and x2 y2 z2
Specifies any two opposing corner blocks of the region to be filled (the "fill region"). May use tilde notation to specify distances relative to the command's execution.
The blocks that make up the corners extend in the positive direction from the coordinates used to identify them. Because of this, the lesser coordinates of each axis will be right on the region boundary, but the greater coordinates will be one block from the boundary, and the block volume of the source region will be (xgreater - xlesser + 1) × (ygreater - ylesser + 1) × (zgreater - zlesser + 1). For example, 0 0 0 0 0 0 has a 1-block volume, and 0 0 0 1 1 1 and 1 1 1 0 0 0 both identify the same region with an 8-block volume.
Specifies the block to fill the region with. Must be a block id (for example, minecraft:stone).
dataValue (optional)
Specifies the block data to use for the fill block. Must be between 0 and 15 (inclusive).
oldBlockHandling (optional)
Must be one of:
  • destroy - Replaces all blocks (including air) in the fill region with the specified block, dropping the existing blocks (including those that are unchanged) and block contents as entities as if they had been mined with an unenchanted diamond shovel or pickaxe. (Blocks that can only be mined with shears, such as vines, will not drop; neither will liquids.)
  • hollow - Replaces only blocks on the outer edge of the fill region with the specified block. Inner blocks are changed to air, dropping their contents as entities but not themselves. If the fill region has no inner blocks (because it is smaller than three blocks in at least one dimension), acts like replace.
  • keep - Replaces only air blocks in the fill region with the specified block.
  • outline - Replaces only blocks on the outer edge of the fill region with the specified block. Inner blocks are not affected. If the fill region has no inner blocks (because it is smaller than three blocks in at least one dimension), acts like replace.
  • replace - Replaces all blocks (including air) in the fill region with the specified block, without dropping blocks or block contents as entities. Optionally, instead of specifying a data tag for the replacing block, block id and data values may be specified to limit which blocks are replaced (see replaceTileName and replaceDataValue below)
If not specified, defaults to replace.
dataTag (optional)
Specifies the data tag to use for the fill block (for example, contents of a chest, patterns on a banner, etc.). Must be a compound NBT tag (for example, {CustomName:Fred}). Cannot be combined with the replaceTileName and replaceDataValue arguments.
replaceTileName replaceDataValue (optional)
Arguments are only valid when oldBlockHandling is replace. Cannot be combined with the dataTag argument.
Specifies the block id and data of the blocks in the fill region to be replaced. If replaceDataValue is not specified, data value is ignored when determining which blocks to replace. If both arguments are not specified, replaces all blocks in the fill region.
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, if the fill region is not rendered, if the block volume of the fill region is greater than 32768, if dataValue or dataTag are invalid for the specified block id, or if no blocks were changed.
On success, changes blocks in the fill region to the specified block.
/fill 52 63 -1516 33 73 -1536 minecraft:gold_block 0 replace minecraft:stained_hardened_clay 1
Replaces all the orange stained hardened clay in the selected area with gold blocks.
/fill ~-3 ~-3 ~-3 ~3 ~-1 ~3 minecraft:water 0
Replaces with water the blocks in a 7x7x3 cube directly beneath the player.
/fill ~-3 ~ ~-4 ~3 ~4 ~4 minecraft:planks 2 hollow
Creates a house-sized box around the player and replaces with air any blocks that would have been inside the box.






Sets a player's game mode.

gamemode <mode> [player]
Must be one of:
  • survival (can be abbreviated as s or 0) for survival mode
  • creative (can be abbreviated as c or 1) for creative mode
  • adventure (can be abbreviated as a or 2) for adventure mode
  • spectator (can be abbreviated as sp or 3) for spectator mode
"hardcore" is not a valid option for the mode argument, as it is technically not a game mode.
player (optional)
If specified, must be either a player's username or a target selector. If unspecified, defaults to the player using the command. When used in a command block, player is not optional.
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, or if player fails to resolve to one or more online players.
If successful, changes the game mode of the default or specified players.
To put yourself into creative mode: gamemode creative, gamemode c, or gamemode 1
To put all players into survival mode: gamemode 0 @a
See also
defaultgamemode – sets the initial game mode for players joining the world






Sets or queries a game rule value.

gamerule <rule name> [value]
rule name
Specifies the game rule to set or query. May be any value, but only certain predefined game rules will affect gameplay (see Predefined Game Rules below).
value (optional)
Specifies the value to set the game rule to. May be any value, though only true or false specified for predefined game rules will actually affect gameplay, except in the case of randomTickSpeed and spawnRadius, where any integer 0 or greater will affect gameplay (see Predefined Game Rules below).
Predefined Game Rules
Rule Name Description Default Value
commandBlockOutput Whether command blocks should notify admins when they perform commands true
disableElytraMovementCheck Whether the server should skip checking player speed when the player is wearing elytra. false
doDaylightCycle Whether the day-night cycle and moon phases progress true
doEntityDrops Whether entities that are not mobs should have drops true
doFireTick Whether fire should spread and naturally extinguish true
doMobLoot Whether mobs should drop items true
doMobSpawning Whether mobs should naturally spawn true
doTileDrops Whether blocks should have drops true
keepInventory Whether the player should keep items in their inventory after death false
logAdminCommands Whether to log admin commands to server log true
mobGriefing Whether creepers, zombies, endermen, ghasts, withers, ender dragons, rabbits, sheep, and villagers should be able to change blocks and whether villagers, zombies, skeletons, and zombie pigmen can pick up items true
naturalRegeneration Whether the player can regenerate health naturally if their hunger is full enough (doesn't affect external healing, such as golden apples, the Regeneration effect, etc.) true
randomTickSpeed How often a random block tick occurs (such as plant growth, leaf decay, etc.) per chunk section per game tick. 0 will disable random ticks, higher numbers will increase random ticks 3
reducedDebugInfo Whether the debug screen shows all or reduced information false
sendCommandFeedback Whether the feedback from commands executed by a player should show up in chat. Also affects the default behavior of whether command blocks store their output text true
showDeathMessages Whether a message appears in chat when a player dies true
spawnRadius The number of blocks outward from the world spawn coordinates that a player will spawn in when first joining a server or when dying without a spawnpoint. 10
spectatorsGenerateChunks Whether players in spectator mode can generate chunks true
Fails if rule name is not defined and value is not provided (i.e., attempting to query an undefined game rule).
On success, returns the value of the game rule (if value is not provided) or sets the game rule to the specified value (if value is provided).
New game rules may be defined and set (by providing a value) or queried (by not providing a value).
To stop the day-night cycle: gamerule doDaylightCycle false
To stop natural healing: gamerule naturalRegeneration false
To define a new game rule called MyNewRule and sets its value to 10: gamerule MyNewRule 10






Gives an item to a player.

give <player> <item> [amount] [data] [dataTag]
Specifies the target to give item(s) to. Must be a player name or target selector.
Specifies the item to give. Must be a valid item id (for example, minecraft:iron_shovel), or block id for which items exist. Numerical ids are unsupported.
amount (optional)
Specifies the number of items to give. Must be between 1 and 64 (inclusive), but can be 64 even when that's more than one stack. If not specified, defaults to 1.
data (optional)
Specifies the item data of the given item(s). Must be an integer between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647 (inclusive, without the commas), but values which are invalid for the specified item id revert to 0. If not specified, defaults to 0.
dataTag (optional)
Specifies the data tag of the given item(s). Must be a compound NBT tag (for example, {display:{Name:Fred}}).
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, or if player fails to resolve to one or more online players.
On success, summons the specified item(s) at the location(s) of the target(s). If player resolves to multiple targets, each receives the specified number of items. The item entity's Owner tag is set to the target and its PickupDelay tag set to 0[要検証] so that it immediately enters the target's inventory if there is room.
To summon 30 blocks of spruce wood planks at John's location with Lore that says "Wooden planks":
give John minecraft:planks 30 1 {display:{Lore:["Wooden planks"]}}
To give Block of Diamond that can be placed on dirt and can break quartz block that can be done in adventure mode.
give John minecraft:diamond_block 1 0 {CanPlaceOn:["minecraft:dirt"],CanDestroy:["minecraft:quartz_block"]}
See also
/summon — summon any entity at any location






Provides help/list of commands.

help [page|command name]
? [page|command name]
page|command name (optional)
Specifies the page number of the command list or the command to provide help for. If not specified, defaults to 1 (the first page of the command list).
Fails if page is not a valid page number, or if command name is not a valid command name. Technically fails even if a valid command name is specified, although it displays the usage of the command.
On success, displays a page of the command list. Multiplayer commands will not be displayed while in singleplayer, even when open to LAN players.
If a valid command name was specified, displays the usage for that command. For some complicated commands may show only the basic usage — additional information can sometimes be gained by attempting to type the command and using the auto-complete control (defaults to Tab ↹ key) to explore available options for each argument.
If the command is run via command block, it gives various messages prefixed with "Searge says: " as the previous output when activated: "Yolo", "/achievement take achievement.understandCommands @p", "Ask for help on twitter", "/deop @p", "Scoreboard deleted, commands blocked", "Contact helpdesk for help", "/testfornoob @p", "/trigger warning", "Oh my god, it's full of stats", "/kill @p[name=!Searge]", "Have you tried turning it off and on again?", "Sorry, no help today".
To display the first page of the command list: ? or help
To display the third page of the command list: ? 3
To display the usage for the help command: help help






Kicks a player off a server.

kick <player> [reason …]
Forcibly disconnects player from the server, displaying an optional reason to them.
Success Conditions
player must be online.






Kills entities (players, mobs, items, etc.).

kill [player|entity]
Specifies the target(s) to be killed (including "non-living" entities like items, vehicles, etc.). Must be a player name or a target selector. If not specified, defaults to the command's user. Not optional in command blocks.
Fails if player|entity fails to resolve to one or more entities (named players must be online).
On success, inflicts 3.4 x 1038 void damage to targets — killing them instantly even if in Creative mode or protected by a high-level Resistance effect — and issues the appropriate death message. Players and mobs killed this way drop loot, and slimes and magma cubes that aren't already of minimum size spawn smaller ones. Destroys boats, minecarts, loose items and experience orbs if they are targeted.
To kill yourself: kill
To kill a player named Bob: kill Bob
To "kill" all item entities (making them vanish from the world): kill @e[type=Item]
To "kill" all entities within loaded chunks, including yourself: kill @e






Lists players on the server.

list [uuids]
Shows the names of all currently-connected players (the same can be achieved when pressing tab).
If 'uuids' is specified, player UUIDs will be shown alongside names.
Success Conditions
Always succeeds, even in a command block.






Displays a message about yourself.

me <action ...>
Fails if any target selectors do not resolve to at least one online player, or if any named players are not online.
On success, sends a narrative message to the other players in the form of "* Your Name action" (e.g., "* Alice sneezes." or "* Alice exploded." ). If a multi-person target selector (e.g., @a) is used in action, the list of names is formatted as "name1 and name2" for two players, or "name1, name2, ... and nameN" for N players.






Grants operator status to a player.

op <player>
Always succeeds. Grants player operator status on the server.






Removes entries from the banlist.

pardon <name>
pardon-ip <address>
Specifies the name to remove from the banlist.
Specifies the IP address to remove from the banlist. Must be a valid IP address.
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly.
On success, if the name or the IP address is on the banlist, it is removed, allowing anyone to connect to the server by that name or from that IP address.






Creates particles.

particle <name> <x> <y> <z> <xd> <yd> <zd> <speed> [count] [mode] [player] [params ...]
Color added to make reading easier.
Specifies the particle to create. Must be a particle name (for example, explode).
x y z
Specifies the position at which to create the particle. All values (including y) must be between -30,000,000 and 30,000,000 (inclusive, without the commas). May use tilde notation to specify a position relative to the command's execution.
xd yd zd
Specifies the size of the area to spawn particles in.
Exception: When name is reddust, mobSpell, or mobSpellAmbient and count is 0 or not specified, and speed is not 0, specifies the color of the particle in RGB format offset from the particle's default color (reddust's default is a near-red (a random red tint between 0.8 and 1.0), while the others default to black). For example, with reddust, 0 0 0 produces a red particle, -1 1 0 produces a green particle (red is reduced to 0 and green increased to 1), 0 0 1 produces a purple particle (blue is added to the original red), etc. With mobSpell or mobSpellAmbient, 0 0 0 produces a black particle, 0 1 0 produces a green particle, 0 0 0.5 produces a dark blue particle, etc. If count is greater than 0, colors are randomized.
Specifies the speed of the particle. Must be at least 0.
count (optional)
Specifies the number of particle effects to create. Must be at least 0 (which produces one particle).
mode (optional)
Specifies the display mode. May be anything but only force will have an effect: to allow the particle(s) to be seen up to 256 blocks away and by players that use the minimal particles setting.
player (optional)
Allows control of which player should view this particle instead of everyone in the viewing range of the particle.
params (optional)
Allows blockdust, iconcrack and blockcrack to be modified to view a specific item or block. Two parameters are used for iconcrack.
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly.
On success, creates the specified particle.
To create a stationary huge explosion particle 10 blocks to the east:
particle hugeexplosion ~10 ~ ~ 0 0 0 0






Plays a sound.

playsound <sound> <source> <player> [x] [y] [z] [volume] [pitch] [minimumVolume]
Specifies the sound to play. Must be a sound event defined in sounds.json (for example, mob.pig.say).
A sound event may be affiliated with multiple sounds, and the sound which is actually produced will be chosen at random from them, modified by their "weight", just as the game normally would. For example, the mob.pig.say sound event will play one of several pig sounds at random, because the event has multiple sounds associated with it.
Resource packs may add their own events to sounds.json; the command will successfully play these. File names are not used by this command; it strictly uses the events defined in sounds.json (which may not even be similar to the original file names and paths), and thus a resource pack adding new sound files must define events for them (this is not necessary when replacing old sounds which are already in defined events).
Specifies which category in the music & sound options the sound falls under. Must be master, music, record, weather, block, hostile, neutral, player, ambient, or voice.
Specifies the sound's target. Must be a player name or a target selector.
x y z (optional)
Specifies the position to play the sounds from. May use tilde notation to specify a position relative to the target(s).
volume (optional)
Specifies the distance that the sound can be heard. Must be at least 0.0. For values less than 1.0, the sound will be quieter and have a smaller sphere within which it may be heard. For values greater than 1.0, the sound will not actually grow louder, but its audible range (a 16-block radius at 1.0) will be multiplied by volume. There will always be a gradual falloff to silence based on distance from the center of the sphere.
pitch (optional)
Specifies the pitch of the sound. Must be between 0.0 and 2.0 (inclusive), and values less than 0.5 are equivalent to 0.5. Values lower than 1.0 lower the pitch and increase the duration; values greater than 1.0 raise the pitch and reduce the duration. The pitch value is a multiplier applied to the frequency, so if a value between 0.5 and 1.0 (inclusive) is doubled, the pitch will be an octave higher. (If you're a musician wishing to convert other intervals to pitch values, see Note block#Usage, but be aware that 1.0 won't be F♯ for all sound effects.) If not specified, defaults to 1.0.
minimumVolume (optional)
Specifies the volume for targets outside the sound's normal audible sphere. If a target is outside the normal sphere, the sound will instead be centered some short distance from the target (less than four blocks away), and minimumVolume will determine its volume. Must be between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive).
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, if player fails to resolve to one or more online players, or if the targets are unable to hear the sound from where it is played.
On success, plays a sound for the targeted players.






Opens single-player world to the local network.

Opens your single-player game for LAN friends to join. This command appears in the singleplayer cheats.
Success Conditions
Cannot be used in a command block.
Cannot be used on a multiplayer server, and will fail if the world is already published to LAN.






Replaces items in the inventories of blocks (chest, furnaces, etc.) or entities (players or mobs) with the given item(s).

replaceitem block <x> <y> <z> <slot> <item> [amount] [data] [dataTag]
replaceitem entity <selector> <slot> <item> [amount] [data] [dataTag]
x y z (block mode only)
Specifies the position of the block to be modified. May use tilde notation to specify a position relative to the command's execution.
selector (entity mode only)
Specifies one or more entities to modify. Must be a player name or target selector.
Specifies the inventory slot to be modified. Valid values depend on whether a block or an entity is being modified.
For blocks, must be slot.container.slot_number where slot_number is replaced with a number specifying the slot.
  • Chests, dispensers, droppers, hoppers, and trapped chests are numbered 0 for the top-left slot and then increase first horizontally, then vertically (so, for example, a chest's top row slots are numbered 0 to 8 from left to right). Double chests and double trapped chests are treated as two single container blocks.
  • A brewing stand's bottom slots are numbered 0 to 2 from left to right, and its top slot is 3.
  • A furnace's slots are numbered 0 for the input slot, 1 for the fuel slot, and 2 for the output slot.
Other blocks which hold items but don't have inventory GUIs (flower pots and jukeboxes) can only be changed with /blockdata.
For entities, must be one of the following, where slot_number is replaced with a number specifying the slot:
Slot Slot Numbers Restrictions
slot.armor.chest armor stands, mobs, and players only (though not all mobs will show or make use of the items)
slot.weapon.mainhand works on players, armor stands and mobs (though not all mobs will show or make use of the items).
slot.enderchest.slot_number 0 to 26 players only
slot.hotbar.slot_number 0 to 8
slot.inventory.slot_number 0 to 26
slot.horse.saddle horses, donkeys, and mules only; item must be a saddle
slot.horse.armor horses only; item must be a type of horse armor
slot.horse.chest.slot_number 2 to 16 donkeys and mules with chests only
slot.villager.slot_number 0 to 7 villagers only
The inventory of an item frame can only be changed with /entitydata.
Specifies the item to be placed in the block or entity's inventory slot. Must be an item id, or a block id for which an item exists (for example, minecraft:golden_sword).
amount (optional)
Specifies the number of items to be placed in the block or entity's inventory slot. Must be between 1 and 64 (inclusive), even for items with a smaller stack size.
data (optional)
Specifies the item data for the item(s) to be placed in the block or entity's inventory slot. Must be an integer between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647 (inclusive, without the commas), but values which are invalid for the specified item id will default to 0. If not specified, defaults to 0.
dataTag (optional)
Specifies the data tag for the item(s) to be placed in the block or entity's inventory slot. Must be a compound NBT tag (for example, {display:{Name:Fred}}).
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, if the specified block is not a container, if selector fails to resolve to one or more entities (named players must be online), or if none of the targeted entities have the specified slot (for example, zombies don't have slot.horse.armor).
On success, replaces the items in the specified slot with the specified items (previous items in that slot are lost) wherever possible.
To replace the items in the bottom-right slot of a single chest one block above with four spruce saplings:
replaceitem block ~ ~1 ~ slot.container.26 minecraft:sapling 4 1
To replace the items in the rightmost hotbar slot of the nearest player with four spruce saplings:
replaceitem entity @p slot.hotbar.8 minecraft:sapling 4 1
See also
/blockdata — can also replace items in a container
/entitydata — can also replace items in a mob's inventory, or modify the drop chances of armor and weapons
/give — give items to players without specifying specific inventory slots or overwriting other items






These commands manage server saves.


Saves the server to disk.

save-all [flush]
Causes the server to mark all chunks and player data as needing to be saved. They will be saved over time (about 24 every 45 seconds) until all are flushed to disk.
If 'flush' is specified as the sole argument to the command, all the chunks will be saved to disk immediately, freezing the server for a short time.
Success Conditions
Succeeds if the map is successfully saved to disk. If an error occurs (such as the disk being full, or another copy of Minecraft has the map open) the command will fail.


Disables automatic server saves.

Disables the server writing to the world files. All changes will temporarily be queued.
Success Conditions
Always succeeds.


Enables automatic server saves.

Enables the server writing to the world files. This is the default behavior.
Always succeeds.






Sends a message in the chat to other players

say <message …>
Fails if any target selectors do not resolve to at least one online player, or if any named players are not online.
On success, broadcasts message to all players on the server. If a multi-person target selector (e.g., @a) is used in message, the list of names is formatted as "name1 and name2" for two players, or "name1, name2, ... and nameN" for N players.






These commands manage scoreboard objectives, players, and teams.

scoreboard <objectives|players|teams> …

See Scoreboard#Command reference for more information.






Displays the world seed.

Always succeeds. This command can always be used in single-player mode, regardless of whether cheats are enabled or not.






Changes a block to another block.

setblock <x> <y> <z> <TileName> [dataValue] [oldBlockHandling] [dataTag]
x y z
Specifies the position of the block to be changed. May use tilde notation to specify a position relative to the command's execution.
Specifies the new block. Must be a block id (for example, minecraft:stone or stone).
dataValue (optional)
Specifies additional data to further describe the new block. Must be between 0 and 15 (inclusive). If not specified, defaults to 0.
oldBlockHandling (optional)
Specifies how to handle the block change. Must be one of:
  • destroy — The old block drops both itself and its contents (as if destroyed by a player). Plays the appropriate block breaking noise.
  • keep — Only air blocks will be changed (non-air blocks will be "kept").
  • replace — The old block drops neither itself nor any contents. Plays no sound.
If not specified, defaults to replace.
dataTag (optional)
Specifies the data tag for the new block. Must be a compound NBT tag (for example, {CustomName:Fred}).
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, if tried to change a non-air block in keep mode, tried to replace a block with an identical copy in keep or replace mode, or if the coordinates are in an unloaded chunk.
On success, changes the block at the specified position.
See also
  • /blockdata — modifies the data tags of a block
  • /clone — copies blocks from one region to another
  • /fill — fills a region with a block






Sets the time before idle players are kicked from the server.

setidletimeout <Minutes until kick>
Set the idle kick timer. Any players idle for Minutes until kick will be kicked.
Success Conditions
Always succeeds.






Sets the world spawn.

setworldspawn <x> <y> <z>
x y z (optional)
Specifies the coordinates of the world spawn. x and z must be within the range -30,000,000 to 30,000,000 (inclusive). y must be between 0 and 256 (inclusive). May use tilde notation to specify coordinates relative to the command's execution. If not specified, defaults to the position of the command's execution. Not optional in command blocks.
If the server is not in adventure mode, players will always spawn on the topmost block near (x,z) — y is effectively ignored. If the server is in adventure mode, then the new spawnpoint will be the coordinates given exactly, including the y coordinate (even if underground and even if there is no block there) -- if the y level given does not have space for the player then it will move up on the y axis until it does, at most y level 256.
Although spawn chunks are usually kept loaded at all times, new spawn chunks won't be loaded by this command until a player moves within range. Compasses (which in Minecraft point to the world spawn rather than north) will also not update to the change until the world is reloaded.
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly.
On success, sets the world spawn to the specified coordinate.






Sets the spawn point for a player.

spawnpoint <player>
spawnpoint <player> <x> <y> <z>
player (optional)
Specifies the player whose spawn point should be set. Must be a player name or a target selector. If not specified, defaults to the command's user. Not optional in command blocks.
x y z (optional)
Specifies the coordinates of the player's new spawn point. x and z must be integers within the range -30,000,000 to 30,000,000 (inclusive). y must be an integer between 0 and 256 (inclusive). May use tilde notation to specify coordinates relative to the command's execution. If not specified, defaults to the position of the specified player(s).
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, or if player fails to resolve to one or more online players.
On success, sets the spawn point of the targeted player(s) to the specified coordinate.






Teleports entities (players, mobs, items, etc.) to random surface locations within an area.

spreadplayers <x> <z> <spreadDistance> <maxRange> <respectTeams> <player …>
x z
Specifies the center of the region to spread targets to. x and z must be between -30,000,000 and 30,000,000 (exclusive). May use tilde notation to specify coordinates relative to the command's execution.
Specifies the minimum distance between targets. Must be at least 0.0.
Specifies the maximum distance on each horizontal axis from the center of the area to spread targets (thus, the area is square, not circular). Must be at least 1.0 greater than spreadDistance.
Specifies whether to keep teams together. Must be true or false. If true, targets on the same team will be teleported to the same location.
Specifies the targets to spread. Must be one or more player names and/or target selectors separated by spaces (@e is permitted to target entities other than players).
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, if there are too many targets to satisfy the spreadDistance requirement within the specified area, or if a target is attempted to be spread to outside the world boundary.
On success, teleports targets to random surface locations within the specified area. Targets will always be placed on the top block at a location, and never on lava.
To teleport all players by team to random surface locations in a 1,000×1,000-block area centered on (0,0), with a minimum distance between teams of 200 blocks:
spreadplayers 0 0 200 500 true @a
To teleport one random player from each of three teams (Red, Blue, and Green), as well as Alice and Bob, to random surface locations in a 200×200-block area centered on (0,0), with a minimum distance between players of 50 blocks:
spreadplayers 0 0 50 100 false @r[team=Red] @r[team=Blue] @r[team=Green] Alice Bob
See also
/tp — teleports a single player or entity to a specific position (even underground).






Manages the updating of scoreboard objectives with the results of other commands.

Commands can be executed by blocks (specifically, command blocks and signs) or by entities (players can execute commands directly, and other entities can be the origin of commands indirectly with the /execute command). When a command is executed, the command returns one or more "command stats": the success count, number of blocks affected, number of entities affected, number of items affected, and/or a query result (such as from /time query daytime).

The stats command allows "selectors" and "objectives" to be set (or cleared) for each of these command stats for specific blocks or entities. Selectors (for example, @e) are stored exactly as entered, and don't get evaluated immediately. When a command is later run by the block or entity, the stored selector is then used to target (other) entities and update their scoreboard objective with the value of the command stat. That value can then be displayed or operated on, just like any other scoreboard value.

The success count from a command block can also be acquired with a redstone comparator, but that is capped at a maximum value of 15, while scoreboard objectives can hold any value from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. Success counts and query results are also usually displayed in the chat.

Tutorials/Command stats」も参照
stats block <x> <y> <z> clear <stat>
stats block <x> <y> <z> set <stat> <selector> <objective>
stats entity <selector2> clear <stat>
stats entity <selector2> set <stat> <selector> <objective>
x y z (block mode only)
Specifies the position of the block to post command stats from. x and z must be between -30,000,000 and 30,000,000 (inclusive, without the commas) and y must be between 0 and 256 (inclusive). May use tilde notation to specify a position relative to the command's execution.
selector2 (entity mode only)
Specifies the entity to post command stats from. Must be a player name or a target selector.
Specifies the command stat whose selector and objective are to be cleared or set. Must be one of:
  • AffectedBlocks — returns the number of blocks affected by a command
  • AffectedEntities — returns the number of entities affected by a command
  • AffectedItems — returns the number of items affected by a command
  • QueryResult — returns the result of a command query
  • SuccessCount — returns a command's success count
selector (set mode only)
Specifies the selector to be evaluated when a command is run by the specified block or entity to determine which entity(ies) scoreboard objective is to be updated with the result returned by stat. May be anything because it won't be evaluated until a command is run by the specified block or entity, but only a player name or a target selector will produce useful results (though player names can be fake, so even real players don't need to be online).
objective (set mode only)
Specifies the name of the objective to be updated with the result returned by stat. May be anything because it won't be evaluated until a command is run by the specified block or entity, but only the name of a defined objective will produce useful results.
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, if the specified block cannot track stats (in other words, it fails if the specified block is not a command block or sign), or if selector2 fails to evaluate to one or more valid entities (named players must be online).
On success, clears or sets the selector and objective to be updated with the result returned by stat.
To set the block at (0,64,0) to update scoreboard objective MyObj of the nearest player with the value of any query result returned by the block:
stats block 0 64 0 set QueryResult @p MyObj
To stop the block at (0,64,0) from updating any scoreboard obectives with the success count of commands it executes:
stats block 0 64 0 clear SuccessCount
To have the nearest wither skull update the scoreboard objective NumBlocks of fake player #FakePlayer with the number of blocks affected by commands executed by the wither skull:
stats entity @e[type=WitherSkull,c=1] set AffectedBlocks #FakePlayer NumBlocks
See also
/blockdata — can also change the selector and objectives of blocks by altering data tags directly
/entitydata — can also change the selector and objectives of entities by altering data tags directly






Stops a server.

Always succeeds. Saves all changes to disk, then shuts down the server.






Stops a sound.

stopsound <player> [source] [sound]
Specifies the sound's target. Must be a player name or a target selector.
source (optional)
Specifies which category in the music & sound options the sound falls under. Must be master, music, record, weather, block, hostile, neutral, player, ambient, or voice.
sound (optional)
Specifies the sound to stop. Must be a sound event defined in sounds.json (for example, mob.pig.say).






Summons an entity (mobs, projectiles, items, vehicles, etc.).

summon <EntityName> [x] [y] [z] [dataTag]
Specifies the entity to be summoned. Must be an entity id (for example, Bat, EntityHorse, WitherSkull, XPOrb, PrimedTNT, etc.) or LightningBolt.
x y z (optional)
Specifies the position to summon the entity. x and z must be between -30,000,000 to 30,000,000 (inclusive), and y must be at least 0. May use tilde notation to specify a position relative to the command's execution. If not specified, defaults to the position of the command's execution.
dataTag (optional)
Specifies the data tag for the entity. Must be a compound NBT tag (for example, {CustomName:Fred}). Lightning has no additional data tags that can be specified.
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly.
On success, creates the specified entity at the specified position.
To summon a charged creeper named "Powered Creeper" at the current position:
summon Creeper ~ ~ ~ {powered:1,CustomName:Powered Creeper}
To summon lightning 10 blocks west of the current position:
summon LightningBolt ~-10 ~ ~
To summon an Armor stand wielding a lava bucket and wearing a skeleton skull:
summon ArmorStand ~ ~ ~ {ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{id:skull}],HandItems:[{id:lava_bucket},{}]}






Sends a private message to one or more players.

tell <player> <message …>
msg <player> <message ...>
w <player> <message ...>
Specifies the targeted player(s) to send the private message to. Must be a player name (or a target selector, but only if the user is an operator).
private message
Specifies the message to send. May include spaces (as well as target selectors, but only if run from the server console — in other words, from the computer running the server, or by remote access to it).
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, if any target selectors in either argument fail to resolve to at least one online player, or if a named player is not online.
On success, only the targeted player(s) see the private message in their chat. If a multi-person target selector (e.g., @a) is used in message, the list of names is formatted as "name1 and name2" for two players, or "name1, name2, ... and nameN" for N players.
To privately tell Alice to start the mission: tell Alice Start the mission!






Sends a JSON message to players.

tellraw <player> <raw json message>
Specifies the player(s) to send the message to. Must be a player name or target selector.
raw json message
Specifies the message to send. Must be valid raw JSON text (for example, {"text":"Hi there!","bold":true}).
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, or if player fails to evaluate to one or more online players.
On success, the targeted players receive the JSON message in their chat.
See also
/say — send a simple text message to all players
/tell — send a simple text message to specific players






Counts entities (players, mobs, items, etc.) matching specified conditions.

testfor <player> [dataTag]
Specifies the targets to count. Must be a player name or a target selector (@e is permitted to target entities other than players).
dataTag (optional)
Specifies the data tags the entities must have to match successfully. Must be a compound NBT tag (for example, {XpLevel:3}).
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, or if player fails to resolve to one or more entities (named players must be online).
On success, produces a success count equal to the number of targets matching player, which can be measured by a redstone comparator facing away from the command block.
To test if Alice is online: testfor Alice
To count the number of players in survival mode within a 3-block radius of (0,64,0): testfor @a[0,64,0,3,m=0]
To count the number of zombies within a 20-block radius of (0,64,0): testfor @e[0,64,0,20,type=Zombie]
To count the number of players currently flying: testfor @a {abilities:{flying:1b}}
To test if a arrow is in a block testfor @e[type=Arrow] {inGround:1b}






Tests whether a certain block is in a specific location.

testforblock <x> <y> <z> <TileName> [dataValue] [dataTag]
x y z
Specifies the position of the block to test. x and z must be between -30,000,000 and 30,000,000 (inclusive, without the commas) and y must be between 0 and 255 (inclusive). May use tilde notation to specify a position relative to the command's execution.
Specifies the block to test for. Must be a valid block id (for example, minecraft:stone).
dataValue (optional)
Specifies the block data to test for. dataValue must be between -1 and 15 (inclusive). If not specified, or if -1, dataValue matches any block data value.
dataTag (optional)
Specifies the block data tags to test for. Must be a compound NBT tag (for example, {CustomName:Fred}). If not specified, dataTag matches any block data tag.
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, if the block at the specified position does not match the specified block id or data, or if the specified data tag has different values than are defined in the block's data tag (dataTag does not need to match the block's entire data tag, and data tags in the argument which are undefined in the block will not cause the command to fail).
On success, returns a success count of 1.
To test if the block at (0,64,0) is any type of wool:
testforblock 0 64 0 minecraft:wool
testforblock 0 64 0 minecraft:wool -1
To test if the block at (0,64,0) is orange wool:
testforblock 0 64 0 minecraft:wool 1
To test if the block below is a jukebox with the "mall" record inside:
testforblock ~ ~-1 ~ minecraft:jukebox -1 {Record:2261}






Tests whether the blocks in two regions match.

testforblocks <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> <x> <y> <z> [mode]
Color added to make reading easier.
x1 y1 z1 and x2 y2 z2
Specifies two opposing corners of the region to use as the pattern to test for (the "source region"). x1, z1, x2, and z2 must all be between -30,000,000 and 30,000,000 (inclusive, without the commas), and y1 and y2 must be between 0 and 255 (inclusive). May use tilde notation to specify coordinates relative to the command's position. The number of blocks in the source region must not exceed 524,288.
x y z
Specifies the lower northwestern corner (the corner with the most-negative values) of the region to be checked (the "destination region"). x and z must both be between -30,000,000 and 30,000,000 (inclusive, without the commas), and y must be between 0 and 255 (inclusive). May use tilde notation to specify coordinates relative to the command's position. Source and destination regions may overlap.
mode (optional)
Specifies how to match blocks. Must be one of:
  • all — every block in the source and destination regions must match exactly.
  • maskedair blocks in the source region will match any block in the destination region.
If not specified, defaults to all.
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, or if the source and destination regions do not match.
On success, returns the number of matching blocks (the total number of blocks in all mode, or the number of source region non-air blocks in masked mode).






Changes or queries the world's game time.

time <add|query|set> <value>
Specifies the time to add, query, or set:
  • add - Must be between 0 and 2,147,483,647 (inclusive, without the commas)
  • query - Must be daytime, gametime or day.
  • set - Must be between 0 and 2,147,483,647 (inclusive, without the commas), day, or night.
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly.
On success:
  • add - adds value to the world's game time
  • query daytime - returns the number of game ticks since dawn.
  • query gametime - returns the age of the world in game ticks.
  • query day - returns the number of in-game days passed (matching the debug screen).
  • set - sets the world game time to value (day = 1,000, night = 13,000).
To set the time to 1,000: time set 1000 or time set day
To add one day to the world time: time add 24000






Controls screen titles.

Screen titles are displayed to players as a single line of large center-aligned text in the middle of their displays and can include a second line of text called a "subtitle". Both lines are specified using complicated formatting. Screen titles can be set to fade in and fade out, and the duration they are displayed can also be specified. Screen titles scale in size with the GUI Scale and screen titles which are too big to fit on the screen are not line-wrapped (they just overflow off the screen on both sides).

The command has five variations, each with different arguments.
title <player> clear (removes the screen title from the screen)
title <player> reset (resets options to default values)
title <player> subtitle <title> (specifies the subtitle text)
title <player> times <fadeIn> <stay> <fadeOut> (specifies fade-in, stay, and fade-out times)
title <player> title <title> displays the screen title)
Specifies the player(s) to display a screen title to. Must be a player name or target selector.
title (subtitle and title mode only)
Specifies the text to display as a title or subtitle. Must be valid raw JSON text (for example, {"text":"Chapter I","bold":true}).
fadeIn, stay, and fadeOut (times mode only)
Specifies the time in game ticks (1/20ths of a second) for the screen title to fade in, stay, and fade out. All values must be between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647 (inclusive, without the commas), but values below 0 will be treated as 0. If not specified (or if reset), defaults to 20 (1 second), 60 (3 seconds), and 20 (1 second).
Title command

Example result of the title command.

Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, or if player fails to evaluate to one or more online players.
On success:
  • clear — Clears the screen title from the screens of the specified player(s). If no screen title is currently being displayed, has no effect.
  • reset — Resets the subtitle text to blank text, and the fade-in, stay and fade-out times to their default values for the specified player(s).
  • subtitle — If a screen title is currently being displayed to the specified player(s), changes the current subtitle to title; otherwise, specifies the subtitle for the next screen title to be displayed to the specified player(s).
  • times — Changes the fade-in, stay, and fade-out times of all current and future screen titles for the specified player(s).
  • title — Displays a screen title to the specified player(s), or changes the current screen title to title. After fading out, resets the subtitle back to blank text, but does not reset fade-in, stay, and fade-out times.
To display a bold screen title "Chapter I" with a gray italic subtitle "The story begins…" to all players:
  1. title @a subtitle {"text":"The story begins…","color":"gray","italic":true}
  2. title @a title {"text":"Chapter I","bold":true}






Toggles the weather.

Always succeeds. If weather is currently clear, rain or snow will start. If weather is currently rain, snow, or a thunderstorm, it will become clear. Can be overridden by the /weather command.






Teleports entities (players, mobs, items, etc.).

tp [target player] <destination player>
tp [target player] <x> <y> <z> [<y-rot> <x-rot>]
target player (optional)
Specifies the entity(s) to be teleported. Must be either a player name or a target selector. If not specified, defaults to the player who executed the command. Not optional in command blocks.
destination player
Specifies the entity to teleport the target(s) to. Must be either a player name or a target selector.
x y z
Specifies the coordinates to teleport the target(s) to. x and z must fall within the range -30,000,000 to 30,000,000 (exclusive, without the commas), and y must be within the range -512 to 512 (inclusive). May use tilde notation to specify a position relative to the target's current position.
y-rot (optional)
Specifies the horizontal rotation (-180.0 for due north, -90.0 for due east, 0.0 for due south, 90.0 for due west, to 179.9 for just west of due north, before wrapping back around to -180.0). Tilde notation can be used to specify a rotation relative to the target's previous rotation.
x-rot (optional)
Specifies the vertical rotation (-90.0 for straight up to 90.0 for straight down). Tilde notation can be used to specify a rotation relative to the target's previous rotation.
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, if target player fails to resolve to one or more entities (named players must be online), or if destination player fails to resolve to a single entity (a named player must be online). Fails individually for each entity referenced by target player that is not in the same dimension as the destination player, if specified.
On success, teleports the targets to the specified destination.
To teleport yourself to Alice: tp Alice
To teleport all players to yourself: tp @a @p
To teleport yourself to x=100 and z=100, but three blocks above your current position: tp 100 ~3 100
To rotate the nearest player 10 degrees to the right without changing their position: tp @p ~ ~ ~ ~10 ~






Modifies a scoreboard objective with a "trigger" criteria.

trigger <objective> <add|set> <value>
Used together with /tellraw to let players activate systems made by operators or mapmakers.
An enabled scoreboard objective with the "trigger" criteria.
  • add – Adds value to the current value of objective.
  • set – Sets the value of objective to value.
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, if objective does not have the "trigger" criteria, or if the player who executed the command is not able to modify objective.
On success, the value of objective is changed for the player that executed the command.






Sets the weather.

weather <clear|rain|thunder> [duration]
  • clear – Set the weather to clear.
  • rain – Set the weather to rain (or snow in cold biomes).
  • thunder – Set the weather to a thunderstorm (or a thunder snowstorm in cold biomes).
duration (optional)
Specifies the time in seconds for the specified weather to last. Must be between 1 and 1,000,000 (inclusive, without the commas). If duration is omitted, the duration will be set between 6,000 and 18,000 ticks.
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly.
On success, changes the weather for the specified duration (in seconds).
To get clear weather for one Minecraft day: weather clear 1200
To make it rain, but let it end at its own pace: weather rain






Manages the server whitelist.

Server ops will always be able to connect when the whitelist is active, even if their names do not appear in the whitelist.

The command has six variations.
whitelist add <player>
whitelist list
whitelist off
whitelist on
whitelist reload
whitelist remove <player>
player (add and remove mode only)
Specifies the player(s) to add or remove from the whitelist.
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, or if player doesn't exist
On success:
  • add — Adds the player name to the whitelist. The player does not need to be online.
  • list — Displays all player names in the whitelist.
  • off — Disables the server's use of a whitelist.
  • on — Enables the server's use of a whitelist.
  • reload — Reloads the list of player names in white-list.txt (1.7.5 or earlier) or whitelist.json (1.7.6 or later) from disk (used when white-list.txt or whitelist.json has been modified outside of Minecraft).
  • remove — Removes the player name from the whitelist. The player does not need to be online.






These commands control the world border.

The command has eight variations, each with different arguments:
worldborder add <distance> [time] (increases the world border diameter)
worldborder center <x> <z> (recenters the world boundary)
worldborder damage amount <damagePerBlock> (specifies the world border damage rate)
worldborder damage buffer <distance> (specifies the world border damage buffer distance)
worldborder get (returns the world border diameter)
worldborder set <distance> [time] (sets the world border diameter)
worldborder warning distance <distance> (specifies the world border warning distance)
worldborder warning time <time> (specifies the world border warning time)
distance (add, damage buffer, set and warning distance modes only)
Specifies a distance in blocks:
  • add – Specifies the number of blocks to add to the world border diameter.
  • damage buffer – Specifies the distance outside the world buffer a player must be before they start taking damage. Must be at least 0.0. Initially set to 5.0.
  • set – Specifies the new diameter for the world border. Must be between 1.0 and 60,000,000 (inclusive, without the commas).
  • warning distance – Specifies the distance from the world border at which players will begin to see a visual warning of the world border's proximity. Must be at least 0. Initially set to 5.
time (add, set and warning time modes only)
Specifies a time in seconds:
  • add – Specifies the number of seconds it should take for the world border to move from its current diameter to the new diameter. Must be at least 0. If not specified, defaults to 0.
  • set – Specifies the number of seconds it should take for the world border to move from its current diameter to the new diameter. Must be at least 0. If not specified, defaults to 0.
  • warning time – Specifies the number of seconds that a player will begin to see a visual warning before a moving world border passes their position. Must be at least 0. Initially set to 15.
x z (center mode only)
Specifies the horizontal coordinates of the world border's center. Must be between -30,000,000 and 30,000,000 (inclusive, without the commas). May use tilde notation to specify coordinates relative to the command's execution.
damagePerBlock (damage amount mode only)
Specifies the damage a player takes per second per block past the world border buffer. For example, if damagePerBlock is 0.1, a player 5 blocks outside the world border buffer will take 0.5 damage per second (damage less than half a heart might not change the visual health display, but will still accumulate). Must be at least 0.0. Initially set to 0.2.
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, or if the new world diameter will be less than 1.0 or greater than 60,000,000.
On success:
  • add – The world border begins changing its diameter by the specified amount. If distance is positive, the world border will turn green and start increasing; if negative, the world border will turn red and start decreasing. If time is 0 or unspecified, the change occurs immediately; otherwise the change proceeds at a rate of (distance/2)/time blocks per second.
  • center – The center of the world border immediately moves to the specified coordinates.
  • damage amount – Sets the world border damage amount to the specified value. Any player outside the world border buffer will take this amount of damage per second per block past the world border buffer distance.
  • damage buffer – Sets the world border buffer distance to the specified value. Players won't take damage until they move past this distance from the world border.
  • get – Shows the current world border diameter in the chat.
  • set – The world border begins changing its diameter to the specified value. If distance is bigger than the current diameter, the world border will turn green and start increasing; if smaller, the world border will turn red and start decreasing. If time is 0 or unspecified, the change occurs immediately; otherwise the change proceeds at a rate of ((distance-<current diameter>)/2)/time blocks per second.
  • warning distance – Sets the world border warning distance to the specified value.
  • warning time – Sets the world border warning time to the specified value.






Adds experience to a player.

xp <amount> [player]
xp <amount>L [player]
Specifies the amount of experience to give to the player. Must be between 0 and 2,147,483,647 (inclusive, without the commas).
If an L is added to the end, adds levels instead. Levels must be between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647 (inclusive, without the commas) — negative values remove levels instead of adding them.
player (optional)
Specifies the target of the command. If not specified, defaults to the command's executor. Not optional in command blocks.
Fails if arguments are not specified correctly, or if player fails to resolve to one or more online players.
On success, adds experience or adds/removes levels. Total experience and levels will not be reduced below 0.
To give 7 experience to yourself: xp 7
To give 3 levels to Alice: xp 3L Alice
To remove all levels from all players: xp -2147483648L @a


以下の表で、必要な引数は <不等号> で囲われ、任意のものは [大括弧] で括られている。斜体 の引数は適切な値に置き換える必要があり、通常の文字はそのまま入力される必要がある。



コマンド 説明 成功条件[備考 1]
me <アクション文字列> /emote/action のように、IRCクライアントの /me コマンドと同じもので、他のプレイヤーに物語のメッセージを「* あなたの名前 アクション文字列」の形で送る(例: 「* Notch sneezes.」や「* Notch exploded.」など)[要検証]。もし複数プレイヤーを示す目標選択子(つまり @a)が アクション文字列 で用いられると、名前の一覧が2人の場合は「名前1 and 名前2」、3人の場合「名前1, 名前2, and 名前3」のようになる。ゆえに アクション文字列 にどのような選択子が用いられようと、このコマンドの出力は1回のみになる。 アクション文字列 内の 全ての 目標選択子 (つまり @p) が評価される必要がある。
help [ページ番号 | コマンド名] コマンドの一覧を表示するか、コマンド名の詳細を表示する。備考: マルチプレイ専用とされるコマンドはシングルプレイゲームでは表示されない。たとえLANに向け公開(LAN内マルチプレイ)されていたとしても、である。 ページ番号 に正当な値が指定されるか、ページ番号やコマンド名が指定されていない場合に成功となる。コマンド名 が指定されたときは返値は「失敗」となるが、当該コマンドの使用法は表示される。
? [ページ番号 | コマンド名]
tell <プレイヤー名> <メッセージ> サーバー上にいる指定したプレイヤーにプライベートメッセージを送信する。PvP(プレイヤー対戦)サーバーでは他のプレイヤーには秘密にしつつ何かを頼みたいときに便利である。もし複数プレイヤーを示す目標選択子(つまり @a)が メッセージ で用いられると、名前の一覧が2人の場合は「名前1 and 名前2」、3人の場合「名前1, 名前2, and 名前3」のようになる。ゆえに メッセージ にどのような選択子が用いられようと、このコマンドの出力は1回のみになる。しかし プレイヤー名 に選択子が用いられると複数のプレイヤーへとメッセージを送信できる。 メッセージ 内の 全ての 目標選択子(つまり @p)が評価され、かつ プレイヤー名 のプレイヤーがオンラインである場合。
  1. コマンドの「成功条件」とは、コマンドの実行が「成功した」と看做される為に必要なものである。様々なものの決定、例えばコマンドブロックからコンパレーターで信号を引き出したものなどに用いられる。全てのコマンドの「成功」が何かを実行する、あるいは全てのコマンドの「失敗」が目的が達成できなかったことを意味するわけではないので注意してほしい。


マルチプレイで、op(英:Operator; オペレーター)がサーバーのコンソールだけでなく、チャットウィンドウで用いることが出来るものである。チャットウィンドウではスラッシュ記号をコマンド名の前に付ける。シングルプレイでは、チートが有効になったワールドか、自身がホスト(公開)しているワールドで使用可能である。

注意: Opコマンドは他のオンライン上のオペレーターにも通知される。

コマンド 説明 成功条件
clear <プレイヤー名> [アイテム] [メタデータ] プレイヤー名 の持ち物全てか、アイテム:メタデータ で指定されたアイテムを削除する。 プレイヤー名 のプレイヤーがオンラインで、かつ1つ以上のアイテムの削除が行われた場合。
debug <start | stop> 新しいデバッグプロファイリングのセッションを開始するか、今実行中のセッションを停止する。コンソールにパフォーマンスへの影響がある旨の注意書きが表示され、停止すると debug フォルダーにプロファイラーの結果ファイルが作成される。 セッションが実行中で無ければ停止できない。コマンドブロックでは使用不可。
defaultgamemode <survival | creative | adventure> ワールド選択時のデフォルトのゲームモードを指定する。ワールドに参加しようとする新たなプレイヤーはそのゲームモードでの参加となる。ゲームモード名の短縮形として「s/c/a」の一文字か、「0/1/2」の番号がそれぞれ指定可能である。このコマンドはハードコアモードでは機能しない。 ゲームモードが正しい値である場合。
difficulty <peaceful | easy | normal | hard> 難易度を変更する。難易度は順に、p/e/n/h、0/1/2/3 という形で簡略表記できる。 難易度として正しい値である場合。
effect <プレイヤー名> <効果> [秒数] [増幅度] 指定されたプレイヤーに指定されたステータス効果を指定された秒数(デフォルトでは30秒)、与える。効果時間は1,000,000秒までに制限され、増幅度 は最大255までとなる。効果のID番号はステータス効果のページを参照。秒数 に0を指定することでその効果を削除する。If you put the amplifier to a number of a variably high value, it will not give the desired amplifier 効果を削除する場合、その効果を既に受けている必要がある。効果 が正しい値で、プレイヤー名 のプレイヤーがオンラインである場合。
enchant <プレイヤー名> <エンチャントID> [エンチャントレベル] そのプレイヤーが手にしているアイテムにIDで指定される番号のエンチャントを付与する。アイテムのエンチャのとの通常の制限内でのみ機能することに注意。指定されたエンチャントを通常付与可能なアイテムにのみ、このコマンドでもエンチャントを与えられる。レベルも選択されたエンチャントの通常存在する最大のレベル以上のものを与えることはできない。通常拒否されるような、重複、または強化させすぎな組み合わせは、このコマンドでも拒否される。 エンチャントID が正当な値で、レベルが正しい範囲内の値で、持っているアイテムがこのエンチャントを受け入れ可能であり、相容れないエンチャントが持っているアイテムに既に存在しておらず、プレイヤー名 で指定されるプレイヤーがオンラインの場合。
gamemode <survival | creative | adventure> [プレイヤー名] プレイヤー名のゲームモードを変更する。ゲームモード名の短縮形として「s/c/a」の一文字か、「0/1/2」の番号がそれぞれ指定可能である。プレイヤー名が省略されると自身のゲームモードを変更する。特定のプレイヤーのみを変更し、その他のプレイヤーは変えないので忘れないように。 ゲームモード名が正しく、プレイヤー名 のプレイヤーがオンラインの場合。コマンドブロックでは プレイヤー名 は必須なので注意が要る。
gamerule <ルール名> [true | false] ルール名で指定されるものを切り替える。trueなら有効、falseなら無効。true/falseの指定が無い場合は現在の状態を表示する。ルール名に指定可能なものは次の通り。
  • commandBlockOutput - コマンドブロックがコマンドを実行した際に管理者に通知するか否か[要検証]
  • doFireTick - 延焼するか否か。
  • doMobLoot - Mobがアイテムをドロップするか否か。
  • doMobSpawning - Mobが自然発生(スポーン)するか否か。
  • doTileDrops - ブロックからのドロップがあるか否か。
  • keepInventory - プレイヤーの死亡時に持ち物を維持するか否か。
  • mobGriefing - クリーパー、エンダーマン、ガスト、ウィザーによるブロックの変更を可能にするか否か。またゾンビ、スケルトン、ゾンビピッグマンがアイテムを拾うことが出来るようになるか否か。
  • naturalRegeneration - 満腹度が一定の水準以上にある場合にプレイヤーの体力が自然回復するか否か。
  • doDaylightCycle - 昼夜サイクルの推移が行われるか否か。
常に成功する。ルール名 に未知の文字列を指定しようと、true/false 以外の状態を指定しても、である。
give <プレイヤー名> <アイテム> [] [メタデータ] アイテムメタデータ で指定されるアイテムを、 (省略時は 1)個、プレイヤー名 の場所に出現させる。例えば /give John 5 30 1 とすることで、プレイヤー名が「John」へと30個の松の木材を与える。 アイテム が正当なIDであり、 が1から64の範囲内で、かつ プレイヤー名 のプレイヤーがオンラインの場合。
kill ユーザーに無限のダメージを与え、殺す。迷ったり、閉じ込められたりした際、あるいは体力や満腹度の回復として有用である(アイテムを取り戻しやすいと仮定して)。同時に次のメッセージが表示される: "Ouch. That looked like it hurt."[要検証] コマンドブロックでは使用不可。
publish シングルプレイ限定。今プレイしているシングルプレイのワールドをLAN内に公開し、他のプレイヤーが参加できるようにする。 コマンドブロックでは使用不可。
say <メッセージ> メッセージ を、サーバー上の全てのプレイヤーに一斉送信する。もし複数プレイヤーを示す目標選択子(つまり @a)が メッセージ で用いられると、名前の一覧が2人の場合は「名前1 and 名前2」、3人の場合「名前1, 名前2, and 名前3」のようになる。ゆえに メッセージ列 にどのような選択子が用いられようと、このコマンドの出力は1回のみになる。 メッセージ 内の 全ての 目標選択子(つまり @p)が評価される必要がある。
scoreboard <objectives|players|teams> 詳細についてはスコアボードを参照。スコアボード限定コマンド一覧。 スコアボード限定コマンドを参照。
seed ワールドのシード値を表示する。シングルプレイでは、このコマンドはチートの有効無効によらず常に使用可能である。 常に成功する(コマンドブロックで、シングルプレイのプレイヤーにより、サーバーのオペレーターにより、の何れでも)。
spawnpoint <プレイヤー名> [x y z] 指定したプレイヤーのリスポーン地点を指定した座標にする。座標を指定しなければ現在の場所に設定する。座標 x y z が指定されない場合、プレイヤー名 も省略でき、現在の場所にコマンドを発行したプレイヤーのリスポーン地点を設定する。リスポーン座標は完全な値である必要がある。少数であってはならない。 プレイヤー名 のプレイヤーがオンラインで、xyz 座標が-30,000,000 から 30,000,000の範囲内(端を含む)の場合。
time set <数値 | day | night> ワールドの時間を設定する。数値 は0以上の数字で、0は日の出、6,000が正午、12,000が日没、18,000が真夜中になる。数値 は24,000を超えた値の場合、単純に24,000で割った余りと同じ扱いになる。「time set day」で時間を0に、「time set night」で12500に設定する。 数値 が0以上か、day、night というキーワードが指定されている場合。
time add <数値> ワールドの時間を、前述のように進める。 数値 が0か正の値の場合。
toggledownfall 降雨・降雪をトグル切り替えする。 常に成功する。
tp [プレイヤー名] <目標プレイヤー名> プレイヤー名 で指定したプレイヤーを 目標プレイヤー名 で指定したプレイヤーのいる場所へとテレポートさせる。プレイヤー名が一人だけなら、自身をテレポートさせる。 コマンドブロックでは プレイヤー名 は必須になる。両プレイヤーがオンラインである必要がある。
tp [プレイヤー名] <x> <y> <z> プレイヤー名 で指定したプレイヤー(未指定なら自分)をx, y, zで指定した座標へとテレポートさせる(y座標は0または正の値のみ)。座標の値の前に~を付けることで現在の場所からの相対値を指定できる。例えば「/tp John ~3 64 ~3」とすると、Johnというプレイヤーを南東へ3ブロック、Y座標は64に移動させる。 xz 座標が-30,000,000 から 30,000,000の範囲の内側(端は含まない)で、y が0以上の場合。コマンドブロックでは プレイヤー名 は必須で、そのプレイヤーがオンラインである必要がある。
weather <clear | rain | thunder> [秒数] 天候を晴れ(clear)、雨(rain)、雷雨(thunder)へと、指定された時間、一時的に変更する。寒冷バイオームでは雨ではなく雪が降る。 秒数 が1から100,000までで、天候名のキーワードが正しい場合。
xp <> [プレイヤー名] 指定した プレイヤー名 に経験値オーブを指定した点数与える。 に負の値を指定することは出来ない(この書式で経験レベルを奪うことは出来ない)。 は2,147,483,647までの数値である場合。またコマンドブロックでは プレイヤー名 は必須で、そのプレイヤーがオンラインである必要がある。
xp <>L [プレイヤー名] 指定した プレイヤー名 で指定した経験のレベルを与える。数字の最大は2,147,483,647になり、プレイヤーの経験レベルがこれを越えると0になる。負の値を指定することで、経験レベルを剥奪することが可能。 が-2,147,483,648以上2,147,483,647以下の場合。コマンドブロックでは プレイヤー名 は必須で、そのプレイヤーがオンラインである必要がある。


これらコマンドはop(オペレーター)がサーバーコンソールから、あるいはコマンド文字(スラッシュ記号)を頭に付けることでチャット画面から用いることが出来る。これらはマルチプレイでのみ利用可能である。list コマンド以外のものはコマンドブロックでは実行することは出来ず、目標選択子は使用できない。多くのコマンドがサーバー上に居たことがないプレイヤーに対して、あるいは Minecraft アカウントとして登録されていない(出来ない)名前が使用可能である。

コマンド 説明 成功条件
ban <プレイヤー名> [理由] サーバーのブラックリストに プレイヤー名 の名前を登録し、サーバーに接続できないようにする。注意: ブラックリストはホワイトリストよりも優先される[要検証] 常に成功する。
ban-ip <IPアドレス|プレイヤー名> IPアドレス[要検証]をブラックリストに登録し、以降接続を拒否する。 IPアドレス が正しいもの、あるいは プレイヤー名 のプレイヤーがオンラインである場合。
banlist [ips] ブラックリストに登録されている一覧を表示する。IPアドレスとして登録されているものを表示するには、「banlist ips」とする。 常に成功する。
deop <プレイヤー名> 指定されたプレイヤーのオペレーター権限を取り消す。 常に成功する。
kick <プレイヤー名> [理由] サーバーと プレイヤー名 で指定したプレイヤーを強制的に切断し、理由 を相手方に通知する。 プレイヤー名 のプレイヤーがオンラインである場合。
list 現在接続中のプレイヤーの名前を全て表示する(Tab ↹キーを押下することでも同じことができる)。 コマンドブロックからであっても、常に成功する。
op <プレイヤー名> プレイヤー名 にサーバーでのオペレーター権限を与える。 常に成功する。
pardon <プレイヤー名> プレイヤー名 をブラックリストから削除し、再びサーバーに接続できるようにする。 常に成功する。
pardon-ip <IPアドレス> IPアドレス をIPブラックリストから削除し、そのIPアドレスからのプレイヤーのサーバーへの接続ができるようにする。 プレイヤー名 のプレイヤーがオンラインである場合。
save-all サーバー上で保留されている、ワールドへの全ての変更をディスクに強制的に書き込む。 常に成功する。
save-off サーバーがワールドファイルに書き込むことを無効にする。ワールドへの変更は一時的に内部に保存される。 常に成功する。
save-on サーバーがワールドファイルに書き込むことを有効にする。これが通常の挙動。 常に成功する。
stop サーバーを停止する。 常に成功する。
whitelist <add | remove> <プレイヤー名> プレイヤー名 をホワイトリストに追加 (add)、削除 (remove) する。 常に成功する。
whitelist list ホワイトリスト中のプレイヤー名をすべて表示する。 常に成功する。
whitelist <on | off> サーバーでホワイトリストを使う (on) か使わない (off) かを切り替える。注意: サーバーのオペレーターは、ホワイトリスト中に名前が載っていなくとも常に接続可能となる。 常に成功する。
whitelist reload white-list.txtを読み込みなおし、ホワイトリストのプレイヤー名一覧を更新する(ファイルが Minecraft 外で変更された際に用いる)。 常に成功する。


コマンドブロックでのみ使用可能で、他では使えないコマンド。コマンドブロックは/give <プレイヤー名> 137でのみ得ることが可能。

コマンド 説明
testfor <プレイヤー名 | 選択子> プレイヤー名 のプレイヤーがオンラインであるか、あるいは 選択子 に該当があるかの確認を行う。レッドストーンコンパレーターを使いこのコマンドを実行するコマンドブロックの出力を引き出すことで、選択子 に該当するプレイヤー数を得る事が出来る。例えば「testfor @a[r=3]」とすることで、コマンドブロックの3m内のプレイヤー数に相当する信号レベルの信号が出力される。詳細についてはコマンドブロックの引数節を参照してほしい。



Java Edition
/kill コマンドがクリエイティブモードでも機能するようになった。
12w22a/defaultgamemode コマンドが追加された。
12w24a/publish コマンドが追加された。
12w27a/debug コマンドが追加された。
1.4.212w32a/difficulty/gamerule/spawnpoint/weather が追加された。
12w37a/clear コマンドが追加された。
12w41a/xp コマンドの値の限界が5,000から2,147,483,647になった。 コマンドが追加された。
1.513w03aコマンドブロック専用コマンド /testfor が追加された。
13w04a/scoreboard コマンドが追加された。
13w09b/effect コマンドが追加された。
開発中のJava Edition
1.613w23a/spreadplayers コマンドが追加された。
新たなゲーム規則 naturalRegneration が追加された。
13w24a新たなゲーム規則 doDaylightCycle が追加された。


  • ゲームルール "doFireTick" が "false" にされると、炎は広がらないが、設置されたブロックの如何によらず燃え続け、雨で消え去ることも無くなる。これは雷雨の間は、落雷によりそれなりな数の火災が発生するのでプレイヤーがいちいち消して回らねばならなくなり、非常に困ったものになる。
  • ステータス効果「耐性」のレベル5(増幅度4)を得ているときは、/kill コマンドは機能しなくなる。
    • これはバージョン1.6で修正された(13w24bでも修正済み)。
