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カスタマイズ (Customized) は、ワールドタイプの一種である。オーバーワールドの地形生成を設定する項目で使用できる限り、地形生成を自分好みにカスタマイズすることができる。




設定項目 パラメータ 初期値 詳細
海面の高さ 1-255 63 海面の高度を設定する。この項目を初期値より低く設定すると陸地の面積が大きくなり、川が浅くなったり干上がったりする。高度63以下の陸地表面は砂利で構成されている。設定を低くするほど海が小さな池のようになったり、地底湖しか存在しなくなったり、あるいは全く存在しなかったりする。初期値より高く設定すると、湿地バイオーム等の高度が低い地形が水没してしてしまい、陸地の面積が小さくなり、川も川と呼べるものではなくなり、どちらかと言えば海底の谷のようになるだろう。The world may, at high levels, consist of sparse islands separated by very deep water or may be all ocean, as in the Water World preset.
洞窟 Yes/No Yes 地下に洞窟を生成するかどうか。
要塞 Yes/No Yes 要塞を生成するかどうか。128個の要塞が生成される。要塞が生成されなければエンドポータルも生成されない(参考:要塞)。
Yes/No Yes 村は平原・サバンナ・タイガ・砂漠にしか生成されない。もしそれらのバイオームが生成されない設定であれば、村は生成されない。村が生成されなければ村人が自然スポーンすることもない。しかし、村人ゾンビを治療することで村人に会う事はできる。
廃坑 Yes/No Yes 地下に廃坑を生成するかどうか
神殿 Yes/No Yes When this is turned on, jungle temples generate in jungle biomes, desert temples generate in desert biomes, swamp huts generate in swamp biomes, and igloos generate in ice plains. If the world is set to another biome, they are not generated.
海底神殿 Yes/No Yes When this structure is turned on, the ocean monuments are generated in the deep ocean biomes. The adjusted sea level does not affect the generation of ocean monuments. If the world is set to another biome, they are not generated.
Ravines Yes/No Yes Ravines are only generated underground. If omitted, they are not generated.
Dungeons Yes/No Yes Dungeons are only generated if there is an opening next to them. If there is no opening (cave, stronghold, abandoned mineshaft, ravine or underground lake) near the generated position of the dungeon, the dungeon is not generated.
Dungeon Count 1-100 7 Changes how many times the game will try to generate a dungeon per chunk. This is not the actual number of dungeons per chunk - as not all attempts are successful. This is because they are only generated next to an opening. This means that at a setting of 100% only very few or no dungeons are generated when the ground does not provide an opening for connecting to the right places. For example, in a world with only ravines, only two dungeons were generated at a setting of 100%.
Water Lakes Yes/No Yes If No, water lakes will not generate
Water Lake Rarity 1-100 4 Increases/decreases the rarity of water lake generation (as a percentage); lower values mean a higher number of water lakes. Water lakes can generate where there is no opening, unlike dungeons. Therefore, the underground water lakes are usually discovered only by chance while digging. The decrease in the frequency is not linear: the difference between 1% and 25% is huge, the other differences up to 100% are minor. The lakes are - in contrast to the dungeons - not always at the same position.
Lava Lakes Yes/No Yes If No, lava lakes will not generate (Note: This does not prevent lava from filling up caves under Y level 10)
Lava Lake Rarity 1-100 80 Increases/decreases the rarity of lava lake generation (as a percentage); lower values mean a higher number of lava lakes. Lava lakes are generated underground to the surface. Very few lakes generate on the surface. In contrast to the water lakes, which are uniformly distributed underground, the distribution of lava lakes is concentrated on the lower levels. In addition, the positions in the lava lakes from setting to setting vary widely. Few lakes retain their position at each setting.

The decrease in the frequency is not linear: the difference between 1% and 25% is huge, the other differences up to 100% are minor.

Lava Oceans Yes/No No The setting determines whether all the world's oceans and rivers should be filled with lava. If they are filled with lava, all combustible materials on their shores catch on fire when a player is nearby.
Biome All, Ocean, Plains, Desert, Extreme Hills, Forest, Taiga, Swampland, River, FrozenOcean, FrozenRiver, Ice Plains, Ice Mountains, MushroomIsland, MushroomIslandShore, Beach, DesertHills, ForestHills, TaigaHills, Extreme Hills Edge, Jungle, JungleHills, JungleEdge, Deep Ocean, Stone Beach, Cold Beach, Birch Forest, Birch Forest Hills, Roofed Forest, Cold Taiga, Cold Taiga Hills, Mega Taiga, Mega Taiga Hills, Extreme Hills+, Savanna, Savanna Plateau, Mesa, Mesa Plateau F, Mesa Plateau All Which biome(s) should generate in the world. The rare biomes (such as desert M and sunflower plains), the Nether and the End are not on the list. However, biome variants such as beaches, hills and edge biomes can be generated.
Biome Size 1-8 4 Increases/decreases the size of biomes. Increasing the number by one doubles the size of biomes. The generation of oceans and lakes are independent of biome size. Biomes are magnified from the origin (0,0). Even in a single-biome world, this makes a difference; in a desert world, higher "biome size" seems to predispose toward flatter terrain and more villages and temples, while a lower setting results in steeper, more rugged terrain with fewer villages and temples. See also Large Biomes.
River Size 1-5 4 Increases/decreases the size and frequency of rivers. Decreasing the number by one doubles the proximity of rivers to each other. So while you get only slightly larger rivers by changing this 2 points, you also get approximately 3x as many rivers. At a setting of 1, rivers generate through most of the landscape; at 5, there are large tracts of land with no water. Rivers are magnified from the origin (0,0) so increasing the value by 1 will double the distance to a river. If the sea level is reduced far below 63, many "rivers" will be dry; but their beds will be dirt regardless of the surrounding biome.

Ore settings

Each of the eleven sections of this page modifies the generation settings for each type of ore. These settings can be used to change the distribution of almost all any ore and mineral type. The only exception is emerald ore, as it only generates in extreme hills biomes, and the vein size is always one block; as its distribution is hard coded, it cannot be changed. The distribution of natural resources in the Nether (gravel, soulsand, Nether quartz ore and glowstone) also cannot be changed.

Apart from the above exceptions, the vein size, number and distribution are set. Here are the default settings:

Customization option Parameters Default Description











Lapis Lazuli
Spawn Size 1-50 33 33 33 33 33 17 9 9 8 8 7 The maximum number of blocks in a single vein.
Spawn Tries 0-40 10 8 10 10 10 20 20 2 8 1 1 The number of times the world generator attempts to place a vein in a chunk.
Min. Height 0-255 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16[note 1] The minimum height at which the ore generates.
Max. Height 0-255 256[note 2] 256[note 2] 80 80 80 128 64 32 16 16 16[note 1] The maximum height at which the ore generates.
  1. a b The Lapis Lazuli distribution follows its own rules : instead of a minimum and a maximum height, it is based on a center height and a spread value. By default, these values are set to 16, meaning that Lapis Lazuli can generate within levels 0 to 32, mostly around level 16.
  2. a b Although 256 is the maximum height, adjusting the slider moves the values from 0-255. Resetting to Default is the only way to observe 256 on the slider if it has been moved.


There are 16 customization options which can be used to affect various aspects of Minecraft's terrain generator. These settings appear on two pages: one with sliders, and one which allows for text input. On the manual text input page, typing in any value lower or higher than the allowed parameter will change the value to the lowest or highest value possible for that customization option. The settings only change the mountains and valleys of the landscape; structures and other environmental factors (which are set on page 1) remain unaffected.

Minecraft uses to create the randomness of its terrain. Perlin noise is a method for generating noise that transitions smoothly and looks more natural than 'regular' noise.

The Minecraft world generator uses many Perlin noise functions to generate the surface terrain. Three Perlin noise functions are combined to form the standard hills: a main function (Main Noise), a lower limit (Lower Limit) and a ceiling (Upper Limit). The world generator is calculated for each coordinate (X, Z) by comparing the average value between the lower limit and upper limit to the value of the main function. The base height (Depth Base) determines the separation between the standard hills and valleys and is independent from sea level.

The default scenery is not seen in the finished world, because each biome has specific properties. Plains are flat, hills have small to medium elevations, extreme mountains are high mountain ranges, oceans have deep valleys, savannas and mesas have low mountains with flat plateaus, etc. Each biome type has an individual biome depth (Biome Depth) and an individual biome factor (Biome Scale) in order to perform the biome specific deformations.

Customization option Parameters Default Description
地形の伸び:X軸 1–5000 80 X軸方向へ地形を伸縮させる。
  • デフォルトより低く設定すると、山などが Z軸方向へスライスされたような絶壁が多く生成される。上空から見ると Z軸に沿った縦縞模様のようになる。
  • デフォルトより高く設定すると、 山などの地形が X軸方向へなだらかになり、Z軸方向へは急な斜面が生成されるようになる。上空から見ると X軸に沿った縦縞模様のようになる。
地形の伸び:Y軸 1–5000 160 Y軸方向へ地形を伸縮させる。
  • デフォルトより低く設定すると、山は平らになり低いエリアに浸食されたようになる。
  • デフォルトより高く設定すると、山は高くなり凹凸が少なくなる。
地形の伸び:Z軸 1–5000 80 Z軸方向へ地形を伸縮させる。
  • デフォルトより低く設定すると、山などが X軸方向へスライスされたような絶壁が多く生成される。上空から見ると X軸に沿った縦縞模様のようになる。
  • デフォルトより高く設定すると、 山などの地形が Z軸方向へなだらかになり、相対的にX軸方向へは急になる。上空から見ると Z軸に沿った縦縞模様のようになる。
Depth Noise Scale X 1–2000 200 Creates more variations and abrupt changes in the height of the terrain along the x-axis.
  • Below default: Only minimal differences.
  • Above default: Longer edges in Z-direction.
Depth Noise Scale Z 1–2000 200 Creates more variations and abrupt changes in the height of the terrain along the z-axis.
  • Below default: Only minimal differences.
  • Above default: Longer edges in X-direction.
Depth Noise Exponent 0.01–20 0.5 Customizes the size of random shapes that appear in world generation
  • Below default: Only minimal differences.
  • Above default: Only minor differences.
Depth Base Size 1–25 8.5 Decides at which height the surface is generated, before anything else is manipulated. But unlike a stretch effect, this gives more ground to be manipulated. Any change in the value of 1 corresponds to a variation of the base height by 8 levels. The value 0 can not be set because of the base amount at least still the bedrock level must be generated. The default value of 8.5 corresponds to the base height of 68, which is slightly above sea level (level 63).
  • Below default: The base amount is below sea level. If this is not adjusted, the area is flooded. If the value is set to "1", this corresponds to the base height 8, which is below the lava level (height 11). This lava flows from the cave openings, because all caves are automatically filled to the lava level with lava. The lava lakes, which are normally in the underground, emerge openly, because there are only a few layers underground. Rivers have dried up, when the sea level is lower. Structures are generated, they stand on pillars (villages) or float in the air (abandoned mineshafts).
  • Above default: The higher the value, the longer it takes to generate the landscape. At the maximum value, the base height is 200. River valleys are deeply incised and yet dried up, because they do not reach the sea. Mountains are higher and more above the base height than normal. It is appropriate to adjust the distribution of the ore to the base height.
Coordinate Scale 1–6000 684.412 Horizontal stretch of the main world. This effectively handles "sharpness", which makes differences in the terrain more distinct. This applies to the first run of hills/mountains the game makes, but not to further changes.
  • Below default: Mountains are drawn in width, their peaks and chasms disappear, they are flat although their height hardly changes. The positions of mountains and valleys remain the same.
  • Above default: Mountains and hills are sharper and steeper with narrow peaks. Mountain ranges no longer exist. The valleys are covered with small hills, there are hardly any flat areas.
Height Scale 1–6000 684.412 Vertical stretch of the main world. This applies to the first run of hills/mountains the game makes, but not to further changes.
  • Below default: Mountains are rounded, but only slightly lower.
  • Above default: Relatively flat areas are higher and steepen, although the mountains are fairly low.
Height Stretch 0.01–50 12 Everything gets stretched or crushed more along the y-axis. It pulls terrain upward.
  • Below default: The lower the value, the longer it takes to generate the landscape. Lower values cause more extreme stretching, where the minimum value has the surface above level 250. It is not smooth, but still forms a flat profile. The sinks in the landscape lead into canyons of dizzying depth with giant cavities.
  • Above default: All heights are upset, mountains and valleys are flat.
Upper Limit Scale 1–5000 512 Make terrain more solid/riddled with holes depending on how close the values are to the lower limit scale values. Note however, that it is used in cave/cavern generation, and so setting them far apart with caves/caverns turned off doesn't give you holed terrain.
  • Below default: The lower the value, the longer it takes to generate the landscape. This raises the heights of some mountains and parts of the entire landscape sharply without changing their positions, while other parts of the landscape remain unchanged. The increase in height is nonlinear. Values close to the minimum already have an enormous impact, but the larger values have a lower the impact. At the minimum value, the surface is calculated well above the maximum height and capped at level 256. This leads to completely flat planes. There are huge cavities where the walls are not rounded, but have rather smooth, blocky edges.
  • Above default: The same mountains that extend when lowering the value in the height will always flatter while raising the value, while the mountains of the other parts of the landscape remain unchanged. With the maximum value mountains are almost gone.
Lower Limit Scale 1–5000 512 Make terrain more solid/riddled with holes depending on how close the values are to the upper limit scale values. The further apart the values, the more holes there are in the landscape.[要検証] Note however, that it is used in cave/cavern generation, and so setting them far apart with caves/caverns turned off doesn't give you holed terrain. This setting has the same effect as the Upper Limit Scale, except that it affects parts of the landscape which the Upper Limit Scale does not affect.
Biome Depth Weight 1–20 1 Changes the height of the biomes. With increasing value the heights of the biomes are increased, without affecting the rest of the landscape. A maximum setting of 20 results in cone mountains that would exceed the maximum height of 256 meters and cap there. Large valleys of normal landscape generate between the mountains. The middle screenshot shows the value of 3.
Biome Depth Offset 0–20 0 Determines the surface level of the biome. The surface level of the biome is raised, but not the height of the features of the biome (e.g. hills). For example, in a tundra biome the surface at a setting of 0 is near the ocean level as normal. When set to 2, the surface is already at 100 meters, at 5 it is 150 meters and 10 at 250 meters. A further increase of the value leads to surfaces that would exceed the maximum height of 256 meters. The landscape is then capped. Therefore, at the maximum value 20 only a smooth, green sectional area at the level of 256 is visible.
Biome Scale Weight 1–20 1 Determines the weight of biome specific characteristics. With increasing values, these characteristics are weighted more heavily. At the maximum value all tundra hills are over 240 meters high.
Biome Scale Offset 0–20 0 Moves biome specific characteristics. With increasing value these characteristics are moved further. The higher the value, the longer it takes to generate the landscape.


Image Preset Preset code Description
Worldwater Water World Special properties:
  • Sea level = 255
  • Main Noise Scale X=5000, Y=1000 Main Noise Scale, Main Noise Scale Z=5000
  • Height stretch=8
  • Biome Depth Weight=2, Biome Depth Offset=0.5, Biome Scale Weight=2, Biome Scale Offset=0.375
A world completely submerged in a moderately deep ocean.
Isles Isle Land Special properties:
  • Coordinate Scale=3000, Height Scale=6000, Height Stretch=10
  • Upper Limit Scale=250


A world similar to Extreme Hills biomes with numerous floating islands.
Delight Caver's Delight Special properties:
  • Main Noise Scale X=5000, Main Noise Scale Y=1000, Main Noise Scale Z=5000
  • Height Stretch=5
  • Biome Depth Weight=2, Biome Depth Offset=1, Biome Scale Weight=4, Biome Scale Offset=1


A world consisting of dark, expansive caverns with large overhangs on the outside.
Madness Mountain Madness Special properties:
  • Main Noise Scale X=1355.9908, Main Noise Scale Y=745.5343, Main Noise Scale Z=1183.464
  • Depth Noise Scale X= 374.93652, Depth Noise Scale Z=288.65228, Depth Noise Scale Exponent=1.2092624, Depth Base Size=1.8758626
  • Coordinate Scale=738.41864, Height Scale=157.69133, Height Stretch=1.7137525
  • Upper Limit Scale=801.4267, Lower Limit Scale=1254.1643
  • Biome Depth Weight=1.7553768, Biome Depth Offset=3.4701107, Biome Scale Weight=1.0, Biome Scale Offset=2.535211


A world consisting of tall, extremely steep mountains, often with overhangs, cliffs and some big caverns.
Drought Drought Special properties:
  • Sea level=20
  • Main Noise Scale X=1000, Main Noise Scale Y=3000, Main Noise Scale Z=1000
  • Height Stretch=10


A world with low sea levels and small "ocean lakes" with expansive areas of gravel.
Chaos Caves of Chaos Special properties:
  • Sea level=6
  • Upper Limit Scale=2, Lower Limit Scale=64


A world with tall, expansive caves that have numerous springs. They are so porous that parts of the caves are sunlit and have vegetation. Caves often have wacky structures that hang from the ceiling. Sometimes, they have expanses of water near the floor, despite the low sea level. Floating islands are a common sight, but they are less frequent than in Isle Land or Amplified worlds.
Luck Good Luck Special properties:
  • Sea level=40
  • Lava oceans=Yes


A predominantly stone and gravel world with lava oceans, dry rivers, and little or no vegetation and animals.




Java Edition
1.822 April 2014A preview video of the Customized world type is revealed on the TeamMojang YouTube channel.
14w17aAdded Customized world type.
14w25aThe generation of ocean monuments can now be customized. generation in Customized worlds is now consistent with sea level.


  • The customized world type is based on a Minecraft mod Ryan Holtz made in 2012 called .
  • The following preset can be used to generate a world similar to the Amplified world type:



