Minecraft Wiki


Minecraft Wiki
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A Minecraft közössége tucatjával készíti a játékélményt fokozó programokat. A szerverszoftverekből olyan sok van, hogy saját oldala van. A legnépszerűbb programok a feltérképezők, amik a térképről készítenek madártávlati ábrát. A térképszerkesztők közvetlenül engedik, hogy megváltoztass egy térképet. A térképgenerátorok új környezettípusokat és blokkmintákat hoznak létre. A kliensmodok teljesen új sajátosságokat adnak a játékhoz. A biztonsági mentést segítő programokkal biztos kezekben tudhatod világaidat. Végül, vannak a specializált programok az eszköztár szerkesztéséhez, vöröskőáramkörök szimulálásához és játékfájlok megváltoztatásához.

Vannak mobilalkalmazások is iOS és Android eszközökhöz.

Néhány .NET alkalmazáshoz kellhet a Mono, hogy Mac-en és Linux-on is fusson.



A feltérképezők a térképedről csinálnak látképet felülről. Sok feltérképezőben lehet beállítani a szöget és más opciókat, néhány pedig fel is szeleteli a térképet.

Név Leírás Dátum Verzió Operációs rendszerek Link Legkésőbbi kompatibilis játékverzió Elérhető-e a forráskód Programozási nyelv Fejlesztő


Parancssoros. A Cartograph újraírása. Eredetileg Windows és Linux rendszerekre íródott, de Mac-cel is működhet. 2011-04-01 1.7 WindowsLinuxmacOS Fórum


Alpha, Beta, McRegion Igen, BSD C++ udoprog (John-John Tedro)
Cartograph G Wool rainbow and trees

Cartograph G

A Cartograph egyik ága, támogatja az új frissítéseket és az eredeti cartograph néhány játékhibáját is kijavítja, valamint új kezelőfelülete van. 2011-05-26 2011_05_26 Windows Fórum

Alpha, Beta, McRegion Még nem C++ (renderer), VB (interface) Gameslinder


Nagyfebontású, közelíthető képet ad a térképekről.

Egy térkép példája

2011-06-20 2.00 WindowsLinuxmacOS Fórum


Beta, McRegion Még nem Java OrangyTang


Parancssor + Windows kezelőfelület. 2010-09-23 1.3 WindowsLinuxmacOS Fórum


Alpha, Beta, McRegion Igen C++ Zahl
Mcmap live

MCMap Live

Interaktív kezelőfelület, röntgentérképek és biomtámogatás. 2010-10-21 1.4.0 macOS Fórum

Beta, McRegion Igen Objective-C++ Donkey Kong


Intuitív kezelőfelület részletes, közelíthető térképekhez. A Tectonicus motorját használja.

Több információ

2010-12-28 0.7.3 beta WindowsmacOS Fórum

Alpha, Beta, McRegion Még nem Java, Objective-C jakester2


Gyors renderelő nagy világokhoz. Linuxon és Cygwin-en megy. 2011-03-01 0.7.1 WindowsLinux


Alpha, Beta Igen, GPL C++ equalpants


Testreszabható feltérképező sok opcióval. Kezelőfelületes és parancssoros módja is van, és több magot is használhat. Példa. 2011-04-14 0.86 WindowsLinux Fórum

Alpha, Beta, McRegion Igen C++ McTwist

Minecraft Overviewer

A Google Maps powered overview that draws your map in 30 degree isometric mode with a high level of detail. A live demo is available at [1] 2011-06-02 0.1.4-59 WindowsLinuxmacOS


Alpha, Beta, McRegion Yes, GPL Python/C Andrew Brown

Minecraft World Map

A MinecraftWorldMap.com egy webalapú lehetőség Minecraft világok megosztására. Csak töltsd fel a pályát, és a térkép automatikusan legenerálódik. 2011-03-29 0.80 Beta WindowsLinuxmacOS Fórum


Beta Nem perl skeight


Könnyű kezelhetőség, multiplatform. 2010-10-09 1.0 WindowsLinuxmacOS Fórum


Alpha Yes, WTFPL Java Gobo (Elliot Walmsley)

Minecraft Topographical Survey

Gyors, és nagy világokat is támogat. Többféle térképtípus, automatikus frissítés. Egykattintás feltöltési lehetőség. 2011-03-21 1.5 Windows Fórum


Alpha, Beta Yes, Ms-PL C# Dred_furst, davejk

Alpha Vespucci

Command-line, very customizable output (lots of options), capable of rendering huge maps. Also works under Wine (after adding a DLL override). AlphaVespucci GUI has been written in .NET by LrdPhoenix. 2010-11-03 1.10 Windows Fórum


Alpha Nem C++ OrangeXP

OpenCraft Plotter

Part of the OpenCraft project. A Java library and standalone tool to provide visualizations for all save formats. 2010-02-07 0.3 WindowsLinuxmacOS


Indev Igen Java ?


Opening up code for community development. Captures position packets using ngrep and feeds the packet to the php to map. 2011-04-05 0.1 Windows


Beta Igen PHP and AutoIt V3 ?


A pályamegtekintők csak olvasni képesek, és interaktív interfészt tartalmaznak.

Név Leírás Dátum Verzió Operációs rendszerek Link Legkésőbbi kompatibilis játékverzió Elérhető-e a forráskód Programozási nyelv Fejlesztő


Supports biomes, day/night, and most blocks in Beta 1.4. 2011-04-06 0.2.1 WindowsLinuxmacOS Fórum

Beta, McRegion Nem C++ lloigor


3D, Slices by clicking, GUI, Customizable Schemes. Connects to SMP servers. 2010-09-19 0.0.3 Windows


Alpha, Beta, McRegion Yes, MIT C#/Lua DrSchnz, C0BRA, ddrl46, AndruinGreydawn


A map viewer / concept design for Android OS. Use your own 1.3 beta (and up) levels, temporarily build and destroy blocks, sensor steering, crouch & jump, no-clip mode. Works on low end devices (requires android 2.1 or higher). may contain bugs. 2011-04-03 030411 Android


Beta, McRegion Yes, BSD Java dilatoryreflex, Ryan McNally

Minecraft AutoMap

Displays a highly customizable live-updated map of your surroundings, including nearby creatures and players. Works with SMP and the Nether. The map runs in a separate window from Minecraft so it can be sized and positioned, fullscreened, or placed on top of Minecraft. Typically updated within 12 hours of Minecraft updates. Requires Risugami's ModLoader. 2011-02-23 0.4.x.x Windows Fórum


Beta, McRegion Yes, MS-PL C# bp2008, Ceii
Minecraft X-ray

Minecraft X-Ray

3D map viewer that highlights minerals (supports through Beta 1.6) 2011-05-26 3.1.0 WindowsLinuxmacOS Fórum


Alpha, Beta, McRegion Yes, BSD Java plusminus, xolotl


GUI, interactive, shows slices of your map up to the desired height. 2011-2-24 1.1 WindowsLinuxmacOS Fórum


Alpha, Beta, McRegion Yes, BSD C/ObjC/C++ mrkite77


See https://github.com/ithkuil/MC-Chunk-Loader and https://github.com/endenizen/MC-Chunk-Loader. Also uses some LGPL code and a few things from the web so MIT license may be subject to interpretation and I don't have a complete author list. wget --mirror http://mcregion.com wget http://mcregion.com/regionworker.js wget http://mcregion.com/timing.js wget http://chunkview.js wget http://mcregion.com/jxziputil.js 2011-5-02 0.5 pre-alpha WindowsLinuxmacOS Fórum


Beta Yes, MIT JavaScript, some PHP ithkuil (main), help from endenizen, kex3, others

Discontinued Mappers[]

Mappers in this section work only with older versions of Minecraft, including the free classic version of Minecraft.

Név Leírás Dátum Verzió Operációs rendszerek Link Legkésőbbi kompatibilis játékverzió Elérhető-e a forráskód Programozási nyelv Fejlesztő


The first of its kind. Creates an isometric image of a Classic level. 2009-11-27 1.0 Windows Fórum

Classic Nem Java pubby8
Cartograph oblique angled


The first mapper for infinite levels. Created for Infdev levels before it became Alpha. 2010-09-24 5.0 WindowsLinux Fórum

Beta Yes (C++), no (Java) C++, Java ZomBuster


Command-line, suitable for cronjobs or scripts. 2010-09-23 0.1b2 WindowsLinuxmacOS Fórum


Alpha Yes, MIT Python ramiel (aheadley)

Map Editors[]

Map editors alter an existing level's terrain or other properties, such as player position and time of day. Some of them also let you edit your inventory and generate terrain.

Név Leírás Dátum Verzió Operációs rendszerek Link Legkésőbbi kompatibilis játékverzió Elérhető-e a forráskód Programozási nyelv Fejlesztő


The first map editor, created to edit Indev and later Classic levels. You can view the level's blocks in 2d slices, and alter them by "painting" blocks using brushes of different shapes and sizes. Also includes some terrain generators and supports the old Indev levels. Requires minecraft-server.jar for Classic support. 2010-02-08 0.7.0 WindowsLinuxmacOS Fórum

Classic Nem Java osici

NBT Forge

A successor to Omen that supports the newer Alpha levels. Like Omen, you can view 2d slices and paint blocks using a different set of brushes. Added new Blocks of Hallowen Update. 2010-08-05 0.2.14c Windows Fórum

Alpha Nem Delphi (?) Aeomin


The first 3D editor. Created to import older levels into the new Alpha levels. Fly around in 3D and select blocks, then copy or export them. Import blocks from schematics or from entire Classic levels. Resize a level by creating or deleting chunks. 2011-02-27 beta 1.5_1 WindowsLinuxmacOS Fórum


Alpha, Beta, McRegion Részben Python codewarrior (David Vierra)


All-in-one Editor. Includes a terrain editor similar to Omen and NBT Forge. Replaces blocks of one type with another. Also lets you edit your player's inventory and the world's entities. Since the November 21 Update, the terrain editor seems to be missing, but other problems have been fixed, and the program has been updated to support all blocks and objects added in the Halloween Update. [2] 2010-11-21 1.0 preview WindowsLinux Fórum


Alpha, Beta Igen C# N3X15

MapDeleter / Pine Tree Generator

Features: delete chunks; copy and paste chunks (works between worlds); generate large pine trees. 2010-09-25 R5 WindowsLinuxmacOS Fórum

Alpha Nem Java Chuck


Command-line editor derived from MCEdit. Works well with servers. ? ? WindowsLinuxmacOS Fórum


Alpha Igen Python codewarrior (David Vierra)


A powerful in-game SMP and SSP map editor. Edit regions, save/load regions, generate forests, restore regions from backups, and use other various utility tools. Single player usage requires Single Player Commands, while multiplayer usage requires a compatible plugin host. ? ? WindowsLinuxmacOS Fórum


Alpha, Beta Igen Java sk89q

Minecraft Editor

You can fly, vagy sétálni a Minecraft szinten. Kijelző blokkok és csőcseléket, olvassa el az új Anvil régiók kijelző blokkok X-Ray mód, multi-kiválasztás, terep generátor, akár 50 különböző nyelvű, kattintson duplán, és zoom, válassza ki a lejátszót, és zoom rajta, a kijelző szinten a bolygó (szint 8-4 régió). 2012-08-27 1.2 Windows


No CSharp .Net Axialmedia

Map Generators[]

These programs will either create a new level with custom terrain, or "implant" new blocks into an existing level.

Név Leírás Dátum Verzió Operációs rendszerek Link Legkésőbbi kompatibilis játékverzió Elérhető-e a forráskód Programozási nyelv Fejlesztő


Creates wild, surreal landscapes of several varieties. 2.02b Windows Fórum

Indev Ismeretlen ZomBuster


A dungeon generator seemingly inspired by old Roguelike games. Creates rooms and levels out of different materials, in different styles. Rooms may hold traps, statues, enemy spawns, and/or treasure. 2010-12-27 v0.4.6 WindowsLinuxmacOS Fórum


Alpha Ismeretlen Java BeeTLe BeTHLeHeM


Converts a Dwarf Fortress level to a Minecraft Alpha world according to a ruleset. 2010-09-11 0.7 Alpha .31.16 Windows Fórum


Alpha Igen C++ TroZ

Minecraft Map Generator

Generates terrain based on user-defined terrain functions. Includes a GUI with map preview. 2011-01-01 2011.01.01b WindowsLinuxmacOS


Beta Igen Java TOGoS


Note: Mods for the stand alone client can be found at Client mods

Név Leírás Dátum Verzió Operációs rendszerek Link Legkésőbbi kompatibilis játékverzió Elérhető-e a forráskód Programozási nyelv Fejlesztő


MacModder is a mod installer in the form of easy-to-use applets. With a myriad of extra features including backups and installers, it's worth it. 2011-01-09 1.4 macOS Fórum


Alpha, Beta, McRegion Nem AppleScript, Bash Contrillion

Mod Installer

Installs graphics packs and other mods for Alpha. Can detect the structure of mods inside zip files, allowing for one-click installation in most cases. 2010-10-20 1.2 Windows


Alpha Yes, Ms-PL C# Dred_furst (davejk)

TFC's Minecraft Manager

TFC's Mod Manager is one of the more advanced mod installation tools available at the current time. At its current release (1.4), TFC's Mod Manager has the capability to install a mod directly from the ZIP and from its online repository of mods without any unzipping. It also allows mod creators to have custom mod preview images, list item ID's to check for incompatibility, check for required mods, and even check to see if mods are up to date. With constant updates, this program is flying high in the mod management market. 2011-26-04 1.4 WindowsLinuxmacOS Fórum


Beta Nem Java TomFromCollege


Minecrafter is a mod manager with a twist. Instead of providing simple merging tools, Minecrafter allows you to "craft" your own mods by mixing and matching other people's mods, all without touching JARs or graphics programs. The program is discontinued, but the source was released, and the the program continues to function with new versions of minecraft. 2010-10-27 1.1.2 WindowsLinuxmacOS Fórum


Alpha, Beta Igen Java Prelithe


Installs mods by simply drag,drop & click method. Compatible with every ZIP-packed mod.(mods in other archive types need to be repackaged). Also compatible with texture packs. In other words, this program adds to minecraft.jar everything you want it to add. 2011-4-18 1.1 WindowsLinuxmacOS Fórum

Alpha/Beta Coming soon Java Tomsik68


A general utility for installing simple ZIP or RAR based mods into the minecraft.jar. This is a WIP

and there is always room for improvement, which eventually there will be.

2011-06-12 1.00 Windows Fórum


Beta, Alpha Nem Java David Scouten (zonemaster)

Skinning and Texturing[]

Név Leírás Dátum Verzió Operációs rendszerek Link Legkésőbbi kompatibilis játékverzió Elérhető-e a forráskód Programozási nyelv Fejlesztő
Skinedit Screen


Interactive skin editor with real-time 3D preview, as well a library of pre-built parts. 2011-04-13 Alpha 3 pre 7 WindowsLinuxmacOS Fórum

All versions Nem Java Patrik Swedman


GUI that allows you to easily preview, package, and switch texture packs. 2010-09-18 1.11 Windows Fórum

Alpha Nem ? TeddyTrooper
Minecraft Texture Switcher

Minecraft Texture Switcher

Allows you to switch texture packs. 2010-06-01 Beta 0.99 Windows Fórum

Ismeretlen Nem Game Maker TheDarkTiger


DSwitch is a simple texture pack installer & managing program with a couple of extra nifty features. 2010-10-10 1.1.1 WindowsmacOS Fórum

Alpha Nem ? Thunderfudge


NovaSkin is a 3D web-like intuitive interface to draw direct on skin preview, to view and upload skins. Has build-in integration with third-party skin sites minecraftskins.com and minecraft.decx.org. Provide sharing links with screenshot. 2011-16-01 1.12 Crossplatform (Web-based) Fórum


All versions Igen Javascript Marcelo Saviski


HD texture fix

HD texture fix - formally known as MC Patcher is a program that allows you to patch you game.jar file to having better textures. The default texture is 16x16px. Now you can get 256x256px if your computer is strong enough. 2011-22-03 1.1.12_02 Windows Fórum


Beta Nem C++ xau
Mtc screen 03

Minecraft Terrain Changer

MTC is a tool used to manage terrain.png textures quickly and easily. This includes replacement of existing textures by new ones, exporting textures, and generation of the modified terrain.png. 2011-06-18 1.0.50 Windows


All versions Nem C# Liquid

Minecraft Texture Mover

Minecraft Texture Mover makes it super easy (drag & drop) to get textures into Minecraft for mac, it's available on the Mac App Store and is Free. 2011-06-16 1.0 macOS


Beta Nem Objective-C Clint Pearson

Backup Utilities[]

Backup Utilities will make sure your saved games stay safe and can restore previously made backups upon errors.

Név Leírás Dátum Verzió Operációs rendszerek Link Legkésőbbi kompatibilis játékverzió Elérhető-e a forráskód Programozási nyelv Fejlesztő

MineBack - Automated Backup Utility (Single Player Only)

Windows .NET application which automatically manages backing up of your MineCraft World (Single Player Only).

Features: Smart Automatic Backup, Safe Restore, Backup Descriptions, Intuitive User Interface and Archive Backup Cull (see webpage for full details)

2011-06-02 4.2 Windows Fórum


Beta Nem VB.NET KVKConsultancy

Minecraft Backup Assistant

Minecraft Backup Assistant helps you backup your Minecraft saves.

It features fast backup, ZIP backup, restoring, mapping the backup and more. The only backup program that keeps getting updated!

2011-5-26 2.4 Windows Fórum


Beta, Alpha Igen C# omer681

Minecraft Assist Utility

Minecraft Assist Utility currently features a game launcher and robust back up system that is both easy to configure and painless to use! Designed for syncing save game between multiple computers. Has proper error handling, unique time saving back up system, game launcher supports multiple browsers as well as the standalone. Updated constantly! 2010-10-1 1.4.4 Windows Fórum


Alpha Nem AHK errorseven


DropCraft is a free way to backup and download your minecraft saves via dropbox! it is composed of 3 batch file that transfer your saves. More info in forum 2011-3-31 1.1 Windows Fórum

All versions Igen Batch Stesm311
Treasurechest v3.2 mac


The app can manage multiple backups and is capable of repairing/replacing chunk errors or corrupted savegames. Updated frequently. 2010-10-01 3.3 (3.4 linux) WindowsLinuxmacOS Fórum


Alpha Nem RB g-man
Minecraft Save Manager

Minecraft Save Manager

A small launcher tool that will back up and synchronize your saved games across multiple computers, performing file operations both before and after Minecraft is launched. It's meant to be a zero-effort tool so you don't have to go through the pain of loading your saved games from a USB drive or cloud folder. 2010-10-05 0.98 beta Windows Fórum


Alpha ? Yes, LGPL Java+SWT Vergeh

Minecraft Backup Tool

A simple backup + restore tool with automatic map image generation. Includes AlphaVespucci but you can configure it to use any mapper (settings for c10t are also provided). Full source project available for download. Programmed using Lua and AutoPlay Media Studio Personal Edition. 2010-10-28 1.0.4 Windows Fórum


Beta Igen Lua + AMS PE Rugged Malone

Minecraft Save Wizard

An easy to use 'save manager' which effectively gives you the power to have an unlimited amount of worlds! Use this great tool to move saved worlds between a holding area and the real minecraft area. This makes it easy for modders because it can move worlds into an easily accessible directory and then back again in two clicks! 2011-1-9 1 Windows Fórum

Alpha + Beta Not Yet VB.Net PREDATOR_UK

Minecraft Savior

Java Swing-based GUI for Minecraft players to backup and restore their valuable saves. Designed to be extremely easy to use, it auto-locates your local Minecraft 'saves' directory, and remembers the location of your backup directory and last backed up World. In many cases, the user can backup or restore in just one click! 2010-12-12 1.4 WindowsLinuxmacOS Fórum


Beta Igen Java JS

Tjb0607's Backup Script

A simple terminal-based backup script that instantly backs up all saves if any changes have been made. 2010-2-10 2.1-01 LinuxmacOS Fórum

Beta Igen Bash Tjb0607


MCError launches Minecraft and lists all launches of files in the command line. If any errors occur, you can select all and copy and paste to show modders or Mojang what's wrong with your Minecraft game. 2011-5-2 1.0 Windows Fórum

Beta, Alpha Nem ? JaydenBadBoii
Minecraft BSU


A multiple level save and restore utility for any version of Minecraft. Import/Export save game levels. 2011-06-22 1.80F Windows Fórum


Beta, Alpha Nem Java David Scouten (zonemaster)

Inventory Editors[]

Név Leírás Dátum Verzió Operációs rendszerek Link Legkésőbbi kompatibilis játékverzió Elérhető-e a forráskód Programozási nyelv Fejlesztő


Some kind of successor of NBTedit. You can use it to edit your inventory in the Survival Alpha and Beta. 2010-07-19 0.9.14 WindowsLinuxmacOS Fórum

Alpha, Beta Yes, public domain C# copyboy

Inside Job

A Mac inventory editor for Minecraft Alpha and Beta. 2010-10-10 1.1.1 macOS Fórum


Alpha, Beta Yes, MIT Objective-C preble

MC WebChest

A web-based inventory editor. Upload your data files, edit, and download. Still adding features. 2010-10-25 1.0 Crossplatform (Web-based) Fórum


Alpha, Beta Some HTML/Javascript/Perl kbosak


A command-line inventory editor, with additional features including moving the spawn point, changing time of day, bookmarking locations. showing the world random seed, controlling the weather, lose-me, and more. 2011-05-26 0.16 WindowsLinuxmacOS


Alpha, Beta Yes, MIT Python Ferry Boender


Simple Minecraft inventory editor for OS X and Linux. 2011-05-30 0.9 macOSLinux Fórum


Alpha, Beta Yes, public domain C++ and Qt4 jbendig


Save editor. Edit world time, spawn/player positon, health and inventory. Does not run with Mono. 2011-02-26 3.1 Windows Fórum


Beta 1.3

Nem C# Dawidds

Online Minecraft Inventory Editor

Online Minecraft Inventory Editor for any platform, any browser. 2010-12-26 1.2.7 Crossplatform (Web-based)


Alpha, Beta Nem php + jQuery + html vitaminRAD

Ultimate Inventory Editor

Raw data inventory editor. 2011-03-11 1.2 macOSWindowsLinux Fórum

Alpha, Beta Nem Java imjake9

Specialized Programs[]

Név Leírás Dátum Verzió Operációs rendszerek Link Legkésőbbi kompatibilis játékverzió Elérhető-e a forráskód Programozási nyelv Fejlesztő

Minecraft Song Planner

Lets you compose Note block music that you later can import into Minecraft using .schematic files. 2011-01-21 v2.5 Windows Fórum

Beta Nem Game Maker (GML) Davve

Redstone Display Maker

A program where you can create animations with up to 32 frames that you can import into Minecraft as redstone displays. 2011-06-17 v1.0 Windows Fórum

Beta Nem Game Maker (GML) Davve

Minecraft Version Changer

An easy way to change the version of minecraft that your client runs. Eg: You can downgrade from Minecraft Beta 1.6.6 to 1.3_01 and even upgrade back to a higher version number such as 1.5_01 or 1.6.6 again! This will be supported for the foreseeable future, please visit site for more details, most recent version download and contact. 2011 Current Windows


Beta Nem VB inkysprite

Minecraft Crafting Guide

Select a specific item from the drop-down lists, and the application will display the recipe & materials needed to create it. 2011 v1.5 Windows Fórum


N/A Nem ASP.net Alan Montgomery
Minecraft ID List

Minecraft ID list

Select an item from the drop-down lists and click 'Get ID' to display its item ID. 2011 v1.1 Windows Fórum


N/A Nem ASP.net Alan Montgomery
Spawn Changer

SpawnPoint Changer

A quick and easy to change your spawnpoint! Just select a world, change spawn, and press Save! 2011 v1.0 Windows Fórum

Beta Nem C#.NET Quintinity

Minecraft Rail Calculator

Calculates the distance needed to create a railway between two points, as well as how many materials are needed (Now including Powered Rails, Detector Rails, and Boosters). 06-17-11 v3.2 Windows Fórum

All Versions Nem Basic (VB6) Mr_Rel


Spritecraft is an easy-to-use independent Java application that allows you to load virtually any image and convert it into an image of Minecraft blocks. Allows you to specify which blocks to use, how many blocks to use for height/width, and supports custom texture packs (even high-res ones!). Great for creating pixel art in Minecraft! Now supports exporting schematic files so that you can bring your creations straight into MCEdit or similar! 2011 v1.1 WindowsmacOSLinux Fórum


All versions Nem Java diamondPants

Blue Husky's Minecraft Inventory

Holds a catalogue of all items in Minecraft and their data values, as well as their suggested trade value. Has an easy search. March 8th, 2011 2.0.0 Windows macOS Linux Fórum


Alpha, Beta, McRegion Yes, upon request Java Blue Husky Programming


MC smelting helper

Type in how much things you need to smelt, press "Check" and it will show you how much fuel you need 2011 v1.1 Windows Fórum


N/A Nem VB Newjorciks


Displays a list of Item names and IDs for any entry containing the text entered. 3.19.2011 v1.0 WindowsmacOSLinux Fórum

Igen Java Kyle Kinkade


A simple but powerfull Minecraft Serveradmintool that ONLY works via SSH! It soon gets support for server mods and is currently in alpha stage 2011 v0.0.2.0 alpha Windows Fórum

Beta Nem C++ Alia5
EasyID v1 Screenshot

Minecraft EasyID

Searchable Item/Block ID list. Searches as you type, displaying items or blocks which have those letters in them. 2011 v1 Windows Fórum

N/A Nem C#.NET Trappingnoobs/Ashley Davies


Lets you play and save Minecraft on the cloud (i.e. Dropbox). Useful for taking Minecraft saves anywhere you go. 2011 1.1 macOS Fórum

Alpha, Beta Igen Objective C RS

Baezon's Redstone Simulator

A simulator for Redstone circuits. Place circuit elements in a grid and use Play/Pause to control the simulation. Repeaters are not implemented. 2010-11-30 2.2 WindowsLinuxmacOS Fórum

Alpha, Beta 1.2 Nem Java Baezon

Circuit Simulator

A redstone simulator in the spirit of Baezon's program, written from scratch. Includes repeaters. Loading and saving has been implemented. 2011-3-29 0.7 WindowsLinuxmacOS Fórum

Beta Igen Java Simnik

AJ's Redstone Simulator

This is a client mod, stripping down Minecraft to what is basically a Creative mode with only redstone-related blocks available. Like most client mods, it requires you to inject some files into minecraft.jar, but it works in a separate directory so you can update your main Minecraft program files afterward without issue. Because it is a client mod, redstone behaves exactly as it does in the regular game. Loading and saving of schematics has now been implemented! 2011-4-18 1.2 WindowsLinuxmacOS Fórum

Nem Java AnonymousJohn

Minecraft Structure Planner

The Structure planner allows anyone to quickly and easily create a variety of structures for construction in-game. Structures are defined using a simple set of numeric fields, texture drop-downs, or option check boxes, and the results are then displayed as a height map, a layer-by-layer plan, and a fully interactive 3D projection. As well as the parameterized structures, the application also allows you to create Freeform structures, as well as computer-assisted Pixel Art designs. Structures can be exported in a variety of formats including the MCEdit schematic format for inclusion directly into your world. Layer-by-layer construction plans can be printed to paper or file for easy distribution. The Structure Planner is still in active development, with feature requests and bugs being tracked at http://getsatisfaction.com/minecraftstructureplanner. 2011-6-16 0.99.6e WindowsLinuxmacOS Fórum


Beta Nem Java LankyBrit


Allows you to edit every file in the NBT format, and thus edit inventory, entities, and world attributes. Works with Mono under linux (you need the package mono-winforms, too) 2010-05-16 0.9.8 Windows Fórum

Alpha Nem C# copyboy
NEINedit 0.3b


Edit every NBT File including your level.dat (Health, Items) or chunks. More features planned. 2010-10-29 0.3 Beta macOS Fórum


All versions Nem RB g-man

mian (Minecraft Analyzer)

Interactive graph showing material counts to height based on a Minecraft save game directory. 2011-03-02 0.9.2 LinuxmacOSWindows


Alpha, Beta Yes, GPL Python Pepijn de Vos, Victor Engmark, Alejandro Aguilera

Minecraft GPS

Provides in-game updates of the players position. Also allows bookmarking of positions to navigate back to. 2010-10-26 Windows Fórum


Alpha Igen C# distantcam

Perfect Sphere

Generates blueprints for creating spheres and ellipsoids in the game using blocks. 2010-10-19 Windows Fórum


Alpha Igen C# distantcam

Speed Hack Utility

Speeds up your system clock, which in turn speeds up in-game time. Works for both Singleplayer and multiplayer. Requires .NET v2, and may work in Linux (or Mac) with Mono.

Does not work with Beta 1.6+, because Mojang fixed this.

2010- 1.5 Windows


All versions Nem C# ScottyDoesKnow

MCBooster (Minecraft Booster)

Gives you a little boost/speedhack when you click the button. 2010-11-08 1.0 Windows


Alpha Nem C# Jake


Can turn craft-able map files into hotlink able image files. 2011-4-30 1.0 Crossplatform (Web-based)


Beta Nem PHP Benjojo


Calculates how much goods you need to craft the amount of items you want or how much fuel you need to smelt the amount of ores you want. 2010-11-12 0.2 Windows


N/A Nem C# klopske


Share your natural maps and occurrences as a string of 50 chars. 2010-11-13 0.9 Windows Fórum


All versions Igen C# XiaTek

Minecraft TimeChanger

Change the time of a world. Works on mac with Mono. 2010-11-23 1.0 WindowsmacOS Fórum

Alpha, Beta Nem C# Lindell92

Minecraft Serverbrowser

Displays servers from servers.minecraftforum.net and helps you managing favourites. 2011-03-06 2.0.1 Windows Fórum

Alpha, Beta Nem VB.Net Morrolan


Quick and easy floor planner. Can export files for others to open and edit. 2011-02-24 ALPHA Windows


Beta Nem GML AT01

Minecraft QuickTyper (Command Spammer)

Macro manager that quickly types in commands with the press of a button. 2011-02-15 1.2 Windows


Beta Nem C# Patrickssj6

Minecraft Save Seed Reader

Reads the seeds from your save files, so you can regenerate your original worlds. 2011-03-05 1.3 WindowsmacOSLinux


Beta Igen Java Chris Iverson


Standalone Linux OS distribution aimed at running a Minecraft server (only). 2011-01-04 1.0 Linux Fórum


Beta Igen Python William Dizon


Standalone Linux OS distribution aimed at running a Minecraft server (only). 2011-05-12 0.3.0 Linux Fórum


Beta Igen Python Phant0mX

McMSS Minecraft Multiple Server Selector

Launcher wrapper allowing multiple servers to be retained and accessed in a simple manner. 2011-02-23 1 & 2 Windows Fórum

Beta Nem ? SoloDev


Gives you a bunch of options e.g. Backup MC or Map backup + Skin downloading. Map seeds & rendering + Hardcore inventory editing. Map-Backups+Speedhack! Download from the website. NOT FORUM! 2011 v1000000 Windows Fórum


Beta Nem Batch LiamAllan & Mattcow12

Server Wrappers[]

Server wrappers are mods that do not modify the Minecraft server or its data files, but instead read its console output and supply console commands in order to add additional functionality.

Név Leírás Dátum Verzió Operációs rendszerek Link Legkésőbbi kompatibilis játékverzió Elérhető-e a forráskód Programozási nyelv Fejlesztő

Minecraft Server Launcher

Features provided by Minecraft Server Launcher include:
  • Easy access to server properties
  • Run exe and Jar servers
  • Set allocated ram (Jar only)
  • Automatic server launch
22/06/2011 V2.5 WindowsLinux Fórum


Beta Yes Visual Basic Kuzon - Bradley Smithies


Open-source console wrapper that adds administration tools (backups, item blacklist, auto-restart, external login, etc.) and chat commands for both creative and survival servers. 2011-05-26 r112 WindowsLinuxmacOS


Beta Yes, Beer Java Léo Peltier


Web based administration tool supporting both Windows and GNU/Linux servers. (Release 15) WindowsLinuxmacOS


N/A Non-free/Mixed C# PhonicUK

MC Server Helper

Console wrapper for Windows that automates server backup, restart, and update of minecraft_server.jar. 2011-03-05 1.1a Windows


N/A Yes, Ms-PL C# GaryJohnson


PHP utility that allows multiple minecraft servers to be commanded from one location. Source soon to be released publicly as GPL. Partial Mac Support (Currently Private Beta) 2011-02-24 1.162a LinuxmacOS


N/A Limited PHP Xebec

Minecraft Server Commander

Provides various help functions for hosting the default java server, like an auto-command system and give helper. 2011-02-07 2.0 Windows Fórum


N/A Igen C# F16Gaming


Feature rich control panel. Lets you manage multiple servers over a single web based user interface. 2010-05-09 b1.1.1 WindowsLinux Fórum


Beta Front End Python, PHP xhost.ch


Console wrapper and packet tunnel for Minecraft beta servers. It implements user groups, whitelisting, admin commands, block blacklisting, chest protection, automated backups and restarts, and more. 2011-05-30 8.1.2 WindowsLinuxmacOS Fórum


Beta Igen Java SpiegalPwns

MineCraft Server Launch Utility

The Server Launch Utility provides a quick and easy interface for creating, editing and running servers.

In development. Webpage coming soon. Feedback Appreciated.

2011-01-30 v01.4 Windows Fórum


Beta Igen VB ilent2


Fire Protection, Area Zoning, Chest Locks, Shrines, and more 2011-03-13 v0.7.1 WindowsLinux Fórum

Beta Igen zaneris


MCServer is a mini http server which allows you to administrate your Minecraft Server form your local machine or remotely using a web browser. Simply run MCServer and connect to your computer using a browser to be able to give items to players, create backups, start/stop/restart the Minecraft Server and much more. 2011-06-05 v0.18.361 Windows Fórum


Beta Nem PureBasic Dean Williams


Név Leírás Dátum Verzió Operációs rendszerek Link Legkésőbbi kompatibilis játékverzió Elérhető-e a forráskód Programozási nyelv Fejlesztő

Minecraft Explorer

Minecraft Explorer is the ultimate companion for any Minecraft player. This free application allows you to:

- Look up hundreds of item recipes - Find out what items do - Explore thousands of online servers - Share servers with your friends

1.2 iOS


Beta Nem Objective-C 57Digital Ltd
Screenshot circuitry

Minecraft Canary

Mobile app that serves as a full guide to Minecraft. Features a Timer that tells you what time of the day is it. Contains a full recipe list, tips, info about mobs, block IDs, circuits, traps, etc. 1.45 AndroidiOS


Beta Nem Java and Objective-C NinjaCoders

Minecraft Helper

An iOS application that will help you with your adventures in Minecraft. It features a very clean interface and it shows all the items found in the game. Minecraft Helper also has a favorite function, the crafting recipes are interactive and there are links to this Wiki on all item and block profiles, which open in-app. According to the developers also coming to Android soon. 2011-01-24 1.1 iOS


Beta Nem Kombo Studio

Minecraft ID List

An interactive ID list that allows you to search through blocks and items. WindowsLinuxmacOS


Beta Nem Graham Edgecombe


Allows the User to Switch between the Minecraft Versions B1.5_01, B1.6.4 and B1.6.6. CURRENT MINECRAFT.JAR WILL BE OVERWRITTEN! 08.06.11 v1.0 Windows


Beta Nem VB.NET Sebastian Pfeifer & Stephan Eder

Minecraft: Sound Mod

The program allows you to select a file you want to replace, and then specify a file to replace it with. It also creates a backup of your original sounds so you can revert to using them whenever you want. Ideal for changing the sounds to something more interesting, or playing around with them on someone elses game. Latest Version WindowsLinuxmacOS Fórum


Ismeretlen Nem VB.net Dan


Kubik is encyclopedia about Minecraft with online chat, lists of servers and plugin support. 2010-09-24 1.7 WindowsLinuxmacOS Fórum


N/A Nem Flex Yury Romanov
