Minecraft Wiki
Version Java 20w27a


Date de sortie

1er juillet 2020

Snapshot pour

Version Java 1.16.2


La 20w27a est le premier snapshot de la version 1.16.2, sorti le 1er juillet 2020.[1] Elle ajoute les piglins barbares et corrige des bugs.



Œufs d'apparition

  • Ajout de l'oeuf d'apparition de piglin barbare.


Piglin barbare

  • Ont 50Heart (icon) × 25 points de vie.
  • Une variante plus forte du piglin qui tient une hache en or.
  • Sont toujours hostiles envers le joueur, contrairement aux piglins.
  • Apparaissent dans les vestiges de bastion.



Champignons du Nether

  • Peuvent désormais se placer sur les blocs de mycélium



  • Peut désormais être tenu en laisse.


Interface d'utilisateur

  • Amélioration des menus de sélection pour les packs de ressources et les packs de données.


23 bugs corrigés
Provenant des versions antérieures à la 1.16
  • MC-1058 – A dragon head is invisible if the entity wearing it is not in view.
  • MC-2404 – Stepping down while sneaking allows falling off of blocks.
  • MC-49476 – NBT "HideFlags" does not hide "Dyed" on leather armor.
  • MC-68487 – Player heads of the same player always have the same skin texture, even if the saved texture data is different.
  • MC-97507 – Using item which modifies the held item shows "Gear equips" subtitle.
  • MC-145691 – Binding "Open/Close Inventory" to Tab only opens inventory.
  • MC-150417 – Some items get stuck in soul sand when there is liquid above the soul sand.
  • MC-167285 – Travelling into an end gateway with a platform on the other side while on a boat would instantly teleport you back.
Provenant de la 1.16
  • MC-171739 – Weeping and twisting vines, bamboo, and kelp can be replaced by "saplings" by breaking and placing the block at the same time.
  • MC-178729 – Inconsistency: Red and brown mushrooms can't be grown into huge mushrooms on nylium, while they can on all other "grass" blocks.
  • MC-182652 – Ruined portals don't always spawn with chest.
  • MC-183663 – Farmer villagers don't compost correctly.
  • MC-183743 – Iron golem overpopulation.
  • MC-185274 – Subtitles are still showing Gear equips when eating in snapshot 20w21a or newer.
  • MC-188473 – Resource pack screen no longer updates when adding or removing resource packs.
  • MC-188969 – Having a suspicious stew in inventory prevents all types of suspicious stew from going into your inventory when milking brown mooshroom.
  • MC-189909player_interacted_with_entity does not trigger if there is only one item and the item gets consumed.
  • MC-190021 – Trying to mount a pig or strider while sneaking plays hand animation.
  • MC-190266 – Players and other entities can catch on fire after logging on while riding a Strider in lava.
  • MC-190274 – Collecting liquids in bottles on Creative mode is inconsistent with the new creative bucket mechanics.
  • MC-190849 – Slime blocks can only push entities 5 blocks high instead of 6 blocks high as in 1.15.2.
Provenant de la 1.16.1
  • MC-191915 – While in a boat the elytra does not show as enchanted.
  • MC-192894 – Transparency layers lose their auxiliary depth buffer ID when resized.


  1. "Minecraft Snapshot 20w27a" – Minecraft.net, July 1, 2020