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Les Disques de musiques aident pour combattre le silence dans les mondes, mais pour en obtenir, vous devez être vraiment chanceux ou habile. Ils sont laissés par des Creepers quand ils sont frappés par une flèche de squelettes. Non seulement il est difficile et rare d'être à proximité d'un Creeper et un Squelette, il est également compliqué de faire qu'un squelette vise un Creeper.

Mais ce n'est pas le pire. Après avoir été touché, le Creeper va essayer de riposter de la seule façon qu'il peut - par l'explosion, vous faisant perdre par la même occasion vos chances d'avoir un disque de musique. Alors, les disques ne seront obtenus de manière efficace uniquement si:

  1. Le Creeper et le Squelette sont dans un environnement contrôlé;
  2. le Squelette a une façon d'essayer de vous frapper et d'attaquer aussi le Creeper;
  3. Le Squelette et le Creeper ne doivent pas être trop près un de l'autre, pour éviter que ce dernier explose.

Donc, la meilleure façon d'avoir une culture de Disque de Musique est de créer une « usine » - un bâtiment organisé de façon à générer des disques, facilement et tranquillement.

Le reste de cette page est à traduire en Français.

Créer une usine

Fonctionnement général

la façon la plus simple d'obtenir des disques est de piéger un creeper et un squelette dans deux trous de 1*1*4 de façon à ce que le squelette puisse toucher le creeper mais que le creeper soit assez éloigner pour ne pas exploser à son contact. 4 blocs de pronfondeur est une posture idéale pour empecher les mobs de pouvoir vous toucher. Puis, il faut passer entre le creeper et le squelette pour que celui-ci vous tire dessus mais touche le creeper. Il suffit ensuite de répéter l'opération jusquà ce que le creeper meurt. Il faut auusi prévoir un conduit d'évacuation pour les objets laissés par les deux créatures. La partie la plus compliquée est bien sur de piéger les créatures dans leur trou. Depuis la 1.1, les mobs bénéficient d'une intélligence artificielle et ne tombent donc plus dans les trous devant eux. Il faut donc les piéger avec des systèmes de courants d'eau et/ou de pistons.

Remarque : Avant la version 1.0.0, les barrières prenaient un bloc entier mais depuis, ils prennent moins d'espace, ce qui permet aux Creepers et aux Squelettes de se rapprocher l'un de l'autre. Trois clôtures ou 4 depuis peu permettent de les séparer sauf si vous souhaitez que le Creeper saute la barrière.

After you've created chambers for both of them, with fences in-between, it's time to make a small hole on the Creeper's side, so the Skeleton can see you, and try to fire. Of course, you also have to take into account that the Creeper will attempt to blow you up as well, so make sure the hole is 3 blocks away from its room.

Retrieving the discs

Now there's only one thing left. After spawning, the discs will remain in the Creeper's hole. Unless you want to get into the hole every time to retrieve it, you must make a small tunnel, adjacent to the "Skeleton → Creeper" line, that passes through the bottom of the Creeper's chamber, and make a water stream pass by. That way, any dropped discs will go through the water stream and come out of the structure. You can even make them travel to the place where you must stand to wait for the Skeleton shots.

…There is one small problem, though. Due to the fences' smaller hitboxes (read above), there is a chance the discs will drop on the fence's block, and not be taken by the water stream. One way to retrieve these is to dig under the floor and get them. Alternately, you could remove the block under the fence closest to the Creeper, and the disc will fall below, where you can guide it with water streams or do something else with it.

Trapping the mobs

The factory is ready. Now, you need a good way to guide the mobs to their holes. Assuming you did the factory underground, you can just grab the attention of a nearby Skeleton/Creeper and make them fall on the corresponding hole. There are 2 things you can do to make this process a lot easier.


To make sure you don't accidentally send the wrong mob to the wrong hole (very dangerous if you send a Creeper to a hole with a Skeleton already inside), you should use trapdoors, and only open the respective door when you're luring an enemy, closing it when it gets in.

Glass platform

Make a large glass platform a few blocks above the ground, so you can guide the enemies more effectively from above. Add some ladders so they can't climb up after you. After luring one, quickly run to the entrances, open/close the right trapdoors (read above), and climb up the ladder. Then, just stand above the correct hole, and watch them fall right in, adjusting yourself as necessary. Remember to create small walls on this platform, or you might fall off when you're not looking.

Finishing up

After all that's done, you just need a way to get underground. Make a path where you can travel up and down by ladders, preferably next to the waiting spot. The waiting spot is next to the small window on the Creeper's side, so the Skeleton can see you, shoot, and hit the Creeper. The Creeper is too far away to retaliate, so it can only stand there and take the shots. Around half of the Skeleton's arrows will hit the walls instead of the Creeper, due to the shots' random nature, but it'll still kill the Creeper in no time. You can also help and land some attacks yourself, just make sure the Skeleton gets the finishing blow.

You can also cram a lot of Creepers in the same hole; they'll all be killed eventually. You can then do something else while you let the Skeleton do all the work, seeing as you don't need to move from your spot. If you channel the water stream right, you can get the discs to travel all the way to the place where you need to stand, removing the need to go grab the discs manually every once in a while.

Just make sure you pay attention to the sound. After all Creepers are dead, you will stop hearing splashes, and, if you're not fast enough, some damage sounds from your character.

Extra details

These things aren't necessary, but might make the factory work more efficiently.

Protecting the Skeleton from the sun

Suppose you gather up a lot of Creepers during the night, and decided to start the onslaught. You get into position, only to notice the Skeleton is burning up due to the sunlight. A simple solution is to place a solid block above the Skeleton's hole, like on the glass platform, or better yet, above it.

Coloring the entrances

Decorate the entrances to each hole with Green and Light Gray wool. That way, when you lure a mob, you'll be able to quickly tell where to take it to.

Window to punch the Skeleton

On one of the sides of the factory, make a small hole on the Skeleton's wall so you can punch it. This is useful if the Skeleton somehow got its sights locked onto something else. In this case, you can just hit the Skeleton to get its attention back. In Single Player, you can create a window by its feet and hit it without fear of being hit back. This doesn't work in multiplayer, so you need to make a window by its head, and accept the almost-certain counter-attack.

Lowering your waiting spot

There doesn't seem to be much of a difference, but if you want, you can place a slab on the ground in the place where you're meant to stand, so the Skeleton will aim lower. If you feel this is giving better results, keep the slab, otherwise flatten the floor again.


Here's a scheme for an effective music disc factory.

Side view

Side view where the water doesn't lead to the player's spot. Modèle:BlockGrid Question marks indicate the positions of the Skeleton, Creeper, and player, respectively.

Top view

Underground scheme only, with the water leading to the player's spot.


Question marks indicate the positions of the Skeleton, Creeper (with water on its feet), and player, respectively.

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