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Les bascules sont effectivement des unités de mémoire 1-bit. Elles permettent aux circuits de stocker des informations et de les restituer plus tard, plutôt que d'agir uniquement sur les entrées au moment où ils sont activés. Ainsi, ils peuvent transformer une impulsion en un signal constant, autrement dis, "transformer un bouton en levier". On appellera plus loin verrous, les bascules asynchrones (en anglais latch), et bascules, les bascules synchrones (en anglais flip-flop).

Les systèmes utilisant les verrous peuvent être construits pour produire différentes sorties à chaque fois que le circuit est activé, même si la même entrée est utilisé; on parle alors de "logique séquentielle". Elles permettent les designs des compteurs, des horloges longue durée, ainsi que de systèmes de mémoire complexes, qui ne peuvent pas être créés avec la logique combinatoire seule. Les verrous sont également utilisés pour les circuits qui sont influencés par d'anciens signaux "entrant". Bref tout ce qui nécessite une mémorisation de l'information.

Il y a plusieurs catégories de bascules basiques, différenciées par la manière dont elles sont contrôlées. pour chaque type, les entrées sont cataloguées selon leurs buts (Set, Reset, Toggle, Data, Clock). Il y a d'autres critères de catalogage, plus arbitraire : la sortie est appelée généralement Q pour des raisons historiques. Il apparaît également des "sorties inversées", notées Q̅ (Elle est allumée quand Q est éteinte et vice versa). Si Q et Q̅ sont présents, on dit que le circuit à une "sortie double". La plupart des catégories suivantes peuvent être construites comme un verrou qui répond à l'intensité d'un signal, ou comme une bascule (synchrone), qui est déclenchée par un "changement" du signal entrant.

  • Un Verrou RS a deux entrées distinctes: une entrée S(Set = activation) ou R (Reset = désactiver/remisse à 0). Beaucoup ont aussi deux sorties. La plus ancienne forme de verrou RS dans Minecraft est le modèle de Verrou RS-NOR ou Non-OU, qui forme le cœur de beaucoup d'autres verrou et de bascule.
  • Un verrou T (Toggle) a une seule entrée, qui change son état: chaque fois que le verrou T est déclenchée, le verrou change son état passe de OFF à ON ou de ON à OFF.
    • Il existe également des verrous RST, qui utilisent plusieurs entrées pour permettre le "Reset" du verrou T.
  • Un verrou D a une entrée D onnées et une entrée 'C' lock (horloge). Lorsque l'horloge est déclenchée, l'entrée de données est copiée vers la sortie, puis maintenue jusqu'à ce que l'horloge soit à nouveau déclenchée.
  • Un verrou JK a trois entrées: une entrée 'C' lock (horloge) et 2 entrées J et K (J et K n'ont aucune signification). Lorsque l'horloge est déclenchée, la sortie du verrou peut être définie, redéfinie, changé, ou laissé tel quel, en fonction de la combinaison de J et K. Bien que ces verrous sont courants dans l'électronique réelle, dans Minecraft ils ont tendance à être encombrants et peu pratiques, la plupart des joueurs préfère utiliser un verrou SRT à la place.

RS Latches[]

A propos des RS Latches[]

Une RS latch ou en français verrou RS a 2 entrée, S (set) et R (reset). La sortie est par convention appelé Q, et "Q̅" si elle est inversée. (Elle peut être appelée double sortie si il y a Q et Q̅). Quand S reçoit un signal, Q reste allumé jusqu'à ce que R reçoive un signal, Q étant alors remis sur sa position de départ c'est a dire off. Q̅ est l'inverse de Q -- quand Q est élevé, Q̅ est abaissé, et vice versa. Si vous voulez utiliser un sortie inversée préférez une porte Q̅ plutôt qu'utiliser une sortie Q suivie d'un inverseur.

Notez que le nom approprié serai SR Latch ou en français Verrou SR Le bon Verrou RS a les entrée inversées mais il sont si fréquents que le terme est finalement utiliser pour les deux.

Les utilisations typiques comprennent un système d'alarme dans lequel un voyant d'alarme reste activé une fois une plaque de pression activée, jusqu'à ce qu'un bouton de réinitialisation est enfoncé, ou un rail de jonction en T soit activé et désactivé par les différents rails de détection.Les Verrous RS sont courants dans d'autres circuits, y compris d'autres sortes de verrous.

Deux entrée 1 c'est a dire à l'état allumé est une condition interdite autrement dit bloquée est généralement une chose à évité.par exemple R=1 et S=1 cela va briser la relation entre Q et Q̅ Si cela se produit vous aurez un comportement indéfini du verrou RS, différents modèles peuvent faire des choses différentes, et surtout Q et Q̅ peuvent être élevé ou faible en même temps. Si l'état "interdit" co-opté pour basculer la sortie, le circuit devient un verrou JK, décrit dans sa propre section. Si il y a place une troisième entrée qui 'permet de basculer la sortie, le circuit devient un «verrou RST"

Any RS latch with dual outputs is functionally symmetrical: pulsing each input turns on "its" output, and turns off the other one. Thus R and S are interchangeable, if you also swap the outputs: Which input you pick as S chooses which of the outputs is Q, then the other input will be R and the other output will be Q̅. (If the original circuit only had a Q output, then swapping the inputs will turn it into Q̅.) In several designs (A, B, D, F, I) the functional symmetry is reflected by the circuit's physical symmetry, with each input energizing the torch it leads to, while turning off the other.

RS latches can be built in a number of ways:

  • Two NOR gates can be linked so that whichever is lit, the other will be off. The RS NOR latch is the "original" RS latch, and still among the smallest memory devices that can be made in vanilla Minecraft. While they can be built with just torches and redstone dust, repeaters can also be used. Many of these designs have "duplex I/O"—the same locations can be used to read or set the latch state.
  • It is also possible to construct an RS NAND latch, using NAND gates instead of NOR gates. These will be larger and more complex than an RS NOR latch, but may be useful for specialized purposes. Their inputs are inverted (see below for details).
  • Other RS latches can be created by fitting an "input sustaining circuit" with a reset switch, say by adding a pair of NOT gates or a piston, placed so as to interrupt the circuit when triggered. Such a construction can be nearly as compact as an RS NOR latch (and often with better I/O isolation and/or timing), but they will usually not have a natural Q̅ output.
  • Other devices can also be involved. Pistons can be used to physically toggle a block's location, while hoppers or droppers can pass around an item entity. These circuits can be very fast and small, with little redstone dust.
1 1 0 0 Undefined Undefined
1 0 0 1 1 0
0 1 1 0 0 1
0 0 1 1 Keep state Keep state

RS-NOR Latches[]

Basic RS-NOR Latches




Designs A and B are the most fundamental RS-NOR latches. In both cases, their inputs and outputs are "duplex"—the latch state can be read (Q) or set (S) on one side of the circuit, while on the other side, the latch can be reset (R), or the inverse output read (Q̅). If separate lines for input and output are needed, opposite ends of B can be used, or A can be elaborated into A' with separate locations for all four lines.

Isolated RS-NOR Latches




These can be modified to provide separate, even isolated, input and output. C and D use torches and repeaters respectively to isolate the outputs, though the inputs can still be read. E expands the circuit slightly to isolate all four I/O lines.

Vertical RS-NOR Latches






Design F provides a vertical (1-wide) option; again, the I/O is duplex, though isolated outputs can be taken at alternate locations.

Design G takes up more room than F, but may be preferable, as both the set and reset are on the same side. Also, be sure to compensate for the extra tick on (Q̅), caused by the last torch.

RS NAND Latches[]

An RS latch can also be designed using NAND gates. In Minecraft, these are less efficient than the RS NOR latch, because a single Redstone torch acts as a NOR gate, whereas several torches are required to create a NAND gate. However, they can still be useful for specialized purposes.

Such an "RS NAND latch" is equivalent to an RS NOR, but with inverters applied to all the inputs and outputs. The RS NAND is logically equivalent to the RS NOR, as the same R and S inputs give the same Q output. However, these designs take inverse R and S (R̅, S̅) as inputs. When S̅ and R̅ are both off, Q and Q̅ are on. When S̅ is on, but R̅ is off, Q̅ will be on. When R̅ is on, but S̅ is off, Q will be on. When S̅ and R̅ are both on, it does not change Q and Q̅. They will be the same as they were before S̅ and R̅ were both turned on.

RS-NAND Latches



RS-Latch Summary Table 1[]

This table summarizes the resources and features of the RS latches which use only redstone dust, torches, and repeaters.

Design A B A' C D E F G H
Size 4×2×3 3×2×3 4×4×3 2×3×3 2×3×2 2×4×2 1×4 5×3×3 6×3×3
Torches 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 6
Redstone wire 6 4 10 4 0 4 3 6 8
Repeaters 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0
Inputs isolated? Duplex Duplex Duplex Duplex Yes Yes Duplex Yes Yes
Outputs isolated? Duplex Duplex Duplex Yes Yes Yes Duplex/Yes No Yes
Input orientation opposite adjacent opposite opposite opposite opposite opposite perpendicular perpendicular

Input Stabilization with Reset[]


An "Input-Stabilizing Circuit" responds to an input pulse by turning its input on and leaving it on. This can be built up into an RS Latch by adding a means to turn it off. These circuits usually don't offer a "natural" Q̅ output. Design J adds a pair of NOT gates, with the reset going to the second torch. (The NOT gates can also be added to the upper redstone loop.) Design K uses its piston to block the circuit where it goes up onto the solid block. Design L shows the reverse approach, breaking the circuit by withdrawing a power-carrying block.

RS-ISR Latches





Pistons and other devices[]

Other RS Latches






A pair of non-sticky pistons can be used to physically push a block back and forth. This can make or break a circuit from a torch, producing an RS latch with no inverse output (M). If the block being pushed is a block of redstone, the circuit can be even smaller, with dual outputs (N). Both of these have isolated inputs and outputs. Putting two blocks between the pistons produces an SRT latch O, with an extra input to toggle the latch state. And droppers can also be pressed into service, as in design P: Small, tileable, but it does require a comparator.


  • An RS latch can easily be expanded into a monostable circuit, which automatically disables itself some time after being activated. To do this, split the output redstone path into 2 parts. The new path should run through some repeaters, and in to the reset input. When you turn on the latch, the redstone will run through the delay before turning off the latch. (This works not only for Q and R, but for Q̅ and S as well.) You can also use a more complex delay mechanism instead of repeaters, e.g. a water clock.
  • An "Enable/Disable RS latch" can be made by adding a pair of AND gates in front of the inputs, testing each of them against a third input, E. Now if E is true, the memory cell works as normal. If E is false, the memory cell will not change state. That is, E latches (or equivalently, clocks) the RS latch itself. Note that for design Q, the outputs are not isolated, and a signal to them can set the latch regardless of E. Alternatively, repeaters could be used to latch the inputs, but this costs more and saves no space.
  • As noted above, if it is possible to add a "toggle" input, the RS latch becomes an RST latch. If the "forbidden" state is used for the toggle, then it's a JK latch.

Enable/Disable RS Latch


RS-Latch Summary Table 2[]

Design J K L M N O P Q
Size 2×3×3 4×3×3 4×4×2 4×3×2 1×1 5×3×3 1×2 5×5×3
Torches 2 0 1 1 0 1 0 7
Dust 7 4 6 0 9 4 0 7
Repeaters 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
Other devices -- 1 sticky piston 1 sticky piston 2 normal pistons 2 normal pistons 2 normal pistons 2 droppers, 1 comparator --
Inputs isolated? Yes, No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Outputs isolated? Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Q̅ available? No No No No Yes No No Yes
Input orientation Perpendicular Perpendicular Adjacent Opposite Opposite Opposite Adjacent Adjacent

D Latches and Flip-Flops[]

A D ("data") flip-flop or latch has two inputs: The data line D, and the "clock" input C. When triggered by C, the circuits set their output (Q) to D, then hold that output state between triggers. The latch form, a "gated D latch", is level triggered. It can be high- or low-triggered; either way, while the clock is in the trigger state, the output will change to match D. When the clock is in the other state, the latch will hold its current state until triggered again. A D flip-flop is edge triggered; it sets the output to D only when its clock input changes from "off" to "on" (positive edge) or vice versa (negative edge), according to the circuit. An edge trigger can turn a gated D latch into a D flip flop.

Building these devices with torches is fairly unwieldy, though some older designs are given below. Happily, since version 1.4 of Minecraft, repeaters have a special latching ability, which drastically simplifies the problem. Now a gated D latch can be made with two repeaters, and a D flipflop with four repeaters and a torch:



Design G uses the repeater's new latching feature, added to the game in version 1.4. It holds its state while the clock is high, and is by far the most compact of the D latch designs. Design H combines two such latches, one high and one low triggered, to create a positive edge-triggered D flip-flop. The block and redstone torch can be reversed for a negative edge-triggered design. The design is based on a real life implementation of an edge-triggered D flip-flop called a "Master-Slave" configuration.

Torch-based Designs[]

For historical interest, here are several older designs, not dependent on latched repeaters, along with a table of their resource needs and other characteristics. A few of these designs also have the additional inputs and inverse output of an RS Latch.

This basic level-triggering gated D latch (design A) sets the output to D as long as the clock is set to OFF, and ignores changes in D as long as the clock is ON. However, on a positive clock edge, if D is low, the output will pulse high for 1 tick, before latching low.

Design B includes a rising-edge trigger and it will set the output to D only when the clock goes from OFF to ON. The torch-based edge trigger could also be replaced with one of the designs from the Pulse circuit page.

The circuits are based on an RS latch, with a front-end to set it appropriately. The RS latch can also be triggered directly: using the R and S inputs can override the clock and force a certain output state. So can sending signals into the Q and Q̅ lines, because the output is not isolated. To get isolated outputs, just add inverters and swap the labels.

D Latch A


D Latch B


Design C is a one block wide vertical version of A, except for using a non-inverted clock. It sets the output to D while the clock is ON (turning the torch off). This design can be repeated in parallel every other block, giving it a much smaller footprint, equal to the minimum spacing of parallel data lines. A clock signal can be distributed to all of them with a wire running perpendicularly under the data lines, allowing multiple flip-flops to share a single edge-trigger if desired. The output Q̅ is most easily accessed in the reverse direction, toward the source of input. As in design A, the un-isolated Q and Q̅ wires can do double duty as R and S inputs. Q can be inverted or repeated to isolate the latch's Set line.

D Latch C


D Latch D


Design E provides a more compact (but more complex) version of A, while still affording the same ceiling requirement. E' allows the latch to act on a high input.

Design F holds its state while the clock is high, and switches to D when the clock falls low. The repeater serves to synchronize the signals that switch out the loop and switch in D. It must be set to 1 to match the effect of the torch.

D Latch E



D Latch F


Design A B C D E E' F G H
Size 7×3×3 7×7×3 1×5 5×2×6 5×3×3 5×3×3 5×3×3 2×1×2 3×2×2
Torches 4 8 5 6 4 5 4 0 1
Redstone wire 11 18 5 6 10 9 7 0 0
Repeaters 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 4
Trigger Low Level Rising Edge High Level ? Level Low Level High Level Low Level High Level Rising Edge
Output isolated? No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes
Input isolated? Yes Yes C Only Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes

JK Flip-Flops and Latches[]

A JK flip-flop is another memory element which, like the D flip-flop, will only change its output state when triggered by a clock signal C. They can be edge-triggered (designs A, D, E) or level-triggered (C). Either way, the two inputs are called J and K. These names are arbitrary, and somewhat interchangeable: if a Q̅ output is available, swapping J and K will also swap Q and Q̅.

J K Q(t)
0 0 Q(t-1)
0 1 0
1 0 1
1 1 Q̅(t-1)

When the flip-flop is triggered the effect on the output Q will depend on the values of the two inputs:

  • If the input J = 1 and the input K = 0, the output Q = 1.
  • When J = 0 and K = 1, the output Q = 0.
  • If both J and K are 0, then the JK flip-flop maintains its previous state.
  • If both are 1, the output will complement itself — i.e., if Q = 1 before the clock trigger, Q = 0 afterwards.

The table summarizes these states — note that Q(t) is the new state after the trigger, while Q(t-1) represents the state before the trigger.

The JK flip-flop's complement function (when J and K are 1) is only meaningful with edge-triggered JK flip-flops, as it is an instantaneous trigger condition. With level-triggered flip-flops (e.g. design C), maintaining the clock signal at 1 for too long causes a race condition on the output. Although this race condition is not fast enough to cause the torches to burn out, it makes the complement function unreliable for level-triggered flip-flops.

The JK flip-flip is a "universal flip-flop", as it can be converted to any of the other types: It's already an RS latch, with the "forbidden" input used for toggling. To make it a T flip flop, set J = K = T, and to make it a D flipflop, set K to the inverse of J, that is J = K̅ = D. In the real world, mass production makes JK latches useful and common: a single circuit to produce in bulk, that can be used as any other sort of latch. In Minecraft, however, JK latches are generally larger and more complex than the other types, and using their toggle function is awkward. It's almost always easier to build the specific latch type needed. Notably, an SRT Latch has all the same abilities, but gets the toggle function from a separate input.

Design E is a vertical JK Flip-Flop from the basis of design A.

Aside from these redstone designs, it is also possible to make a JK flip-flop by modifying a rail toggle, or with newer components such as hoppers and droppers.

JK Latch A


JK Latch C



JK Latch D


JK Latch E


Design Table[]

Design A C D E
Size 9×2×11 7×4×5 5×2×7 14×10×1
Torches 12 11 8 10
Redstone 30 23 16 24
Repeaters 0 0 6 6
Accessible Q̅? No Yes Yes No
Trigger Edge Level Edge Edge

T Flip-Flop[]

T flip-flops are also known as "toggles." Whenever T changes from OFF to ON, the output will toggle its state. A useful way to use T flip-flops in Minecraft could for example be a button connected to the input. When you press the button the output toggles (a door opens or closes), and does not toggle back when the button pops out. These are also the core of all binary counters and clocks, as they function as a "period doubler", releasing one pulse for every two received.

There are many ways to build a T flipflop, ranging from torches and dust through pistons to more exotic devices. Many designs depend on a quirk in sticky-piston behavior, namely that after pushing a block, a sticky piston will let go of it if the activating pulse was 1 tick or less. This allows short pulses to toggle the position of a block, which is obviously useful here.

Best in Class TFF Designs[]

These are designs which seem markedly superior in various categories.

T Latch L3


T FlipFlop L4


T FlipFlop L5


T FlipFlop L6


L3 is a latch, which responds to a high level. Like most T latches, if the toggle line is held high too long, it will "oscillate", toggling repeatedly. That being said, make sure you use a stone button and not a wooden button as wooden buttons do stay active for a little bit longer which will cause this oscillation effect. L5 is a true flipflop with the same footprint (but higher), which triggers on a rising edge. Both are extremely compact, thanks to the use of latched repeaters. L4 is even smaller, but requires a piston (thus not silent), and it activates on a falling edge. L6 is a compact 1-high adaptation of D flip-flop H. The video shows L6 and a similar T FlipFlop.

Linear tilable TFF M


Design M is a 1-wide dual-piston design, which can be tiled adjacent to each other for compact circuitry. (If they don't have to be right next to each other, dust can be used instead of the output repeater.) The hidden piston forms a simple monostable circuit that cuts off the button signal (10 ticks or so) as soon as a 1-tick signal has passed through to the second repeater. Due to the piston quirk mentioned above, this 1-tick signal lets the main piston toggle the position of its mobile block, to set or unset the latch and the output.

3×3 piston TFF N


That linear design can also be bent into a 3×3 square, as N. (The "any" blocks can be air, and that torch can just as well be on the ground.) Tiling design N is a little tricker, but it can be done in either horizontal direction, by mirroring adjacent copies. Note that the output can be taken from whichever side of that corner is free, but you'll need repeaters to keep adjacent outputs from cross-connecting.

2 piston TFF O



Design O uses a single block that swaps positions (between above a torch and not) when the top dust receives a signal; it is a dual piston design that uses only three torches, two dust, and three solid blocks. While not the most compact design possible at 1×4×4, it requires no slime balls and uses few resources while allowing for four areas to input and two areas to output.

Other conventional TFF Designs[]

T FlipFlop A


T FlipFlop B


T Latch D


T FlipFlop E


T FlipFlop J


T FlipFlop K


Design A demonstrates that a TFF can be made solely with redstone dust and torches, but it sprawls over 9×7×3 blocks. Design B is slightly unreliable for very long pulses; while the input is on, the piston will toggle every time the block below the piston arm is updated.

The design D (another torches-and-dust design, but vertical) does not have an incorporated edge trigger and will toggle multiple times unless the input is passed through one first. Design E adds such a trigger (and a repeater).

Designs J and K make more use of repeaters, but not as latches, and they are still quite large.

T FlipFlop L1


T FlipFlop L2


Design L2, (also L3, L4 and L5, above) relies on the redstone repeater locking mechanic introduced in version 1.4.2. L4 is the smallest, but requires a piston and activates on a falling edge.

T FlipFlop Z3


T FlipFlop Z4



T FlipFlop Z5


TFF Summary Table[]

Design A B D E J K M O
Size 7×9×3 5×6×3 1×7×6 1×11×7 3×7×3 3×7×3 1×7×3 3×4×4
Redstone wire 28 14 9 13 11 9 0 2
Torches 10 4 7 12 5 5 1 3
Repeaters 0 0 0 1 3 2 3 0
Other Devices none 1 SP none none none none 2 SP 2 P
Input isolated? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Output(s) isolated? No No No No Q̅ only No Yes No
Q̅ available? No No No No Yes No No No
Trigger rising rising rising rising rising rising rising falling
Delay 4 3 4 3 1
Cycle time
Other BUD tilable
Design L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
Size 3×6×3 3×5×2 3×4×2 3×3×3 3×4×3 4×4×2
Redstone wire 4 6 2 2 4 4
Torches 4 2 2 1 2 2
Repeaters 4 3 3 3 4 4
Other devices 1 SP none none 1 SP none none
Input isolated? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Output(s) isolated? Yes Yes Yes Yes Q̅ only No
Q̅ available? Yes No No No Yes Yes
Trigger rising rising high falling rising rising
Delay 3 5 2 4 (Q̅) 4
Cycle time 6
Design Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5
Size 3×3×3 3×5×3 1×6×5 3×5×3 1×5×4
Redstone wire 4 4 4 4 2
Torches 2 3 3 3 2
Repeaters 1 2 2 2 2
Other devices 1 SP 1 SP 1 SP 1 SP 1 SP
Input isolated? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Output(s) isolated? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Q̅ available? No No No No No
Cycle time
"In a void", that is include required blocks supporting redstone.
The number of ticks from the trigger to switching the output.
Cycle time
How often the latch can toggle, including any recovery time. This is the period of the fastest clock that can drive it.
Other Devices
P == normal piston, SP == sticky piston, C == comparator, H == hopper, D == dropper.
rising edge (the usual), falling edge, high or low level. Level-triggered TFFs oscillate on long pulses.

Rail and Exotic TFFs[]

Pressure-Plate Rail TFF (B)


Basic Rail TFF (A)


The Rail T flip-flop is a T flip-flop which uses rails and redstone. The general design uses a length of track that is stopped by a block at both ends. When the T flip-flop is in a stable state, the minecart is at either end of the track (depending on the state). An input pulse turns on powered rails at both ends of the track, causing the minecart to move to the other end.

Along the track, there are two separate detector elements (e.g. detector rails). These two detectors are each connected to an input of an RS NOR latch, and hence serve to translate minecart motion into a state transition. When the minecart moves, depending on its direction of motion, one detector will turn on (and off) before the other; the second detector to be hit is what determines which input of the RS NOR latch stays on last and hence what the new state of the RS NOR latch is.

Design A uses detector rails, while design B uses pressure plates. (A minecart triggers a pressure plate on the inside of a turn, including diagonals.) Note that for B, the other side of the latch isn't a true Q̅, as the passage of the cart turns on Q before actually switching the latch.

This type of T flip-flop is slower than traditional redstone-only circuits, but this may be desirable in certain situations. With T flip-flop designs that are level-triggered (as opposed to clocked or edge-triggered), a long input pulse will cause the flip-flop to continuously switch state (oscillate) while the pulse is present. In pure redstone circuits, this is only limited by the redstone circuit delays, and hence a relatively short input pulse can cause several state transitions. Pure redstone T flip-flops usually include an edge-trigger or pulse-limiting circuit to the design, since the input pulse usually can't be guaranteed to be short enough without the use of that kind of circuit.

With rail-based designs, the speed at which the output can flip is limited by the time needed for the cart to move from one end of its rail to the other, which allows for a much longer pulse to be applied to a level-triggered input without needing an edge-trigger or pulse limiter circuit. However, the delay between the input pulse and the output transition is also longer.

Grizdale's T Flipflop[]

Grizdale's Compact TFF

This hopper/dropper design is not only compact, but tileable in three dimensions. The only hitch (for survival mode) is that you need access to Nether Quartz for the comparator.

The A variant has a size of 1×2×3. The B variant puts the input and output inline, but changes the footprint to 2×2×2, or 4×2×2 if you want fully powered input and output. The B design can also be tiled in line, side by side, vertically (by reversing alternate rows), or all three at once.

Once built, place a single item inside any of the containers and it will work as a T Flip-flop, with the item cycling between the two droppers. The core has a 1 tick delay between input and turning off or on, but the optional repeaters would raise this to 3.

This T Flip Flop can be turned into an SRT latch by only powering the bottom dropper to set, and the top to reset. However, it won't be as tileable as the original TFF.

First known appearance: 23 March 2013 on this forum thread.

Obsolete T flip-flops[]

T FlipFlop Z1



T FlipFlop Z2


Designs Z1 and Z2 do not work as of version 1.5.2 -- in both cases, their pulse generator does not cause the piston to toggle its block as apparently intended.
