Minecraft Wiki

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  • Firefox / Safari : maintenez la touche Maj (Shift) en cliquant sur le bouton Actualiser ou appuyez sur Ctrl + F5 ou Ctrl + R (⌘ + R sur un Mac).
  • Google Chrome : appuyez sur Ctrl + Maj + R (⌘ + Shift + R sur un Mac).
  • Internet Explorer / Edge : maintenez la touche Ctrl en cliquant sur le bouton Actualiser ou pressez Ctrl + F5.
  • Opera : appuyez sur Ctrl + F5.
/* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for all users on every page load. */

 * Instead of cluttering up the global scope with
 * variables, they should instead be set as an
 * object of this global variable
 * E.g: Instead of
 *   window.myVar = 'blah';
 * use
 *   window.mcw.myVar = 'blah';
window.mcw = {};

 * Location of baseURL and wikiURL
 * baseURL is where the wiki is actually installed
 * It can be seen in URLs such as index.php and api.php
 * It's usually /w/
 * wikiURL is the alias for baseURL + index.php?title=
 * It can be seen when viewing any normal wiki page
 * It's usually /wiki/
window.mcw.baseURL = '/';
window.mcw.wikiURL = '/wiki/';

 * Extra toolbar options
 * Description: Adds extra buttons to the editing toolbar.
 * Due to the way this works, it has to be loaded before the
 * toolbar loads (so it can't be in the onload function).
 * Maintainers: [[wikipedia:User:MarkS]], [[wikipedia:User:Voice of All]], [[wikipedia:User:R. Koot]]
( function() {
'use strict';
	var buttons = [
			'imageFile':  '//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c8/Button_redirect.png',
			'speedTip':   'Redirect',
			'tagOpen':    '#REDIRECT [[',
			'tagClose':   ']]',
			'sampleText': 'Target page name'
			'imageFile':  '//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c9/Button_strike.png',
			'speedTip':   'Strike',
			'tagOpen':    '<s>',
			'tagClose':   '</s>',
			'sampleText': 'Strike-through text'
			'imageFile':  '//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/13/Button_enter.png',
			'speedTip':   'Line break',
			'tagOpen':    '<br>',
			'tagClose':   '',
			'sampleText': ''
			'imageFile':  '//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6a/Button_sup_letter.png',
			'speedTip':   'Superscript',
			'tagOpen':    '<sup>',
			'tagClose':   '</sup>',
			'sampleText': 'Superscript text'
			'imageFile':  '//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/aa/Button_sub_letter.png',
			'speedTip':   'Subscript',
			'tagOpen':    '<sub>',
			'tagClose':   '</sub>',
			'sampleText': 'Subscript text'
			'imageFile':  '//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d5/Button_small_text.png',
			'speedTip':   'Small',
			'tagOpen':    '<small>',
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			'sampleText': 'Small text'
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			'speedTip':   'Insert hidden Comment',
			'tagOpen':    '<!-- ',
			'tagClose':   ' -->',
			'sampleText': 'Comment'
			'imageFile':  '//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/12/Button_gallery.png',
			'speedTip':   'Insert a picture gallery',
			'tagOpen':    '\n<gallery>\n',
			'tagClose':   '\n</gallery>',
			'sampleText': 'File:Example.jpg|Caption1\nFile:Example.jpg|Caption2'
			'imageFile':  '//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fd/Button_blockquote.png',
			'speedTip':   'Insert block of quoted text',
			'tagOpen':    '<blockquote>\n',
			'tagClose':   '\n</blockquote>',
			'sampleText': 'Block quote'
			'imageFile':  '//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/60/Button_insert_table.png',
			'speedTip':   'Insert a table',
			'tagOpen':    '{| class="wikitable"\n|',
			'tagClose':   '\n|}',
			'sampleText': '-\n! header 1\n! header 2\n! header 3\n|-\n| row 1, cell 1\n| row 1, cell 2\n| row 1, cell 3\n|-\n| row 2, cell 1\n| row 2, cell 2\n| row 2, cell 3'
			'imageFile':  '//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/79/Button_reflink.png',
			'speedTip':   'Insert a reference',
			'tagOpen':    '<ref>',
			'tagClose':   '</ref>',
			'sampleText': 'Insert footnote text here'
	$.each( buttons, function() { mwCustomEditButtons.push( this ); } );
} )();

$( function() {
'use strict';

 * Collapsible tables
 * Based on http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Collapsible_tables#Common.js_script_.28before_1.18.29
 * @maintainers [[User:Ultradude25]]
var collapseText = 'enrouler', expandText = 'dérouler';
window.mcw.makeCollapsible = function() {
	var $tables = $( 'table.collapsible' );
	if ( $tables.length ) {
		var collapseButton, buttonText = ' <span class="collapsible-button">[<span class="jslink">' + collapseText + '</span>]</span> ';
		$tables.each( function() {
			var $table = $( this ), header;
			if ( $table.data( 'collapsible' ) ) {
				return true;
			if ( $table.find( '.collapse-button' ).length ) {
				header = $table.find( 'tr:first .collapse-button' );
			} else {
				header = $table.find( 'tr:first th:first' );
			if ( !header.length || !$table.find( 'tr' ).not( 'tr:first' ).text().replace( /\n/g, '' ).length ) {
				return true;
			if ( $table.hasClass( 'collapse-button-none' ) ) {
				header.append( buttonText );
			} else {
				header.prepend( buttonText );
			collapseButton = $table.find( '.collapsible-button .jslink' );
			if ( $table.hasClass( 'collapsed' ) ) {
				collapseButton.text( expandText );
			$table.data( 'collapsible', true );
		} );

$( '#content' ).delegate( 'table.collapsible .collapsible-button .jslink', 'click', function( e ) {
	var $table = $( this ).closest( 'table.collapsible' );
	// Stop table sorting activating when clicking the link
	if ( $table.hasClass( 'collapsed' ) ) {
		$table.removeClass( 'collapsed' ).addClass( 'expanded' );
		$( this ).text( collapseText );
	} else {
		$table.removeClass( 'expanded' ).addClass( 'collapsed' );
		$( this ).text( expandText );
} );

 * Fix edit summary prompt for undo
 * Fixes the fact that the undo function combined with the "no edit summary prompter"
 * causes problems if leaving the edit summary unchanged.
 * Added by [[wikipedia:User:Deskana]], code by [[wikipedia:User:Tra]].
 * See https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8912
if ( document.location.search.indexOf( "undo=" ) !== -1 && document.getElementsByName( 'wpAutoSummary' )[0] ) {
	document.getElementsByName( 'wpAutoSummary' )[0].value='1';

window.mcw.animation = function() {
	 * Element animator
	 * Will cycle the active class on any child elements
	 * within an element with the animated class.
	if ( window.mcw.animate === undefined && $( '.animated' ).length ) {
		window.mcw.animate = setInterval( function() {
			$( '.animated' ).each( function() {
				var current = $( this ).find( '.active' ).removeClass( 'active' ), next = current.next();
				if ( !current.next().length ) {
					next = $( this ).children().eq( 0 );
				next.addClass( 'active' );
			} );
		}, 2000 );
	 * Frame loader 
	 * Loads a semi-colon (;) separated list of images
	 * to be animated by the element animator
	 * Has special support for [[Modèle:Grille]]
	var $animate = $( '.animated' ), size = {};
	if ( $animate.length ) {
		$animate.each( function() {
			var imgs = $( this ).data( 'imgs' ), imgSize = $( this ).data( 'img-size' ),
				grid = $( this ).closest( '.grid' ), mod = $( this ).data( 'mod' );
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				return true;
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				imgSize = '32x32';
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				grid = false;
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					imgSize = imgSize[0];
				} else {
					imgSize = '';
			if ( size[imgSize] === undefined ) {
				size[imgSize] = [];
			imgs = imgs.split( ';' );
			$.each( imgs, function() {
				if ( !this.trim() ) {
					return true;
				var parts, name;
				if ( grid ) {
					if ( this.indexOf( ':' ) > -1 ) {
						parts = $.map( this.split( /[:,]+/ ), $.trim );
						if ( parts[0].toLowerCase() === 'v' || parts[0].toLowerCase() === 'vanilla' ) {
							name = 'Fichier:Grille ' + parts[1] + '.png';
						} else {
							name = 'Fichier:Grille ' + parts[1] + ' (' + parts[0] + ').png';
					} else {
						parts = $.map( this.split( ',' ), $.trim );
						if ( !mod ) {
							name = 'Fichier:Grille ' + parts[0] + '.png';
						} else {
							name = 'Fichier:Grille ' + parts[0] + ' (' + mod + ').png';
					if ( size[imgSize].indexOf( name ) < 0 ) {
						size[imgSize].push( name );
				} else if ( size[imgSize].indexOf( 'Fichier:' + this.trim() ) < 0 ) {
					size[imgSize].push( 'Fichier:' + this.trim() );
			} );
		} );
		var redirectPromise = [], urlPromise = [], redirects = {}, urls = {};
		$.each( size, function( size ) {
			var titles = this;
			if ( !titles ) {
				return true;
			// Split titles up into blocks of 50, which is the API's title limit for standard users
			for ( var i = 0; i < titles.length; i += 50 ) { ( function() {
				var section = titles.slice( i, i + 50 ).join( '|' );
					// Thanks to bug 23750 (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23750)
					// &redirects doesn't work properly with prop=imageinfo. Some of the images
					// will return without any imageinfo, even though they are valid.
					// So the redirects have to be resolved in a separate request...
					$.ajax( {
						type: 'POST',
						url: window.mcw.baseURL + 'api.php?action=query&format=json&redirects',
						data: { titles: section },
						timeout: 20000
					} ).done( function( data ) {
						if ( data.query.redirects ) {
							$.each( data.query.redirects, function() {
								redirects[this.to] = this.from;
								section = section.replace( this.from, this.to );
							} );
						var thumburl = '', sizes = size.split( 'x' );
						if ( sizes[0] ) {
							thumburl = '&iiurlwidth=' + sizes[0];
							if ( sizes[1] ) {
								thumburl += '&iiurlheight=' + sizes[1];
							$.ajax( {
								type: 'POST',
								url: window.mcw.baseURL + 'api.php?action=query&format=json&prop=imageinfo&iiprop=url' + thumburl,
								data: { titles: section },
								timeout: 20000
							} ).done( function( data ) {
								$.each( data.query.pages, function( index ) {
									if ( index < 0 ) {
										return true;
									if ( !this.imageinfo ) {
										console.error( 'Imageinfo is empty' );
										return true;
									var url = this.imageinfo[0].thumburl || this.imageinfo[0].url;
									if ( redirects.hasOwnProperty( this.title ) ) {
										urls[redirects[this.title].replace( /Fichier:(.*)/, '$1' ) + size] = url;
									} else {
										urls[this.title.replace( /Fichier:(.*)/, '$1' ) + size] = url;
								} );
							} ).fail( function( error ) {
								console.error( error );
							} )
					} ).fail( function( error ) {
						console.error( error );
					} )
			} )(); }
		} );
		$.when.apply( $, redirectPromise ).then( function() {
			$.when.apply( $, urlPromise ).then( function() {
				$animate.each( function() {
					var imgs = $( this ).data( 'imgs' ), imgSize = $( this ).data( 'img-size' ), html = '',
						grid = $( this ).closest( '.grid' ), mod = $( this ).data( 'mod' );
					if ( !imgs ) {
						return true;
					if ( grid.length ) {
						grid = true;
						imgSize = '32x32';
					} else {
						grid = false;
						if ( imgSize ) {
							imgSize = imgSize.split( 'x' );
							imgSize[0] = imgSize[0].replace( /[\D ]/, '' );
							imgSize[1] = imgSize[1].replace( /[\D ]/, '' );
							if ( imgSize[1] ) {
								imgSize[0] += 'x' + imgSize[1];
							imgSize = imgSize[0];
						} else {
							imgSize = '';
					imgs = imgs.split( ';' );
					$.each( imgs, function() {
						if ( !this.trim() ) {
							if ( grid ) {
								html += '<span class="image">&nbsp;</span>';
							return true;
						var parts, name, link, url, num;
						if ( grid ) {
							if ( this.indexOf( ':' ) > -1 ) {
								parts = $.map( this.split( /[:,]+/ ), $.trim );
								if ( parts[0].toLowerCase() === 'v' || parts[0].toLowerCase() === 'vanilla' ) {
									name = link = parts[1];
									url = urls['Grille ' + parts[0] + '.png' + imgSize];
									num = parts[2];
								} else {
									name = parts[1] + ' (' + parts[0] + ')';
									link = 'Mods/' + parts[0] + '/' + parts[1];
									url = urls['Grille ' + name + '.png' + imgSize];
									num = parts[2];
							} else {
								parts = $.map( this.split( ',' ), $.trim );
								if ( !mod ) {
									name = link = parts[0];
									url = urls['Grille ' + parts[0] + '.png' + imgSize];
									num = parts[1];
								} else {
									name = parts[0] + ' (' + mod + ')';
									link = 'Mods/' + mod + '/' + parts[0];
									url = urls['Grille ' + name + '.png' + imgSize];
									num = parts[1];
							html += '<span class="image">';
							if ( name ) {
								if ( url ) {
									html += '<a title="' + link + '" href="' + window.mcw.wikiURL + link.replace( / /g, '_' ) + '"><img width="32" height="32" src="' + url + '" alt="' + name + '"></a>';
									if ( num ) {
										html += '<span class="number"><a title="' + link + '" href="' + window.mcw.wikiURL + link.replace( / /g, '_' ) + '">' + num + '</a></span>';
								} else {
									html += '<a class="new" title="Fichier:Grille ' + name + '.png" href="' + window.mcw.baseURL + 'index.php?title=Spécial:Téléverser&wpDestFile=Grille_' + name.replace( / /g, '_' ) + '.png"></a>';
							} else {
								html += '&nbsp;';
							html += '</span>';
						} else {
							name = this.trim();
							html += '<span>';
							if ( urls[name + imgSize] ) {
								html += '<a href="' + window.mcw.wikiURL + 'Fichier:' + name.replace( / /g, '_' ) + '"><img src="' + urls[name + imgSize] + '" alt="' + name + '"></a>';
							} else {
								html += '<a class="new" title="Fichier:' + name + '" href="' + window.mcw.baseURL + 'index.php?title=Spécial:Téléverser&wpDestFile=' + name.replace( / /g, '_' ) + '">Fichier:' + name + '</a>';
							html += '</span>';
					} );
					$( this ).append( html ).data( 'imgs', null );
				} );
			} );
		} );

 * Pause grid templates with lots of cells in them (e.g. [[Template:Grille/Établi]]) on mouseover
 * This is so people have a chance to look at each image on the cell
 * and click on pages they want to view.
function pauseGrid( grid ) {
    $( grid ).hover( function() { 
        $( this ).find( '.grid .animated' ).removeClass( 'animated' ).addClass( 'paused' );
    }, function() {
        $( this ).find( '.grid .paused' ).removeClass( 'paused' ).addClass( 'animated' );
    } );
pauseGrid( '.grid-Crafting_Table' );
pauseGrid( '.grid-Furnace' );
pauseGrid( '.grid-Brewing_Stand' );

 * Add fake last-child class in navboxes for IE8
if ( $.client.profile().name === 'msie' && $.client.profile().versionBase === '8' ) {
	$( '.navbox-list li:last' ).addClass( 'last-child' );

 * Replace part of ext.vector.collapsibleTabs.js (https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/gitweb?p=mediawiki/extensions/Vector.git;a=blob;f=modules/ext.vector.collapsibleTabs.js;hb=HEAD)
 * so it takes into account the padding and margins set on the tabs,
 * as well as the new size of the menu tab
var rtl = $( 'body' ).is( '.rtl' );
$( '#p-views ul' ).unbind( 'beforeTabCollapse' ).bind( 'beforeTabCollapse', function () {
	if ( $( '#p-cactions' ).css( 'display' ) === 'none' ) {
		$( '#p-cactions' )
			.addClass( 'filledPortlet' ).removeClass( 'emptyPortlet' )
			.find( 'h5' )
				.css( 'width','1px' ).animate( { 'width':'37px' }, 390 );
} ).collapsibleTabs( {
	expandCondition: function ( eleWidth ) {
		if ( rtl ) {
			return ( $( '#right-navigation' ).position().left + $( '#right-navigation' ).width() + 17 ) <
						( $( '#left-navigation' ).position().left - eleWidth - 13 );
		return ( $( '#left-navigation' ).position().left + $( '#left-navigation' ).width() + 17 ) <
					( $( '#right-navigation' ).position().left - eleWidth - 13 );
	collapseCondition: function () {
		if ( rtl ) {
			return ( $( '#right-navigation' ).position().left + $( '#right-navigation' ).width() + 17 ) >
						( $( '#left-navigation' ).position().left );
		return ( $( '#left-navigation' ).position().left + $( '#left-navigation' ).width() + 17 ) >
					( $( '#right-navigation' ).position().left );
} );

 * Fix searchbar suggestions box
$( '.suggestions:last' ).addClass( 'searchbar' );

 * Collapsible details for [[Modèle:History]]
 * On click, this hides any rows with the overview class, and shows any rows with
 * the details class, and visa versa.
if ( $( '.history .details' ).length ) {
    var histExpandText = 'Expand details', histCollapseText = 'Collapse details';

    $( '.history th:first' ).append( '<span class="toggleHistDetails">[<span class="jslink">' + histExpandText + '</span>]</span>' );

    var histLink = $( '.toggleHistDetails .jslink' );
    histLink.click( function() {
        $( '.overview' ).toggle();
        $( '.details' ).toggle();
        if ( histLink.text() === histExpandText) {
            histLink.text( histCollapseText );
        } else {
            histLink.text( histExpandText );
    } );

 * Issue tracker loader
/**if ( $( '#issue-list' ).length ) {
	var page = $( '#issue-list' ).data( 'name' ) || mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ),
		amount = $( '#issue-list' ).data( 'num' ) || 20;
	if ( $.isArray( page ) ) {
		page = page.join( '" OR summary ~ "' );
	var jql = encodeURIComponent( 'project in (MC, MCPE) AND resolution = Unresolved AND ( summary ~ "' + page + '" )' );
		'https://mojang.atlassian.net/rest/api/latest/search?maxResults=' + amount + '&fields=summary&jql=' + jql
	).done( function( search ) {
		if ( !search.issues.length ) {
			$( '#issue-list' ).text( 'No issues were found.' );
			return false;

		var compIssues = [], pocketIssues = [];
		$.each( search.issues, function() {
			if ( this.key.indexOf( 'MCPE' ) < 0 ) {
				compIssues.push( '<li>[<a href="https://mojang.atlassian.net/browse/' + this.key + '">' + this.key + '</a>] - ' + this.fields.summary + '</li>' );
			} else {
				pocketIssues.push( '<li>[<a href="https://mojang.atlassian.net/browse/' + this.key + '">' + this.key + '</a>] - ' + this.fields.summary + '</li>' );
		} );
		var html = '';
		if ( compIssues.length ) {
			html = '<p><b>Computer:</b></p><ul>' + compIssues.join( '\n' ) + '</ul>';
		if ( pocketIssues.length ) {
			html += '\n<p><b>Pocket Edition:</b></p><ul>' + pocketIssues.join( '\n' ) + '</ul>';
		if ( search.total > amount ) {
			var extra = search.total - amount;
			html += '\n<p><a href="https://mojang.atlassian.net/issues/?jql=' + jql + '">View ' + extra + ' more result';
			if ( extra > 1 ) {
				html += 's';
			html += '</a></p>';

		$( '#issue-list' ).html( html );
	} );

 * Set unlicensed as the default license on file pages
 * That way the file will be categorised so someone can find a license for the file
if ( mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ) === 'Special:Upload' && $( '#wpLicense' ).val() === '' ) {
	$( '#wpLicense > option' ).filter( function() {
		// Have to select the license based on the text instead of the value,
		// because "I'm not sure of this file's license" uses the same value
		return $( this ).text().trim() === 'This file is unlicensed';
	} ).prop( 'selected', true );
	mw.loader.using( 'mediawiki.legacy.upload', function() {
		setTimeout( function() {
			$( '#wpLicense' ).change();
		}, 4000 );
	} );

 * Fix missing toolbar images
if ( $( '#toolbar' ).length ) {
	$( '#mw-editbutton-bold' )     .prop( 'src', '//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e2/Button_bold.png' );
	$( '#mw-editbutton-italic' )   .prop( 'src', '//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1d/Button_italic.png' );
	$( '#mw-editbutton-link' )     .prop( 'src', '//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c0/Button_link.png' );
	$( '#mw-editbutton-extlink' )  .prop( 'src', '//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ec/Button_extlink.png' );
	$( '#mw-editbutton-headline' ) .prop( 'src', '//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fb/Button_headline.png' );
	$( '#mw-editbutton-image' )    .prop( 'src', '//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/de/Button_image.png' );
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} );