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Línea 303: Línea 303:
=== Fácil ===
=== Fácil ===
====''Casa del árbol''====
* ~80 [[wooden planks]]
*80 [[tablones]]
Las casas del árbol proporcionan una base alta. Son útiles especialmente contra los [[creeper]], porque la mayoria de los arboles son demasiados altos. A menudo se utilizan con un [[arco]] y [[flechas]] porque son excelentes nidos de francotirador. Te dan una buena vista del mapa, lo que ayuda a encontrar el lugar de su próximo refugio.
Treehouses provide a high base. They are useful especially against [[creepers]], because most are too high for a creeper's [[explosion]] to reach. They are often used with a [[bow]] and [[arrow]]s, because they are excellent sniping spots. Another advantage to treehouses is that they are a great lookout point. They give you a good view of the map, helping you find the place for your next shelter.
Se construyen en los arboles, las mejores casas de los arboles se construyen en los mas altos, pero entre mas alto mas escaleras tendrás que construir.
Treehouses are built in [[trees]]. The best treehouses are in the tallest trees - but be careful. The taller the tree you pick, the more [[stairs]] you will have to build in order to reach your shelter. Jungle [[Biomes]] are recommended, as they have huge trees with built-in ladders - vines!
Lo primero en construirse es la escalera, sin una escalera no se puede llegar a la casa, ya que tenga la escalera suba y ponga una base de 4x5 de tablones, a continuación crea paredes, después construye un techo y puede ser camuflada con hojas de árbol.
The first thing you will build when constructing a treehouse is the [[stair]]case. Without a staircase, you cannot reach the treehouse. The amount of stairs you build will vary depending on the height of the tree you are building in. Make these stairs and place them. Remember to place wooden planks under the stairs to support them. (Not only does this make them easier to build, it also makes the staircase look better.)
Now you should have a staircase that leads to the top of the tree. Climb this staircase and lay down a 4x5 base of wooden planks. One common practice is to remove a layer of leaves and then build the base. This maintains the same level as you would have had without a base.
Next, build a layer of outer walls. These should only cover the border. To be economical, you could skip the corners, as they are not necessary. Build two more layers on each of these.
Now you will construct a roof. You don't need to add another border level; this was compensated for in the last step. Instead, fill in the top border with wooden planks. This roof should block out most of the light - look in the "Extras" section for ways to counter this.
'''Alternate No-Stairs Method'''
A more effective and easy method to construct a pathway for access to the treehouse would be to use ladders placed on the trunk of the tree to reach the entrance of the treehouse instead of stairs to access the treehouse which makes it less likely for mobs to climb onto the treehouse and also the benefit of using this method is that it uses less materials. It is strongly recommended that you use a trapdoor at the very top of the ladders to prevent mobs from gaining access to the treehouse via the ladders.
'''Alternate roofless method'''
This method is best in high trees. Simply the same as before but only build walls one high and then place fences on top. It is useful when fighting mobs like creepers.
*escaleras o escaleras de mano.
*Staircase to top
*Treehouse link - Multiple treehouses linked together. Best if treehouse is built in a forest.
Línea 355: Línea 337:
[[File:Igloo Screenshot.png|right|thumb|A example of a igloo.]]
[[File:Igloo Screenshot.png|right|thumb|A example of a igloo.]]
* A lot of [[Snow]]
* A shovel.
'''Description''' <br />
If you live in a snowy biome, why don't you use what you have around you?
*Una gran cantidad de [[nieve]].
*Una pala
'''Location''' <br />
'''Descripción''' <br />
Si tu quieres vivir en un bioma de nieve, si no solo recolecta mucha nieve.
Any snow biome
'''Construction''' <br />
'''Localización''' <br />
Cualquier bioma de [[nieve]].
First get some [[snow]], a lot of snow. Use a [[shovel]] to get [[snowball]]s by breaking snow. After you collected enough, go place them in a 2x2 square in the [[crafting]] grid. Get the [[Snow Block]]s. Build your shelter with that.
During construction it might start snowing, but hey, free resources! Note that snow can fall on snow blocks, causing a snow layer to form on top.
'''Construcción''' <br />
These snow shelters often look great in snow biomes.
En primer lugar conseguir la nieve, luego forme cubos de nieve,y comienza a construir como si fuera cualquier cosa. se ven muy bien en los biomas de nieve.
*Windows made of [[ice]]
*Ventanas de [[hielo]]
*No colocar antorchas o se derretiran
*A well where you have liquid water.
*A fire place. (Snow blocks do not melt, but ice and snow do)
===''Portable House''===
===''Portable House''===

Revisión del 03:41 12 sep 2012

Para una aventura en el modo Supervivencia, es imprescindible un refugio. Y por supuesto, vas a necesitar algunas Herramientas en el proceso.

Esta página muestra algunos tipos de refugios:

Ayuda de Navegación

Para navegar este articulo, es recomendado usar el cuadro "Contenido" de arriba para ir entre tipo y tipo de refugio. Esto Hace esta pagina mucho mas fácil de usar.


Los refugios están organizados dependiendo de cuanto los tomo hacerlos. Obviamente, estos pueden variar, dependiendo de que tan meticulosos sean.

Notaran que el día solo incluye el tiempo en el cual hay luz solar, no la noche. También, el tiempo de recolección de materiales no esta incluido.

Nómada: este es el tipo de refugio mas fácil de hacer. No ofrece mucha protección, especialmente cuando un Creeper ataca. Estos son generalmente los tipos de refugio que construyes mientras esta atardeciendo. Tiempo: Casi Ninguno.

Facil: Este generalmente funciona en cualquier parte del mapa. Estos ofrecen algo de protección. Tiempo: 1/2 días.

Medio: Ofrecen una estructura independiente. Proporciona una gran cantidad de protección. Tiempo: 1 día.

Difícil: Estas estructuras consumen una gran cantidad de tiempo. Sin embargo, ofrecen una gran cantidad de protección. Tiempo: 2–10 days.

Innovador: Aunque estas estructuras son las mas difíciles de construir, no necesariamente son las que ofrecen mayor protección. Se concentran en las hazañas de la ingeniería. Tiempo: variable.

Añadidos: No son estructuras, pero tienen ciertas funcionalidades dignas de mencionar.



Refugios de emergencia


  • Ninguno


El más simple puede hacerse cavando 3 bloques hacia abajo, y luego poniendo un bloque de tierra como techo. Ésto solo toma unos segundos. Cavar debajo de uno mismo normalmente no se recomienda. pero es extremadamente raro toparse con una cueva a tan solo 3 bloques de la superficie. A partir de ahí, expandirlo es seguro. Este tipo de refugio también es útil cuando ya tienes base, pero estás lejos de ella y se está haciendo de noche.


Al nivel del suelo, donde haya tierra.


  • Antorchas
  • Cama

Cueva o acantilado


  • Nada


Las cuevas o acantilados son probablemente el refugio mas popular entre los jugadores para la primera noche. Solo toma unos segundos para hacerse, una ves adentro el jugador es libre de expandirlo libremente y seguramente. provee buena proteccion para casi cualquier tipo de mob exepto los crepeers porque ellos pueden destruir las paredes (excluding creepers. Al expandir el refugio por dentro ganaras material en lugar de perderlo.


La mejor parte de este refugio es que se puede construir en cualquier lugar de un precipicio. Solo hay que asegurarse de que se una pared sólida (preferentemente hacia arriba). Un acantilado con un gran cuerpo de agua se prefiere porque los mob hostiles no pueden aparecer en el agua.

Construcción Muy simple. Solo hay que hacer un agujero en la pared de 2x2x1. A continuación, entrar en el agujero y lo cierra. A partir de ahí, se puede expandir a su gusto, se puede dejar un bloque vacío en la pared para ver cuando es de día y cuando de noche.


  • Antorchas
  • Se puede extender
  • Agregar un segundo piso

Casa NPC

Materiales 6 Antorchas 1 Cama


Encontrar una villa NPC y adueñarte de una de sus casas.


En una villa NPC


La primera parte es la mas difícil encontrar un pueblo NPC (fácil en Superflat en ocasiones se aparese dentro de una) algunas semillas en las que se generan cerca son "lostlostlost", "Blade Runner" y "hellamadmen". A continuación solo hay que personalizarla y listo.

Una desventaja es que los aldeanos pueden bloquear tu camino mientras intentas moverte por la vida, una perfecta solución es matarlos, pero esto solo es posible si no hay golems de hierro cerca ya que pueden matar al jugador.


  • Segundo piso (algunas casas vienen con el)
  • Muebles (algunas casas cuentan con ellos)
  • Ocupar todo el pueblo: Los edificios que pueden ser generados en el pueblo son la Biblioteca, que incluye estanterías (que luego pueden ser tomados con el encantamiento de tacto de seda) y una mesa de creación. También está la herrería, que viene con dos hornos, una pequeña piscina de lava, y un cofre de golosinas. La Iglesia es un edificio de tres pisos, en el tercero se puede mirar por encima de todo el pueblo.
  • Colocar mas antorchas para alumbrar y construir un muro alrededor de la aldea para estar seguros



Bloques de tierra o bloques de cualquier otro tipo

Descripción Un de los pilares de bloques, que ocupa un espacio de 1x1. Genial cuando se tiene un montón de un de bloques. Se puede utilizar un bloque que se ve afectado por la gravedad, por ejemplo, Arena, Grava, si desea eliminar el pilar más adelante. Recuerde que no es una columna corta. Un pilar debe ser alto.


En cualquier lugar pero preferiblemente en un espacio abierto.

Construcción En primer lugar, equipar el bloque. Entonces, en el suelo, salte y ponga un bloque. Repita hasta que esté a nivel de las nubes, o cualquier otro nivel que las flechas del esqueleto no alcancen. Después de eso, todo depende de ti de lo que quieres hacer con el refugio. Para el nómada, quédate allí hasta que salga el sol. Destruye los bloques debajo de ti, hasta llegar a nivel del suelo.

Extras RECUERDE! Si usted está planeando la construcción de un refugio real hasta allí, no se puede construir por encima de la capa 250.

  • Escaleras

Torre de vigilancia


Descripción Un buen refugio no solo debe protegerte de los mob durante la noche sino también protegerte de una emboscada creeper en la mañana. Este tipo refugio logra esto sin la necesidad de materiales sofisticados tales como vidrio o puertas, y se puede hacer con bastante rapidez.

Es esencialmente una torre con una cerca de protección durante la noche pero con algunas diferencias entre la torre y la cerca, pero tiene un borde donde caen los mobs en la mañana y desde arriba se puede ver lo que callo en ella.

Localización Este refugio es el mas adecuado para terreno abierto y colinas.


  • Construir una simple torre solida de 3x3x2.
  • Construir un borde alrededor de la torre con 2 bloques de profundidad.
  • Añadir antorchas.
  • En la mañana ten cuidado por si cayeron mobs en el borde ya que si cayo un creeper podría tronar al verte.

Aire abierto

No es lo que piensas.



Claro no puede detener la invacion de las arañas pero al menos funciona la primera noche. El aire libre es básicamente muros que te rodean. Sin techo. Si quieres puedes añadir techo al terminar los muros pero entonces ya no seria un aire libre.


Terreno plano y abierto


En primer lugar reunir tierra, coloque su tierra en un area preferiblemente de 5x5 (el tamaño depende de usted) construyala de una altura de 4. Si realmente quieres seguridad puedes aumentar la altura, el tiempo varia dependiendo su altura. Tenga en cuenta que las arañas seran capas de subir y entrar

Una manera opcional es cavar un hoyo en lugar de construir y cavar alrededor de su muralla asi ganara materiales en lugar de perderlos, pero este metodo es mas tardado.


Casa de setas


  • Una seta (cualquiera de las dos funciona) y un poco de carne de hueso.


Puede usar la seta gigante para hacer una tienda de campaña y pasar la noche en ella. Al destruir un bloque de ella saldrán setas para construir otras casas setas o hacer sopa de setas para comer.


Prácticamente cualquier lugar plano o puedes usar el bioma de hongos.


Para una tienda de campaña en la seta roja asegúrese de que haya suficiente espacio plano alrededor, cavar un agujero de un bloque en el suelo y plantar la seta, asegúrese de estar a un cuadro de distancia y entonces use la carne de hueso, retire el tallo y ya esta, aveces dejan una brecha por la cual pueden pasar las arañas y aveses deja una brecha de dos de alto, lo que hay que cerrar con tierra.

Para la de la seta marrón hay que plantar la seta y subir a la parte superior, ya hay que retirar el pilar por donde subió y pasar la noche.


  • Cama
  • Antorchas
  • Puerta
  • Si usted cultiva múltiples setas una encima de otra se puede crear una torre.

Torre de setas


Para mayor seguridad y visibilidad ¿ porque no crear una torre de setas?


  • 3-5 setas
  • Carne de hueso
  • Antorchas
  • Tierra
  • Escaleras


Un espacio sin nada encima por 12-15 cuadros o la seta no crecerá.

Construcción Planta un hongo en un espacio sin nada encima de ella, utilice la carne de hueso para hacerla crecer, colocar la escalera a un lado, al llegar a la parte superior colocar un bloque de tierra y plantar otra y así consecutivamente, repetir esto de 2 a 3 veces y en la parte superior poner una seta marrón, colocar antorchas para prevenir el spawn de mobs hay. Tenga cuidado con los creepers al bajar.


  • Camas
  • Mesa de creación
  • Cofre
  • Muebles
  • Antorchas
  • Escotillas o puertas trampa

Casa del Árbol de emergencia


Descripción Encuentra un árbol (cuanto más grande mejor) llega a la parte de arriba con la tierra o la arena. Este es un gran refugio nómada, ya que toma unos segundos para construir y tiene una bonita vista de la naturaleza.


En el bioma de bosque en un árbol. Las arañas pueden subir arboles pero no los mas grandes.


  • Cama, antorchas y mesas de creación
  • escaleras, escaleras de mano, puertas o puertas trampa.
  • Arco para disparar a los mobs.
  • Puentes a otros arboles, villa en los arboles.
  • Hacer una casa del árbol (ver la siguiente)


Casa del árbol


Descripción Las casas del árbol proporcionan una base alta. Son útiles especialmente contra los creeper, porque la mayoria de los arboles son demasiados altos. A menudo se utilizan con un arco y flechas porque son excelentes nidos de francotirador. Te dan una buena vista del mapa, lo que ayuda a encontrar el lugar de su próximo refugio.


Se construyen en los arboles, las mejores casas de los arboles se construyen en los mas altos, pero entre mas alto mas escaleras tendrás que construir.

Construcción Lo primero en construirse es la escalera, sin una escalera no se puede llegar a la casa, ya que tenga la escalera suba y ponga una base de 4x5 de tablones, a continuación crea paredes, después construye un techo y puede ser camuflada con hojas de árbol.


  • escaleras o escaleras de mano.
  • Ventanas


Igloo Screenshot

A example of a igloo.


  • Una gran cantidad de nieve.
  • Una pala

Si tu quieres vivir en un bioma de nieve, si no solo recolecta mucha nieve.

Cualquier bioma de nieve.

En primer lugar conseguir la nieve, luego forme cubos de nieve,y comienza a construir como si fuera cualquier cosa. se ven muy bien en los biomas de nieve.


  • Ventanas de hielo
  • No colocar antorchas o se derretiran

Portable House


  • Wood, Cobble or Stone any basic material except dirt. Preferably Cobble
  • Ladders
  • Wooden/Iron Door
  • Trapdoor


Don't want to spend 5 minutes in a hole? Build this mobile fortress that takes 5 minutes to build and 5 minutes to destroy!

Location A 6x6 or 9x9 flat space


First, build a 1x1 tower 6 blocks up on all the corners. Next connect each corner together. Now build the wall and dig a 1x2 hole for the door do NOT use windows. Now fill in the roof but leave a 2x2 space at a wall for the trapdoors and ladders. Place the ladders under the hole and then on the roof of the house make some battlements. Now place the trapdoor and you're done! You now have a mobile fortress that's safe from creepers! And if a spider gets in you can run down the hatch!


  • Mine
  • Utilities
  • Extra story
  • Defence Turrets
  • Trapdoor traps

Camoflage House


  • A stack or two of dirt.
  • Wood Planks for inside wall (optional)


A house made out of dirt that blends in with the environment.


A forest or plains biome.


Use the dirt to blend in with the environment. Make sure to adjust to elevations. Grass will grow on your roof, so it looks even cooler. For maximum security, conceal your door behind a 1x1x2 stack of dirt and don't add any windows. If you're really ambitous, make a piston door with dirt and sticky pistons. Hide the lever behind a block of dirt. This is perfect in SMP as it hides your shelter from griefers and thieves.


  • Bed, torches, crafting table
  • Underground shelter underneath the dirt.
  • Tunnel to other camo shelters!
  • Piston door made out of dirt and sticky pistons.
  • Hidden chest full of valuables.


The expansion to the Open-Air, in detail.


  • See Open-Air, in the Nomadic section, for walls but made of something preferably stronger like wood. For the roof, any non-entity. (If made out of glass, will be better than windows for lighting)
  • Torches
  • Sand (for windows)


You've played the game with the walls, now play it with the roof! A basic house.


Flat, open ground.


First, build a wall, just like the Nomadic Open-Air. After that, close the roof, add windows (smelt the sand with your furnace), and you're set for expansion! If you like, dig your floor and replace it with any block you like.


  • Mine
  • Upper Levels
  • Lower Levels
  • Traps
  • A door
  • Corners are made out of wood
  • Make the roof out of stairs
  • Chimney

PS. This is basically the Open-Air WITH a roof.

Cave Home


  • Fair amount of construction-type blocks(Cobblestone, Wooden Planks, Dirt all work fine).
  • Ample supply of Torches.


A house constructed using a surface cave as its base structure. Can be dangerous due to its initially dark state, but allows for easy expansion. Being a cave, contains a mine already within itself.


This type of house can be built in any surface cave one finds. It is a bonus if you find one with Coal already in it, as you have your supply of torches supplied by your house. A cave with multiple surface entrances can be used, but may prove more difficult to secure.


Once you have found a suitable cave, the first step is to seal off the entrances. Use any building material to create a complete seal to keep out night monsters. A wooden door may be added if you have enough wood and time. Otherwise, just seal the entrance off completely(make sure to use torches first, or you may find yourself in the dark) leaving no gaps.

If you proceed deeper into your cave, and monsters are found, it would be wise to seal off the rear end of your cave as well. That is unless you are able to deal with the monsters.

After this, you can hollow out the cave to your liking.


  • Explore the entirety of your house/cave, and extract the riches hiding in your basement.
  • Add more rooms by hollowing out more of the cave. No materials required!




64-256 Wooden planks, Cobblestone, Stone

Description These Freestanding shelters are not usually the first shelter that the player builds, because it usually consumes the time fast. These shelters provide good protections against Mobs.(Creepers).(Watch out for creepers! They can spawn behind or on top of your house. Best way to make sure that creepers don't get on your roof is to put torches on it or make your roof from glass!)

Location You can build these type of shelters anywhere where there is flat ground. You can also clear out a flat area, but this will consume more time and leave you vulnerable in the night if you don't have your house built in time.

Construction The size of the shelter is decided by the player himself. The foundation can be any size you want, but bigger building takes more time. First make the foundation of the building and then you can make it wide as you want. Then you can make a wooden floor, or you can just keep the ground as your floor. Jump and place a block underneath you to make the shelter taller. When your shelter is complete, you can make an access to the rooftop if you like. Making a door is very important, because the aggressive mobs can come inside your house and kill you. Also make sure your shelter is well lit to avoid mobs spawning inside - The bigger your house is, the more torches you will need.


  • Watchtower (used for sniping and looking for resources)
  • Windows
  • Greenhouse (See Farming)
  • Skylight (extra light and mobs can't spawn on it. Also looks really cool!)

Hollowed-Out Mountain


  • A pickaxe
  • At least 16 torches

Description The title says it all: a mountain, preferably not too big, hollowed out and converted into a shelter! Good protection, as watchtowers and a moat can easily be added after making a basic shelter within the mountain.

Location A small, freestanding mountain,not part of a large mountain range, preferably 25-40 blocks tall. A good advantage is that as you build, you are gaining material, and not losing. Time: 1–2 days.

Construction Find a mountain that matches the description above. Bring along a pickaxe or two, depending on its size. Hollow out the entire mountain, add a staircase/ladders and some floors, and you are ready to begin customizing!


  • Wooden bridge connection to other nearby mountain
  • Greenhouse
  • Trapdoor drawbridge
  • Armory
  • Watchtowers



  • Plenty (at least 200) of cobble, planks, or other general building material
  • At minimum, 1 door
  • Other material needed for house additions

Description: A house that floats in mid-air! Protects greatly, as mobs can't get in and spiders have nothing to climb on. However, it can take a bit longer to start building than freestanding structures, about 1–3 days.

Location: A cliff face, preferably over water, is the best place to build the structure. Any large hill is a good starting point (this option is assumed for the construction section). With more work, however, it can be built anywhere, using a staircase or water elevator for access.


  1. Choose an elevation. Recommended height is over 10 blocks.
  2. Build a 1-block wide bridge out about 5 blocks from the hill, beginning the count from the furthest horizontal point on the hill within 3 blocks in any direction.
  3. If you want a house below the level of your bridge (a basement, perhaps), make a pillar from the ground up to the desired lowest elevation. Build around it to the desired foundation size. Remove the pillar when construction of the foundation is completed.
  4. From this base, build as usual, making sure to place a door at the level of the bridge, with an empty space above it so you can jump to and from the door. Don't forget you are still vulnerable to roof spawning if precautions aren't taken!
  5. Make a one or two block gap between the bridge and the door. This is the system that so secures the structure. Mobs coming to you will simply fall below if they attempt to reach you when the door is closed. It is unlikely that they would jump the pit, but it is still a possibility.
  1. Continue building. One great thing about this type of shelter is that you aren't nearly as hemmed in by hills or other terrain! Generally, you can build in any direction for a great distance. The only concern is that you must build the new foundations, and therefore must use a few more materials.

Notes You may have some trouble getting into your house. One thing to make sure of is the door. Since the hinge area is solid even when open, you should jump to the door from the side opposite the hinge. Simply widen the bridge at the end to do so more easily. The area under the pit should ideally have some sort of fall-breaker in case misjudgment of the jump occurs. Once you are confident you can jump it consistently, you can build a mob trap for anything that approaches. Make sure that you can escape it if you DO fall, however.

Extras: These will be the same as a normal house- except anything to do with the underground. Just build that sort of structure on the area opposite the bridge/stairs. Even grass can be brought up with a stair of dirt. Do not use a full stair with lower support, as to prevent intrusion while you wait for the spread.

Do: Do not:



Description This is a relatively simple shelter to build, although requires a fair amount of gathering and smelting to obtain all the required materials.

Location Can be built on any wide open flat space.

Construction The bunker is a single story shelter made entirely of stone, with the walls always being at least two blocks thick. Size is down to the player's preference, although a 12x12 outer wall perimeter will provide ample space inside for a bed, workbench and multiple chests and furnaces. Ideally an iron door should be placed on at least two sides of the building, in case a creeper remains lurking outside one door in the morning. Stone buttons or levers can be used to control the doors both inside and out. With the walls being at least two blocks thick, the player can safely sleep in a bed at night without having to worry about being awoken by hostile mobs. Windows should be added on all sides so the player can be certain that the outside of the shelter is clear before venturing out in the morning.



  • 8-10 stacks of Stone Brick or Stone Slab, depending on location(Far or close to a stronghold)
  • Torches
  • Iron Doors
  • Glass

Description This is a harder shelter to build, mainly because it requires lots of stone or exploring.

Location Can be built on any wide open flat space.

Construction The bunker#2 is a single story shelter made entirely of stone, with the walls always being at least three blocks thick. Size is down to the player's preference, although a 12x12 outer wall perimeter will provide ample space inside for a bed, workbench and multiple chests and furnaces. Ideally an iron door should be placed on at least two sides of the building, in case a creeper remains lurking outside one door in the morning. Stone buttons or levers can be used to control the doors both inside and out. With the walls being at least two blocks thick, the player can safely sleep in a bed at night without having to worry about being awoken by hostile mobs. Windows should be added on all sides so the player can be certain that the outside of the shelter is clear before venturing out in the morning. This is especially effective against armies of players, as iron doors and stone bricks are much harder to break, plus, there's the added benefit of having silverfish coming out and attacking the attackers everynow and again.

Good idea would be to put guards on a bunch of these outside your pvp base, with tnt collaspable tunnels if someone breaks through.

Man-made Cave


  • Shovels and Pickaxes
  • Torches
  • Door

Description A relatively simple but long lasting shelter with excellent protection. Can easily be made at the beginning of the game, or later as a regional base.

Location Any large cliff with an space at least 3 blocks high

Construction Find a cliff that meets the above specifications. Dig a 1x2 tunnel 4 blocks deep. Then, make a 7x7 3-block high space here. Put up the door and some torches, and voila! Your cave is pretty much complete. Put all of your basic minecraft home items on the floor next to the walls. You may also want to replace the ugly dirt and stone in the walls and ceiling with some more aesthetic blocks, like wood or (for a more dungeon-like feel) stone bricks.

Notes Your cave's main weakness is that is has only one exit. You may want to dig a 1x2 "emergency exit" out of your base, so that you can sneak out if there are creepers patrolling your main one. It's also preferable to mark the base so that it can be seen from far away.


  • A "Balcony" protruding from higher up the side of the cliff, which you can use to snipe mobs.
  • Rooms, rooms, rooms. Make branches coming out of your main room leading to smaller (or bigger)rooms, like a bedroom, smelting room, storage room, etc.


These homes are very complex and some may combine other shelters with large add-ons, making them different shelters like the ones below.

Underground Shelter


These shelters are built entirely underground, usually at a depth of 15-25 blocks under the surface. They have the advantage of being difficult to detect from the surface and invulnerable to attacks from above-ground mobs. Disadvantages include difficulty of construction - usually involving committing the cardinal Minecraft sin of digging directly down - and the fact that it is difficult to escape if a mob -especially a creeper - managed to enter or spawn.

Necessary Materials

  • Torches
  • Ladders


The entrances to this shelter can be anywhere, but in SMP, care should be taken to avoid making your location obvious to griefers or thieves. The top of a mountain, the middle of a desert, or even inside another, well-defended shelter are great locations to place the entrance.


Dig a 2x1 tunnel downwards, placing ladders on the walls every block, and Torches in small alcoves to the side. Once a suitable depth has been reached (20 blocks is recommended, but anything below 10 is acceptable. If you dig below level 16, the shelter will work as your mine.), hollow out a chamber. The size of this room is a matter of preference, but a 5x5x2 space is ideal. Light this area with torches, and your rudimentary shelter is complete. Add-ons can be expansions to the original chamber or separate "rooms" of their own. Separate some of the rooms with doors so if a monster does get in, you can hide in another room where you can figure out how to deal with the mobs.

This type of shelter can also be easily converted from the player's first shelter, provided it was built in the ground or in the side of a hill or mountain.


  • An escape tunnel - Absolutely necessary, as mobs inside your house will spell doom otherwise.
  • Connection to mine
  • At the base of the ladder, make a pool of water 2 deep so you can just jump down without harm instead of having to go down the ladder.
  • Subway/railway station
  • Farms (Make sure to have plenty of torches)

Island Stronghold


A large wall and ceiling over an island for lots of protection against mobs.

Necessary Materials

About 100-2000 blocks of any building materials depending on the size of your island.


On a small-medium island.


Find a decent size island and get lots of stone. Then You build a 6-9 block wall with your stone. When you've done this place torches everywhere over your walls and floor and get rid of them afterwards if you need to build. Next you add your roof and you can live hostile free!


  • A small tunnel leading to a secondary base.
  • A mine.
  • Obsidian shelter in case that Creeper one day gets you.
  • Extra rooms
  • A walled off passage to the mainland

Underwater Shelter


An underwater base for total protection from creepers and other mobs, along with looking good.

Necessary Materials

Any block; preferably glass).

Some form of light, glowstone, etc. if your house is made of glass, as torches cannot be placed on glass.


In a deep lake or in the ocean.


Start by filling the space where you are going to build your house, then dig out the inside, . Next start removing the wall and replacing it with the block of your choice. Then add your ceiling and replace the water on the top.For added ease build your house under water out of wood the cover it with any NON-flammable material. Now dig one block under your house and burn it which will remove all the water You now have a "creeperproof" house. (Unless it blows up the water without being in it, although this has only been proved with TNT.)


  • An underground base below this base.
  • Glass walls and roofs, as the strength of the blocks doesn't matter.

Freestanding - Hard


The freestanding shelter, just bigger and harder to build and also with extra floors.

Neccesary Materials

  • Preferred building material (wooden planks, cobble. About 256-2048 blocks)
  • Log
  • Torches
  • Tools
  • Glass panes and blocks
  • Fences for patio and/or balcony
  • Stairs
  • Ladders (to get up or down your floors)
  • Doors
  • Trapdoors


A large, flat area, with room for expansions, underground or to the side.


The size of the shelter is up to the player, however the bigger your house is the more room you will have for expansion.

1. Build the foundation of your house one block higher than the ground, so you can make a patio and as an added bonus you don't have to clear out the ground to make a floor.

2. Next, build your walls 5 blocks high so the ceiling isn't too low, and the windows don't look weird. The house will also feel bigger that way.

3. Make the ceiling. This means the inside of the house is currently 4 blocks high.

4. Make any rooms you want (crafting room, brewery, bedroom, etc.)

5. If you don't want a second floor, you're done! If you do want a second floor, continue on. Punch 1x1 hole in your ceiling. Pillar jump up on to your second floor, but as you keep going up and down you will have to destroy your pillar, so ladders are recommended here. For the second floor, repeat step 2, 3 and 4. If wanted, you can make glass skylights for both the roof and the floor of the 2nd level.

6. If you don't want an underground floor, you're done! If you do want an underground floor, continue on. Dig down 5 blocks from your floor. Next, hollow out the area you want to use. Dirt and stone don't really make great decor, so wooden planks is the preferred building material. Hollow out the wall and replace it with the planks. You can make entrances to all your expansions here. You may use ladders or stairs to get down to your underground floor.

7. If you don't want a balcony, you're done! If you do want a balcony, continue on. Go outside your house. Pillar jump to wherever you want to place you balcony. Use cobble or wooden planks. Extend your balcony about 3-5 blocks out. Add a fence and you're done! A nice extra is to put wooden steps and a sign by each side, so it looks like a chair.


  • Greenhouse made out of glass (consider adding a chest or two for keeping your seeds and tools and a crafting table to make quick bread)
  • Universal underground stopping point for all expansions (passageway to guardtower, entrance to quarry or mine, iron door to emergency bunker, etc.)
  • Craft Room - a room full of crafting tables and furnaces for quick crafting and smelting. Add a chest to store valuable ores and ingots.
  • Emergency bunker - Creeper invading your house? Make an underground shelter made out of obsidian or 3 layers of cobble and an iron door. A bed is a must. A chest full of food, weapons and tools are needed. A workbench and a furnace are useful as well.
  • Indoor fishing pond - Useful source of food if a greenhouse has not been created.
  • Storeroom. A room full of chests to keep less valuable materials (dirt, cobble)
  • Guardtower - Make a tall tower (5x4) and about 30 blocks high to survey the land. Add a chest full of arrows and a bow to 'snipe' some mobs.
  • Escape passage - This is a must! You can also add this to your bunker.
  • Emergency kit - Need to leave quickly? Found a group of zombies in your basement? A chest full of weapons, food, crafting table, furnace and tools is helpful if invaded by an army of monsters.
  • Tree farm. Although time-consuming, an indoor tree farm is very, very, very useful. Note the room will have to be very tall as trees are big. The room will have to be well-lit. Consider adding a chest full of axes and saplings.
  • Skylight. Extra light and looks cool. Why not even make your roof out of glass? No mobs can spawn on it!
  • Tunnel to another base - This is very helpful, if you need to go to another safehouse to collect more resources.

Ravine Shelter

Description A shelter situated in a Ravine. Rooms may either overhang on the side, or occupy the entire ravine. These are easier to build if the opening is close (if not breaking) the surface, and more difficult if deep underground. Sometimes a ravine may spawn above another ravine, so you can use the lower as your shelter, and upper as your farm(s).

Neccessary Materials

  • [Torches]
  • [Ladders]
  • [Cobblestone]
  • [Pickaxes] (Preferably Iron but Stone still works)
  • [Water]

Location In a Ravine

Construction If there is lava on the bottom, freeze it with water. Any water/lava from the sides should be plugged. Make the floor flat, and then light up the ravine with as many torches as you can. Start the walls, and put in the items you want in the rooms (Bedroom, Craft Room, Furnace Room, Store Room, Minecart Room). Rooms should be 3 - 4 blocks high (Or if you're building a staircase, whichever suits the staircase best), and once all rooms are at the preferred height, build the next floor. Repeat until the house has as many rooms as you need. You may want to seal off caves, but you don't have to smoothen the walls.


  • Surface additions
  • Branch Mine
  • Tunnel



A castle capable of keeping out an army of monsters

Neccesary Materials

About 1000 blocks of cobblestone.


A large flat plains, a man-made flat area, or the world type Super-Flat. If needed use map editors, unless playing survival(legit)


Take the cobblestone and make a 3 block wide, 1 block long, and 1 block high base. Continue across until the length stretches all across your flat area. Then clear out a 6 block long section for a primary entrance. Make the walls about 20 blocks high and make ladders or stairs leading up. Add an overhang to the walls to keep out spiders. Make shelters and useless buildings inside the walls. Takes about 3-7 nights, depending on size.


  • Castle Forge
  • Castle Home
  • Bed
  • Treasury
  • Castle Mine
  • Blocks on outer layer of wall, covering every other slot as a reinforcment from spiders, every five blocks change the material to something else.



A castle built using a village with enough add-ons to become its own mass shelter. Can house many players and animals.

Neccesary Materials

  • Lots of Cobblestone (1000–10,000)
  • Water/Lava
  • Torches
  • Tools


Any area with an NPC Village. The village will be a part of your home; keep that in mind.


Surround the village with Cobblestone. Be sure to add gate houses so you can enter and leave your stronghold. Optionally, leave room for some more structures in the village. When surrounding the village, create a two layer wall of cobblestone. Make the inner layer one block smaller than the outer layer. This will allow you to snipe mobs outside the castle.


  • Granary to Store Food
  • Quarry for Materials
  • Armory for Weapons
  • Extensions on NPC Blacksmith for Mass Smelting
  • Modify the NPC Houses with extra furniture, beds, etc.
  • Pistons to hold Water/Lava and release it when necessarily
  • Farms (Melons, Wheat, Pumpkins)

Circle Shelter


A normal, circle shelter.

Neccsary Materials

3-6 stacks of building material, such as Wooden Planks, Stone, Obsidian, etc.
2 Doors


A flat area that is over 15x15.


The same process as a freestanding shelter, but with the walls formed in a circle instead of a square.


  • 3 Floors
  • Floor
  • Kitchen
  • Bedroom
  • Attic
  • Chimmney
  • Mine

Nether Shelter


A shelter in the Nether.

Neccesary Materials

Lots of cobblestone.


Nether, preferably next to your portal

Safe construction

It is recommended to build a small shelter before you start any of your construction area before starting to build your home, to ensure you won't get visited by "unexpected guests". If you build in the open, you can`t do this, but if you can you should.

Nether shelter types

1 - Cave home

Safest, because you build it safely away from Ghasts and you are surrounded by walls. Making a Nether Cave home can prove much easier than building a similar home in the Overworld, because you won`t be attacked by mobs. The only mobs you will meet are zombie pigmen which will not attack without reason.

2 - Free-standing

Difficult, as you are going to be attacked by Ghasts. Your walls MUST be made of cobblestone. Be prepared to fight at any time. Except on peaceful mode of course.

3 - Fortress Home

This one is fairly easy - just find a Nether Fortress. Be careful, as fortresses will be hard to traverse. Be sure to clearly mark your designated "home" area, or spread your furniture around the entire building. Ghasts may or may not be a problem, depending on the location. Zombie Pigmen won't be an issue unless you attack them first. Magma Cubes and Blazes will likely not be too much of a threat.


A ghast cannot see you through glass (See: ghast). Thus you can build windows in the Nether as long as you stay inside it is safe, to protect your self and your windows, you might want to use Pistons to put some cobblestone in front of the window, which can be relocated by pressing a button. Allowing yourself to be inside the home safely and have a good view of the nether. And when you go exploring you "close" the window, for in case you get hunted by a ghast.


  • Tree farm

Innovative Dwellings

These types of dwellings are mostly to impress other players, or are amazingly dangerous to live in.


This type of shelter can vary in location and security. For example, a innovative dwelling could be located within a double dungeon (with the spawners still there), built into the bottom of an overhang, or above a lava lake! Innovative dwellings are usually much more difficult to live in and build; however, they work with the map and are great for impressing other players.


The location of this type of shelter can vary drastically, depending on the map, and on the player's preference.


Jungle Treehouse

This type of house is hard to make but almost no mobs can get you. first find a jungle and either pillar up a giant tree or use ladders (recommended) once on top of the tree just make a house. its an awesome idea to make bridges to other giant trees. make a huge treetop village!


Dungeon dwellings require very little setup on the part of the player. They are not very big, and there is also the risk of spawned enemies as well as caverns nearby. Many are located deep underground, so they can be relatively difficult to located and navigate to. Leaving the spawner in for decoration can serve as the player's death sentence. However, advantages of this type of home are little setup, free mob drops (if one decides to set up as a mob trap instead), and in SMP, difficulty by other players attempting to locate the home. A good map to use for this type of shelter is seed: 'Brock Obama' (pre 1.8) as you spawn near a sanded in zombie dungeon with attached alcove.

Overhang Bases

These nifty bases are built into the underside of overhangs of mountains. Unfortunately, suitable overhangs and ones located in scenic or easy-to-defend places can be difficult to find. Building is another problem, as you would either have to pillar upwards to excavate the home or enter from the top and use water to build on the underside of the overhang. Sand or gravel is recommended, as removing pillars made out of these materials is much easier and can be done directly from the ground. As difficult as this setup may be, one can use this type of base as a stealthy reconnaissance outpost, by dropping lava, arrows or even TNT on unsuspecting players or just for viewing epic scenery.

Lava Forts

These are arguably one of the most difficult bases to build, not only because aboveground lakes tend to burn wooden homes down, as well as the fact that returning home with a stash of diamonds could quite possibly be more risky than hugging a creeper on Hard difficulty. As the player must use nonflammable materials, such as cobblestone, players may not like how the home would look. On the other hand, the lava can protect against all types of mobs, allow animal spawns and is relatively easy to spot from a distance during the nighttime from a high perch.

Mountain Bases

These bases are some of the toughest to build because they are basically on top of a mountain. You're probably thinking, "Thats easy to build", but it isn't' because it requires a mountain a range or two mountains. The idea is you link the two mountains together with 10 block wide bridge, and rooms inside the bridge. That's only the start, to make a proper base you could add floating island around the base and make it better to look at. Think of it as the floating mountains of Pandora but instead of Na'vi you get creepers. It's one of the toughest because it requires a lot of stone - and I mean a lot: the one I have built required nearly over 2000 stone and I am still making it bigger, but the only problem is most mountains are on flat lands, so it's very difficult to get wood. I suggest you get 200 saplings and plant them around your base as well as in it. When all this is done it will look amazing and easy to protect from mobs because they fall of the edge of the mountain and plummit to their death, but it will take time to build, it takes a lot longer to build than a Lava Fort. But there is an easy way. If you clear the top of the mountain and make it flat it will be easier and you can just Build a simple house. Of course this is less safe.

Sub-Terranean Stronghold

This type of base is very hard to conquer. One first has to find a Stronghold in their world (a difficult task as it is), light up the entire structure, patch any holes made by caves, and then make a safe entrance from the surface. You can also use a cave entrance, but this makes it harder to find when coming home after a long day of exploring. You also must be wary of silverfish, and be careful not to break any walls. However, once you do conquer the entire Stronghold, nothing can get to you. The main thing to be wary of are creepers waiting outside your exit, wanting to kill you as you foolishly walk up and out.


  • Windows by your exit are very good to have, to stop the above mentioned creeper attacks.
  • A mushroom, wheat, sugarcane, melon, or pumpkin farms for food and miscellaneous items.
  • Escape tunnels are must haves, to get away from anything that could spawn in that dark corner you missed lighting up.
  • As said above you make farms for many thing's, you can make a tree farm but this will take a very LONG time even more to redstone it but if you finsh it you will not really need to go above ground a lot.



These are often just normal on-ground homes with walls around them.


These shelters offer far higher protection, and if there in no dark places on the walls or inside, then you can roam freely at night without fear of mobs(as long as you are inside the walls), ofter a place to attack from, and allows you to build at night.

'Location Large flat area


  • A normal freestanding home.
  • As many blocks as you need (Cobblestone is suggested)to at least build a 4 block high wall around your home (preferably higher) and a lip on the edge (optional, but recommended).

Construction First pick a perimeter for the wall so you will have space to build in later on, then build a 1 block high wall there. After that keep making it higher and higher until you have the desired height. Then you will build a lip that is at least 1 block over on the top of the wall to prevent spiders and Spider Jockeys from climbing over.


  • Towers can be included on the sides to make it look better and give a better point to attack from.
  • A larger lip can be used to give a better point to attack from.
  • Windows can be added to allow you to see outside.
  • A ditch can be added to trap mobs, kill mobs with lava, or transport them to a lava pit.
  • Walls can be made thicker to resist explosions (not needed if the wall is made of Obsidian or Bedrock).
  • By building by the sea, part of the wall may not be needed.


These are quite obvious additions if you are by the sea, and can be quite useful if you happen to have many bases and mines offshore.


These are built next to water, by a natural sea or possibly a man-made channel, and allow the usage of boats to travel in and out of your base.


Virtually anywhere there is water, most usefully if next to a sea.


  • Water(If an artificial inlet is to be constructed)
  • Any material,amount dependent on size of the docks
  • Slabs (for landing boats on without destroying them)
  • Doors(Optional, but very highly recommended to stop your boats from floating away)
  • Chests(Optional,used to store materials for voyages and spare boats)


First, pick a suitable area on the sea or dig a trench you can sail through and flood it. Once you have a waterfront ready, build as many units for boats as you wish. These are generally 2x2 squares that can be dug into land or built into the water, and usually have a double door at the front to stop boats from drifting out to sea. Place boats in each of these and make sure you can sail in and out easily. Place wool or stairs at the opposite side of the doors to stop high-speed boats from shattering when they hit the wall. Add storage, dispensers, or anything else you want.


  • You can build a redstone wire connected to a music block to be alerted whenever something is coming.
  • Dispensers can be built for boats instead of placing them in storage.
  • Towers can also be built instead as a lookout post.
  • Walls can be built on the sea with iron doors in the water to keep unwanted guests from getting into your harbor.
  • You can have several different sets of docks in a concentrated area, with buildings for whatever purposes in-between, to build an entire large-scale base around the harbor.

Railway System

This is useful if you have several mines, bases, or other places of intrest that are too far away to walk to from your shelter.


These are built when you've got plenty of resources and you have need of getting somewhere regularly that is at least a few hundred meters away, or you simply don't have the patience to walk there and back.


  • 4-30 stacks of rail
  • 6 powered rails
  • A couple of water timers (see here), although other timers do work.
  • 2 redstone torches
  • 2 track switches
  • A mine cart (if it's powered it will simplify the making of the stations).


First, build a booster with three powered rails(for more information, see here). Connect the T switch to the booster and make a water timer. Wire it up to the track switch. When you enter you press a button to activate the timer. You may want to activate the button when you get in and add a wire to the powering torch. Now make your track and repeat at the other end. If you have 400 meter track, you'll want a 12 second booster. You may want to build the majority of the track a few blocks above the ground and have heavily guarded stations to avoid mobs (particularly creepers) damaging it. With this track you'll go 8 meter/second, which , depending on the terrain you're traveling through, could make your journey 50-75% shorter.


  • Multiple stations allowing you to have more than two potential destinations.
  • Alarms allowing you to peform an emergency launch or ready your weapons.
  • Some powered minecarts (with enough fuel for the journey) to serve as engines for storage minecarts, to carry chests filled with loot to a safe place (i.e., you're base).
  • A system to remotely control all the stations you have built using levers and redstone wire, allowing you to make a cart go past a station without stopping (useful with powered minecarts as you don't need to start them again after they reach a station).
  • A back-up in case creepers or other players destroy it.
  • Stations that are effectively fortresses to be sure you're system is safe.
  • An emergency armory in case you're staion isn't well guarded and you don't want to carry around weapons and armor.
  • Towers to snipe from (with ample arrow supply) or to make sure you can find the nearest station if you've gone exploring and you want to go home (or to a mine, libary, NPC village. etc.).
  • A bed in your stations if you intend to take a prolonged visit to a point of intrest.