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Un bioma con un río.

Un río es un bioma común. Los ríos pueden servir de frontera entre varios otros biomas, y suelen desembocar en océanos, aunque también pueden formar bucles.


Suelen contener bloques de tierra, arena, arcilla, y grava. El suelo suele estar cubierto de hierba marina, y en la orilla se puede generar caña de azúcar.


Río helado[]

Similar al río normal pero con bloques de hielo.

Valores de datos[]


Java Edition:

NombreID con espacio de nombresClave de traducción
Riverriver biome.minecraft.river
Frozen Riverfrozen_river biome.minecraft.frozen_river

Bedrock Edition:

NombreID con espacio de nombresID numérico
[No displayed name]river 7
[No displayed name]frozen_river 11


A esta página le falta información. 
Edítala para añadir el contenido faltante.
La información que falta es: Legacy Console Edition.
Java Edition Beta
August 18, 2011Notch tweeted a screenshot of a revamped river biome.
1.8Pre-releaseAdded rivers as a separate biome. Previously, were generated as part of the terrain generation algorithm.
Java Edition
1.0.0Beta 1.9 PrereleaseAdded frozen river.
1.1318w08bAdded salmon, which spawn in rivers.
18w11aAdded drowneds, which spawn in rivers.
18w14aSeagrass now generates in rivers.
18w16aThe ID of frozen river has been changed from FrozenRiver to Frozen River.
1.13.118w31aSquids now only spawn in oceans and rivers, making them slightly more common in rivers, as there are fewer places elsewhere for them to spawn.
Java Edition
1.18experimental snapshot 4River biomes are less likely to form a steep, dry river gorge in mountainous terrain. Instead, they either carve a fjord through it, or they raise the terrain to form a valley.
Rivers that go through pantanos tend to be more shallow.
experimental snapshot 5Rivers are less likely to be super deep or get choked off in flat areas.
Rivers tend to get shallow and merge with swamps instead of carving through them.
Pocket Edition Alpha
v0.1.0Added biomes, including rivers.
v0.13.0build 1Added rabbits, which can spawn in frozen rivers.
v0.15.0build 1Added strays, which spawn in frozen river biomes.
Pocket Edition
1.0.0alpha polar bears, which can spawn in frozen rivers.
Bedrock Edition
1.4.0beta drowned, which spawn in river biomes.
beta salmon, which spawn in rivers.
Rivers now generate with seagrass.
1.13.0beta can now spawn in rivers.


  • Lakes can technically still generate in the waters of rivers and frozen rivers, when either are used as buffet worlds. This can be more clearly seen in frozen river worlds, as holes in the ice.
  • Regular rivers can still generate cutting through frozen rivers.
  • Both types of rivers override grietas at or close to the surface level, causing the ravine to be abruptly cut off by a wall of stone. However, if the ravine is long enough, it may continue on the other side of the river.
    • Oddly, ravines can generate underground in river biomes without being cut off.

