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Este artículo trata sobre el juego en general. Para la carpeta de datos del juego, véase .minecraft. Para las ediciones que usan el título "Minecraft", véase Bedrock Edition. Para otros usos, véase Minecraft (desambiguación).

Explora tu propio mundo único, sobrevive la noche, y crea todo lo que te imagines

Minecraft es un videojuego sandbox creado originalmente por Markus "Notch" Persson. Es mantenido por Mojang Studios, una parte de Xbox Game Studios, el cual es parte de Microsoft.

A partir de su creación, Minecraft fue desarrollado casi exclusivamente por Notch hasta que Jens "Jeb" Bergensten comenzó a trabajar con él, y desde entonces se ha vuelto la cabeza de su desarrollo. Contiene música por Daniel "C418" Rosenfeld y por Lena Raine y pinturas por Kristoffer Zetterstrand. Inicialmente publicado como se conoce hoy en día como Minecraft Classic el 17 de mayo de 2009, el juego fue completamente publicado el 18 de noviembre de 2011. Desde su publicación, Minecraft se ha expandido a dispositivos móviles y consolas. El 6 de noviembre de, 2014, Minecraft y todos los recursos de Mojang Studios fueron adquiridos por Microsoft por US$2.5 mil millones.[5][6] Notch dejó Mojang desde entonces, y ya no trabaja en Minecraft.

Minecraft se enfoca en permitirle al jugador explorar, interactuar con y modificar un mapa generado dinámicamente hecho de bloques de un metro cúbico. El entorno también contiene plantas, criaturas, y objetos. Algunas actividades en el juego incluyen minar por menas, pelear contra criaturas hostiles, y fabricar nuevos bloques y herramientas al obtener varios recursos encontrados en el juego. El modelo de abierto-cerrado del juego le permite a los jugadores crear estructuras, creaciones, y arte en varios servidores multijugador o sus mapas de un jugador. Otras características incluyen circuitos de redstone para mecanismos lógicos y acciones remotas, vagonetas y caminos, y un misterioso sub-mundo llamado el Nether. Una meta diseñada pero completamente opcional del juego es viajar a una dimensión llamada el End, y derrotar al Enderdragón.

Information icon
Minecraft Trailer from 2011

Compra y disponibilidad

Java Edition se puede comprar en el sitio web de Minecraft. Se pueden comprar códigos de regalo para otros, por el mismo precio que comprar el juego para uno mismo. La versión de demostración se puede jugar de forma gratuita. Java Edition no funciona en tablets de Windows RT o en Chromebooks.[7]

Bedrock Edition se puede comprar en la Google Play Store, App Store (iOS/iPadOS), Amazon Appstore (Fire) (Fire TV), Microsoft Store (Windows 10) (Xbox One), Nintendo eShop (Nintendo Switch), y la PlayStation Store (PlayStation 4).

Legacy Console Edition puede comprarse por medios físicos en la tienda de su respectiva plataforma, incluyendo la Xbox Games Store para Xbox 360 Edition y la Nintendo eShop para Wii U Edition. PlayStation 3 Edition y PlayStation Vita Edition solo pueden ser compradas directamente a través de sus respectivas consolas. Xbox One Edition, Nintendo Switch Edition, y PlayStation 4 Edition ya no están disponibles para compra digital directa. Estas versiones se consideran descontinuadas.

New Nintendo 3DS Edition se puede comprar por medios físicos o en la Nintendo eShop. Esta versión se considera descontinuada.


Artículo principal: Jugabilidad

Un mundo de Minecraft nuevo y reién creado.


Artículo principal: Jugador
Modelo del personaje de jugador Steve

Uno de los dos personajes de jugador predeterminados, llamado Steve.

El jugador es la persona controlada por el usuario dentro del mundo virtual. Cuando el usuario comienza una partida, el jugador entrará en un mundo generado a partir de una semilla, con un inventario vacío. If the bonus chest option is enabled, a chest filled with basic items generates near the player. The player has a health bar with 10 hearts, and can be damaged by falls, suffocation, drowning, fire, lava, lightning, cacti, sweet berry bushes, falling into the Void, falling anvils and being hit by mobs and other players. Damage to health can be mitigated by armor or Resistance potion and health can be restored by eating food and drinking specific potions, or if difficulty is set to Peaceful, health regenerates on its own. Hunger is also a factor if the difficulty is not set to Peaceful, depleting over time and even faster while sprinting, jumping or swimming. Food replenishes the hunger level; however, eating rotten flesh and raw chicken has a chance of giving the player a hunger effect. Depending on the difficulty level, starvation depletes a player's health, and may even kill the player.

El jugador podrá cambiar su aspecto en la página de perfil de Minecraft.net o en el lanzador del juego.


Artículo principal: Block

The world of Minecraft takes place within a three-dimensional grid of cubes, with each cube being occupied by a certain type of block (not all of which are necessarily cubic). There are different types of blocks; natural blocks such as grass, stone, and ores are randomly generated within the world. There are also blocks that players can craft, such as a crafting table and a furnace. Resources can be extracted from blocks by hand or by using tools. Some of these resources are simply blocks in the player's inventory that can be placed elsewhere, while others are used as material to create other blocks or tools. Others yield no practical use whatsoever. Some blocks cannot be broken through normal survival means, e.g. bedrock, end portal frames, command blocks, and barriers.


Artículo principal: Mining

Various ores (in proximity of lava) that can be mined with a pickaxe.

La minería es uno de los principales aspectos de Minecraft, y consiste en la extracción de minerales y otros materiales de las profundidades del suelo. Estos minerales incluyen el carbón, el hierro, el Oro, la redstone, el diamante, el lapislázuli y la esmeralda. Se necesita excavar para un agujero en el suelo o entrar en una cueva subterránea para cavar. Las minas son zonas generalmente abundantes en recursos y minerales.

Fabricar y fundir

Artículos principales: Crafting y Smelting
Archivo:Crafting Table JE4.png

Una mesa de trabajo, utilizada para crear la mayoría de los bloques y elementos en Minecraft.

La elaboración permite a los jugadores crear nuevas herramientas y bloques utilizando elementos de su inventario. Las versiones posteriores a menudo contienen recetas de elaboración para nuevos bloques y elementos. Para crear, un jugador puede usar la cuadrícula de 2 × 2 en el inventario o la cuadrícula de 3 × 3 proporcionada por una mesa de construcción. La fundición requiere un horno además de combustible, y procesa bloques en una forma más útil, como mineral de hierro a lingotes de hierro.

Hacer pociones y encantar

Artículos principales: Brewing y Enchanting
Enchantment Table animated experience

An Enchantment Table with glyphs being absorbed into it.

Puedes crear pociones a partir de varios ingredientes y agua utilizando un soporte de pociones. Se almacenan en una botella de vidrio y luego el jugador los consume o los arroja a otras turbas para generar un cierto efecto basado en los ingredientes utilizados para crear la poción. El encantamiento también se usa para mejorar armaduras, herramientas o armas con una mesa de encantamiento. Se puede acceder a encantamientos más poderosos ganando experiencia y colocando Estanterías alrededor de la mesa de encantamientos.


Artículo principal: Mobs
Creeper in forest

A creeper in a forest. Creepers stalk the player and then explode once they get near.

Los Mobs son los animales y otras criaturas que habitan el mapa. Las turbas hostiles atacan al jugador, mientras que las turbas pasivas no lo hacen. Las turbas neutrales atacan cuando son provocadas.

El Overworld contiene muchas turbas pasivas que pueden morir para alimentarse o criarse entre sí; estas incluyen:

  • Cerdos: deja caer chuletas de cerdo al morir y se puede montar con una montura.
  • Vacas: deja caer la carne al morir y se puede ordeñar con un balde.
  • Ovejas: suelta cordero y 1 lana al morir y puede ser esquilada para producir 1–3 de lana.
  • Pollos: suelte la carne y las plumas de pollo al morir y puede que ponga huevos
  • Caballos: arrojan cuero al morir y se pueden montar con una montura, viajando mucho más rápido que los cerdos.
  • Murcielagos: turbas ambientales que vuelan alrededor de las cuevas.

Mobs hostiles comunes que se encuentran en todo el Overworld ,incluye:

  • Zombis: ataque por daño cuerpo a cuerpo.
  • Esqueletos: tienen un arco e infinitas flechas .
  • Arañas: saltan grandes distancias y pueden trepar paredes.
  • Brujas: usan pociones para hacer daño al jugador y tienen la posibilidad de curarse. Al morir pueden soltar polvo de piedra roja , polvo de piedra luminosa , palos , pólvora , ojos de araña y la poción que tengan en mano.
  • Creepers: Explotan cuando están cerca del jugador , al morir dejan caer pólvora.
  • Endermans: altas, criaturas negras con ojos purpuras y se convierten agresivos cuando el jugador los mira a los ojos.

El overworld pueden spawnerar varios tipos de mobs y algunos en biomas especificos. biomes:

  • Spider jockeys: un esqueleto montando una araña.
  • Chicken jockeys: un bebe zombie montando una araña.
  • Slimes: aparecen en partes profundas del mapa y dentro de swamplands.
  • Villagers: inhabit villages and can trade with the player.
  • Parrots: pueden imitar los sonidos de las criaturas.
  • Wolves: Pueden ser tameados (domisticados) por el jugador y atacaran a los mobs hostiles. Pero si el jugador se compromete tambien lo atacaran.
  • Mooshrooms: mushroom variants of cows that spawn in mushroom field biomes.
  • Vindicator: spawn in woodland mansions.
  • Pillager: spawn in pillager outposts.
  • Evoker: spawn in Woodland Mansions.

Some mobs can be found exclusively in the Nether, including:

  • Ghasts: Mons voladores que disparan bolas explosivas al jugador.
  • Zombified piglins: wield golden swords and attack in hordes if provoked.
  • Wither skeletons: tall, black variants of regular skeletons that wield stone swords and drop coal and, occasionally, wither skeleton skulls that can be used to summon the wither.
  • Blazes: shoot fireballs at players and hover above the ground.
  • Magma cubes: Son similares a los slimes de la dimensión inicial.

The End contains the ender dragon, which is the main boss mob in Minecraft and allows the player to exit back to the Overworld when it dies.

Withers are the second boss mob in Minecraft, and are created by the player by placing wither skeleton skulls on top of soul sand in a specific pattern. When spawned, they shoot wither skulls at nearby non-undead mobs.

El Nether

Artículo principal: The Nether
The Nether

The Nether.

El Nether es la dimension en Minecraft, accesible desde el Overworld por un nether portal. consiste de cinco biomas, those being the Nether Wastes, the Basalt Deltas, the Crimson and Warped Forests and the Soul Sand Valleys: each biome has unique generation and terrain. It is populated by zombified piglins, blazes, ghasts, wither skeletons, magma cubes, piglins and hoglins.

El End

Artículo principal: The End
The End

The End.

The End is another dimension of the game where the player battles the ender dragon. The End is accessible by entering an end portal found in a stronghold. The End is composed of end stone and is inhabited by endermen. It also contains tall obsidian pillars on top of which are end crystals that heal the ender dragon. Once the ender dragon is slain, the exit portal is created in the center of the map, and an end gateway portal is created near an edge of the map, which transports the player to the expansive outer end islands.


Artículos principales: Server y Multiplayer

Batalla PvP en un servidor multijugador.

Minecraft multiplayer servers have developed to include their own rules and customs, guided by their administrators and moderators. The term griefer, meaning a player who causes grief, is a typical term on the Internet but has taken up its definition on Minecraft servers: a person who destroys or defiles other users' creations on servers.

Griefers are the reason many server administrators make rules, but this has been taken a step further with modifications to the Minecraft server and even plugin-based replacement servers such as Bukkit. Because of these plugin-based servers, new user-created features have shown up in Minecraft. This includes features like money, vehicles, protection, RPG elements and more. These features normally do not require modification to a user's client and can be accessed by using chat commands. With the default controls, the chat screen is brought up by pressing

Esta página ha sido etiquetada como pendiente de borrado por petición de un usuario [borrar] [discutir, enlaces]
Esto puede ser debido a una violación de las normas o bien por petición del autor.


One popular game on multiplayer servers is Spleef (a play on the word "grief"), a game where the player aims to make another player drop through the floor by destroying blocks beneath the opponent's feet. This is typically played in a designated area and is usually run automatically using server plugins.

Many popular multiplayer servers exist that may contain custom minigames or large Survival or Creative worlds.

Minecraft Realms

Artículo principal: Realms

Minecraft Realms es un servicio que ofrece un servidor oficial de suscripción en el que los jugadores pueden crear y administrar sus propios servidores privados en el juego. Hosted by Mojang Studios, Realms provides an easy and fast way to create servers and allows the owner to manage them from inside the game, without prior knowledge of the concepts for hosting on the Internet. However, Realms are not intended for large public servers, but for groups of friends or as a family server.[8] Private Realms servers are easy to set up and available 24/7 as long as the owner pays for it.


Minecraft Sales Data

Minecraft sales data, up to December, 2015.

Artículo principal: Edition

Edición Bedrock

Artículo principal: Bedrock Edition

Notch con la Pocket Edition de Minecraft.

The Bedrock Edition (also known as the Bedrock Platform, Bedrock Codebase or Bedrock Engine) refers to the multi-platform family of editions of Minecraft developed by Mojang Studios and Xbox Game Studios. Prior to this term, as the engine originated with Pocket Edition, this entire product family has been referred to using as "Pocket Edition", "MCPE", or "Pocket/Windows 10 Edition".

Minecraft, with no subtitle, is the title of all Bedrock editions of Minecraft. Before the Better Together Update, it had different subtitles on different platforms including Pocket Edition (for all mobile platforms), Windows 10 Edition, Gear VR Edition, and Fire TV Edition.

The Bedrock Edition was initially launched exclusively for the Xperia PLAY on Google Play[9] for US$6.99 on August 16, 2011. It was later released for other Android devices on October 7, 2011,[10] and iOS on November 17, 2011.[11] On September 13, 2012, the Pocket Edition was made available for purchase on the Amazon Appstore. The Windows Phone version was released on the Windows Store on December 10, 2014,[12] for which the Pocket Edition 1.0.0 release and newer are available only for Windows 10 Phone and newer. Since then, four adaptations of Pocket Edition have been released; for Windows 10 on July 29, 2015, the Samsung Gear VR on April 27, 2016, the Apple TV on December 19, 2016, and the Amazon Fire TV on December 19, 2016.[13][14][15][16] As of September 24, 2018, the Apple TV Edition has been discontinued.

Edición Java

Artículo principal: Java Edition

La Edición Java es la plataforma original de Minecraft, que se ejecuta en Windows, macOS y Linux, y que se abre a través de la pantalla de lanzamiento asociada. El juego se lanzó inicialmente en forma de "alfa de acceso anticipado privado para un solo jugador" el 16 de mayo de 2009, y le siguieron varias etapas de desarrollo (de entre las que destacan la etapa Classic, Indev, Infdev, Alfa y Beta). Finalmente, el juego fue lanzado de forma oficial el 18 de noviembre de 2011. La Edición Java ha pasado por numerosas actuaizaciones desde su lanzamiento original.

Edición Legacy Console

Artículo principal: Legacy Console Edition

Legacy Console Edition refers to the edition of Minecraft for consoles. The game had been continuously updated by its developers, 4J Studios.

The Legacy Console Edition was initially released on the Xbox 360 on May 9, 2012 followed by the unveiling on June 7, 2011 at E3 and the release date announcement on March 22nd through PlayXBLA's Twitter account. Console Edition was further released on the PlayStation 3 on December 17, 2013 (announced August 20, 2013), the Xbox One, the PlayStation 4, the PlayStation Vita, the Wii U, and the Nintendo Switch. As of December 10, 2019, all versions have been discontinued, though Bedrock Edition is continuing to be updated on the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4.

Edición New Nintendo 3DS

Artículo principal: New Nintendo 3DS Edition

Minecraft: New Nintendo 3DS Edition fue lanzado el Septiembre 13, del 2017. es un port unico desarrollado por Other Ocean Interactive. esta disponible en la nintneedo eShop , pero solo para la New 3DS y New 2DS. Multijugador es limitado a juego local. Esta edicion fue descontinuada en Enero 15, del 2019

Edición Education

Artículo principal: Education Edition

Minecraft: Education Edition es una versión educativa de Minecraft especialmente diseñada para su uso en escuelas. Está desarrollada por Mojang AB y Xbox Game Studios y contiene características que facilitan el uso de Minecraft en las aulas. El juego completo fue lanzado el 1 de noviembre de 2016.


Existen otras muchas versiones de Minecraft. Minecraft 4k is a simple version of Minecraft in the style of other "4k" Java games (everything is packaged in 4 kilobytes) that Notch has entered in contests. The Pi Edition was a free ported version of the 0.5.0 version of Pocket Edition for the Raspberry Pi,[17] which was intended as an educational tool for novice programmers. It allowed users to manipulate the game code and supported multiple programming languages, however was discontinued in January 2016. Tras el lanzamiento de Minecraft para la nueva Nintendo 3DS, Mojang hizo algunos comentarios de broma sobre una versión de Minecraft para Nintendo 64, por lo que no se descarta su lanzamiento en un futuro.

Comparación de ediciones

Edición Precio (USD) Desarrollador Plataformas Descarga Métodos de entrada de comandos Tipo de cuenta Cambios de aspectos Soporte Notas
Java Edition $26.95 Mojang Studios Windows, macOS & Linux PCs minecraft.net Keyboard & Mouse Mojang Free, user-created help.minecraft.net The most feature complete version. Access to occasional test updates known as snapshots.
Bedrock Edition $6.99 – $29.99 Mojang Studios
Xbox Game Studios
4J Studios
SkyBox Labs
Windows 10 PCs, Gear VR, Fire TV, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch PlayStation 4, iOS, iPadOS, Android, and Fire/Fire Phone devices Microsoft, Oculus, Amazon, Apple, Google, Nintendo eShop, and PlayStation Network stores Keyboard & Mouse
Microsoft Account (for achievements)
Nintendo Account (for Nintendo Switch Online)
PlayStation Plus (for online play)
Free, user-created, via in-app purchase, or via Xbox Live support.xbox.com Cross-platform local server multiplayer. Windows 10, Xbox One, and Android users have access to occasional test updates known as betas.
Minecraft Education $1 – $5 per user per year Xbox Game Studios Mac, iOS 12 (iPad only), iPadOS, Windows 10 PCs education.minecraft.net Keyboard & Mouse
Microsoft Office 365 Free, user-created educommunity.minecraft.net Designed for teaching.
China Version Free

Mojang Studios
Xbox Game Studios

Windows, Android, iOS, and iPadOS mc.163.com Keyboard & Mouse
NetEase Free, user-created, or via in-app purchase mc.163.com Transplanted from las ediciones Java y Bedrock

Juego Customizado


Artículo principal: Add-on

Add-ons are the first step toward bringing customization to all editions of Minecraft and are officially supported by Mojang Studios/Minecraft. Currently, add-ons are supported only on Bedrock Edition platforms, including Windows 10, Gear VR, and Fire TV editions. They currently allow players to transform the look of their worlds and change the behavior of mobs.

Paquetes de Recursos

Artículo principal: Resource pack

The game officially supports changing most of its various textures, sounds, and texts through resource packs. Resource packs must contain a certain structure of files and folders placed in the .minecraft/resourcepacks folder. Installed resource packs, as well as the folder in which resource packs are placed, can be accessed in the options menu. The extent to which the resources are changed is dependent on how many files are contained in the resource pack.

Paquete de datos

Artículo principal: Data pack

Data packs‌[Solo Java Edition] provide a way for players to further customize vanilla worlds in a similar way to resource packs. Unlike resource packs, which modify the game's resources, data packs can be used to override or add new advancements, functions, loot tables, structures, recipes and tags without any code modification.


Artículo principal: Skin

La piel se refiere a la textura que se coloca sobre un modelo de jugador o mob. La piel se divide en áreas que actúan como la superficie del personaje (por ejemplo, el área de la cabeza delantera, el área de la pierna izquierda, etc.). Un skin sólo permite el uso de colores sólidos; no se permiten transparencias en el archivo del skin, excepto en la segunda capa, que es transparente por defecto; jugando fuera de línea, los píxeles pueden quedar libres dando lugar a "agujeros" en el skin. La segunda capa puede utilizarse para dotar al personaje de gafas, sombreros u otros accesorios. Los jugadores también pueden cambiar el tamaño del brazo para que sea delgado o normal. La variante delgada tiene 3 píxeles de ancho, mientras que la variante normal tiene 4 píxeles de ancho.

Edición Bedrock

En Bedrock Edition, there are many more types of skin customization. Players can add 3D custom hair, eyes, mouths, arms, legs and more. Players can also change the size of a character. Players can also get many different accessories for the skin. However, the player cannot do this with a custom skin, only with an in-game skin. Players can also buy accessories and skins en Bedrock Edition. Having a skin that is smaller than normal or larger does not affect the hitbox size, but can still give an advantage in multiplayer servers because if how much harder it is to see them. Some of the skins also do not show their armor or hand-held items.

Edición Java

En Java Edition, there are no special features in the skins. This version has only the features listed in the first part of this section.


Artículo principal: Cape

Capes are an extremely rare vanity item can be equipped to the back of a player. The player can have a custom cape using mods or hacks, but only the player or sometimes other players using the mod/hack can see it. En Bedrock Edition, players start with a cape that is not equipped by default. En Bedrock Edition, some skins come with capes.

Capes also flail around when the player runs. When the player equips elytra, the texture of the elytra changes to an equipped cape.

Mods No Oficiales

Artículo principal: Mods

Minecraft can be modified by replacing or adding Java class files to minecraft.jar en Java Edition. This method of making modifications is not supported by Mojang as it can break the game if the mod is outdated, defective, or in conflict with another mod. Some such modifications impressed Notch or Jeb sufficiently that they were added to the game and the authors were credited under Additional Programming. Some examples of mods being implemented into the main game include Hippoplatimus' Piston Mod and horses from Dr. Zhark's Mo' Creatures mod were added in Beta 1.7 and 1.6.1 respectively.

Third-party programs

Artículo principal: Programs and editors

There are many programs designed for Minecraft. These include 3D map editors and viewers, game modifiers, various informational programs (such as crafting recipes), and server wrappers, and other specialty programs. As with mods, these too are not supported by Mojang.



Minecraft: The Story of Mojang

Artículo principal: Minecraft: The Story of Mojang

Minecraft: The Story of Mojang es un documental de 2012 creado por 2 Player Productions, que trata sobre la historia y el desarrollo de Mojang Studios. It was directed by Paul Owens and produced by Paul Levering, Peter De Bourcier and Burnie Burns, with additional funding given through a Kickstarter campaign. The movie was announced on February 21, 2011, was streamed on Xbox Live on December 22, 2012, and publicly released on other platforms, including The Pirate Bay, the next day.

Minecraft: The Movie

Artículo principal: Minecraft: The Movie

Minecraft: The Movie is an upcoming live-action American-Swedish film based on the video game of the same name. It was originally being directed by Rob McElhenney and written by Jason Fuchs, but have now been replaced by Peter Sollett and Allison Schroeder. Originally slated to be released on March 4, 2022, the release date is now unknown due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Minecraft: The Island

Artículo principal: Minecraft: The Island

Minecraft: The Island es una novela del autor americano Maximillian Brooks. Fue publicada por Del Rey Books el 18 de julio de 2017.

Minecraft: The Crash

Artículo principal: Minecraft: The Crash

Minecraft: The Crash is a novel by Trinidadian author Tracey Baptiste. It was published by Del Rey Books on July 10, 2018.

Minecraft: The Lost Journals

Artículo principal: Minecraft: The Lost Journals

Minecraft: The Lost Journals is a novel by American author Mur Lafferty. It was published by Del Rey Books on July 9, 2019.

Minecraft: The End

Artículo principal: Minecraft: The End

Minecraft: The End is a novel by American author Catherynne M. Valente. It was published by Del Rey Books on December 3, 2019.

Minecraft: The Voyage

Artículo principal: Minecraft: The Voyage

Minecraft: The Voyage is a novel by American author Jason Fry. It was published by Del Rey Books on May 5, 2020.

Minecraft: The Shipwreck

Artículo principal: Minecraft: The Shipwreck

Minecraft: The Shipwreck is a novel by Chinese-Vietnamese-American author C.B. Lee. It was published by Del Rey Books on November 3, 2020.

Minecraft: The Mountain

Artículo principal: Minecraft: The Mountain

Minecraft: La Montaña es una próxima novela del autor estadounidense Maximillian Brooks. Es la continuación de Minecraft: La Isla, está previsto que sea publicada por Del Rey Books el 2 de marzo de 2021.

Children's books

Minecraft: Woodsword Chronicles

Artículo principal: Minecraft: Woodsword Chronicles

Minecraft: Woodsword Chronicles is a series of children's books written by Nick Eliopulos and illustrated by Luke Flowers and Alan Batson.

Minecraft: Stonesword Saga

Artículo principal: Minecraft: Stonesword Saga

Minecraft: Stonesword Saga is an upcoming series of children's books written by Nick Eliopulos.


Minecraft Mini-Series

Artículo principal: Minecraft Mini-Series

The Minecraft Mini-Series is an action/adventure animated web series based on Mojang Studios's Minecraft. The series is produced by Mojang AB and Xbox Game Studios in collaboration with Atomic Cartoons and Mattel Creations, with Christopher Keenan serving as executive producer, and premiered on October 26, 2017, on the Mattel Action YouTube channel, with the final episode being released on May 10, 2018.

Dark Horse Comics series

Artículo principal: Minecraft (Dark Horse Comics)

Minecraft is a graphic novel series based on the video game of the same name, published by Dark Horse Comics in partnership with Mojang Studios.

Builders & Biomes

Artículo principal: Minecraft: Builders & Biomes

Minecraft: Builders & Biomes is a board game published by Mojang Studios and Ravensburger. In the game, players explore the Overworld and build structures while defeating hostile mobs, with the goal being to score as many experience points as possible. Players are also allowed to collect blocks and weapons.

Otros juegos

Minecraft: Story Mode

Artículo principal: Minecraft: Story Mode

Minecraft: Story Mode was an episodic point-and-click narrative-driven graphic adventure video game based on the sandbox video game Minecraft, released in October 2015 across multiple platforms with a Windows 10 release on December 16, 2015, a Wii U released on January 21, 2016, and Apple TV release on August 24, 2016, a Nintendo Switch released on August 22, 2017, and a Netflix released on November 27, 2018. The game was developed by Mojang Studios, the developer of Minecraft, in collaboration with Telltale Games. Music for the game was composed by Anadel, an atmospheric folk band based in California. The game follows the episodic format that Telltale has used for its previous titles, where player choices and actions have significant effects on later story elements. The game is discontinued as of June 25, 2019, due to the closure of Telltale Games on October 11, 2018.

Minecraft: Story Mode - Season Two

Artículo principal: Minecraft: Story Mode - Season Two

Minecraft: Story Mode - Season Two was an episodic point-and-click narrative-driven graphic adventure video game based on the sandbox video game Minecraft, released in July 2017 across multiple platforms, with a Nintendo Switch released on November 6, 2018. The game was developed by Mojang Studios, the developer of Minecraft, in collaboration with Telltale Games. Music for the game was composed by Anadel, an atmospheric folk band based in California. The game follows the episodic format that Telltale has used for its previous titles, where player choices and actions have significant effects on later story elements. The game is discontinued as of June 25, 2019, due to the closure of Telltale Games on October 11, 2018.

Minecraft Dungeons

Artículo principal: Minecraft Dungeons

Minecraft Dungeons is an action/adventure role-playing game developed by Mojang Studios, Xbox Game Studios and Double Eleven. It released May 26, 2020 release for Windows, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Minecraft Earth

Artículo principal: Minecraft Earth

Minecraft Earth is an augmented reality mobile game that was released in October 17, 2019, and is available on iOS (iOS 13 and later), iPadOS, and Android (8.0 and later) The Both iOS Must support ARKit And ARCore and it also needs Wi-Fi Internet access.


LEGO Minecraft

Artículo principal: LEGO Minecraft

In December 2011, Mojang submitted the concept of Minecraft merchandise to LEGO for the Lego Cuusoo program, from which it quickly received 10,000 votes by users, prompting LEGO to review the concept.[18] On January 24, 2012, LEGO Cuusoo announced the concept was approved and they would develop sets based around Minecraft. In February 2012, the first LEGO Minecraft set of Micro World was showcased and made available for pre-order, with a release set for mid-2012.[19]

Libros de Minecraft

Artículo principal: Minecraft Books

The Official Minecraft Books are a series of guidebooks for Minecraft, written for new and inexperienced players while being high-quality enough for collectors. The books are written by various authors; a few of them being well-known Minecraft personalities such as Jordan Maron and Paul Soares Jr. Originally published by Scholastic beginning in 2013, publishing rights were later transferred to Del Rey Books in 2016, who have continued publishing various Minecraft books to this day.




Mojang Studios' trophies.

Since release Minecraft has won numerous awards including:

  • PC Gamer's "Game of the Year"[20]
  • Independent Games Festival's Grand Prize and "Audience Award"[21]
  • Good Game's "Best Downloadable Game of 2010"
  • Rock Paper Shotgun's "Game of the Year"[22]
  • Indie DB's "Indie of the Year", "Most Innovative and Best Singleplayer Indie"[23]
  • Game Developers Choice Awards's "Best Debut Game", "Best Downloadable Game" and "Most Innovative Game Award"[24]

Referencias en cultura popular

Many references have been made in culture in response to the popularity of Minecraft, this includes many memes and also references in these video games, TV shows, and movies.


  • In Super Meat Boy, Steve?[25] is an unlockable character. He is known as Mr. Minecraft in this game.
  • In Battlefield Heroes, players could get a Royal Minecraft T-Shirt or a National Minecraft T-Shirt from the 29th to the 31st of July, 2011.[26]
  • In Team Fortress 2, there is a hat called Top Notch that resembles Notch's avatar in a cubic form.[27] Notch is the only person to have this hat.
  • In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and The Binding of Isaac, an item called the "Notched Pickaxe" can be found and used, referencing the game's creator Notch, and the pickaxes that feature prominently in Minecraft.[28][29]
  • In ChopLifter HD, there is a hidden island with Steve and chickens in the "Operation Charlie Takedown" mission.[30] When he is saved, players unlock an in-game achievement. It should be noted that Steve is called "Blockhead" in this game.
  • In the PlayStation 3 game, PixelJunk Shooter 2, there's a small Creeper in the title screen hidden among other enemies native to Shooter 2.[31]
  • In Borderlands 2, there is a hidden section of the game with blocks in the style of Minecraft's stone and breakable ore blocks. There are also enemy Creepers in this same area.[32]
  • In Torchlight 2, there is an area called "Notch's Mine." In it are Creepers, that can be killed for loot. There are also hidden swords in the game with the same graphics as swords in Minecraft.[33]
  • In Patch 1.13 of Awesomenauts, a new skin for the character Clunk was added known as Creeper Clunk. It is unlocked by killing a player using the Creeper Clunk skin.[34]
  • A vehicle card in Dusk of D.A.W.N. is called "Mine Craft". The description at the bottom says "The Mine Craft is truly top-notch".[35] Notch's Twitter picture is hidden on the card.
  • One of the many paths in The Stanley Parable eventually takes the player to a Minecraft world.[36]
  • In Plague Inc, a popular multiplatform game, there is a chance for a message in the news to appear with the headline: "Top notch mine opens in Sweden" and the caption "Miners and crafters look forward to the opening of a new, top notch diamond mine which is expected to revitalize the Swedish economy". This is a reference to the value of diamonds, Notch, Mojang's headquarters in Sweden, and the game itself.[37]
  • In Terraria, there is a wearable creeper costume.[38]
  • In The Henry Stickmin Collection, there are multiple references to Minecraft throughout the chapters. In the prologue, Breaking the Bank, if the player chooses the "shovel" option, Henry tries to get inside the bank by digging under the walls, but hits and ignites a gas main; the failure message is "Never dig straight down.", a well-known Minecraft tip. In chapter 2, Stealing the Diamond, if the player selects the "sneak in" option and then the "pickaxe", Henry begins to mine the wall of the museum the diamond is in, only for a creeper to come up behind him and explode. Henry survives, however, and the explosion gave the entrance that Henry needed. In chapter 5, Completing the Mission, if the player launches with the "Government Supported Private Investigator" and "Convict Allies" ending, and then selects the "jetpack" option, the player can select the "build" option, in which Henry begins building a bridge out of dirt blocks from the building he is standing on to the Toppat rocket. However, Henry runs out of dirt blocks and accidently walks off the edge, and falls to his death, with the fail message saying "You died!", similar to the Minecraft death screen. Additionally, if the player launches with the "Government Supported Private Investigator" and "Ghost Inmate" ending, and then selects the "Magic Hat" and "Free Transform" options, the player can select the "Leafmöde" option, and a diamond block can be seen near the painting.
  • In There Is No Game : Wrong Dimension, there is a RPG Dimension called Legend of the Secret and its Free2Play variant Legend of the Secret Ultimate Clicker VIP Deluxe 4.2 Free with lootboxes contain parody ads. One of those ads is Ninecraft with C418-like BGM, and player can break the title, get nine puzzle pieces and combine them in a 3x3 grid to make a pickaxe useful in gameplay. Mr. Game comments Ninecraft as "another one of those 'indie games' that's doomed to fail".
  • In Ark: Survival Evolved, Ovis commonly makes a variety of sheep sounds.
  • In Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Steve, Alex, the Zombie, and the Enderman are featured fighters included in its DLC, as well as themed stages and remixed music.

Programas de TV y películas

  • En la temporada 17 de South Park, el segundo episodio representó a un niño enseñando Minecraft a adultos.[39]
  • En el tráiler de la película The Walking Deceased, el sonido de un zombi de Minecraft puede ser escuchado en el segundo 0:30.[40]
  • En la temporada 25 de "Los Simpsons", el capítulo 17 presenta el mundo llamado SimCraft, con una estética de estilo Minecraft para personajes y escenarios, y concluyendo con el tendero Moe explotando como un creeper y destruyendo parte de la casa de los protagonistas.[41]
  • In Season 3 Episode 10 of Rick and Morty, the title characters mention or are seen playing Minecraft throughout parts of the episode.[42]
  • In Ready Player One (Steven Spielberg), the opening scene in the Oasis shows a Minecraft planet.
  • In season 10 of Adventure Time, an episode named Diamonds and Lemons shows the characters in a Minecraft-like universe.



  1. https://twitter.com/jeb_/status/122350670648066049
  2. http://www.mojang.com/2015/12/minecraft-coming-to-nintendo-wii-u
  3. http://www.mojang.com/2016/11/minecraft-education-edition-has-launched
  4. "Minecraft on new 3DS!" – Minecraft.net
  5. http://www.mojang.com/2014/09/yes-were-being-bought-by-microsoft
  6. https://twitter.com/xboxp3/status/530368089418784768
  7. https://help.minecraft.net/hc/articles/360035131371
  8. https://twitter.com/danfrisk/status/311725356434460672
  9. https://play.google.com/details?id=com.mojang.minecraftpe
  10. https://twitter.com/Kappische/status/122246496941899776
  11. http://appleinformer.org/2011/11/minecraft-pocket-edition-for-ios-now-available-for-download
  12. https://windowscentral.com/minecraft-pocket-edition-comes-windows-phone
  13. http://www.mojang.com/2015/07/announcing-minecraft-windows-10-edition-beta
  14. https://www3.oculus.com/en-us/blog/minecraft-now-available-on-oculus-for-gear-vr
  15. https://minecraft.net/article/apple-tv-edition-released
  16. https://amazon.com/dp/B01NCJDPER
  17. http://www.mojang.com/2012/11/minecraft-is-coming-to-the-raspberry-pi
  18. https://kotaku.com/5878848
  19. https://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-57379791-1
  20. https://pcgamer.com/2010/12/31/pc-gamer-uks-game-of-the-year
  21. https://indiegamesplus.com/2011/01/2011_independent_games_festiva_10
  22. https://rockpapershotgun.com/2010/12/24/the-games-of-christmas-%E2%80%9910-day-24
  23. https://indiedb.com/events/2010-indie-of-the-year-awards/winners
  24. https://gamechoiceawards.com/archive/gdca_11th.html
  25. https://twitter.com/notch/status/6825860292157440
  26. http://www.mojang.com/2011/07/30/collaboration-with-our-neighbors-battlefield-heroes
  27. wordofnotch:13353738451
  28. https://skyrim.gamepedia.com/Notched_Pickaxe
  29. https://bindingofisaacrebirth.gamepedia.com/Notched_Axe
  30. https://youtube.com/watch?v=xF4bWOu0Hn0
  31. http://archive.beefjack.com/files/2011/03/creeper2.jpg
  32. https://youtube.com/watch?v=1xI4deYmDNQ
  33. https://youtube.com/watch?v=wlqBPeV8uuw
  34. https://imgur.com/a/WzQI3#bm2rLCQ
  35. https://reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/1kji7a/mine_craft_from_dusk_of_dawn_a_small_tribute
  36. https://youtube.com/watch?v=ULxvda_REuQ
  37. https://i.imgur.com/qKCIxPZ.jpg
  38. https://youtube.com/watch?v=7g2WcnvUtiY
  39. https://www.southparkstudios.com/episodes/4sa1hk/south-park-informative-murder-porn-season-17-ep-2
  40. https://youtube.com/watch?v=eEJzl3GX0P8#t=0m28s
  41. https://youtube.com/watch?v=XheEGpNegbQ
  42. https://youtube.com/watch?v=wwqvG_5iQSQ