- De alguna manera, póngase en contacto con los desarrolladores para averiguar los nombres oficiales de los tres End Illagers.
- Agrega un ícono para los logros y algunos efectos.
- Crea un render para Void Voyager y las turbas que no tienen renderizado.
- Agregue el audio para las voces en off.

Logo oficial para el DLC Echoing Void.

Arte oficial para el Echoing Void DLC. (Desde twitter) @dungeonsgame
El Ehoing Void es un DLC de Minecraft Dungeons que toma lugar en la dimensión del End, que se anunció en la Minecraft Live 2020 y se publicó el 28 de julio de 2021. Este DLC toma lugar en la pestaña Otras dimensiones como el DLC Nether DLC presentado en Minecraft Live 2020. Es el ultimo DLC de pase de temporada después de MCD:Las cumbres de los aullidos, del Nether DLC y del Ocean DLC.

The Stronghold where the first half of Echoing Void takes place.

The End Islands where the second half of Echoing Void takes place.
Echoing Void esta basado en la dimencion End del juego base. El héroe comienza en una fortaleza debajo de una pequeña isla. La isla está formada por abetos que crecen en una pequeña colina. En la isla hay un camino corto que va desde la playa hasta la entrada de una pequeña cueva. Debajo de la entrada de la cueva está la sala del portal de la fortaleza, que no contiene nada más que un Portal final activado.Portal del End. El portal conduce al área sur del mapa Echoing Void, que se compone de islas flotantes con Plantas Coral y Aroles del End. Se puede ver una End City cerca del área sureste. Se pueden ver dos End Gateways en el lado este, presumiblemente conectando el área sury el área norte. Se pueden ver varios edificios en islas flotantes, que están conectadas a través de puentes. Se puede ver el Vacío fundido cayendo de algunas islas. Cerca de la esquina noroeste, hay una gran área circular, la capital de la ciudad, rodeada de rocas, donde tiene lugar la batalla final contra el Corazon Vengativo de Ender
En este paquete de contenido descargable se incluye lo siguiente:
Evitable | Quemandose | Docena de buzos | Finalizar ejecución | Rompe Corazones | Los necesito a todos | Toma la carretera principal | El calamar epónimo | Hacia el End! | Tesoro |
- Atuendo de artista
- Shulker Armor
- Sturdy Shulker Armor
- Teleportation Robes
- Unstable Robes
- Shadow Shifter
- Tome of Duplication
- Vexing Chant
- Void Quiver
- Unused map artifact.
- Burning Brew
- Chorus Fruit
- Elytra
- Eye of Ender
- Shadow Form
- Thrive Under Pressure
- Void Touched
- Voided
- Ambush
- Dipping Poison
- Levitation Shot
- Shadow Barb
- Shadow Blast
- Disparo de fusible
- Shadow Surge
- Shared Pain
- Swarm Resistance
- Void Strike
- Corrupted Defender
- Void Voyager
No usados[]
- End Rogue (Unused)
Missions that are first introduced by the Echoing Void DLC:
- The Stronghold
- End Wilds
- Broken Citadel
Missions that are updated by the Echoing Void DLC:
- Pumpkin Pastures
- Highblock Halls
- Soggy Swamp
- Desert Temple
- Cacti Canyon
- Creeper Woods
No usados[]
- Sub Endcity (Unused)
Mobs that are first introduced by the Echoing Void DLC:
- Armored End Vindicator [Nombre no oficial] (Cinematic)
- Blastling (Enderling)
- Endermite (Cosmetic pet)
- Endermite (mob)
- Endersent
- Binding Eye
- Blight Eye
- Ravenous Eye
- Reaping Eye
- Savage Eye
- Spiked Eye
- End Illager [Nombre no oficial] (Cinematic)
- End Vindicator [Nombre no oficial] (Cinematic)
- Guardian Vex (Summonable mob)
- Imperfect Heart of Ender (Non-attackable)
- Parrot (mob) (Cinematic)
- Shulker
- Shulker Bullet (Non-attackable)
- Silverfish
- Scuttling Torment (Ancient Silverfish)
- Snareling (Enderling)
- The Swarm (Ancient Snareling)
- Snareling Goop (Non-attackable)
- Trader Llama (Cinematic)
- Vengeful Heart of Ender (Boss)
- Wandering Trader (Cinematic)
- Watchling (Enderling)
- Watcher of The End (Ancient Watchling)
Mobs that appear in the Echoing Void DLC but introduced in the Mainland or previous DLC:
- Armored Drowned
- Armored Mountaineer
- Armored Pillager
- Armored Skeleton
- Armored Trident Drowned
- Armored Vindicator
- Armored Zombie
- Bee (Cinematic)
- Blacksmith (Cinematic)
- Cave Spider
- Chicken (Cinematic)
- Creeper
- Diamond Key Golem
- Drowned
- Drowned Necromancer
- Enchanter
- Enderman
- Evoker
- Evoker Fang (Non-attackable)
- Geomancer
- Geomancer Bomb (Non-attackable)
- Geomancer Wall (Non-attackable)
- Gift Wrapper (Cinematic)
- Ice Chunk (Non-attackable)
- Iceologer
- Illusioner
- Illusioner Clone
- Iron Golem (Cinematic)
- Key Golem
- Luxury Merchant (Cinematic)
- Mystery Merchant (Cinematic)
- Mountaineer
- Necromancer
- Ocelot (Cinematic)
- Pig (Cinematic)
- Piggy Bank
- Saqueador
- Raid Captain
- Ravager
- Redstone Golem
- Royal Guard
- Skeleton
- Skeleton Vanguard
- Spider
- Trident Drowned
- Vex
- Villager (Non-attackable)
- Vindicator
- Wraith
- Zombie
No usados[]
- Chicken (mob) (Unused)
- Enchantsmith (Unused)
- Backstabber
- Swift Striker
- Obsidian Claymore
- The Starless Night
- Ballesta sombría
- Veiled Crossbow
- Void Touched Blades
- The Beginning and The End
- Void Bow
Minecraft Dungeons | |||||
October 3, 2020 | Echoing Void revealed during Minecraft Live 2020 in early development. | ||||
October 3, 2020 | In the Minecraft Live recap above, the Arch-Illager is shown. However, this was confirmed to be a placeholder from a developer tweet.[1] | |||| | The End Rogue is added into the game files. | ||||
July 9, 2021 | A video was shown of two Endermen pulling piedra blocks away in the Overworld, with one finding and grabbing the remains of the Orb of Dominance, being a hint to the Echoing Void’s story.[2] | ||||
July 11, 2021 | A second video was shown. This one showed an End Portal with the portal itself depicting a distorted face. This face was confirmed to be the distorted face of the Vengeful Heart of Ender’s first form peering from the void. This further hinted at the story.[3] | ||||
July 12, 2021 | The name for the DLC is revealed to be Echoing Void and the release date is July 28, 2021.[4] | ||||
July 16, 2021 | A twitter video was released on July 16 of 2021, which showcased a few hints of the DLC missions.[5] | ||||
July 23, 2021 | The Echoing Void episode of the Dungeons Diaries was released on July 23 of 2021.[6] | ||||
July 26, 2021 | The soundtrack for the Echoing Void was released.[7] | ||||
July 27, 2021 | A video was released on July 27 of 2021, which showcased a cutscene of going through the End Portal in the Stronghold mission.[8] | ||||
July 28, 2021 | Echoing Void Release Trailer is announced.[9] | |||| | Echoing Void released. | |||| | Added Echoing Void Daily Trials. |
- It is the only DLC in which official artwork is not shown as background in Minecraft Dungeons section of Minecraft Launcher. Instead, Ultimate Edition background is shown.
- In a blog post, it was revealed that the Blastling, the Snareling, and the Watchling are members of the species officially known as Enderlings.
- From July 28, 2021 to August 2, 2021, there was a bug where Daily Trials did not appear for the DLC. A similar bug was present with Howling Peaks from the release of that DLC to Flames of the Nether.
A saqueador can be seen near the top of the screenshot of the Echoing Void DLC in Minecraft Dungeons. It was likely a placeholder for the Blastling.
3 Endermen, close to an end gateway, with one missing it's attack on the hero. It is likely a placeholder for the Watchling.
- ↑ “It is still lots of WIP so he might have sneaked in there by mistake as a placeholder mob haha... Or...?!” – @bjorkefors
- ↑ “They have found it…” – @dungeonsgame
- ↑ “The End… is coming!” – @dungeonsgame
- ↑ “Heroes! The hour is late, the threat is real, the End is nigh! Echoing Void DLC teleports into Dungeons on July 28 – together with the game’s Ultimate Edition of all six DLCs! Read more as the story reaches its final-dimensional conclusion.” – @dungeonsgame
- ↑ “What are those Endermen up to? What’ve they found? Who are the Endersent? Some things must remain a mystery for now, but our FAQs have all the practical info you need about Echoing Void DLC, the free update, and the sparkly new Ultimate Edition.” – @dungeonsgame
- ↑ “It’s the End, but not the end! Hear from our dev team about Echoing Void – the gripping conclusion of your Dungeons' story, and learn more about the free update, the Ultimate Edition and life after the Orb of Dominance. Watch the full episode now.” – @dungeonsgame
- ↑ “Silently waiting, patience unabating. It’s nearly time for their attack, but in the interim here’s the soundtrack!” – @dungeonsgame
- ↑ “Tomorrow. The End. Is. Calling...” – @dungeonsgame
- ↑ “Pull on your elytra, count those Eyes of Ender, and pray this won’t be your end too; Echoing Void DLC is out now! With the truth finally unfolding, learn more about the gripping end to the Dungeons’ Orb of Dominance saga.” – @dungeonsgame