Dies ist eine Liste von Bedrock Edition 1.16.220 Entwicklungsversionen.
Beta ist die erste Beta-Version für die Bedrock Edition 1.16.220, die am 4. März 2021 veröffentlich wurde,[1] die neue Bergbiome hinzufügte und Leuchttintenfisch-bezogene Features wieder einfügte.
- Ein Dekorationsblock.
- Er scheint aus den gleichen Materialien wie Stalaktiten und Stalagmiten zu bestehen, ist aber ein vollständiger Würfel.
- Kann aus 4 Spitzer Tropfstein hergestellt werden.
- Dem Spiel wieder hinzugefügt.
- Dem Spiel wieder hinzugefügt.
- Dem Spiel wieder hinzugefügt.
- Zerklüftete Gipfel
- Eine neue Unterart von Bergen
- Vereiste Gipfel
- Eine neue Unterart von Bergen
- Verschneite Hänge
- Eine neue Unterart von Bergen
- Berghain
- Eine neue Unterart von Bergen
- Alm
- Eine neue Unterart von Bergen
- Die Textfarbe kann nun mit Farbstoffen geändert werden.
- Eisenerz, Steinkohle, Smaragderz, Diamanterz, Golderz, Lapislazulierz, Kupfererz, and Redstone-Erz
- Die Texturen wurden an die Java Edition angepasst.
- Die Textur des Gegenstands wurde an die Java Edition angepasst.
- Die Welthöhe wurde von 256 auf 320 Blöcke erhöht.
- Die untere Grenze der Oberwelt liegt immer noch bei y=0.
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Beta is the second beta version for Bedrock Edition 1.16.220, released on March 11, 2021,[2] which fixes bugs.
- GameTest Framework
- Renamed all references of Actor to Entity.
- Renamed BlockPos to BlockLocation.
- Added startSequence in GameTest which allows finer control over advanced test sequences.
- GameTest sequence callbacks no longer take tests a parameter as the initial test object now lives as long as the whole test.
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Beta is the third beta version for Bedrock Edition 1.16.220, released on March 18, 2021,[3] which adds new Üppige Höhlen blocks and changes the Weltengeneration downwards to Y -64.
- Bush block which can be planted on Erde and Grasblock.
- Has either no blossoms or purple blossoms.
- Azalea can grow from Moos blocks when Knochenmehl is used.
- Can be used as fuel.
- Has either no blossoms or purple blossoms.
- Yield azalea and sticks on decay.
- A natural light source with a light level of 14 when it has berries.
- Drop Leuchtbeeren.
- Berries appear using Knochenmehl.
- Berries can be harvested by interacting with the vine.
- Grow from glow berries when placed on the underside of a block.
- Allows an entity to stay on it for 1.5 seconds (30 ticks), before the entity will fall through it.
- The tilt happens in 3 stages: unstable, partial and full.
- All the stages are solid except the full stage, which is when the player falls through.
- When nobody is standing on it, it is set to none stage.
- The tilt happens in 3 stages: unstable, partial and full.
- Comes in two sizes: small and big. Small can be applied Knochenmehl to grow into big.
- The tilt can also be triggered by hitting the plant with a projectile.
- The tilt can be prevented by powering it with redstone, but hitting it with a projectile still tilts.
- Decorative blocks that can only be placed on the undersidede of a block.
- Obtained with schere, otherwise breaks.
- An opaque block with a grassy texture on all sides.
- Can be bonemealed to grow Gras, höhes Gras, Moosteppiche and both types of azaleas on it and in its vicinity.
- Breaks when pushed by a piston.
- Uses the same texture as the moss block, but one pixel thick.
- Crafted with moss blocks.
- Decorative block with roots on its texture.
- Similar to Grobe Erde, neither Myzel nor Gras spread to it.
- Using a hoe on one turns it into normal Erde and drops a hanging roots.
- Using bone meal on some will grow hanging roots underneath.
- Can only be placed on the underside of a block.
- Sends particles downward and around the spore blossom when opened.
- Partikel
- Added the
- Kupferblock, Geschnittener Kupferblock, and variants
- Waxing the block now emits yellow particles.
- Axt can now be used to scrape off wax and oxidation (one stage at a time).
- Scraping off the wax from the block emits white particles.
- Blitz now may clean oxidation, reverting the oxidation process by one or several stages.
- Chances of cleaning and number of reverted stages are higher the closer to the struck block.
- The Copper Block variant names are now changed to match Java Edition.
- Renamed Copper Block to Block of Copper.
- Removed the word "Block" from oxidized variants of Block of Copper, including waxed variants.
- The IDs have also been updated.
- Copper Blocks ID are no longer stored into block states and now split between oxidization stages.
- Is now affected by the
- No longer rotated vertically when placing.
- Can now be waterlogged.
- Now emits particles when in contact with rain.
- Now has sounds for being dyed.
- Eat glow berries.
- Altitude
- Generation range and build limits have been expanded by 64 blocks up and 64 blocks down, to a total range of 384 blocks
- Underground Höhlen, Schluchten and structures generate all the way down to y -64
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