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Java Edice

Datum vydání

May 16, 2009

Stažení Unavailable

mc-161616 je pre-Classic verze Minecraftu (Java Edice) that was released on 16. května 2009, at 16:16 UTC,[1] which made changes to mouse movement and fixed bugs.



  • Mačkání Y otočí osu Y na myši.[2]
  • Změněn kód myši.[3]


  • Testers still reported issues with the mouse code.[4] This version also reportedly had texture issues,[5][6] a broken mouse invert,[7] and FPS drops when turning the camera.[8]


  1. TigIRC logs: (12:16:34) notch: dock, fartron: There's a new version up. Reload the page
  2. TigIRC logs: (12:16:40) notch: 'Y' swaps the y axis on the mouse
  3. TigIRC logs: (12:16:48) notch: and the mouse look code is changed
  4. TigIRC logs: (12:19:06) dock: mouse look is better... but still slightly unpleasant
  5. TigIRC logs: (12:18:41) fartron: i reloaded and now there are no textures
  6. TigIRC logs: (12:19:58) fartron: textures aren't loading for me
  7. TigIRC logs: (12:29:17) fartron: still white and still no invert..
  8. TigIRC logs: (12:23:05) dock: seems like it is running at <10fps rotation smoothness when I rotate