Java Edice 1.12
Edice | |
Official name |
World of Color Update[1] |
Datum vydání |
7 června 2017 |
Other instances of 1.12 |
◄◄ 1.11 ◄ 1.11.2
1.12.1 ► 1.13 ►► |
1.12, první verze tzv. aktualizace World of Color Update (aktualizace světa barev)[1], je jednou z významných aktualizací Minecraftu. Tato aktualizace přidává nový systém craftingu, rady pro začátečníky, glazovanou terakotu, beton, barevné postele, iluzionisty a papoušky. Achievementy jsou nahrazeny advancementy.
- Pokroky
- Nahrazují Ocenění
- Mohou být přizpůsobeny soubory JSON
- Vytvořeny na základě záložkové uživatelském rozhraní
- 5 záložek (více je podporováno):
- Minecraft: Srdce a příběh hry.
- Dobrodružství: Dobrodružství, průzkum a boj.
- Podsvětí: Přineste si letní oblečení.
- Konec: Nebo začátek?
- Živočišnost: Svět je plný přátel a jídla.
- Data UI, včetně umístění a uspořádání
- 5 záložek (více je podporováno):
- Podporuje odměny ve formě receptů, kořisti, zkušeností a funkcí
- Jediný způsob jak získat odměnu je splnit Výzvu, která vám předá zkušenosti.
- Pop up-up "toast" upozornění, kdy hráči postupují
- Nový posuvný efekt
- Dodává se ve dvou různých barvách - žluté pro normální pokrok a růžové pro "výzvou"
- Zobrazování čísel sleduje pokrok při dokončení postupů s více požadavky
- Ovládání
- Přidána možnost uložení hlavní lišty předmětů v herním modu Tvoření
- Přidáno nové klíče pro otevření pokroků (výchozí "L")
- Kreativita
- Do inventáře byla přidána záložka "Uložené lišta předmětů"
- Lištu předmětů lze uložit pomocí C+1-9 a načíst jej lze pomocí X+1-9
- Lze uložit až 9 lišt
- Nelze uložit prázdnou lištu
- Funkce
- Přidán nový funkční systém, což jsou textové soubory s příponou
- Pro příklad, přejdeme-li na
/function custom:example/test
budeme přesměrováni na soubor uložen vWORLDNAME/data/functions/custom/example/test.mcfunction
- Pro příklad, přejdeme-li na
- Funkce jsou seznam příkazů, jeden řádek na každý příkaz (bez lomítka), s podporou # komentářů
- JSON format
- Added 'group' to recipe json format, to clump similar recipes together
- Added new 'keybind' text component, to refer to the player's keybindings
- Úvodní nabídka
- Po kliknutí na autorské právo v pravém dolním rohu spustíte závěrečné titulky
- Vyprávěc
- CTRL+B přepíná textový stroj na řeč, který automaticky čte zprávy hráče, včetně jména
- Option to toggle narrator between: "off", "chat & system", "chat only", and "system messages only"
- Shows a notification for toggling
- The Narrator will not read commands or command outputs, nor will it read messages produced with
- It displays a message whenever the Narrator isn't available
- Uses the "toast" notification system
- NBT tags
- Stores the tick a chain command block was last executed in
for breedable entities- Together these record the UUID of the entity that caused a given animal to breed
- A compound tag containing a list of recipes, formatted as JSON, that the player has seen, as well as recipe book information
- Becomes 1 if the player has enabled the "Show Craftable" feature in the recipe book
- Checks if the player has left the GUI open
- Contains information about all recipes the player has seen
- Checks if the player has tried out the recipe in the recipe book before (by clicking it/viewing it)
- Within are recipe names that the player has unlocked but not viewed in the crafting helper yet
- Used for remembering to play the animation for new recipes
- A list of crafting recipes to unlock for the player that right-clicks while holding a Knowledge Book
- If this is not specified, the Knowledge Book will not be consumed
- A compound tag containing the X, Y, and Z coordinates of the overworld position the player entered the nether
- The x coordinate.
- The y coordinate.
- The z coordinate.
- Changes to 1 if the player leaves the End through the portal
- Contains entity data about an entity on the left and right shoulders of the player
- Defaults to
. If set to0b
, loops can be created, where the same command block can run multiple times in one tick
- Defaults to
- Recipe book
- Catalogs recipes that are unlocked when the criteria are met
- When a recipe is clicked, it will appear in the crafting grid, and can be crafted if materials are available
- A shift-click ability puts all available materials in the crafting grid
- A new white-and-gray colored "toast" notification pops up when the player unlocks new recipes
- The pop-up notification that displays upon unlocking new recipes has an icon showing the items that can be crafted with the new recipes
- If you search "excitedze" in the Recipe book, your language switches to Pirate Speak
folder added with all item recipes as.json
- Sounds
- Nové Note block zvuky
- Bone block = xylofon
- Block of gold = zvonek
- Clay = flétna
- Packed ice = Rozeznít
- Wool = Kytara
- Nové zvukové efekty
- Papoušci
- Illusioners
- Odlévání rybářského prutu
- Navíjení rybářského prutu
- Házení s okem z endu
- Oko z endu vybuchne nebo vypadne
- Vložení oka do Ender portálu (šílený nebo spíš blázniví zvuk)
- Dokončení eder portálu (zlý zvuk)
- Pádla od lodě
- Topící se hráč
- Hořící hráč
- Dokončení výzvy
- Šplouchání
- "Nekrm Papoušky sušenkou!"
- "Skutečný význam covfefe"
- Reference na Tajné Píp od Donalda Trumpa.
- "Iluze , kde se skrýváš?"
- "Něco není v pořádku..."
- The top two are references to Suramar City guards in World of Warcraft, who say these lines when a player, having an illusion on themself, goes nearby.
- The splash about the illusion could also be a reference to the illusioner.
- Návody k výuce
- Zobrazeno vpravo nahoře
- Zobrazuje se pouze jednou na zařízení
- Uložení za hráče, Uloženo v options.txt
- Jméno:
- List of criteria:
, andnone
- Jméno:
- Uložení za hráče, Uloženo v options.txt
- Targets the executing entity, e.g:
/execute @e[type=villager] ~ ~ ~ say @s
- Targets the executing entity, e.g:
/advancement <grant|revoke|test> <player> <advancement> [criterion]
- Zkouška poskytne případně nebo zrušení pokroky, a zejména rozvoj kritérií, pro daného hráče
- Tady je pět modifikátorů k příkazům: "everything", "from", "until", "through", "only"
- "everything" - všechny pokroky, žádná požadovaná specifikace (stejně jako "*")
- "from" - Tento postup to jsou děti jejich děti atd
- "until" - tento postup, jeho rodič a jeho rodič, atd
- "through" - oboje z nahoře uvedeného
- "only" tento pokrok a nic jiného
- Příklady:
/advancement grant dinnerbone until story/elytra
/advancement revoke dinnerbone everything
/function namespace:file
- Spustí funkci jednou prostřednictvím entity nebo příkazového bloku, který spustil příkaz funkce
- Přidané nové argumenty:
if <selector>
- spustí funkci pouze v případě, že je nalezen zadaný voličunless <selector>
- spustí funkci kromě případu, kdy je nalezen zadaný volič
- Přidané nové argumenty:
- Spustí funkci jednou prostřednictvím entity nebo příkazového bloku, který spustil příkaz funkce
/recipe <give|take> [player] <name|*>
- Umět odemčít, či zamčít, dané recepty pro daného hráče
- If
je zadáno, zamkne nebo odemkne všechny recepty přehrávače
- Příkaz k opětovému načtení pokroky a lootove stoly z disku
- Tento příkaz je k dispozici všem hráči op ped v jednom přehrávači a všem operátorům na úrovni 4 na multiplayerovém serveru.
- Nelze spustit z command block..
- Pravidla hry
- Defaults povoleno
- Přepíná oznamování postupů, které nahrazují původní položku </ code>
- Vypnuto od default
- Povolení umožní hráčům pouze vytvářet recepty, které odemkli
- Funkce, která má být provedena jednou za klepnutí
- Základní je 65536.
- Určuje číslo, ve kterém řetězec příkazového řetězce působí jako "řetězec".
- Concrete
- Je ve všech 16 základích barvách
- Vytváří se, když betonový prášek přichází do styku s tekoucí vodou
- Concrete Powder
- Glazed Terracotta
- Je ve všech 16 základních barvách
- Taví jakýkoliv barevný terakot v peci, aby získal glazovanou terakotu této barvy (ne pro běžné [[terakotové]).
- Může být umístěn ve 4 směrech: sever, jih, západ a východ.
- When placed down while facing the right directions, a repeating pattern can be created. For example, the white terracotta will create the pattern of a sun when 4 are placed down correctly.
- Nepřipojí se k slime block s, pokud je připojen k boku, horní nebo spodní straně, ale pokud je připojen k přední nebo zadní straně.
- Knowledge Book
- A green-colored book
- Currently obtainable only with the
/give @p knowledge_book
- A Knowledge Book with a
NBT tag, which contains a list of item IDs, will be consumed and unlock the specified items' recipes for any player that uses it
- Especially useful when
/gamerule doLimitedCrafting
is set to true
- Spawn eggs
- Parrot (new mob): Green with red dots.
- Illusioner
- New illager.
- Affects players with Blindness for 20 seconds then shoots with a bow.
- Its blindness spell will only be cast if the regional difficulty is greater than 2.
- Summons duplicates of itself.
- All duplicates will show shooting animation, but only the real one can be hit and shoots the arrow.
- The original turns invisible.
- Does not currently have a spawn egg, so can only be summoned with
/summon illusion_illager
- Targets both the player and villagers.
- Parrots
- Tamable with seeds
- Fly around, but sit when "tired"
- If fed cookies, the parrot dies.
- Poison particle effects are emitted, but they are not actually killed by poison.
- If a player has tamed a parrot and then fed it cookies, it will display the message "Parrot was slain by <player>".
- Follow and crowd around nearby mobs.
- Imitates sounds of other mobs.
- Parrots dance if playing music on a nearby jukebox.
- Right-click action available:
- Right-click on a tamed parrot tells it to sit down.
- Walking over/through/near a tamed parrot while crouching will cause it to sit on the player's shoulders.
- Will let go if the player jumps.
- Can fly with players during elytra flight.
- Have 6 health.
- Come in red, blue, green, cyan and gray.
- Achievementy
- Smazány a vyměněny za pokroky
- Controls
- Zmáčkni F1 budou skryty všechny toast zprávy
- Crafting
- Closing the crafting interface with items inside will no longer drop the items in front of you, but will send them instead to the inventory.
- Creative
- Materials tab merged with miscellaneous tab in creative mode.
- Java version
- This is the first version to use, and thus require, Java 8.[2]
- Language
- Many pieces of text are now translatable, where previously they were hardcoded English
- The full list of changes can be found here.
- Movement
- NBT format
- Improved NBT parsing in commands
- Keys can now (optionally) be quoted, e.g:
- Unquoted string values are now stricter; they can no longer contain spaces or special symbols, e.g:
CustomName:Test Test
- Indices, which were previously optional in lists, are no longer allowed, e.g:
- Empty keys and values are no longer allowed
- Improved error messaging; now points to where exactly the error occurred
- Optimizations
- Huge optimizations to creative inventory searching
- Optimized chunk loading.
- Splashes
- "Now Java 6!" changed to "Now Java 8!"
- New palette texture.
- "Chief fess" and "base fess" banners are now just "chief" and "base" banners.
- Beds
- Now you can sleep when a neutral zombie pigman is near.
- Now you can bounce on the bed, albeit much less than with slime blocks
- Now reduce (but not negate) fall damage when landed on
- The player can survive a 41 block fall onto a bed
- Any higher, and the second bounce will deal the remaining amount of damage to kill them
- The player can create a platform around 7 blocks high beside the bed to land on to prevent death, in which case a player can survive a 45 block fall
- Added colored beds which can be crafted with colored wool or by dying a white bed
- Now a block entity, and each half can be colored individually using the NBT tag
- Beds now display as blocks, unlike Pocket Edition beds. Now use a 3D item model instead of a 2D item because of the new colors
- Command block
- Now executes all of the commands in a chain before scheduling them for the next tick
- It is now possible to stop/modify the operation of a chain via commands and get results instantly (as opposed to getting them in a 1 tick delay)
- Optimized error conditions in command blocks
- Tab-completing command names in command blocks will no longer add a
- Fences, cobblestone walls, glass panes, and iron bars
- Now connect to the back and underside of stairs
- Hardened clay
- Renamed to terracotta
- Magma blocks
- Are now able to burn infinitely, like netherrack
- Colors changed in accordance with the changes to other block colors
- Purple shulker boxes unchanged
- Stairs
- The rear face and underside of stairs are now considered "solid"
- Allows for torches, fences, iron bars, glass panes, cobblestone walls, and snow layers to connect to them properly
- Wool
- New palette texture.
- Map
- Dyed blocks such as banners and terracotta now have unique colors
- Sheep
- New color palette for wool on body
- Colors changed in accordance with the changes to other block colors
- Purple shulkers are left the same
- Can no longer break end gateway blocks and piston extensions
- New
and ConversionPlayerMost
- Contains the UUID of the player that is converting the zombie
- Used with the "minecraft:cured_zombie_villager" trigger for advancements
Non-mob entities[]
- Minecarts with TNT
- No longer instantly explode when hit with fire charges; instead, they explode as if primed by an activator rail.
- Paintings
- Will now try to place the largest possible in the available space it has
Release changes[]
Here are the list of changes between 1.12-pre7 and the full release of 1.12.[7]
- Sounds
- Added two new cave sounds: cave17.ogg and cave18.ogg.
- Toast notifications
- Now have sounds.
- Jack o'Lanterns
- Buttons, levers, redstone torches, torches and tripwire hooks can now be placed on Jack o 'Lanterns. Redstone torches and torches can still not be placed on top of jack o'lanterns however.
- 1 issue fixed
- From released versions before 1.12
- MC-92527 – Villager trade items render over inventory tooltips
- 52 issues fixed
- From released versions before Java Edice 1.12
- MC-2813 – Snow doesn't form / cannot be placed on upside down slabs / stairs
- MC-5228 – Cow's/Mooshroom's udder texture is wrong
- MC-8345 – Placing torch on backside of stairs impossible
- MC-9176 – Glass panes not correctly rendering with the back of stairs
- MC-9565 – Fences and Cobblestone Walls connect to Fence Gates, which are facing the other direction
- MC-10613 – Fence doesn't connect with stairs
- MC-11240 – Ignited TNT can be set on fire by a Flame Bow.
- MC-11963 – bed hind legs not rendered
- MC-12503 – Item Description is rendered behind Potion Effect Status in Inventory
- MC-40275 – Credit screen/End Poem music not playing correctly
- MC-50166 – Game states that "The block couldn't be placed" when using /setblock to place air in a space occupied by a tile entity, despite working
- MC-59535 – Server log outputs TextComponent object rather than its Text property for player lost connection/Disconnecting message
- MC-92324 – Players become invisible
- MC-94016 – Glass panes and iron bars connect to barrier blocks
- MC-95367 – Tamed dog, cat or parrot in a minecart teleports to a player (not visually)
- MC-95560 – Wrong command message: Last character of NBT parsing error message is missing
- MC-96555 – Wolves, ocelots and parrots can teleport in all non-full cube blocks near owner including path, lava, fire
- MC-97662 – NBT parser regex checks for pipebars as tag declaration
- MC-100468 – Dogs, cats and parrots teleport to player despite being in a boat (yet not visually)
- MC-101234 – Stack trace is not printed in log when exception occurs while running command
- MC-103067 – The unit for "Minutes Played" statistic is not always minutes
- MC-108175 – Villagers sent through an end gateway portal in a minecart lose their AI.
- MC-108304 – "Level Requirement" message is not translatable
- MC-108343 – Minecraft crashes with "java.lang.NullPointerException: Ticking screen" while pinging server on multiplayer server list (previously due to network issues, now more frequent)
- MC-109663 – Tamed dogs attack tamed cats
- MC-109871 – Some advanced tooltips are not translatable
- MC-110243 – Sneaking + hit -> moved wrongly / no knockback
- MC-110474 – Activator Rail ejects 2 block tall Mobs to the wrong spot inside of 2 block tall room
- MC-111054 – Invalid lang in options.txt leads to connection error
- MC-111699 – Can't rename stacked items
- MC-111744 – Anvil outputs only 1 item when renaming
- MC-111753 – Hopper/Dropper will not input water bottles into brewing stand after potions have been removed by a hopper from brewing stand
- MC-112017 – The anvil rename field accepts 31 characters but the server rejects it if it is over 30
- MC-112425 – Hitting rabbits with fire aspect sword: "Couldn't smelt 0xtile.air@0 because there is no smelting recipe"
- MC-112602 – "disconnect.spam" kick message is untranslated
- MC-112765 –
JSON with specified color does not share among new lines
- MC-113125 – Loaded world shows clouds and void for few seconds
- MC-113255 – Server does not test if some files exist before trying to interact with them
- MC-113429 – Wither can break piston extension and end gateway
- MC-114110 – Constructor for playerlist header and footer packet
is missing footer parameter
- MC-114219 – NBT integer array regex matches non integer arrays
- MC-114220 – NBT integer arrays have trailing comma in string representation
- MC-114281 –
- MC-115407 – Loot entries serialize incorrectly
- MC-116422 – Fires put out by splash water bottles do not cause block update
- MC-116489 – Unknown entity property for
loot table condition causes server crash for default loot tables
- MC-116623 – Stained hardened clay / terracotta blocks do not have correct color on map
- MC-116669 – Exploding TNT minecarts and ender crystals can cause
- MC-117197 – Message for non-existent team specified in entity NBT data is logged as info instead of warning or error
- MC-117640 – Pets (wolves, ocelots, parrots) teleport onto magma blocks
- MC-117710 – Bonus Chest setting is not copied when re-creating world
- MC-117858 – Right-clicking an item stack into the creative mode item selector destroys the whole stack
- ↑ a b “Submit your colorful builds and get featured in the next Minecraft trailer!” – /u/Bopogamel, March 13, 2017
- ↑ “Heads up modders: This snapshot is the first Minecraft version to require (and therefore use) Java 8. You can now finally use 7/8 features!” – @Dinnerbone, March 31, 2017
- ↑ MC-114900, resolved as "Works as Intended" – Maria Lemón, April 22, 2017
- ↑ “It actually is a bug, it tries to rotate the body to the direction you are walking, but it can only do it so far, that is also why it basically picks a 'random direction'. Now it can actually understand when it is walking backwards and it stopped doing that weird behavior.” – /u/_Grum, April 22, 2017
- ↑ MC-117005 resolved as "Works as Intended"
- ↑ “Here's another example of the palette, this time with exactly the same texture in both pictures” – @jeb_, January 24, 2017
- ↑ “The changelog between 1.12-pre7 and 1.12 is "lit pumpkins connect to blocks like pumpkins, added toast sounds, & the version number changed"” – @Dinnerbone, June 7, 2017