Minecraft Wiki
Java Edice 1.12
World of Color Update

Java edice

Official name

World of Color Update[1]

Datum vydání

7 června 2017

Other instances
of 1.12
  • Bedrock Edition
  • Education Edition
  • PlayStation 3 Edition
  • PlayStation 4 Edition
  • PlayStation Vita Edition

1.12, první verze tzv. aktualizace World of Color Update (aktualizace světa barev)[1], je jednou z významných aktualizací Minecraftu. Tato aktualizace přidává nový systém craftingu, rady pro začátečníky, glazovanou terakotu, beton, barevné postele, iluzionisty a papoušky. Achievementy jsou nahrazeny advancementy.



  • Nahrazují Ocenění
  • Mohou být přizpůsobeny soubory JSON
  • Vytvořeny na základě záložkové uživatelském rozhraní
    • 5 záložek (více je podporováno):
      • Minecraft: Srdce a příběh hry.
      • Dobrodružství: Dobrodružství, průzkum a boj.
      • Podsvětí: Přineste si letní oblečení.
      • Konec: Nebo začátek?
      • Živočišnost: Svět je plný přátel a jídla.
    • Data UI, včetně umístění a uspořádání
  • Podporuje odměny ve formě receptů, kořisti, zkušeností a funkcí
    • Jediný způsob jak získat odměnu je splnit Výzvu, která vám předá zkušenosti.
  • Pop up-up "toast" upozornění, kdy hráči postupují
    • Nový posuvný efekt
    • Dodává se ve dvou různých barvách - žluté pro normální pokrok a růžové pro "výzvou"
  • Zobrazování čísel sleduje pokrok při dokončení postupů s více požadavky
  • Přidána možnost uložení hlavní lišty předmětů v herním modu Tvoření
  • Přidáno nové klíče pro otevření pokroků (výchozí "L")
  • Do inventáře byla přidána záložka "Uložené lišta předmětů"
    • Lištu předmětů lze uložit pomocí C+1-9 a načíst jej lze pomocí X+1-9
    • Lze uložit až 9 lišt
    • Nelze uložit prázdnou lištu
  • Přidán nový funkční systém, což jsou textové soubory s příponou .mcfunction v namespace:path/to/function/file
    • Pro příklad, přejdeme-li na /function custom:example/test budeme přesměrováni na soubor uložen v WORLDNAME/data/functions/custom/example/test.mcfunction.
  • Funkce jsou seznam příkazů, jeden řádek na každý příkaz (bez lomítka), s podporou # komentářů
JSON format
  • Added 'group' to recipe json format, to clump similar recipes together
  • Added new 'keybind' text component, to refer to the player's keybindings
Úvodní nabídka
  • Po kliknutí na autorské právo v pravém dolním rohu spustíte závěrečné titulky
  • CTRL+B přepíná textový stroj na řeč, který automaticky čte zprávy hráče, včetně jména
    • Option to toggle narrator between: "off", "chat & system", "chat only", and "system messages only"
  • Shows a notification for toggling
  • The Narrator will not read commands or command outputs, nor will it read messages produced with /me
  • It displays a message whenever the Narrator isn't available
    • Uses the "toast" notification system
NBT tags
  •  LastExecution
    • Stores the tick a chain command block was last executed in
  •  LoveCauseLeast and  LoveCauseMost for breedable entities
    • Together these record the UUID of the entity that caused a given animal to breed
  •  recipeBook
    • A compound tag containing a list of recipes, formatted as JSON, that the player has seen, as well as recipe book information
    •  isFilteringCraftable
      • Becomes 1 if the player has enabled the "Show Craftable" feature in the recipe book
    •  isGuiOpen
      • Checks if the player has left the GUI open
      •  unlocked
    •  recipes
      • Contains information about all recipes the player has seen
      •  displayed
        • Checks if the player has tried out the recipe in the recipe book before (by clicking it/viewing it)
    •  toBeDisplayed
      • Within are recipe names that the player has unlocked but not viewed in the crafting helper yet
      • Used for remembering to play the animation for new recipes
  •  Recipes
    • A list of crafting recipes to unlock for the player that right-clicks while holding a Knowledge Book
    • If this is not specified, the Knowledge Book will not be consumed
  •  enteredNetherPosition
    • A compound tag containing the X, Y, and Z coordinates of the overworld position the player entered the nether
    •  x
      • The x coordinate.
    •  y
      • The y coordinate.
    •  z
      • The z coordinate.
  •  seenCredits
    • Changes to 1 if the player leaves the End through the portal
  •  ShoulderEntityLeft and  ShoulderEntityRight
    • Contains entity data about an entity on the left and right shoulders of the player
  •  UpdateLastExecution
    • Defaults to 1b. If set to 0b, loops can be created, where the same command block can run multiple times in one tick
Recipe book
  • Catalogs recipes that are unlocked when the criteria are met
  • When a recipe is clicked, it will appear in the crafting grid, and can be crafted if materials are available
    • A shift-click ability puts all available materials in the crafting grid
  • A new white-and-gray colored "toast" notification pops up when the player unlocks new recipes
    • The pop-up notification that displays upon unlocking new recipes has an icon showing the items that can be crafted with the new recipes
  • If you search "excitedze" in the Recipe book, your language switches to Pirate Speak

recipes folder

  • recipes folder added with all item recipes as .json files.
  • Nové Note block zvuky
    • Bone block = xylofon
    • Block of gold = zvonek
    • Clay = flétna
    • Packed ice = Rozeznít
    • Wool = Kytara
  • Nové zvukové efekty
    • Papoušci
    • Illusioners
    • Odlévání rybářského prutu
    • Navíjení rybářského prutu
    • Házení s okem z endu
    • Oko z endu vybuchne nebo vypadne
    • Vložení oka do Ender portálu (šílený nebo spíš blázniví zvuk)
    • Dokončení eder portálu (zlý zvuk)
    • Pádla od lodě
    • Topící se hráč
    • Hořící hráč
    • Dokončení výzvy
  • "Nekrm Papoušky sušenkou!"
  • "Skutečný význam covfefe"
  • "Iluze , kde se skrýváš?"
  • "Něco není v pořádku..."
    • The top two are references to Suramar City guards in World of Warcraft, who say these lines when a player, having an illusion on themself, goes nearby.
    • The splash about the illusion could also be a reference to the illusioner.
Návody k výuce
  • Zobrazeno vpravo nahoře
  • Zobrazuje se pouze jednou na zařízení
    • Uložení za hráče, Uloženo v options.txt
      • Jméno: tutorialStep
      • List of criteria: movement, find_tree, punch_tree, open_inventory, craft_planks, and none


  • @s
    • Targets the executing entity, e.g: /execute @e[type=villager] ~ ~ ~ say @s
  • /advancement <grant|revoke|test> <player> <advancement> [criterion]
    • Zkouška poskytne případně nebo zrušení pokroky, a zejména rozvoj kritérií, pro daného hráče
    • Tady je pět modifikátorů k příkazům: "everything", "from", "until", "through", "only"
      • "everything" - všechny pokroky, žádná požadovaná specifikace (stejně jako "*")
      • "from" - Tento postup to jsou děti jejich děti atd
      • "until" - tento postup, jeho rodič a jeho rodič, atd
      • "through" - oboje z nahoře uvedeného
      • "only" tento pokrok a nic jiného
    • Příklady:
      • /advancement grant dinnerbone until story/elytra
      • /advancement revoke dinnerbone everything
  • /function namespace:file
    • Spustí funkci jednou prostřednictvím entity nebo příkazového bloku, který spustil příkaz funkce
      • Přidané nové argumenty:
        • if <selector> - spustí funkci pouze v případě, že je nalezen zadaný volič
        • unless <selector> - spustí funkci kromě případu, kdy je nalezen zadaný volič
  • /recipe <give|take> [player] <name|*>
    • Umět odemčít, či zamčít, dané recepty pro daného hráče
    • If * je zadáno, zamkne nebo odemkne všechny recepty přehrávače
  • /reload
    • Příkaz k opětovému načtení pokroky a lootove stoly z disku
    • Tento příkaz je k dispozici všem hráči op ped v jednom přehrávači a všem operátorům na úrovni 4 na multiplayerovém serveru.
    • Nelze spustit z command block..


Pravidla hry
  • announceAdvancements
    • Defaults povoleno
    • Přepíná oznamování postupů, které nahrazují původní položku server.properties </ code>
  • doLimitedCrafting
    • Vypnuto od default
    • Povolení umožní hráčům pouze vytvářet recepty, které odemkli
  • gameLoopFunction
    • Funkce, která má být provedena jednou za klepnutí
  • maxCommandChainLength
    • Základní je 65536.
    • Určuje číslo, ve kterém řetězec příkazového řetězce působí jako "řetězec".


  • Je ve všech 16 základích barvách
  • Vytváří se, když betonový prášek přichází do styku s tekoucí vodou
Concrete Powder
  • je ve všech 16 základních barvách
  • Gravitace ovlivněna (like Písek a štěrk).
  • Když se dotkne vody, změní se na betonový blok.
  • Craftable. Craftig: 4 Písek, 4 štěrk a jeden z jakékoliv barvení získat 8 Concrete Práškové bloky. Receptura je beztvará
Glazed Terracotta
  • Je ve všech 16 základních barvách
  • Taví jakýkoliv barevný terakot v peci, aby získal glazovanou terakotu této barvy (ne pro běžné [[terakotové]).
  • Může být umístěn ve 4 směrech: sever, jih, západ a východ.
    • When placed down while facing the right directions, a repeating pattern can be created. For example, the white terracotta will create the pattern of a sun when 4 are placed down correctly.
  • Nepřipojí se k slime block s, pokud je připojen k boku, horní nebo spodní straně, ale pokud je připojen k přední nebo zadní straně.


Knowledge Book
  • A green-colored book
  • Currently obtainable only with the /give @p knowledge_book command.
  • A Knowledge Book with a Recipes NBT tag, which contains a list of item IDs, will be consumed and unlock the specified items' recipes for any player that uses it
    • Especially useful when /gamerule doLimitedCrafting is set to true
Spawn eggs
  • Parrot (new mob): Green with red dots.


  • New illager.
  • Affects players with Blindness for 20 seconds then shoots with a bow.
    • Its blindness spell will only be cast if the regional difficulty is greater than 2.
  • Summons duplicates of itself.
    • All duplicates will show shooting animation, but only the real one can be hit and shoots the arrow.
    • The original turns invisible.
  • Does not currently have a spawn egg, so can only be summoned with /summon illusion_illager.
  • Targets both the player and villagers.
  • Tamable with seeds
  • Fly around, but sit when "tired"
  • If fed cookies, the parrot dies.
    • Poison particle effects are emitted, but they are not actually killed by poison.
    • If a player has tamed a parrot and then fed it cookies, it will display the message "Parrot was slain by <player>".
  • Follow and crowd around nearby mobs.
  • Imitates sounds of other mobs.
  • Parrots dance if playing music on a nearby jukebox.
  • Right-click action available:
    • Right-click on a tamed parrot tells it to sit down.
  • Walking over/through/near a tamed parrot while crouching will cause it to sit on the player's shoulders.
    • Will let go if the player jumps.
    • Can fly with players during elytra flight.
  • Have 6HeartHeartHeart health.
  • Come in red, blue, green, cyan and gray.



  • Smazány a vyměněny za pokroky
  • Zmáčkni F1 budou skryty všechny toast zprávy
  • Closing the crafting interface with items inside will no longer drop the items in front of you, but will send them instead to the inventory.
  • Materials tab merged with miscellaneous tab in creative mode.
Java version
  • This is the first version to use, and thus require, Java 8.[2]
  • Many pieces of text are now translatable, where previously they were hardcoded English
    • The full list of changes can be found here.
  • The player's body now entirely faces to the front, when moving backwards.[3][4]
    • Prior to this update, moving backwards would cause the player model to rotate one side, making it look like the player was strafing backwards somewhat.
NBT format
  • Improved NBT parsing in commands
    • Keys can now (optionally) be quoted, e.g: "Motion":[0.0,0.0,0.0]
    • Unquoted string values are now stricter; they can no longer contain spaces or special symbols, e.g: CustomName:Test Test
    • Indices, which were previously optional in lists, are no longer allowed, e.g: Motion:[0:7.3,1:1.0,2:3.1]
    • Empty keys and values are no longer allowed
  • Improved error messaging; now points to where exactly the error occurred
  • Huge optimizations to creative inventory searching
  • Optimized chunk loading.
  • "Now Java 6!" changed to "Now Java 8!"


  • /give and /replaceitem
    • Now reinforces item-specific stacking restrictions.[5]
      • This is a reverse of 16w32a (MC-105965 resolved as "Works as Intended")



A comparison of banner colors before and after 17w06a. Image by Jeb.[6]

  • New palette texture.
  • "Chief fess" and "base fess" banners are now just "chief" and "base" banners.
  • Now you can sleep when a neutral zombie pigman is near.
  • Now you can bounce on the bed, albeit much less than with slime blocks
  • Now reduce (but not negate) fall damage when landed on
    • The player can survive a 41 block fall onto a bed
    • Any higher, and the second bounce will deal the remaining amount of damage to kill them
      • The player can create a platform around 7 blocks high beside the bed to land on to prevent death, in which case a player can survive a 45 block fall
  • Added colored beds which can be crafted with colored wool or by dying a white bed
  • Now a block entity, and each half can be colored individually using the NBT tag color
  • Beds now display as blocks, unlike Pocket Edition beds. Now use a 3D item model instead of a 2D item because of the new colors
Command block
  • Now executes all of the commands in a chain before scheduling them for the next tick
    • It is now possible to stop/modify the operation of a chain via commands and get results instantly (as opposed to getting them in a 1 tick delay)
  • Optimized error conditions in command blocks
  • Tab-completing command names in command blocks will no longer add a / prefix.
Fences, cobblestone walls, glass panes, and iron bars
  • Now connect to the back and underside of stairs
Hardened clay
  • Renamed to terracotta
Magma blocks
  • Are now able to burn infinitely, like netherrack
Shulker box
  • Colors changed in accordance with the changes to other block colors
    • Purple shulker boxes unchanged
  • The rear face and underside of stairs are now considered "solid"
    • Allows for torches, fences, iron bars, glass panes, cobblestone walls, and snow layers to connect to them properly
  • New palette texture.


  • Dyed blocks such as banners and terracotta now have unique colors



Comparison of old and new shulker and shulker box colors (The purple shulker and shulker box was later changed back to normal)

  • New color palette for wool on body
  • Colors changed in accordance with the changes to other block colors
    • Purple shulkers are left the same
  • Can no longer break end gateway blocks and piston extensions
  • New ConversionPlayerLeast and ConversionPlayerMost tags
    • Contains the UUID of the player that is converting the zombie
    • Used with the "minecraft:cured_zombie_villager" trigger for advancements

Non-mob entities[]

Minecarts with TNT
  • No longer instantly explode when hit with fire charges; instead, they explode as if primed by an activator rail.
  • Will now try to place the largest possible in the available space it has

Release changes[]

Here are the list of changes between 1.12-pre7 and the full release of 1.12.[7]


  • Added two new cave sounds: cave17.ogg and cave18.ogg.



Toast notifications
  • Now have sounds.


Jack o'Lanterns
  • Buttons, levers, redstone torches, torches and tripwire hooks can now be placed on Jack o 'Lanterns. Redstone torches and torches can still not be placed on top of jack o'lanterns however.


1 issue fixed
From released versions before 1.12
  • MC-92527 – Villager trade items render over inventory tooltips


52 issues fixed
From released versions before Java Edice 1.12
  • MC-2813 – Snow doesn't form / cannot be placed on upside down slabs / stairs
  • MC-5228 – Cow's/Mooshroom's udder texture is wrong
  • MC-8345 – Placing torch on backside of stairs impossible
  • MC-9176 – Glass panes not correctly rendering with the back of stairs
  • MC-9565 – Fences and Cobblestone Walls connect to Fence Gates, which are facing the other direction
  • MC-10613 – Fence doesn't connect with stairs
  • MC-11240 – Ignited TNT can be set on fire by a Flame Bow.
  • MC-11963 – bed hind legs not rendered
  • MC-12503 – Item Description is rendered behind Potion Effect Status in Inventory
  • MC-40275 – Credit screen/End Poem music not playing correctly
  • MC-50166 – Game states that "The block couldn't be placed" when using /setblock to place air in a space occupied by a tile entity, despite working
  • MC-59535 – Server log outputs TextComponent object rather than its Text property for player lost connection/Disconnecting message
  • MC-92324 – Players become invisible
  • MC-94016 – Glass panes and iron bars connect to barrier blocks
  • MC-95367 – Tamed dog, cat or parrot in a minecart teleports to a player (not visually)
  • MC-95560 – Wrong command message: Last character of NBT parsing error message is missing
  • MC-96555 – Wolves, ocelots and parrots can teleport in all non-full cube blocks near owner including path, lava, fire
  • MC-97662 – NBT parser regex checks for pipebars as tag declaration
  • MC-100468 – Dogs, cats and parrots teleport to player despite being in a boat (yet not visually)
  • MC-101234 – Stack trace is not printed in log when exception occurs while running command
  • MC-103067 – The unit for "Minutes Played" statistic is not always minutes
  • MC-108175 – Villagers sent through an end gateway portal in a minecart lose their AI.
  • MC-108304 – "Level Requirement" message is not translatable
  • MC-108343Minecraft crashes with "java.lang.NullPointerException: Ticking screen" while pinging server on multiplayer server list (previously due to network issues, now more frequent)
  • MC-109663 – Tamed dogs attack tamed cats
  • MC-109871 – Some advanced tooltips are not translatable
  • MC-110243 – Sneaking + hit -> moved wrongly / no knockback
  • MC-110474 – Activator Rail ejects 2 block tall Mobs to the wrong spot inside of 2 block tall room
  • MC-111054 – Invalid lang in options.txt leads to connection error
  • MC-111699 – Can't rename stacked items
  • MC-111744 – Anvil outputs only 1 item when renaming
  • MC-111753 – Hopper/Dropper will not input water bottles into brewing stand after potions have been removed by a hopper from brewing stand
  • MC-112017 – The anvil rename field accepts 31 characters but the server rejects it if it is over 30
  • MC-112425 – Hitting rabbits with fire aspect sword: "Couldn't smelt 0xtile.air@0 because there is no smelting recipe"
  • MC-112602 – "disconnect.spam" kick message is untranslated
  • MC-112765hoverEvent JSON with specified color does not share among new lines
  • MC-113125 – Loaded world shows clouds and void for few seconds
  • MC-113255 – Server does not test if some files exist before trying to interact with them
  • MC-113429 – Wither can break piston extension and end gateway
  • MC-114110 – Constructor for playerlist header and footer packet SPacketPlayerListHeaderFooter is missing footer parameter
  • MC-114219 – NBT integer array regex matches non integer arrays
  • MC-114220 – NBT integer arrays have trailing comma in string representation
  • MC-114281MutableBlockPos leak
  • MC-115407 – Loot entries serialize incorrectly
  • MC-116422 – Fires put out by splash water bottles do not cause block update
  • MC-116489 – Unknown entity property for entity_properties loot table condition causes server crash for default loot tables
  • MC-116623 – Stained hardened clay / terracotta blocks do not have correct color on map
  • MC-116669 – Exploding TNT minecarts and ender crystals can cause StackOverflow
  • MC-117197 – Message for non-existent team specified in entity NBT data is logged as info instead of warning or error
  • MC-117640 – Pets (wolves, ocelots, parrots) teleport onto magma blocks
  • MC-117710 – Bonus Chest setting is not copied when re-creating world
  • MC-117858 – Right-clicking an item stack into the creative mode item selector destroys the whole stack

