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Řádek 1: Řádek 1:
|image2=Charged Creeper.png
|health=Other: {{healthbar|20|9px}}
|damage=''Záleží na vzdálenosti''<br />Max. poškození:<br />Easy: {{healthbar|11|9px}}<br />Normal: {{healthbar|20|9px}}<br />Hard: {{healthbar|21|9px}} <br/> ''Dvojnásobné poškození, když je nabitý''
|invimage=Creeper Spawn Egg
|spawn=Osvětlení 7 nebo méně, na čemkoliv kromě půl bloků nebo trávy.
|damage=''Záleží na obtížnosti a na vzdálenosti''<br>Maximální zranění:<br>Normalní: {{hp|49}}<br>Nabitý: {{hp|97}}
|spawn=Úroven osvětlení 7 nebo méně
|size=Výška: 1.7 Blocks<br>Šířka: 0.6 Blocks
|multiplevers= Přejít na [[#Historie|Historii]]
|id='''[[JE]]''': 50<br>'''[[BE]]''': 33
|commondrops= {{drop|Item|Gunpowder|0|2|note=if not exploded}}<br>{{drop|Item|Music Discs|1|note= randomly chosen disc, if killed by a [[skeleton]] or [[stray]]{{upcoming|ver=1.14}}}}<br>{{drop|block|Creeper Head|1|when=killed by a [[charged creeper]]}}
* {{sound|'''Hurt'''|Creeper4.ogg}}
* {{sound|'''Fuse'''|Creeperfuse.ogg}}
* {{sound|'''Death'''|Creeperdeath.ogg}}
{{quote|These lanky lime horrors will gaze upon you with a look of utmost sadness. You'll soon have a similar facial expression, if you let it get close.|[[Tom Stone]]<ref>https://minecraft.net/article/meet-creeper</ref>||Tom_Stone_Mojang_avatar.png}}
'''Creeper''' je nechvalně známá, zelená a tichá příšera, která přepadne hráče a následně exploduje. Narozdíl od [[Zombie]] a [[Kostlivec|Kostlivce]] nezačnou Creepeři hořet na přímém slunečním svitu. V podzemí a na povrchu se Creeper objevuje v noci a ve špatně osvětlených oblastech s úrovní osvětlení 7 nebo méně.
'''Creeper''' je zelená a tichá příšera, která přepadne hráče a následně exploduje. Narozdíl od [[Zombie]] a [[Kostlivec|Kostlivce]] nezačnou Creepeři hořet na přímém slunečním svitu.
== Výskyt ==
Notch popsal Creepery: "křehcí jako suché listí".<ref>http://twitter.com/notch/status/27464490580</ref>
Creeper objevuje v noci a ve špatně osvětlených oblastech s úrovní osvětlení 7 nebo méně.
Creepeři jsou mezi hráči nechvalně proslulí tím, že mohou poškodit nebo zničit hráčovy stavby, což z nich činí nejznámější ikonu Minecraftu. Jsou na části zboží na stránce Minecraft obchodu na <ref>http://www.minecraft.net/merch.jsp</ref> a stali se internetovým memem včetně fanouškovských kreseb, odkazech ve webových komiksech a demotivačních plakátech. Memem se stala např. neoficiální creeperova hláška (odkazuje na jejich tendenci se tiše přikrást za hráče a syčet, než explodují).<ref>http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/minecraft-creeper/</ref>
== Kořisti ==
'''"That'ssssss a very nice ___________ (everything, house, wolf, etc.) you have there... It would be a real shame if something were to happen to it..."'''
Creepeři pouští tyto předměty, když zemřou:
"To je velice hezký _______(všechno, dům, vlk, atd.) co tu máš.....byla by opravdu škoda, kdyby se tomu mělo něco stát...."
*5 [[Bod zkušeností|Bodů zkušeností]], pokud jsou zabiti [[Hráč|hráčem]]
* 0–2 [[Střelný prach|Střelného prachu]] (nebo lze získat až 5, pokud máš očarování [[Kořist]])
* 1 náhodnou [[Music Discs|Gramofonovou desku]], pokud je zabit [[Kostlivec|Kostlivcem]] nebo [[Tulák|Tulákem]]
* 1 [[Hlava Creepera|Hlavu Creepera]], pokud je zabitý [[Creeper#Nabitý creeper|Nabitým creeperem]]
== Využití ==
== Behavior ==
[[File:Creeper Chase.png|200px|thumb|left|A creeper giving chase and about to explode.]]
Creepeři jsou nejsnadnějším zdrojem [[střelný prach|Střelného prachu]] nutného k výrobě [[TNT]] (dalšími, byť obtížnějšími, cestami jak získat střelný prach je zabít [[ďas|Ghasta]] nebo skrze nalezení a vyplenění [[Dungeon]]u). Každý creeper po smrti upustí 0-2 kusy střelného prachu."Vyjímkou je Enchant Kořist, potom z něj může vypadnout až 5 Střelného prachu.
Creepers will chase after any player, as long as it is within a 16 block (±5%) radius and ±4 blocks vertically. The detection range of creepers is reduced to half of their normal range (8 blocks) when the player is wearing a creeper [[mob head]].{{Only|java}}
=== Hudební disky ===
Creepeři jsou jedinými příšerami, kteří upouští [[Music Discs|Hudební disk]] a to pouze v případě, že jsou zabiti [[Kostlivec|Kostlivcem]]. Nezáleží na tom, jak je creeper zraněn předem, důležité je, že poslední smrtící úder musí přijít od kostlivcova šípu. Nejsnadnějším způsobem, jak toto zařídit, je zasáhnout creepera 4 [[arrow|šípy]] nebo ho dvakrát seknout [[železný ingot|železným]] [[meč]]em a potom ho dovést před kostlivce, který ho dorazí. Pokud není creeper zabit prvním kostlivcovým výstřelem, rozeběhne se jeho směrem a následně exploduje, aniž by upustil hudební disk.
Creepers can climb up ladders and vines like any other mob, but do not do so intentionally.
Nabití creepeři ho mohou také upustit.
When within three blocks of a player, a creeper will stop moving, hiss loudly, start flashing and inflating, and explode after 1.5 seconds. A creeper's detonation can be halted if the player gets out of the blast radius (7 blocks), including by knocking back the creeper or killing it. Creepers can be forced to explode by using a [[flint and steel]].
[[File:2011-01-23 10.15.04.png|150px|thumb|left|Creeper těsně před explozí.]]
Když je od hráče vzdálený jeden blok, začne creeper hlasitě syčet a po 1.5 sekundě exploduje. Zabití creepera před začátkem nebo koncem odpočtu nezpůsobí explozi. Creepeři vydávají zvuk kroků pouze když jdou po [[hlína|hlíně]] nebo po [[tráva|trávě]], ale jinak jsou tiší pokud nespadnou nebo nejsou zraněni. Když uvidí hráče procházet kolem nich, otočí se k nim a začnou jej pronásledovat.
Creepers will flee from [[ocelot]]s and cats if one is too close, until they are approximately 16 blocks away from the feline(s).
Creeperově detonaci lze zabránit, jestliže se hráč pohne z výbušné vzdálenosti (okolo 3-4 bloků). Syčení přestane, jakmile se creeperův "časovač" začne vracet na nulu, závisle na hodnotě, která byla odpočítána, tzn. jestliže do detonace creepera zbývala 1 sekunda, bude trvat 1 sekundu, aby se creeper "uklidnil".
Normal creeper [[explosion]]s have a power of 3.
Creeper stále může vybouchnout i v případě, že hráč stojí za zdí 1 blok širokou, ačkoliv creeper musí hráče vidět, aby detonoval.To se může stávat v případech např. domů obehnaných plotem nebo nízkými zdmi, přes které může creeper vidět, když vyskočí. Creepeři nemůžou "vidět" hráče skrz sklo, takže jestliže je mezi hráčem a creeperem okno, hráč je v bezpečí. Tento fakt by neměl být zaměňován s "pronásledovacím" režimem - stejně jako každý jiný agresivní mob, jakmile creeper zaměří svůj cíl, mohou hráče pronásledovat i když hráč vejde do kompletně uzavřené budovy. Protože creeperům nevadí denní světlo, měli by se hráči mít před creepery na pozoru i ve dne.
If a creeper is inflicted with a [[status effect]], its explosion will create an [[area effect cloud]] of the effect.
Jestliže hráč zvládne uvěznit creepera v písku duší, tak se k němu může přiblížit až na vzdálenost dvou bloků, aniž by creeper detonoval, ale jestli přejde do plížení, creeper začne syčet a spustí se odpočítávání do detonace. Tento fakt demonstruje, že jestliže je hráč níž než creeper, creeper začne odpočítávat o něco později, ale jestliže je výš, začne odpočítávání dříve - pravděpodobně proto, že jestliže je hráč výš než creeper, snadněji uteče a ve větší výšce je více chráněn před výbuchem.
Creepers are never targeted by any mobs, other than [[wither]]s, [[snow golem]]s, and [[vindicator]]s named "Johnny". If they are hit by a stray projectile, they will retaliate only if not already chasing a player.
===Výbušné vlastnosti===
[[File:Electric and normal creeper explosion comparison.png|200px|thumb|right|Porovnání mezi nabitým (vlevo) a normálním (vpravo) Creeperem.]]
Creeperova exploze je o 25% menší než exploze [[TNT]], s výbušnou sílou 3. Nabitý Creeper vybuchuje o 50% silněji než [[TNT]], a 2x silněji než normální creeper.
=== Nabitý creeper ===
Spolu s [[TNT]] a [[Ďas|Ghastovýmiovými]] ohnivými koulemi, všechny upuštěné předměty v dosahu výbuchu jsou zničeny. Určité procento odbouchnutých předmětů výbuch přežije a dají se sebrat. Co se týče škod na okolí, čím tvrdší je materiál kolem výbuchu, tím menší je poškození okolí.
{{anchor|Nabitý creeper}}
[[File:Charged Creeper.png|125px|right]]
[[File:Electric and normal creeper explosion comparison.png|200px|thumb|Two creepers' explosion damage radius in sand. Comparison between a charged creeper's (left) and a normal creeper's (right).]]
'''Nabitý creeper''' je mnohem silnější, než normální creeper.
===Nabití Creepeři===
{{anchor|Charged Creeper}}
[[File:Electrified Creeper.png|90px|thumb|left]]
Nabitý Creeper je typ Creepera stvořený v případě, že blesk udeří okolo normálního Creepera ve vzdálenosti 3 až 4 bloků (vzácný případ). Nabití Creepeři se jinak přirozeně neobjevují a od normálních Creeperů se odlišují modrým světlem okolo nich.
A charged creeper is created only when [[lightning]] strikes within 3–4 blocks of a normal creeper or when hit by a [[trident]] with the [[Channeling]] enchantment during a [[thunderstorm]], which significantly increases its explosive power. Charged creepers are distinguished from normal creepers by the blue aura surrounding them.
Nabití Creepeři jsou úderem blesku zasaženi, tudíž je potřeba méně úderu k zabití nabitého Creepera. Jejich odpočítávání se chová přesně jako odpočítávání obyčejného Creepera, ale výbušná síla a vzdálenost je daleko větší než u obyčejného Creepera (jak je vidět na obrázku nahoře), tudíž by si hráč měl vždy dobře rozmyslet, jestli má zaútočit, nebo utíkat.
Their countdown timers are the same as normal creepers, both in terms of range and time. With a power of 6, an explosion caused by a charged creeper is twice as powerful as the explosion caused by a regular creeper (see image). How close the creeper was to the lightning strike will not affect the size of the explosion.
Nejbezpečnější způsob zabití Creepera je zaútočit ze vzdálenosti. K zabití Creepera střelbou z luku je zapotřebí 5 šípů, ale rozumná alternativa je vystřelit 3 šípy a poté udeřit železným mečem, v případě kamenného meče jsou potřeba šípy 4.
Charged creepers have the same entity ID as normal creepers. The only difference is that the value of the boolean "powered" [[Chunk format#Mobs|tag]] is set to "1" (true).
V těsných prostorách je nejlepší s Creeperem bojovat ve vodě, neboť velká výbušná odolnost vody předejde okolní škodě, ačkoliv hráč bude stejně zraněn. Navíc, plovoucího Creepera lze snadno zdolat útoky zpod vody. Hráč též může využít Creeperova odpočítávání, kdy rychle udeří a poté se o pár bloků vzdálí, a takto to opakovat, dokud Creeper nezemře. Další alternativa je možnost shodit Creepera z velké výšky. Hráč by měl mít vždy na paměti, že je-li Creeper pronásledován, pohybuje se vždy dopředu a doprava (vaše levice).
Charged creeper explosions that kill zombies, skeletons, wither skeletons, or other creepers cause one of those mobs to drop the corresponding [[mob head]]. They will not drop their own head. Players or ender dragons will not drop their heads.
Diamantovým mečem lze Creepera snadno dvěma údery hned za sebou zdolat. Tato taktika se příliš nedoporučuje v obklíčení několika Creeperů, ale může hráči zachránit život při průzkumu jeskyní a pádu Creepera k hráči.
== Video ==
Jestliže je Creeper pod hráčem, Creepera lze udusit položením bloku písku či štěrku nad Creepera. Většinou stačí tak jeden dva bloky k zasypání Creepera a jakmile je Creeper zasypán, začne se dusit až do udušení. Tento způsob je poněkud zdlouhavý, ale udrží hráče mimo nebezpečí výbuchu a šetří výdrž zbraně.
==Ochranná opatření==
Vzhledem ke Creeperově přirozené tichosti a potenciálních rizik pro hráče a jeho stavby, musí hráč zůstat ostražitý za všech okolností, zvláště pak v jeskyních a hustě zalesněných oblastech. Hráčům je doporučováno nechávat si meč v jejich inventáři, aby na něj mohli přepnout v co nejkratší době. Pro udržení malého počtu Creeperů na povrchu, může hráč pravidelně spát v kryté a dobře osvětlené posteli, jelikož mají-li šanci, zpravidla se spawnují v noci.
== Data values ==
Creepers' straightforward path finding tendencies can be used against them. The player can dig three-block-deep pits, lead the Creeper towards them, and then hit it from above. While two blocks may seem sufficient to trap a Creeper, there is a chance the Creeper will be "boosted" up out of the pit when struck. This strategy has a couple of major drawbacks - for one, it can be difficult to use on multiple Creepers, and it is possible for the player to fall into their own pit while running backwards. If hoist upon their own petard, the player is advised to block off the hole and wait until past dawn or tunnel away.
{{see also|Chunk format}}
Creepers have entity data associated with them that contain various properties of the mob. Their entity ID is <code>creeper</code>.
===Construction Safeguards===
Creepers and other mobs could be attacked through the windows of both iron and wooden [[dveře]]s as long as the doors were placed from the outside of the shelter before 1.6, however this is no longer possible. [[Sklo|Glass]] walls around entrances can preempt the Creepers' habit of hiding in ambush around corners (but this is offset by the disadvantage that glass is not very durable in an explosion). Ladders should be placed carefully, as Creepers are capable of climbing ladders, despite lacking arms.
== Pokroky ==
To minimize Creeper damage to shelters and structures, the surrounding, interior, and roof areas should be well-lit. Buildings should be constructed out of sturdier materials like cobblestone or brick (with [[obsidián|obsidian]] being the gold standard for blast resistant building blocks). Players should bear in mind that while an explosion will only destroy cobblestone construction to a depth of one block, it will destroy several blocks of dirt and may therefore expose a vulnerability to a building's unreinforced basement should it explode against a wall. Alternatively, the buildings can be built raised over the ground outside the reach of a Creeper's blast radius or on a platform on the surface of a deep ocean or lake, where the surrounding water will absorb most of the explosive force from swimming Creepers.
{{load achievements|Archer}}
[[Kaktus|Cactus]] can be grown in a checkerboard formation to provide an effective deterrent measure for zombies, Creepers, and spiders, as even if a spider attempts to climb the cactus, it will still take damage. A zombie or Creeper walking into cactus will take damage, and eventually die.
== Pokroky ==
Although obsidian is somewhat labour intensive to obtain, it can be used for building, in such ways that it will provide an adequate anti-Creeper defensive benefit, without large amounts of it being necessary. The most basic example is a 3x1x3 (length x width x height, so a total of 7 blocks required) frame around a main front entrance. With such a frame, the wooden doors may be blown off, but damage to the surrounding area should be relatively minimal. Having a 4x3x3 obsidian bed/panic room can be useful as a place to run to, if confronted by multiple Creepers as well.
{{load advancements|Adventure;Monster Hunter;Monsters Hunted}}
== History ==
As another point, stone slabs provide excellent defense against Creeper explosions as well, and are considerably easier to obtain than obsidian. While a Creeper will typically blow out the stone slab itself, the slab will prevent the explosion from damaging the underlying blocks, even if said underlying blocks are dirt or weaker material.
<gallery mode="packed">
[[File:Original pig.jpg|175px|thumb|left|The original pig model the Creeper was based on.]]
File:Original pig.jpg|The original pig model the creeper was based on.
File:Creepers old 2009.png|The dark green creeper model.
Creepeři byli poprvé uvedeni v [[Version History#Survival Mode Test|Survival Test]] verzii 0.24 on August 24, 2009. They were based on a failed pig model [[Notch]] had created.
In Survival Test, the Creeper's default look was a darker shade of green and flashed to a lighter green upon being hit. Before Creepers spotted the player their heads would droop down. Creepers behaved much like zombies except their attacks dealt only two hearts worth of damage rather than the zombies' three (or the more recent range of 8+). After taking damage, it would flash as an indicator of impending detonation. When killed, this Creeper caused a 4x4x4 spherical explosion that left a sizable crater, destroyed plenty of blocks (with the exception of stone) and hurt any players nearby. The Creeper was worth 250 points when killed, but this was later decreased to 200 points.
{{History||August 31, 2009|link=none|Creepers were first shown, based on a failed [[pig]] model [[Notch]] had created (he mixed up the length and height of the body<ref>{{tweet|dinner|430684874576760832}}</ref>). They were the first [[mob]] added in Survival Test.}}
As of [[Version history/Beta#1.4|Beta 1.4]], the 'A' in the [[Minecraft]] logo included a Creeper's face.
{{History||September 1, 2009|link={{tumblr|notch|177152983}}|[[File:Creeper Revision 1.png|32px]] The texture given to the creeper was, at first, a darker shade of green that flashed to a lighter shade upon being hit. Creepers behaved much like zombies did at the time, hopping around randomly until spotting the player. Their melee attacks dealt only {{hp|4}} worth of damage rather than the zombies' {{hp|6}}. When killed, the creeper would "lie down" like any other dead mob and cause a 4×4×4 spherical explosion that left a sizable crater, destroying plenty of blocks (with the exception of stone) and severely hurting any players nearby. The creeper was worth 250 points when killed, but this was later decreased to 200 points.}}
{{History||0.24_SURVIVAL_TEST|[[File:Creeper Revision 2.png|32px]] Added creepers.}}
{{History||unknown|[[File:Creeper.png|32px]] The creeper's texture has now been changed.}}
{{History||0.26 (October 20, 2009)|Creeper [[explosion]]s will now no longer destroy [[stone]] or stone-like [[block]]s.
|Explosions leave smoldering.}}
{{History||unknown<!--after 0.30, so probably not classic-->|Creepers will now no longer produce leaf [[particle]]s upon [[explosion]].}}
{{History||v1.2.0|Creepers now have a new [[damage]] [[sound]]. {{Info needed|please attach the old one)}}}}
{{History||1.4|The 'A' in the ''Minecraft'' logo now includes a creeper face.}}
{{History||1.5|Creepers will now become charged when struck by [[lightning]], increasing the [[explosion]]'s radius and strength.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|Creepers are now much more deadly and will definitely kill an unarmored [[player]], if in a radius of 4 to 5 blocks around the creeper. This damage is also difficulty-independent.}}
{{History||Sound Update|Creeper [[explosion]]s now have a new [[sound]].}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 5|Creepers and other hostile [[mob]]s will now no longer attack the [[player]] in [[Creative]] mode, unless provoked.}}
{{History||1.2.1|snap=?|As part of the [[AI]] overhaul, creepers will now no longer attack other [[mob]]s.
|Creepers will now no longer strafe towards the left of the [[player]], now stopping in front of the player.}}
{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w30a|Creepers have been made stronger. Depending on difficulty, creeper [[damage]] is scaled now with Easy: ~50% less damage, Normal: same damage as before, and Hard: ~33% more damage than before. In full diamond [[armor]] and hard difficulty, a creeper can knock [[player]]s down to 2 hearts.<ref>{{tweet|dinner|227339500941082626}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w38b|New creeper fall mechanics; creepers will now explode, if they fall on the [[player]] from a certain height.}}
{{History||1.6.1|snap=13w18a|Creepers will now no longer [[explosion|explode]] when hit in [[Creative]] mode.}}
{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w36a|Creepers can now be forcibly exploded using [[flint and steel]].}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w05a|[[Player]]s can now see from the perspective of a creeper in [[spectator]] mode. A creeper shader is applied, and the player is limited to the creeper's movements.}}
{{History|||snap=14w11a|[[Witch]]es, [[zombie]]s, [[skeleton]]s, [[spider]]s, [[cave spider]]s, [[zombie pigmen]] and other creepers will now run away from creepers that are about to explode.}}
{{History|||snap=14w30a|Charged creepers will now cause [[zombie]]s, [[skeleton]]s, [[wither skeleton]]s and other creepers to drop [[mob head|heads]].}}
{{History|||snap=14w30b|Each charged creeper will now cause the drop of only one [[mob head|head]], even if multiple head-dropping mobs are killed.}}
{{History||1.8.1|snap=pre1|[[Mob]]s will now no longer run from creepers that are about to explode.
|Creepers will now no longer attack [[iron golem]]s.}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w32a|The detection range of creepers is halved when the [[player]] is wearing a creeper [[mob head]].}}
{{History|||snap=15w33c|The detection range for players wearing the creeper mob head is adjusted, now 37.5% of the normal range.}}
{{History|||snap=15w36a|The detection range for [[player]]s wearing the creeper mob head is again 50% of the normal range.}}
{{History|||snap=15w39a|Creepers are now slightly shorter (1.7 blocks tall rather than 1.8).}}
{{History|||snap=15w51a|Creepers will now no longer drop [[music disc]]s when gamerule <code>doMobLoot</code> is false.}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w32a|Creepers that explode while having a potion effect will now leave behind an [[area effect cloud]] having that effect.
|Changed creepers save game ID from <code>Creeper</code> to <code>creeper</code>.}}
{{History|java upcoming}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|Creepers will now drop [[music disc]]s when killed by [[stray]]s.}}
{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||0.4.0|Creepers added (with old explosion sounds).}}
{{History||0.7.4|Tapping and holding [[flint and steel]] on a creeper will now cause it to automatically [[explosion|explode]].}}
{{History||0.9.0|snap=build 1|Creepers will now no longer float 2 pixels off the ground.}}
{{History|||snap=build 2|An ignite button is now used to automatically explode a creeper when holding [[flint and steel]], instead of tapping and holding.}}
{{History|||snap=build 8|Creepers will now use the new AI.}}
{{History|||snap=build 9|Creepers will now use the old AI again because of them walking faster and not detonating.}}
{{History||0.9.2|Creepers will now have a correct [[explosion]] range.
|The detonation time for creepers has been fixed (would previously explode almost instantly).}}
{{History||0.11.0|snap=?|Creepers can now climb [[ladder]]s.}}
{{History||0.12.1|snap=build 1|Creepers will now use the new AI again.
|Creepers will now become charged when struck by [[lightning]], increasing the [[explosion]]'s radius and strength.
|Creepers will now have the new explosion [[sound]].
|Creepers will now have the flashing animation.}}
{{History||0.14.0|snap=build 1|Creepers are now slightly shorter (1.7 blocks tall rather than 1.8).}}
{{History||0.16.0|creeper now has idle sound.}}
{{History||1.2|Creepers will now drop [[music disc]]s when killed by [[skeleton]]s.}}
{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=Patch 1|Added Creepers.}}
{{History||xbox=TU5|Added charged creepers.}}
{{History||xbox=TU12|Creepers will no longer attack other [[mob]]s. Before this update, a creeper shot by a [[skeleton]] would attack the skeleton, creating a crater in the process.}}
{{History||xbox=TU14|ps=1.04|Creepers have been made stronger. Depending on difficulty, creeper [[damage]] is scaled now with Easy: ~50% less damage, Normal: same damage as before, and Hard: ~33% more damage than before. In full diamond [[armor]] and hard difficulty, a creeper can knock [[player]]s down to 2 hearts.
|Creepers are now aggressive towards the last [[player]] that hit them.
|The creeper's explosions' knockback effect has been increased.
|Creepers will now [[explosion|explode]] if they fall on [[player]]s from a certain height.}}
{{History||xbox=TU24|xbone=CU12|ps=1.16|The creeper's flashing animation has been updated.}}
{{History||xbox=TU31|xbone=CU19|ps=1.22|wiiu=Patch 3|Creepers can now be forcibly exploded using [[flint and steel]].
|Creepers drop a [[mob]] head when killed by a charged creeper.}}
{{History||xbox=TU54|xbone=CU44|ps=1.52|wiiu=Patch 24|switch=Patch 4|Creepers that explode while having a potion effect will now leave behind an [[area effect cloud]] having that effect.}}
{{History|new 3ds}}
{{History||0.1.0|Added Creepers.}}
== Problémy ==
{{issue list}}
== Trivia ==
== Trivia ==
[[File:Creeper Danger.png|thumb|200px|A sight that can scare even the most courageous players.]]
* Like all explosions, if a Creeper detonates whilst surrounded/in water, its explosion has no effect on blocks, but will still cause damage to [[Subjekt|entities]].
* Creepers are the only mob that a tame [[vlk|wolf]] won't attack.
* Notch stated on Twitter that "I imagine [Creepers] as being made out of leaves or similar. I'm not sure why they explode."<ref>{{tweet|notch|27860129973}}</ref>
* It is possible to detonate a Creeper without taking damage.
* When asked to describe the physical texture of a creeper, Notch said they would feel "crunchy, like dry leaves".<ref>{{tweet|notch|27464490580}}</ref>
* The Minecraft profile picture on [http://www.facebook.com/minecraft Facebook] is that of a Creeper's face.
* In multiplayer, if a creeper is attacked by another player, and the other player runs out of sight, it will not attack any other players.
* Creepers were given a new taking damage sound after the [[Halloween Update]].
* When about to detonate, creepers will cease movement and its head will face directly forward.
* Creepers swell up and grow in size before exploding.
* When asked how creepers trigger their explosive nature, Dinnerbone said "They're so nervous that they shake a lot, and then this sets them off the same way as how rubbing two sticks makes fire".<ref>{{tweet|Dinnerbone|408694324927676416}}</ref>
* There is a bug in SSP in which Creepers sometimes use the sounds of other mobs, which can cause confusion in players.
* If the player is at full health, a creeper blast at point-blank range for a player with full iron armor on hard difficulty will knock them down to {{hp|1}} health. The actual amount of health left is 1/20th of a heart.
* As a Creeper approaches a player, it tends to circle to their right (player's left). This behavior &ndash; which is also seen in skeletons &ndash; makes them slightly more challenging to kill than many other mobs, particularly if the player is using a sword or other melee distance tool rather than a bow.
* Creepers are faster when fleeing cats than when chasing players.
* A Creeper's fuse countdown lasts a little longer if it encounters a [[pavučina|cobweb]], buying a little time for a player to flee if they are low on health.
* If a charged creeper is given [[invisibility]], the "aura" effect will still be visible.
* In SMP, if a Creeper is attacked by another player, and the other player runs out of sight, it will not attack any other players.
* If a player or another mob is standing on the same block as a charged creeper when it explodes, they will have experienced the greatest amount of damage any mob in the game can do at one time.
=== Publicita ===
Creepers have a formidable reputation in the community because of their potential to hurt players and destroy structures. Their distinct appearance and destructive abilities have made them a widely-recognizable ''Minecraft'' icon. Creepers are referenced in several of the items available at the ''Minecraft'' merchandise depot,<ref>http://www.minecraft.net/merch.jsp</ref> and have become an internet meme complete with fan art, web comic references, and demotivational posters. A central part of the meme is the creeper's unofficial catchphrase derived from the mob's tendency to sneak up on the player and hiss before detonating:
"''That'sssss a very nice <random valuable object> you've got there... It'd be a ssssshame if anything were to happen to it...''"<ref>http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/minecraft-creeper</ref>
==== Merchandise ====
Creepers have been portrayed in many ''Minecraft'' products including but not limited to:
* Stuffed toys.
* Action figures.
* Bracelets.
* T-shirts
** The creeper anatomy T-shirt reveals the insides of a creeper, and also reveals its scientific name: ''Creepus Explodus''.
* [[LEGO Minecraft]]
* Papercraft
* Minecraft Facebook profile image
* In the goodie-bags given out at Minecon 2011, creepers were given as a fold-able and tapable decoration for ones room or collection, along with [[diamond]] and [[grass]].
==== Appearances ====
''TV Series''
* Several creepers have appeared on TV during episodes of the TV show [[wikipedia:Mad (TV series)|''Mad'']] (''Criminal Minecraft'' and ''ThunderLolcats'' <ref>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndA69KiffJE&t=61s</ref>) In ''ThunderLolcats'' they use the catchphrase, saying "That'ssss.. a nice wall you've got there."
''Youtube Videos''
* YouTube hosts many videos that feature creepers, including review videos, "Let's Play"'s, cartoons, and cameos in many other videos. When searching for the query "[http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Minecraft+Creeper Minecraft Creeper]", YouTube returns over 1,500,000 videos.
''Console/PC Games''
* In [[wikipedia:Borderlands 2|''Borderlands 2'']], creepers appear in a mineshaft in the most north-west part of Caustic Caverns, including [[dirt]], [[coal ore]], [[stone]], [[gold ore]], and a "Badass creeper" that is twice the strength and size of a regular Creeper.
* In [https://www.carbongames.com/ Airmech], creepers appear as a unit "skin" for the suicide bomber unit the boomer. Creepers can be either green, blue, or red, depending on the color of the team that makes them.
* In Octodad: Dadliest Catch, a creeper head is seen on a shelf in the grocery store along with 2 Pickaxes and some grass blocks. It is part of a collection known as "Mintcraft".
* In [http://www.awesomenauts.com Awesomenauts], one of the playable characters (Clunk) has a "skin" referencing the creeper, complete with hissing and explode sound effects.
* A creeper can be seen and interacted with in a level from the game [http://mcpixel.net/ McPixel].
* Seen as a Halloween costume in a game called [[wikipedia:Terraria|''Terraria'']].
* In [https://evoland.gamepedia.com/Evoland_2 Evoland 2], a game designed as a tribute to many classic games, "Dreaded Creepers" can be found as a mob in [https://evoland.gamepedia.com/The_Mine The Mine, present era]. If you get killed by a Dreaded Creeper, you unlock the [https://evoland.gamepedia.com/Evoland_2_achievements#sssSSSSSss_BOOM.21 sssSSSSSss BOOM!] achievement.
''Flash Games''
* In ''[http://www.unblockedgamesroom.com/stealing-the-diamond Stealing the Diamond]'', when Henry Stickmin sneaks up to the museum's outer wall with a pickaxe, a creeper comes up behind him and explodes, destroying part of the wall instead.
* At the far end of the map in [http://www.xgenstudios.com/play/stick-rpg-2 ''Stick RPG2''], a smiling creeper can be seen in a hole at ground level.
* One of the things the player can hit in [http://ks.renai.us/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3071 ''Katawa Crash''] is a creeper.
* In the game [http://www.transformice.com/ ''Transformice''], there is a creeper head that the player may purchase as a hat for their mouse.
''Other Games''
* In a game called Quube Twodee made by Universal Chicken in Adelaide, Australia, one of the levels has a creeper face.
* PixelJunk Shooter 2 for the PS3 shows a small creeper in the title screen hidden among other enemies native to Shooter 2.
* In a [[Notch]]-designed custom level for VVVVVV, "Pyramid Escape", a creeper's face can be seen carved into the background to the far left of the pyramid.
* In Torchlight II, the creeper appears in an uncommonly generated side area of Act III's Sundred Battlefield called "Notch's Mine". As expected, the creeper's found inside run toward the player and explode, leaving behind several [[dirt]] blocks. A chest at the end of the area can contain one of five Rare [[sword]]s with their own unique attributes.
* In a game called [http://www.silvergames.com/strollin ''Strollin''], there is a purchasable creeper item, which makes bombs throw the player farther.
*In the mobile game ''Geometry Dash'', beating level 16 "Hexagon Force" on normal mode rewards the player a creeper face cube. This can also be colored to make it look like a normal one.
*A small game notch made in 48 hours, called Minicraft, also includes creepers. What is interesting about them in the game, is that it has harder types the deeper the player goes underground.
* On Monday, June 18, 2012, a creeper was sent above the clouds into space.<ref>{{link|url=http://www.benoxley.com/physoc-outreach|website=Ben Oxley|title=Psysoc Outreach|dead-url=yes|archive-url= https://web.archive.org/web/20160416233159/http://www.benoxley.com:80/physoc-outreach/}}</ref>
== Gallery ==
File:Creeper Vision.png|A creeper's vision when spectating it.
File:Creeper Death.png|Dying creeper mob
File:charged creeper next to a normal creeper.png| A charged creeper next to a normal creeper
File:chargedcreeper.png|A charged creeper created via [[spawn egg]]s and the /weather thunder [[command]]
File:ExplosionComparison.png|Comparison of explosion craters, from wither skull (top left), wither (far left), creeper (left), charged creeper (right), and TNT (far right)
File:CreeperExplosion .png| A creeper explosion that damaged a villager house
=== In Other Media ===
File:Monster Horde Story Mode.jpg| Creeper as it appears in [[Minecraft: Story Mode]]
File:LEGO Minecraft Micro-Mobs.jpg| Creeper and Steve micromobs from official [[LEGO Minecraft]]
File:Creeper minifig.jpg| Creeper minifigure from official [[LEGO Minecraft]]
File:Creeper Plushies.jpg| Official Creeper plushies made by JINX
File:Minecraft creeper backpack.jpg| A Minecraft creeper backpack from [http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/1758/ ThinkGeek]
File:Poppable Creeper Figure.jpg| Official poppable 5-inch Creeper figure by [https://www.jinx.com/p/minecraft_survival_mode_exploding_creeper_5_figure.html JINX]
File:Creeper Scarf.jpg| Official creeper scarf by [https://www.jinx.com/p/minecraft_creeper_scarf.html JINX]
== See also ==
* [[Tutorials/Charged creeper farming]]
== References ==
== References ==
[[Category:Aggressive mobs/cz]]
[[Category:Hostile mobs]]

Verze z 8. 1. 2019, 18:03


Tom Stone Mojang avatar These lanky lime horrors will gaze upon you with a look of utmost sadness. You'll soon have a similar facial expression, if you let it get close.
Tom Stone[1]

Creeper je zelená a tichá příšera, která přepadne hráče a následně exploduje. Narozdíl od Zombie a Kostlivce nezačnou Creepeři hořet na přímém slunečním svitu.


Creeper objevuje v noci a ve špatně osvětlených oblastech s úrovní osvětlení 7 nebo méně.


Creepeři pouští tyto předměty, když zemřou:


Creeper Chase

A creeper giving chase and about to explode.

Creepers will chase after any player, as long as it is within a 16 block (±5%) radius and ±4 blocks vertically. The detection range of creepers is reduced to half of their normal range (8 blocks) when the player is wearing a creeper mob head.‌[Pouze Java edice]

Creepers can climb up ladders and vines like any other mob, but do not do so intentionally.

When within three blocks of a player, a creeper will stop moving, hiss loudly, start flashing and inflating, and explode after 1.5 seconds. A creeper's detonation can be halted if the player gets out of the blast radius (7 blocks), including by knocking back the creeper or killing it. Creepers can be forced to explode by using a flint and steel.

Creepers will flee from ocelots and cats if one is too close, until they are approximately 16 blocks away from the feline(s).

Normal creeper explosions have a power of 3.

If a creeper is inflicted with a status effect, its explosion will create an area effect cloud of the effect.

Creepers are never targeted by any mobs, other than withers, snow golems, and vindicators named "Johnny". If they are hit by a stray projectile, they will retaliate only if not already chasing a player.

Nabitý creeper

Charged Creeper
Soubor:Electric and normal creeper explosion comparison.png

Two creepers' explosion damage radius in sand. Comparison between a charged creeper's (left) and a normal creeper's (right).

Nabitý creeper je mnohem silnější, než normální creeper.

A charged creeper is created only when lightning strikes within 3–4 blocks of a normal creeper or when hit by a trident with the Channeling enchantment during a thunderstorm, which significantly increases its explosive power. Charged creepers are distinguished from normal creepers by the blue aura surrounding them.

Their countdown timers are the same as normal creepers, both in terms of range and time. With a power of 6, an explosion caused by a charged creeper is twice as powerful as the explosion caused by a regular creeper (see image). How close the creeper was to the lightning strike will not affect the size of the explosion.

Charged creepers have the same entity ID as normal creepers. The only difference is that the value of the boolean "powered" tag is set to "1" (true).

Charged creeper explosions that kill zombies, skeletons, wither skeletons, or other creepers cause one of those mobs to drop the corresponding mob head. They will not drop their own head. Players or ender dragons will not drop their heads.



Data values

Podívejte se také na: Chunk format

Creepers have entity data associated with them that contain various properties of the mob. Their entity ID is creeper.



Template:Load achievements: Unknown achievement. Achievement title not found on page Achievements


Template:Load advancements: Unknown advancement. Advancement title not found on page Pokroky/tabulka


Java Edice (Classic)
August 31, 2009Creepers were first shown, based on a failed pig model Notch had created (he mixed up the length and height of the body[2]). They were the first mob added in Survival Test.
September 1, 2009Soubor:Creeper Revision 1.png The texture given to the creeper was, at first, a darker shade of green that flashed to a lighter shade upon being hit. Creepers behaved much like zombies did at the time, hopping around randomly until spotting the player. Their melee attacks dealt only 4HeartHeart worth of damage rather than the zombies' 6HeartHeartHeart. When killed, the creeper would "lie down" like any other dead mob and cause a 4×4×4 spherical explosion that left a sizable crater, destroying plenty of blocks (with the exception of stone) and severely hurting any players nearby. The creeper was worth 250 points when killed, but this was later decreased to 200 points.
0.24_SURVIVAL_TESTSoubor:Creeper Revision 2.png Added creepers.
?Creeper The creeper's texture has now been changed.
0.26 (October 20, 2009)Creeper explosions will now no longer destroy stone or stone-like blocks.
Explosions leave smoldering.
?Creepers will now no longer produce leaf particles upon explosion.
Java Edice (Alpha)
v1.2.0Creepers now have a new damage sound. [more information needed]
Java Edice (Beta)
1.4The 'A' in the Minecraft logo now includes a creeper face.
1.5Creepers will now become charged when struck by lightning, increasing the explosion's radius and strength.
1.8Pre-releaseCreepers are now much more deadly and will definitely kill an unarmored player, if in a radius of 4 to 5 blocks around the creeper. This damage is also difficulty-independent.
Sound UpdateCreeper explosions now have a new sound.
Java Edice
1.0.0Beta 1.9 Prerelease 5Creepers and other hostile mobs will now no longer attack the player in Creative mode, unless provoked.
1.2.1?As part of the AI overhaul, creepers will now no longer attack other mobs.
Creepers will now no longer strafe towards the left of the player, now stopping in front of the player.
1.3.112w30aCreepers have been made stronger. Depending on difficulty, creeper damage is scaled now with Easy: ~50% less damage, Normal: same damage as before, and Hard: ~33% more damage than before. In full diamond armor and hard difficulty, a creeper can knock players down to 2 hearts.[3]
1.4.212w38bNew creeper fall mechanics; creepers will now explode, if they fall on the player from a certain height.
1.6.113w18aCreepers will now no longer explode when hit in Creative mode.
1.7.213w36aCreepers can now be forcibly exploded using flint and steel.
1.814w05aPlayers can now see from the perspective of a creeper in spectator mode. A creeper shader is applied, and the player is limited to the creeper's movements.
14w11aWitches, zombies, skeletons, spiders, cave spiders, zombie pigmen and other creepers will now run away from creepers that are about to explode.
14w30aCharged creepers will now cause zombies, skeletons, wither skeletons and other creepers to drop heads.
14w30bEach charged creeper will now cause the drop of only one head, even if multiple head-dropping mobs are killed.
1.8.1pre1Mobs will now no longer run from creepers that are about to explode.
Creepers will now no longer attack iron golems.
1.915w32aThe detection range of creepers is halved when the player is wearing a creeper mob head.
15w33cThe detection range for players wearing the creeper mob head is adjusted, now 37.5% of the normal range.
15w36aThe detection range for players wearing the creeper mob head is again 50% of the normal range.
15w39aCreepers are now slightly shorter (1.7 blocks tall rather than 1.8).
15w51aCreepers will now no longer drop music discs when gamerule doMobLoot is false.
1.1116w32aCreepers that explode while having a potion effect will now leave behind an area effect cloud having that effect.
Changed creepers save game ID from Creeper to creeper.
Vydání Javy
1.1418w43aCreepers will now drop music discs when killed by strays.
Pocket Edition Alpha
0.4.0Creepers added (with old explosion sounds).
0.7.4Tapping and holding flint and steel on a creeper will now cause it to automatically explode.
0.9.0build 1Creepers will now no longer float 2 pixels off the ground.
build 2An ignite button is now used to automatically explode a creeper when holding flint and steel, instead of tapping and holding.
build 8Creepers will now use the new AI.
build 9Creepers will now use the old AI again because of them walking faster and not detonating.
0.9.2Creepers will now have a correct explosion range.
The detonation time for creepers has been fixed (would previously explode almost instantly).
0.11.0?Creepers can now climb ladders.
0.12.1build 1Creepers will now use the new AI again.
Creepers will now become charged when struck by lightning, increasing the explosion's radius and strength.
Creepers will now have the new explosion sound.
Creepers will now have the flashing animation.
0.14.0build 1Creepers are now slightly shorter (1.7 blocks tall rather than 1.8).
0.16.0creeper now has idle sound.
Bedrock Edice
1.2Creepers will now drop music discs when killed by skeletons.
Konzolová Edice
TU1CU11.0Patch 1Patch 1Added Creepers.
TU5Added charged creepers.
TU12Creepers will no longer attack other mobs. Before this update, a creeper shot by a skeleton would attack the skeleton, creating a crater in the process.
TU141.04Creepers have been made stronger. Depending on difficulty, creeper damage is scaled now with Easy: ~50% less damage, Normal: same damage as before, and Hard: ~33% more damage than before. In full diamond armor and hard difficulty, a creeper can knock players down to 2 hearts.
Creepers are now aggressive towards the last player that hit them.
The creeper's explosions' knockback effect has been increased.
Creepers will now explode if they fall on players from a certain height.
TU24CU121.16The creeper's flashing animation has been updated.
TU31CU191.22Patch 3Creepers can now be forcibly exploded using flint and steel.
Creepers drop a mob head when killed by a charged creeper.
TU54CU441.52Patch 24Patch 4Creepers that explode while having a potion effect will now leave behind an area effect cloud having that effect.
New Nintendo 3DS Edice
0.1.0Added Creepers.


Problémy týkající se “Creeper” jsou spravovány na issue tracker. Problémy hlaste tam.


Creeper Danger

A sight that can scare even the most courageous players.

  • Notch stated on Twitter that "I imagine [Creepers] as being made out of leaves or similar. I'm not sure why they explode."[4]
  • When asked to describe the physical texture of a creeper, Notch said they would feel "crunchy, like dry leaves".[5]
  • In multiplayer, if a creeper is attacked by another player, and the other player runs out of sight, it will not attack any other players.
  • When about to detonate, creepers will cease movement and its head will face directly forward.
  • When asked how creepers trigger their explosive nature, Dinnerbone said "They're so nervous that they shake a lot, and then this sets them off the same way as how rubbing two sticks makes fire".[6]
  • If the player is at full health, a creeper blast at point-blank range for a player with full iron armor on hard difficulty will knock them down to 1Half Heart health. The actual amount of health left is 1/20th of a heart.
  • Creepers are faster when fleeing cats than when chasing players.
  • If a charged creeper is given invisibility, the "aura" effect will still be visible.
  • If a player or another mob is standing on the same block as a charged creeper when it explodes, they will have experienced the greatest amount of damage any mob in the game can do at one time.


Creepers have a formidable reputation in the community because of their potential to hurt players and destroy structures. Their distinct appearance and destructive abilities have made them a widely-recognizable Minecraft icon. Creepers are referenced in several of the items available at the Minecraft merchandise depot,[7] and have become an internet meme complete with fan art, web comic references, and demotivational posters. A central part of the meme is the creeper's unofficial catchphrase derived from the mob's tendency to sneak up on the player and hiss before detonating:

"That'sssss a very nice <random valuable object> you've got there... It'd be a ssssshame if anything were to happen to it..."[8]


Creepers have been portrayed in many Minecraft products including but not limited to:

  • Stuffed toys.
  • Action figures.
  • Bracelets.
  • T-shirts
    • The creeper anatomy T-shirt reveals the insides of a creeper, and also reveals its scientific name: Creepus Explodus.
  • LEGO Minecraft
  • Papercraft
  • Minecraft Facebook profile image
  • In the goodie-bags given out at Minecon 2011, creepers were given as a fold-able and tapable decoration for ones room or collection, along with diamond and grass.


TV Series

  • Several creepers have appeared on TV during episodes of the TV show Mad (Criminal Minecraft and ThunderLolcats [9]) In ThunderLolcats they use the catchphrase, saying "That'ssss.. a nice wall you've got there."

Youtube Videos

  • YouTube hosts many videos that feature creepers, including review videos, "Let's Play"'s, cartoons, and cameos in many other videos. When searching for the query "Minecraft Creeper", YouTube returns over 1,500,000 videos.

Console/PC Games

  • In Borderlands 2, creepers appear in a mineshaft in the most north-west part of Caustic Caverns, including dirt, coal ore, stone, gold ore, and a "Badass creeper" that is twice the strength and size of a regular Creeper.
  • In Airmech, creepers appear as a unit "skin" for the suicide bomber unit the boomer. Creepers can be either green, blue, or red, depending on the color of the team that makes them.
  • In Octodad: Dadliest Catch, a creeper head is seen on a shelf in the grocery store along with 2 Pickaxes and some grass blocks. It is part of a collection known as "Mintcraft".
  • In Awesomenauts, one of the playable characters (Clunk) has a "skin" referencing the creeper, complete with hissing and explode sound effects.
  • A creeper can be seen and interacted with in a level from the game McPixel.
  • Seen as a Halloween costume in a game called Terraria.
  • In Evoland 2, a game designed as a tribute to many classic games, "Dreaded Creepers" can be found as a mob in The Mine, present era. If you get killed by a Dreaded Creeper, you unlock the sssSSSSSss BOOM! achievement.

Flash Games

  • In Stealing the Diamond, when Henry Stickmin sneaks up to the museum's outer wall with a pickaxe, a creeper comes up behind him and explodes, destroying part of the wall instead.
  • At the far end of the map in Stick RPG2, a smiling creeper can be seen in a hole at ground level.
  • One of the things the player can hit in Katawa Crash is a creeper.
  • In the game Transformice, there is a creeper head that the player may purchase as a hat for their mouse.

Other Games

  • In a game called Quube Twodee made by Universal Chicken in Adelaide, Australia, one of the levels has a creeper face.
  • PixelJunk Shooter 2 for the PS3 shows a small creeper in the title screen hidden among other enemies native to Shooter 2.
  • In a Notch-designed custom level for VVVVVV, "Pyramid Escape", a creeper's face can be seen carved into the background to the far left of the pyramid.
  • In Torchlight II, the creeper appears in an uncommonly generated side area of Act III's Sundred Battlefield called "Notch's Mine". As expected, the creeper's found inside run toward the player and explode, leaving behind several dirt blocks. A chest at the end of the area can contain one of five Rare swords with their own unique attributes.
  • In a game called Strollin, there is a purchasable creeper item, which makes bombs throw the player farther.
  • In the mobile game Geometry Dash, beating level 16 "Hexagon Force" on normal mode rewards the player a creeper face cube. This can also be colored to make it look like a normal one.
  • A small game notch made in 48 hours, called Minicraft, also includes creepers. What is interesting about them in the game, is that it has harder types the deeper the player goes underground.


  • On Monday, June 18, 2012, a creeper was sent above the clouds into space.[10]


In Other Media

See also

  • Tutorials/Charged creeper farming
