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dec: 333 hex: 14D bin: 101001101



Loď je předmět a vozidlo. Lodě plavou a snadno se pohybují na vodě, a dá se v nich jezdit, takže umožnují rychlou přepravu na oceánu nebo jakoukoli jinou velkou plochu vody; ale jsou trochu křehké a snadno se rozbijou ( pozor na Lekníny). Lodě mohou být posouvány po vodě, umožnují automatickou přepravu a skladování lodí, také mohou být použity jako součást mechanizmů. Notch řekl že zkusí udělat "fancy huge customizable boats."[1]

Jakmile ji vyrobíte, můžete loď položit kamkoliv do vody nebo na zem pravým kliknutím, ale pak už jí nelze vzít zpět do inventáře. Také můžete loď položit do lávy, ale pokud na ní nastoupíte tak se loď rozbije a spadnete do lávy a začnete hořet.

Pokud budete loď tlačit podel sněhu tak bude sníh odstraněn.


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Dubová prknaSmrková prknaBřezová prknaPrkna z tropického dřevaAkáciová prknaPrkna z tmavého dubu
Dubová prknaSmrková prknaBřezová prknaPrkna z tropického dřevaAkáciová prknaPrkna z tmavého dubu
Dubová prknaSmrková prknaBřezová prknaPrkna z tropického dřevaAkáciová prknaPrkna z tmavého dubuDubová prknaSmrková prknaBřezová prknaPrkna z tropického dřevaAkáciová prknaPrkna z tmavého dubuDubová prknaSmrková prknaBřezová prknaPrkna z tropického dřevaAkáciová prknaPrkna z tmavého dubu

Dubový člunSmrkový člunBřezový člunČlun z tropického dřevaAkáciový člunČlun z tmavého dubu

Jízda lodí[]

Do lode sa nastupuje pravým klikom a vystupuje levym shiftem. Lode sa môžu pokladať akokoľvek, aj z nižšej pozície, to isté platí aj o nastupovaní.

Loď sa pohybuje buď usmerňovaním hráča alebo sa riadi vodnými prúdmi. Loď je rýchlejšia ako chôdza či plávanie ale pomalšia ako rád minecart. Loď sa môže pohybovať aj na zemi avšak veľmi pomaly.

Pohyb lode závisí od usmerňovania WASD (defaultne) ale aj podľa namierenia a otočenia pohľadu. Ak je medzi vodou a stropom 1 blok rozdielu a hráč je v tejto lodi, bude zomierať, avšak loď sa bude pohybovať normálne.

Fyzika lodí[]

Lode sú pomalšie ako minecart, avšak rýchlejšie ako plavba alebo chôdza. Môžu byť aj tlačené. Pri samovoľnom plávaní vo vodných prúdoch sa otáča do strany pohybu.

Loď je veľmi krehká po náraze na väčšinu blokov sa rozbije (3 Prkýnka a 2 tyčky)

If you crash a boat into another boat, the boat being ridden will be destroyed while the other one will just bump away. Boats do not break when running into Písek duší at water level, because Soul Sand has a lower top surface so that the boat merely runs aground rather than crashing, so it is useful to make docks and harbors out of soul sand.

Doors can be used to control the movement of boats, such as blocking them into docks or preventing them from following a current until the door is opened. This technique is often used to build boat dispensers.

Whilst boats used to float upwards in any type of water, flowing or not, downwards flowing water will now cause them to become stuck on the bottom, making many water-elevator devices useless and risking the player drowning. A water elevator constructed solely of source blocks still works, albeit slower than water elevators before.


Canals, consisting of a series of trenches dug on land filled with flowing water, are a possible method of transportation across large distances using boats. A canal transportation system is more time-consuming to construct, but more energy-efficient than a rail transportation system. Double doors, žebříks, nášlapná deska, and cukrová třtinas can be used as consecutive locks on the canal to control the direction of the flow of water in a canal to construct a flowing fully horizontal waterway. Locks can also be used for boat lifts between different elevation of water. (For real life examples, see Wikipedia's canal, lock (water transport), and boat Lift|Loďkový výtah.)

It is also possible to construct a canal with still water by strategically placing water in the pattern of a chessboard. This makes for faster transportation, however a longer construction time as more water is needed.


  • When entering a portal while sitting in a boat, the game will crash.
  • In SMP, there are sometimes problems exiting the boat where the server will keep putting you on top of the boat while you try to get off. This continues after an undetermined amount of time, or your boat gets destroyed.
  • In SMP, the "water spray" effect will not appear.
  • There is a glitch where if you place a boat on top of glass, get in, and break the boat you will fall through the glass taking 1 heart of damage
  • Boats at the top of the world will be invisible.
  • If you want to attack a mob in the water, your boat breaks when you attack with the sword.
  • When placing a boat on ground, not water, the graphic for splashing water still appears.
  • If the player exits the game while on a boat, the boat will be far away and the player will fall into the water upon reloading.
  • When entering a boat while holding a food item, the action of right-clicking the boat will count simultaneously as the action to eat the food.
  • When entering/leaving a boat while holding a bow, the action of right-clicking will also fire an arrow (if the player is carrying arrows).
  • If you are holding a boat and try to open a door, the boat will be placed on top of the door.
  • As of patch 1.6.6, crashing into soul sand on a boat will kill the player, but keep the boat intact.
  • Similar to above, crashing into any animal in a boat can kill the player, keeping the boat intact.
  • When in 3rd person view, it is possible to see underwater by swinging the camera underwater while in a boat. [1]
  • When right-clicking on an existing boat in the water with a boat in your hand, you will enter the boat and be propelled through the water at a high rate of speed.


  • As of Minecraft Beta Version 1.8, it is possible to score a "Critical Hit" against a Boat.



Boats first appeared in the "Seecret Friday Update 5" to Alpha mode.


See also[]
